diff --git a/src/THcShowerArray.cxx b/src/THcShowerArray.cxx
index 5cee71d30544bfd531efcedc7865d66a91ebf9f8..c64bbd967d12bfa8c5309b69a9e91aaf7f5b9ee2 100644
--- a/src/THcShowerArray.cxx
+++ b/src/THcShowerArray.cxx
@@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ THcShowerArray::THcShowerArray( const char* name,
   // Destructor
+  delete fXPos;
+  delete fYPos;
   delete fADCHits;
   delete [] fA;
@@ -88,8 +91,13 @@ Int_t THcShowerArray::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
   DBRequest list[]={
-    {"cal_nrows", &fNRows, kInt},
-    {"cal_ncolumns", &fNColumns, kInt},
+    {"cal_arr_nrows", &fNRows, kInt},
+    {"cal_arr_ncolumns", &fNColumns, kInt},
+    {"cal_arr_front_x", &fXFront, kDouble},
+    {"cal_arr_front_y", &fYFront, kDouble},
+    {"cal_arr_front_z", &fZFront, kDouble},
+    {"cal_arr_xstep", &fXStep, kDouble},
+    {"cal_arr_ystep", &fYStep, kDouble},
     {"cal_using_fadc", &fUsingFADC, kInt, 0, 1},
     {"cal_ped_sample_low", &fPedSampLow, kInt, 0, 1},
     {"cal_ped_sample_high", &fPedSampHigh, kInt, 0, 1},
@@ -101,6 +109,22 @@ Int_t THcShowerArray::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
   fNelem = fNRows*fNColumns;
+  fXPos = new Double_t* [fNRows];
+  fYPos = new Double_t* [fNRows];
+  for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNRows; i++) {
+    fXPos[i] = new Double_t [fNColumns];
+    fYPos[i] = new Double_t [fNColumns];
+  }
+  //Looking to the front, the numbering goes from left to right, and from top
+  //to bottom.
+  for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNColumns; j++)
+    for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNRows; i++) {
+      fXPos[i][j] = fXFront - (fNRows-1)*fXStep/2 + fXStep*i;
+      fYPos[i][j] = fYFront + (fNColumns-1)*fYStep/2 - fYStep*j;
+  }
   // Debug output.
   THcShower* fParent;
@@ -115,6 +139,30 @@ Int_t THcShowerArray::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
 	 << endl;
     cout << "  Columns " << fNColumns << ", Rows " << fNRows << endl;
+    cout << "Front X, Y Z: " << fXFront << ", " << fYFront << ", " << fZFront
+	 << " cm" << endl;
+    cout << "  Block to block X and Y distances: " << fXStep << ", " << fYStep
+	 << " cm" << endl;
+    cout << "Block X coordinates:" << endl;
+    for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNRows; i++) {
+      for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNColumns; j++) {
+	cout << fXPos[i][j] << " ";
+      }
+      cout << endl;
+    }
+    cout << endl;
+    cout << "Block Y coordinates:" << endl;
+    for (UInt_t i=0; i<fNRows; i++) {
+      for (UInt_t j=0; j<fNColumns; j++) {
+    	cout << fYPos[i][j] << " ";
+      }
+      cout << endl;
+    }
+    cout << endl;
     cout << "  Using FADC " << fUsingFADC << endl;
     if (fUsingFADC) {
       cout << "  FADC pedestal sample low = " << fPedSampLow << ",  high = "
diff --git a/src/THcShowerArray.h b/src/THcShowerArray.h
index 71d88a9238c6e24206d8ebca84e732c6ba65be8e..d4eb98a9406497aceb6b3264b13ac85be7f3375c 100644
--- a/src/THcShowerArray.h
+++ b/src/THcShowerArray.h
@@ -71,8 +71,17 @@ protected:
   TClonesArray* fADCHits;	// List of ADC hits
   // Parameters
   Int_t fNRows;
   Int_t fNColumns;
+  Double_t fXFront;              // Front position X
+  Double_t fYFront;              // Front position Y
+  Double_t fZFront;              // Front position Z, from FP
+  Double_t fXStep;               // distance btw centers of blocks along X
+  Double_t fYStep;               // distance btw centers of blocks along Y
+  Double_t** fXPos;              // block X coordinates
+  Double_t** fYPos;              // block Y coordinates
   Int_t fUsingFADC;		// != 0 if using FADC in sample mode
   Int_t fPedSampLow;		// Sample range for
   Int_t fPedSampHigh;		// dynamic pedestal