diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index bd66994753ed2ef8ab8553e1678087cdf22fc95b..2c5c730e8eac0a08c2a81ddaedb97fae38e396a8 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ target_include_directories(${LIBNAME}
+    /site/coda/3.10/Linux-x86_64/include
@@ -77,10 +78,16 @@ if(WITH_DEBUG)
   target_compile_definitions(${LIBNAME} PUBLIC WITH_DEBUG)
+    "/site/coda/3.10/Linux-x86_64/lib"
+    )
+    et
 set_target_properties(${LIBNAME} PROPERTIES
@@ -111,6 +118,7 @@ build_root_dictionary(${LIBNAME} ${headers}
+  -I/site/coda/3.10/Linux-x86_64/include
   LINKDEF include/HallC_LinkDef.h 
diff --git a/src/PRadETChannel.cxx b/src/PRadETChannel.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f4d13c78fbed0d94f9b367e87df35a81830e411
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PRadETChannel.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+// A C++ wrapper class for C based ET                                         //
+//                                                                            //
+// Chao Peng                                                                  //
+// 02/27/2016                                                                 //
+#include "PRadETChannel.h"
+#include "PRadETStation.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+using namespace std;
+PRadETChannel::PRadETChannel(size_t size)
+: curr_stat(nullptr), et_id(nullptr), bufferSize(size)
+    buffer = new uint32_t[bufferSize];
+    if(buffer != nullptr)
+        delete[](buffer), buffer = nullptr;
+    // force close ET
+    ForceClose();
+// Close ET connection
+void PRadETChannel::ForceClose()
+    if(et_id != nullptr && et_alive(et_id))
+    {
+        et_forcedclose(et_id);
+        et_id = nullptr;
+    }
+// Open ET
+void PRadETChannel::Open(const char* ipAddr, int tcpPort, const char* etFile)
+    // Use a direct connection to the ET system
+    config.SetCast(ET_DIRECT);
+    // Set the ip address and tcp port
+    config.SetHost(ipAddr);
+    config.SetServerPort(tcpPort);
+    int charSize = strlen(etFile)+1;
+    char *fileName = new char[charSize];
+    strncpy(fileName, etFile, charSize);
+    // Open et client
+    int status = et_open(&et_id, fileName, config.Get());
+    delete fileName;
+    if(status != ET_OK) {
+        throw(PRadException(PRadException::ET_CONNECT_ERROR, "et_client: cannot open et client!"));
+    }
+    /* set level of debug output */
+    et_system_setdebug(et_id, ET_DEBUG_INFO);
+void PRadETChannel::NewStation(const string &name)
+    auto it = stations.find(name);
+    if(it == stations.end()) {
+        curr_stat = new PRadETStation(this, name);
+        stations[string(name)] = curr_stat;
+    }
+void PRadETChannel::SwitchStation(const string &name)
+    auto it = stations.find(name);
+    if(it != stations.end()) {
+        curr_stat = it->second;
+    } else {
+        cout << "ET Channel Warning: station " << name << " does not exist!" << endl;
+    }
+void PRadETChannel::RemoveStation(const string &name)
+    try {
+        if(et_id != nullptr && et_alive(et_id)) {
+            auto it = stations.find(name);
+            if(it != stations.end()) {
+                it->second->Remove();
+                stations.erase(it);
+            } else {
+                cout << "ET Channel Warning: station " << name << " does not exist!" << endl;
+            }
+        } else {
+            cout << "ET Channel Warning: cannot remove station while disconnected from ET!" << endl;
+        }
+    } catch (PRadException e) {
+        throw e;
+    }
+PRadETStation* PRadETChannel::GetStation(const string &name)
+    auto it = stations.find(name);
+    if(it != stations.end()) {
+        return it->second;
+    } else {
+        return nullptr;
+    }
+// Attach station
+void PRadETChannel::AttachStation()
+    try {
+        curr_stat->Create();
+        curr_stat->Attach();
+    } catch (PRadException e) {
+        throw(e);
+    }
+    cout << "Successfully attached to ET!" << endl;
+// Read one event from ET station, return true if success
+bool PRadETChannel::Read()
+    // check if et is opened or alive
+    if(et_id == nullptr || !et_alive(et_id))
+        throw(PRadException(PRadException::ET_READ_ERROR,"et_client: et is not opened or dead!"));
+    et_att_id att = curr_stat->GetAttachID();
+    // get the event
+    int status = et_event_get(et_id, att, &etEvent, ET_ASYNC, nullptr);
+    switch(status)
+    {
+    case ET_OK:
+        break;
+    case ET_ERROR_EMPTY:
+        return false;
+    case ET_ERROR_DEAD:
+        throw(PRadException(PRadException::ET_READ_ERROR,"et_client: et is dead!"));
+     case ET_ERROR_TIMEOUT:
+        throw(PRadException(PRadException::ET_READ_ERROR,"et_client: got timeout!!"));
+     case ET_ERROR_BUSY:
+        throw(PRadException(PRadException::ET_READ_ERROR,"et_client: station is busy!"));
+     case ET_ERROR_WAKEUP:
+        throw(PRadException(PRadException::ET_READ_ERROR,"et_client: someone told me to wake up."));
+     default:
+        throw(PRadException(PRadException::ET_READ_ERROR,"et_client: unkown error!"));
+     }
+    // copy the data buffer
+    copyEvent();
+    // put back the event
+    status = et_event_put(et_id, att, etEvent);
+    switch(status)
+    {
+    case ET_OK:
+        break;
+    case ET_ERROR_DEAD:
+        throw(PRadException(PRadException::ET_READ_ERROR,"et_client: et is dead!"));
+    default:
+        throw(PRadException(PRadException::ET_READ_ERROR,"et_client: unkown error!"));
+    }
+    return true;
+void PRadETChannel::copyEvent()
+    void *data;
+    et_event_getdata(etEvent, &data);
+    et_event_getlength(etEvent, &bufferSize);
+    bufferSize /= 4; // from byte to int32 words
+    uint32_t *data_buffer = (uint32_t*) data;
+    size_t index = 0;
+    // check if it is a block header
+    if(bufferSize >= 8 && data_buffer[7] == 0xc0da0100) {
+        index += 8;
+        bufferSize -= 8;
+    }
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < bufferSize; ++i)
+    {
+        buffer[i] = data_buffer[index+i];
+    }
+// nested config classes
+// et_openconfig
+    Initialize();
+    et_open_config_destroy(config);
+// wrapper functions
+void PRadETChannel::Configuration::Initialize()
+    et_open_config_init(&config);
+void PRadETChannel::Configuration::SetWait(int val)
+    et_open_config_setwait(config, val);
+void PRadETChannel::Configuration::SetTimeOut(struct timespec val)
+   et_open_config_settimeout(config, val);
+void PRadETChannel::Configuration::SetHost(const char *val)
+    et_open_config_sethost(config, val);
+void PRadETChannel::Configuration::SetCast(int val)
+    et_open_config_setcast(config, val);
+void PRadETChannel::Configuration::SetTTL(int val)
+    et_open_config_setTTL(config, val);
+void PRadETChannel::Configuration::SetPort(unsigned short val)
+    et_open_config_setport(config, val);
+void PRadETChannel::Configuration::SetServerPort(unsigned short val)
+    et_open_config_setserverport(config, val);
+void PRadETChannel::Configuration::AddBroadCast(const char *val)
+    et_open_config_addbroadcast(config, val);
+void PRadETChannel::Configuration::RemoveBroadCast(const char *val)
+    et_open_config_removebroadcast(config, val);
+void PRadETChannel::Configuration::AddMultiCast(const char *val)
+    et_open_config_addmulticast(config, val);
+void PRadETChannel::Configuration::RemoveMultiCast(const char *val)
+    et_open_config_removemulticast(config, val);
+void PRadETChannel::Configuration::SetPolicy(int val)
+    et_open_config_setpolicy(config, val);
+void PRadETChannel::Configuration::SetMode(int val)
+    et_open_config_setmode(config, val);
+void PRadETChannel::Configuration::SetDebugDefault(int val)
+    et_open_config_setdebugdefault(config, val);
+void PRadETChannel::Configuration::SetInterface(const char *val)
+    et_open_config_setinterface(config, val);
+void PRadETChannel::Configuration::SetTCP(int rBufSize, int sBufSize, int noDelay)
+    et_open_config_settcp(config, rBufSize, sBufSize, noDelay);
diff --git a/src/PRadETChannel.h b/src/PRadETChannel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..975670f6224dbc9281b1e3986cd3267f1dc084f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PRadETChannel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <string>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "et.h"
+#include "PRadException.h"
+#include "PRadETStation.h"
+#define ET_CHUNK_SIZE 500
+class PRadETChannel
+    class Configuration
+    {
+    public:
+        Configuration();
+        virtual ~Configuration();
+        et_openconfig &Get() {return config;}
+        // wrapper functions
+        void Initialize();
+        void SetWait(int val);
+        void SetTimeOut(struct timespec val);
+        void SetHost(const char *val);
+        void SetCast(int val);
+        void SetTTL(int val);
+        void SetPort(unsigned short val);
+        void SetServerPort(unsigned short val);
+        void AddBroadCast(const char *val);
+        void RemoveBroadCast(const char *val);
+        void AddMultiCast(const char *val);
+        void RemoveMultiCast(const char *val);
+        void SetPolicy(int val);
+        void SetMode(int val);
+        void SetDebugDefault(int val);
+        void SetInterface(const char *val);
+        void SetTCP(int rBufSize, int sBufSize, int noDelay);
+    private:
+        et_openconfig config;
+    };
+    PRadETChannel(size_t size = 1048576);
+    virtual ~PRadETChannel();
+    void Open(const char *ipAddr, int tcpPort, const char *etFile);
+    void NewStation(const std::string &name);
+    void SwitchStation(const std::string &name);
+    void RemoveStation(const std::string &name);
+    void AttachStation();
+    void DetachStation();
+    void ForceClose();
+    bool Read();
+    void *GetBuffer() {return (void*) buffer;}
+    size_t GetBufferLength() {return bufferSize;}
+    Configuration &GetConfig() {return config;}
+    et_sys_id &GetID() {return et_id;}
+    PRadETStation *GetCurrentStation() {return curr_stat;}
+    PRadETStation *GetStation(const std::string &name);
+    Configuration config;
+    PRadETStation *curr_stat;
+    std::unordered_map<std::string, PRadETStation*> stations;
+    et_sys_id et_id;
+    et_event *etEvent;
+    uint32_t *buffer;
+    size_t bufferSize;
+    void copyEvent();
diff --git a/src/PRadETStation.cxx b/src/PRadETStation.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4c814f71a170496aa28b1ed583ef622a0116c037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PRadETStation.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+// A C++ wrapper class for C based ET station                                 //
+//                                                                            //
+// Chao Peng                                                                  //
+// 04/01/2016                                                                 //
+#include "PRadETStation.h"
+#include "PRadETChannel.h"
+PRadETStation::PRadETStation(PRadETChannel *p, std::string n, int mode)
+: et_system(p), name(n)
+    PreSetting(mode);
+    Remove();
+void PRadETStation::PreSetting(int mode)
+    // Generic settings
+    config.SetUser(ET_STATION_USER_MULTI);
+    config.SetRestore(ET_STATION_RESTORE_OUT);
+    config.SetPrescale(1);
+    config.SetCUE(ET_CHUNK_SIZE);
+    // TODO, change to meaningful settings
+    int selections[] = {17,15,-1,-1};
+    char fName[] = "et_my_function";
+    char libName[] = "libet_user.so";
+    // some pre-defined settings
+    // TODO, make these settings selectable
+    switch(mode)
+    {
+    case 1:
+        config.SetSelect(ET_STATION_SELECT_ALL);
+        config.SetBlock(ET_STATION_BLOCKING);
+        break;
+    case 2:
+        config.SetSelect(ET_STATION_SELECT_ALL);
+        config.SetBlock(ET_STATION_NONBLOCKING);
+        break;
+    case 3:
+        config.SetSelect(ET_STATION_SELECT_MATCH);
+        config.SetBlock(ET_STATION_BLOCKING);
+        config.SetSelectWords(selections);
+        break;
+    case 4:
+        config.SetSelect(ET_STATION_SELECT_MATCH);
+        config.SetBlock(ET_STATION_NONBLOCKING);
+        config.SetSelectWords(selections);
+        break;
+    case 5:
+        config.SetSelect(ET_STATION_SELECT_USER);
+        config.SetBlock(ET_STATION_BLOCKING);
+        config.SetSelectWords(selections);
+        config.SetFunction(fName);
+        config.SetLib(libName);
+        break;
+    case 6:
+        config.SetSelect(ET_STATION_SELECT_USER);
+        config.SetBlock(ET_STATION_NONBLOCKING);
+        config.SetSelectWords(selections);
+        config.SetFunction(fName);
+        config.SetLib(libName);
+        break;
+    }
+// Create station
+void PRadETStation::Create()
+    char s_name[256];
+    strcpy(s_name, name.c_str());
+    /* create the station */
+    int status = et_station_create(et_system->GetID(), &station_id, s_name, config.Get());
+    if(status < ET_OK) {
+        if(status == ET_ERROR_EXISTS) {
+            /* station_id contains pointer to existing station */;
+            throw(PRadException(PRadException::ET_STATION_CREATE_ERROR, "et_client: station already exists!"));
+        } else if(status == ET_ERROR_TOOMANY) {
+            throw(PRadException(PRadException::ET_STATION_CREATE_ERROR, "et_client: too many stations created!"));
+        } else {
+            throw(PRadException(PRadException::ET_STATION_CREATE_ERROR, "et_client: error in station creation!"));
+        }
+    }
+void PRadETStation::Attach()
+    if(et_station_attach(et_system->GetID(), station_id, &attach_id) < ET_OK) {
+        throw(PRadException(PRadException::ET_STATION_ATTACH_ERROR, "et_client: error in station attach!"));
+    }
+void PRadETStation::Detach()
+    if(et_station_detach(et_system->GetID(), attach_id) < ET_OK) {
+        throw(PRadException(PRadException::ET_STATION_ATTACH_ERROR, "et_client: error in station dettach!"));
+    }
+void PRadETStation::Remove()
+    if(et_station_remove(et_system->GetID(), station_id) < ET_OK) {
+        throw(PRadException(PRadException::ET_STATION_ATTACH_ERROR, "et_client: error in station remove!"));
+    }
+// et_station_config
+    Initialize();
+    et_station_config_destroy(config);
+// wrapper functions
+void PRadETStation::Configuration::Initialize()
+    et_station_config_init(&config);
+void PRadETStation::Configuration::SetBlock(int val)
+    et_station_config_setblock(config, val);
+void PRadETStation::Configuration::SetFlow(int val)
+    et_station_config_setflow(config, val);
+void PRadETStation::Configuration::SetSelect(int val)
+    et_station_config_setselect(config, val);
+void PRadETStation::Configuration::SetUser(int val)
+    et_station_config_setuser(config, val);
+void PRadETStation::Configuration::SetRestore(int val)
+    et_station_config_setrestore(config, val);
+void PRadETStation::Configuration::SetCUE(int val)
+    et_station_config_setcue(config, val);
+void PRadETStation::Configuration::SetPrescale(int val)
+    et_station_config_setprescale(config, val);
+void PRadETStation::Configuration::SetSelectWords(int val[])
+    et_station_config_setselectwords(config, val);
+void PRadETStation::Configuration::SetFunction(const char *val)
+    et_station_config_setfunction(config, val);
+void PRadETStation::Configuration::SetLib(const char *val)
+    et_station_config_setlib(config, val);
+void PRadETStation::Configuration::SetClass(const char *val)
+    et_station_config_setclass(config, val);
diff --git a/src/PRadETStation.h b/src/PRadETStation.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8745dc4a0c137b6a8614ed452025273d69c867ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PRadETStation.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#include "et.h"
+#include "PRadException.h"
+#include <string>
+class PRadETChannel;
+class PRadETStation
+    class Configuration
+    {
+    public:
+        Configuration();
+        virtual ~Configuration();
+        et_statconfig &Get() {return config;}
+        //wrapper functions
+        void Initialize();
+        void SetBlock(int val);
+        void SetFlow(int val);
+        void SetSelect(int val);
+        void SetUser(int val);
+        void SetRestore(int val);
+        void SetCUE(int val);
+        void SetPrescale(int val);
+        void SetSelectWords(int val[]);
+        void SetFunction(const char *val);
+        void SetLib(const char *val);
+        void SetClass(const char *val);
+    private:
+        et_statconfig config;
+    };
+    PRadETStation(PRadETChannel *p, std::string n, int mode = 2);
+    virtual ~PRadETStation();
+    Configuration &GetConfig() {return config;}
+    et_stat_id &GetID() {return station_id;}
+    et_att_id &GetAttachID() {return attach_id;}
+    std::string GetName() {return name;}
+    void PreSetting(int mode);
+    void Create();
+    void Attach();
+    void Detach();
+    void Remove();
+    PRadETChannel *et_system;
+    std::string name;
+    et_att_id attach_id;
+    et_stat_id station_id;
+    Configuration config;
diff --git a/src/PRadException.cxx b/src/PRadException.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e27e420616524730582ade6cad1cfbb7b995296c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PRadException.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+// A exception class for PRad Event Viewer                                    //
+//                                                                            //
+// Chao Peng                                                                  //
+// 02/27/2016                                                                 //
+#include "PRadException.h"
+using namespace std;
+PRadException::PRadException(const string &typ, const string &txt, const string &aux)
+: title(typ), text(txt), auxText(aux)
+PRadException::PRadException(PRadExceptionType typ, const string &txt, const string &aux)
+: type(typ), text(txt), auxText(aux)
+PRadException::PRadException(PRadExceptionType typ, const string &txt, const string &file, const string &func, int line)
+: type(typ), text(txt)
+    ostringstream oss;
+    oss <<  "    evioException occured in file " << file << ", function " << func << ", line " << line;
+    auxText=oss.str();
+string PRadException::FailureDesc(void) const
+    ostringstream oss;
+    oss << text << endl
+        << auxText;
+    return(oss.str());
+string PRadException::FailureType(void) const
+    if(!title.empty())
+        return title;
+    string oss;
+    switch(type)
+    {
+        oss = "ET CONNECT ERROR";
+        break;
+    case ET_CONFIG_ERROR:
+        oss = "ET CONFIG ERROR";
+        break;
+        oss = "ET STATION CONFIG ERROR";
+        break;
+        oss = "ET STATION CREATE ERROR";
+        break;
+        oss = "ET ATTACH ERROR";
+        break;
+    case ET_READ_ERROR:
+        oss = "ET READ ERROR";
+        break;
+    case ET_PUT_ERROR:
+        oss = "ET PUT ERROR";
+        break;
+        break;
+    default:
+        oss = "UNKNOWN ERROR";
+        break;
+    }
+    return(oss);
+const char* PRadException::what() const noexcept
+    string failure = FailureType() + ": " + FailureDesc();
+    return failure.c_str();
diff --git a/src/PRadException.h b/src/PRadException.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca721b3b2d8be2087e15904601f3235ff7151622
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PRadException.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <exception>
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+class PRadException : public std::exception
+    enum PRadExceptionType
+    {
+        ET_READ_ERROR,
+        ET_PUT_ERROR,
+    };
+    PRadException(const std::string &typ, const std::string &txt = "", const std::string &aux = "");
+    PRadException(PRadExceptionType typ = UNKNOWN_ERROR, const std::string &txt = "", const std::string &aux = "");
+    PRadException(PRadExceptionType typ, const std::string &txt, const std::string &file, const std::string &func, int line);
+    virtual ~PRadException(void) {}
+    virtual std::string FailureDesc(void) const;
+    virtual std::string FailureType(void) const;
+    const char *what() const noexcept;
+    PRadExceptionType type;             // exception type
+    std::string title;
+    std::string text;     // primary text
+    std::string auxText;  // auxiliary text
diff --git a/src/Scandalizer.h b/src/Scandalizer.h
index ab2a41d615eac4b4e263d9d2ed43c1d337668831..f3e21e8c48c3514b350b0b61d5c0fbc2501a7e99 100644
--- a/src/Scandalizer.h
+++ b/src/Scandalizer.h
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 #include "THaBenchmark.h"
 #include "THcAnalyzer.h"
+#include "PRadETChannel.h"
 #include <iostream>
@@ -16,9 +17,13 @@ namespace hcana {
     virtual Int_t Process(THaRunBase* run = nullptr);
     virtual Int_t ReadOneEvent();
     //Int_t GoToEndOfCodaFile();
+    void SetETChannel(PRadETChannel *ch) { online_ch = ch; }
+    PRadETChannel *GetETChannel() { return online_ch; }
     int _skip_events = 0;
+    PRadETChannel *online_ch;
     ClassDef(Scandalizer, 0) // Hall C Analyzer Standard Event Loop