diff --git a/examples/PARAM/hcana.param b/examples/PARAM/hcana.param
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1adc39f38a2daf844245c92dac90bde6d0122d8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/PARAM/hcana.param
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+; Parameters that were built into Fortran analyzer that we want
+; to pass as parameters so that the resulting code can be more generic.
+hhodo_num_planes = 4
+hshower_num_layers = 4
+haero_num_pairs = 8
diff --git a/examples/hodtest.C b/examples/hodtest.C
index cc9a82ecf8e6c0538328c8de07ab29b7b8ae9129..4010df52e0efd28b2f43f8bc325f089711fddc61 100644
--- a/examples/hodtest.C
+++ b/examples/hodtest.C
@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
+  // Constants not in ENGINE PARAM files that we want to be
+  // configurable
+  gHcParms->Load("PARAM/hcana.param");
   // Generate db_cratemap to correspond to map file contents
   char command[100];
   sprintf(command,"./make_cratemap.pl < %s > db_cratemap.dat",gHcParms->GetString("g_decode_map_filename"));
diff --git a/src/THcAerogel.cxx b/src/THcAerogel.cxx
index 05c718b91296e0adf092c48a05431078579505a1..41152977a1b1dcf3ddfdac9f1c306d2f23091f39 100644
--- a/src/THcAerogel.cxx
+++ b/src/THcAerogel.cxx
@@ -87,15 +87,19 @@ Int_t THcAerogel::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
   // This function is called by THaDetectorBase::Init() once at the beginning
   // of the analysis.
+  cout << "THcAerogel::ReadDatabase " << GetName() << endl;
   char prefix[2];
-  // Pull values from THcParmList instead
-  fNelem = 8;// Number of tube pairs  // The ENGINE style parameter files don't define
-                                // this.  Probably need an additional parameter file
-                                // that contains these fixed parameters.
+  DBRequest listextra[]={
+    {"aero_num_pairs", &fNelem, kInt},
+    {0}
+  };
+  fNelem = 8;			// Default if not defined
+  gHcParms->LoadParmValues((DBRequest*)&listextra,prefix);
   fPosGain = new Double_t[fNelem];
   fNegGain = new Double_t[fNelem];
diff --git a/src/THcHodoscope.cxx b/src/THcHodoscope.cxx
index ac85bd85fac0cbe330cc1a3aa85120c08a91a6d9..2fc58e45b99d7f7ee835a3965a21d7d3abff700c 100644
--- a/src/THcHodoscope.cxx
+++ b/src/THcHodoscope.cxx
@@ -66,16 +66,19 @@ void THcHodoscope::Setup(const char* name, const char* description)
   if( IsZombie()) return;
   fDebug   = 1;  // Keep this at one while we're working on the code    
-  // reading the number of planes from a param list! Still kludgy but it works
-  system("rm tmp.txt; cat PARAM/hhodo.param |grep hhodo_slop|wc -w>tmp.txt");
-  ifstream tmpfile;
-  tmpfile.open("tmp.txt");
-  tmpfile >> fNPlanes;
-  tmpfile.close();
-  fNPlanes = fNPlanes-2;
-  cout << "fNPlanes = " << fNPlanes << endl;
-  //  fNPlanes = 4;  // Should get this from parameters -> Now we do! GN
+  char prefix[2];
+  prefix[0]=tolower(GetApparatus()->GetName()[0]);
+  prefix[1]='\0';
+  DBRequest listextra[]={
+    {"hodo_num_planes", &fNPlanes, kInt},
+    {0}
+  };
+  fNPlanes = 4; 		// Default if not defined
+  gHcParms->LoadParmValues((DBRequest*)&listextra,prefix);
   // Plane names
   fPlaneNames = new char* [fNPlanes];
   for(Int_t i=0;i<fNPlanes;i++) {fPlaneNames[i] = new char[3];}