diff --git a/README_Eclipse_Linux.md b/README_Eclipse_Linux.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..62c264a14a81ca2f1a1616f8eaca134b637f7ee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README_Eclipse_Linux.md
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+Installation of Eclipse (Kepler) on Linux (Centos6.4/RHEL), with plugins for SCons, Git, GitHub, and Python
+Install Eclipse
+There exists an Eclipse plugin for SCons, called SConsolidator.  As of January, 2014, this
+plugin works only with the Kepler version of Eclipse.  
+Most of this information can be found at:
+[Installing Eclipse on Fedora/Centos6.4/RHEL](http://www.if-not-true-then-false.com/2010/linux-install-eclipse-on-fedora-centos-red-hat-rhel/).
+To download and install this version of Eclipse, go to:
+[Eclipse Kepler SR1 Downloads](http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-cc-developers/keplersr1)
+and download the Linux 64-bit version.  The file should be called:
+Before you install this version of eclipse, you may have to uninstall the (older) version that
+ships with Centos6.4/RHEL (The rpms may have been installed depending on what choices you made
+during the system installation process).  If 'which eclipse' tells you that it has been installed,
+then uninstall the older version with the following series of commands:
+	$ yum erase eclipse
+	$ yum erase eclipse-cdt
+	$ yum erase eclipse-rcp
+	$ yum erase eclipse-swt
+	$ yum erase jetty-eclipse
+	$ yum erase icu4j-eclipse
+This worked for me.  You can check to see if all eclipse-related rpms have been uninstalled
+	$ rpm -qa | grep -i eclipse
+If there are other rpms reported, you can uninstall them with commands similar to those above.
+We are going to install eclipse under /opt (of course, you can install it anywhere
+you like - modify the commands below as necessary).  The procedure below will 
+require superuser privileges.
+	$ cd
+	$ sudo tar -xvzf ~/Downloads/eclipse-cpp-kepler-SR1-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz -C /opt
+	$ chmod -R +r /opt/eclipse
+Now, we want to add a script to /usr/bin to launch eclipse.
+	$ sudo touch /usr/bin/eclipse
+	$ sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/eclipse
+With your favorite editor, create the /usr/bin/eclipse file with the following content:
+	#!/bin/sh
+	export ECLIPSE_HOME="/opt/eclipse"
+	$ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse $*
+You may also want to create the Gnome desktop launcher for eclipse.  Create the file
+with the following content:
+	[Desktop Entry]
+	Encoding=UTF-8
+	Name=Eclipse
+	Comment=Eclipse SDK 4.3.1
+	Exec=eclipse
+	Icon=/opt/eclipse/icon.xpm
+	Terminal=false
+	Type=Application
+	Categories=GNOME;Application;Development;
+	StartupNotify=true
+Start up Eclipse from the command line with:
+	$ eclipse
+When you start up Eclipse, you will get a window asking you to choose a workspace.  The
+default is usually /Users/****/Documents/workspace.  This is fine, but you might want to
+choose someplace else.  Make sure to click the "Use this as the default ..." radio button
+so that you will not get asked this every time.
+When Eclipse finally starts up, you can click on the "X" on the welcome page, and it
+should take you to the Project Explorer page.  This is the main view that you will
+probably end up using most of the time.
+Install the SConsolidator Plugin
+In order for Eclipse to work with SCons, one has to install a plugin called SConsolidator.
+To do this, do the following:
+a) Go to Help->Install New Software
+b) In the Install window that comes up, in the "Work with" field, enter:
+and click on "Add..."
+c) Specify the name as "SConsolidator"
+d) Check the Eclipse Plug-In for SCons radio button, then hit Next> and follow the
+installation through.
+e) After the installation, Eclipse will need to be restarted, which it should do
+When Eclipse restarts, it will ask you about setting the path to SCons.  Set this up now.
+Check to see where SCons is installed by doing "which scons" from a terminal window.
+For me, it is in /usr/local/bin/scons, and so I entered that for the path to the SCons
+To change the SCons build options (at any time), you can go to Eclipse->Preferences, and
+then expand the SCons tag, to reveal options for Build Settings, Performance vs. Accuracy,
+and Warnings.  In particular, if you want to build the standalone executables, you can add
+'standalone=1' to the SCons Options in Build Settings.
+Install PyDev for Python Support
+PyDev includes a nice Python editor with appropriate syntax highlighting, as well as
+providing the "mouse-over" documentation features of Eclipse for those things that
+are written in Python - namely SCons.
+As of this writing, Eclipse Kepler does not play so nicely with PyDev-3.X, and so we
+will install PyDev-2.X instead.  The reason may be related to issues with Java 1.6 vs. 1.7,
+in fact.
+a) Go to Help->Install New Software
+b) In the Install window that comes up, in the "Work with" field, enter:
+and click on "Add..."
+c) Specify the name as "PyDev" and hit return
+d) IMPORTANT:  Uncheck the radio button to show versions other than the latest version
+in the bottom portion of this window.
+e) Look for the PyDev for Eclipse Version 2.8.2, and check this radio button.
+d) Proceed with the installation.
+e) IMPORTANT:  At some point it may ask you to allow a certain security certificate - you
+actually have to check the radio button in the top part of the window and THEN accept the
+f) After the installation, Eclipse will need to be restarted, which it should do
+Restart Eclipse; you should now have access to PyDev. You should see it by going to 
+Eclipse->About Eclipse->Installation Details->Installed Software
+Setting up Git within Eclipse
+Much of this comes from [this article](http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/EclipseGit/article.html).
+a)  Basic Configuration
+Select Window → Preferences → Team → Git
+Under the field for Cloning Repositories, choose a location (locally) for storing respositories that
+you will eventually clone to create.
+Select Window → Preferences → Team → Git → Configuration
+Choose the User Settings Tab:
+If you have already been using git on your system, you should see that the user and email fields 
+are already filled out.  If they are now, you can fill them out now.  The 'location' field should
+be ($HOME)/.gitconfig, where ($HOME) is your normal home directory
+b)  Git Staging View
+Select Window → Show View → Other... → Git → Git Staging
+You should now see a Git Staging tab in the Console area of the main Eclipse window.  Basically, this
+window will give you all information that would be reported by 'git status' at the command line.
+c) Activate the Git Toolbar
+Select Window → Customize perspective... and check the command groups Git and Git Navigation Actions
+in the Command Groups Availability tab.  You should now see "Git" as one of the main pulldown menus
+of the Eclipse toolbar.
+Opening hcana as a New Project from Exisiting Source within Eclipse
+This section assumes that you have already cloned hcana (from the command line) somewhere on your system.
+a) Choose File->New->Other
+b) In the pop-up window, choose 'New SCons project from existing source', and click 'Next'
+c) Choose a project name (hcana or hcana-1.6 are good choices), specify the existing code location, and
+then add any SCons Options (for example, debug=1 standalone=1 will compile the code in debug
+mode, and compile the standalone codes as well.
+d) Click 'Finish'
+You should now see the project within the Project Explorer window on the RHS of the Eclipse window.
+You can double-click on any file, and it should open in the editor window.  You can edit and save
+changes in the usual way.  Clicking on the "Hammer" icon on the Eclipse toolbar should execute
+scons, with the output of the build process shown in the console view at the bottom of the Eclipse
+Also, you should see the current git branch that you are working on displayed next to the 
+top-level hcana folder that is displayed in the Project Explorer window.
+If you right-click on the hcana folder in the Project Explorer window, and then choose "Team", you
+should see the various git commands available.  From here, you can switch to another branch,
+checkout a new branch, do commits and pushes, and/or fetch and merge from upstream.  If you have
+configured Eclipse to show the Git Toolbar, you can also choose a number of oft-used git commands
+from the Git pulldown menu.
+Also, you can commit and push from the Git Staging window!!!  And, you show the commit history
+by right-clicking on the top level hcana folder, and choosing Team -> Show in History
+You should see now a tab in the Console area called History, with a table of commits for the repository.
+Cloning hcana from within Eclipse
+This section details how to clone your forked copy of hcana directly from within Eclipse (without
+having done so at the command line already).
+a) Select File → Import → Git → Project from Git.
+b) Select Clone URI in the next dialog.
+c) Enter the URI of your repository on github, for example:
+d) Click on ‘Next’ to get the Branch Selection dialog
+e) The default is to clone all branches.  You may want to select only certain ones.  Do so, 
+if you please, and click on ‘Next’
+f) Choose the local destination for your cloned repository.  Note that Eclipse will
+warn you if there is already an existing repository clone there (which can happen as the 
+default is to choose your top-level directory plus the first part of the repository name, 
+i.e. hcana, and so this may already be used).
+g) Choose the initial branch that you want to work with.
+h) Click on ‘Next’ to get the Projects dialog.
+i) Click the ‘Use New Project wizard’ radio button, and then click on ‘Finish’
+j)  The final dialog will allow you to choose ‘New SCons project from existing source’, at 
+which point you can then continue from step b) in Section 5 above!! 
+k) The final step is to add the appropriate Jefferson Lab reposistory as an upstream remote.
+(i) Open the Git Repositories view (Select Window → Show View → Other... → Git → Git Repositories)
+(ii) From the Git Repositories tab in the Console area, expand the repository that you are trying
+to set up (hcana in this case), and then expand Remotes.  You should see that origin is present.
+(iii) Right-click on Remotes, and choose 'Create Remote'.  Specify the Remote Name as 'upstream'. Select
+'Configure Push', and Click OK.
+(iv) Click on "Change" next to the field where one specifies the URI ... in the new dialog, specify
+the remote URI as git@github.com:JeffersonLab/hcana.git.  Click on 'Save'.  You should now see that the
+remote called upstream has been added.
+(v)  The final step is to configure the upstream fetch so that it pulls from the develop branch.  Expand
+the upstream directory under Remotes.  You will see a fetch and a push specification for the upstream
+repository.  The fetch specification is indicated by a left green arrow.  Right-click on this, and 
+choose Configure Fetch.  From the next dialog, choose Add.  In the next dialog, for the Source, specify
+the develop branch, then click Save and Finish.
diff --git a/README_Eclipse_MacOSX b/README_Eclipse_MacOSX
deleted file mode 100644
index 55015ecaf8f82c6d03e92055c6a25696e88d9e28..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/README_Eclipse_MacOSX
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-Installation of Eclipse (Kepler) on MacOSX, with plugins for SCons,
-Git, GitHub, and Python
-1.  Install Eclipse
-There exists an Eclipse plugin for SCons, called SConsolidator.  As of
-January, 2014, this plugin works only with the Kepler version of
-Eclipse.  To download and install this version of Eclipse, go to:
-and download the MacOSX (Cocoa 64) version.  The file should be called:
-Unpack this somewhere in your own user space.  I chose to install it
-directly underneath my home directory, but of course you can install
-it where you like.
-$ cd
-$ sudo tar -xvzf ~/Downloads/eclipse-cpp-kepler-SR1-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.tar.gz
-Start up Eclipse from the command line with:
-$ ~/eclipse/eclipse
-You might also find it useful to add the Eclipse app to your dock,
-permanently, to make it easier to start up in the future.
-When you start up Eclipse, you will get a window asking you to choose
-a workspace.  The default is usually /Users/****/Documents/workspace.
-This is fine, but you might want to choose someplace else.  Make sure
-to click the "Use this as the default ..." radio button so that you
-won't get asked this every time.
-When Eclipse finally starts up, you can click on the "X" on the
-welcome page, and it should take you to the Project Explorer page.
-This is the main view that you will probably end up using most of the
-2.  Install the SConsolidator Plugin
-In order for Eclipse to work with SCons, one has to install a plugin
-called SConsolidator.  To do this, do the following:
-a) Go to Help->Install New Software
-b) In the Install window that comes up, in the "Work with" field, enter:
-and click on "Add..."
-c) Specify the name as "SConsolidator"
-d) Check the Eclipse Plug-In for SCons radio button, then hit Next>
-and follow the installation through.
-e) After the installation, Eclipse will need to be restarted, which it
-should do automatically.
-When Eclipse restarts, it will ask you about setting the path to
-SCons.  Set this up now.  Check to see where SCons is installed by
-doing "which scons" from a terminal window.  For me, it is in
-/usr/local/bin/scons, and so I entered that for the path to the SCons
-To change the SCons build options (at any time), you can go to
-Eclipse->Preferences, and then expand the SCons tag, to reveal options
-for Build Settings, Performance vs. Accuracy, and Warnings.  In
-particular, if you want to build the standalone executables, you can
-add 'standalone=1' to the SCons Options in Build Settings.
-3. Install PyDev for Python Support
-PyDev includes a nice Python editor with appropriate syntax
-highlighting, as well as providing the "mouse-over" documentation
-features of Eclipse for those things that are written in Python -
-namely SCons.
-As of this writing, Eclipse Kepler does not play so nicely with
-PyDev-3.X, and so we will install PyDev-2.X instead.  The reason may
-be related to issues with Java 1.6 vs. 1.7, in fact.
-a) Go to Help->Install New Software
-b) In the Install window that comes up, in the "Work with" field, enter:
-and click on "Add..."
-c) Specify the name as "PyDev" and hit return
-d) IMPORTANT: Uncheck the radio button to show versions other than the
-latest version in the bottom portion of this window.
-e) Look for the PyDev for Eclipse Version 2.8.2, and check this radio button.
-d) Proceed with the installation.
-e) IMPORTANT: At some point it may ask you to allow a certain security
-certificate - you actually have to check the radio button in the top
-part of the window and THEN accept the certificate.
-f) After the installation, Eclipse will need to be restarted, which it
-should do automatically.
-Restart Eclipse; you should now have access to PyDev. You should see
-it by going to Eclipse->About Eclipse->Installation Details->Installed
diff --git a/README_Eclipse_MacOSX.md b/README_Eclipse_MacOSX.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..93ab9af0ba1f5425b9c23204b276b0cd0bc9f0fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README_Eclipse_MacOSX.md
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+Installation of Eclipse (Kepler) on MacOSX, with plugins for SCons, Git, GitHub, and Python
+Install Eclipse
+There exists an Eclipse plugin for SCons, called SConsolidator.  As of
+January, 2014, this plugin works only with the Kepler version of
+Eclipse.  To download and install this version of Eclipse, go to:
+[Eclipse Kepler SR1 Downloads](http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-cc-developers/keplersr1)
+and download the MacOSX (Cocoa 64) version.  The file should be called:
+Unpack this somewhere in your own user space.  I chose to install it
+directly underneath my home directory, but of course you can install
+it where you like.
+	$ cd
+	$ sudo tar -xvzf ~/Downloads/eclipse-cpp-kepler-SR1-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.tar.gz
+Start up Eclipse from the command line with:
+	$ ~/eclipse/eclipse
+You might also find it useful to add the Eclipse app to your dock,
+permanently, to make it easier to start up in the future.
+When you start up Eclipse, you will get a window asking you to choose
+a workspace.  The default is usually /Users/****/Documents/workspace.
+This is fine, but you might want to choose someplace else.  Make sure
+to click the 'Use this as the default ...' radio button so that you
+will not get asked this every time.
+When Eclipse finally starts up, you can click on the "X" on the
+welcome page, and it should take you to the Project Explorer page.
+This is the main view that you will probably end up using most of the
+Install the SConsolidator Plugin
+In order for Eclipse to work with SCons, one has to install a plugin
+called SConsolidator.  To do this, do the following:
+a) Go to Help->Install New Software
+b) In the Install window that comes up, in the "Work with" field, enter:
+and click on "Add..."
+c) Specify the name as "SConsolidator"
+d) Check the Eclipse Plug-In for SCons radio button, then hit Next>
+and follow the installation through.
+e) After the installation, Eclipse will need to be restarted, which it
+should do automatically.
+When Eclipse restarts, it will ask you about setting the path to
+SCons.  Set this up now.  Check to see where SCons is installed by
+doing "which scons" from a terminal window.  For me, it is in
+/usr/local/bin/scons, and so I entered that for the path to the SCons
+To change the SCons build options (at any time), you can go to
+Eclipse->Preferences, and then expand the SCons tag, to reveal options
+for Build Settings, Performance vs. Accuracy, and Warnings.  In
+particular, if you want to build the standalone executables, you can
+add 'standalone=1' to the SCons Options in Build Settings.
+Install PyDev for Python Support
+PyDev includes a nice Python editor with appropriate syntax
+highlighting, as well as providing the "mouse-over" documentation
+features of Eclipse for those things that are written in Python -
+namely SCons.
+As of this writing, Eclipse Kepler does not play so nicely with
+PyDev-3.X, and so we will install PyDev-2.X instead.  The reason may
+be related to issues with Java 1.6 vs. 1.7, in fact.
+a) Go to Help->Install New Software
+b) In the Install window that comes up, in the "Work with" field, enter:
+and click on "Add..."
+c) Specify the name as "PyDev" and hit return
+d) IMPORTANT: Uncheck the radio button to show versions other than the
+latest version in the bottom portion of this window.
+e) Look for the PyDev for Eclipse Version 2.8.2, and check this radio button.
+d) Proceed with the installation.
+e) IMPORTANT: At some point it may ask you to allow a certain security
+certificate - you actually have to check the radio button in the top
+part of the window and THEN accept the certificate.
+f) After the installation, Eclipse will need to be restarted, which it
+should do automatically.
+Restart Eclipse; you should now have access to PyDev. You should see
+it by going to Eclipse->About Eclipse->Installation Details->Installed
+Setting up Git within Eclipse
+Much of this comes from [this article](http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/EclipseGit/article.html).
+a)  Basic Configuration
+Select Window → Preferences → Team → Git
+Under the field for Cloning Repositories, choose a location (locally) for storing respositories that
+you will eventually clone to create.
+Select Window → Preferences → Team → Git → Configuration
+Choose the User Settings Tab:
+If you have already been using git on your system, you should see that the user and email fields 
+are already filled out.  If they are now, you can fill them out now.  The 'location' field should
+be ($HOME)/.gitconfig, where ($HOME) is your normal home directory
+b)  Git Staging View
+Select Window → Show View → Other... → Git → Git Staging
+You should now see a Git Staging tab in the Console area of the main Eclipse window.  Basically, this
+window will give you all information that would be reported by 'git status' at the command line.
+c) Activate the Git Toolbar
+Select Window → Customize perspective... and check the command groups Git and Git Navigation Actions
+in the Command Groups Availability tab.  You should now see "Git" as one of the main pulldown menus
+of the Eclipse toolbar.
+Opening hcana as a New Project from Exisiting Source within Eclipse
+This section assumes that you have already cloned hcana (from the command line) somewhere on your system.
+a) Choose File->New->Other
+b) In the pop-up window, choose 'New SCons project from existing source', and click 'Next'
+c) Choose a project name (hcana or hcana-1.6 are good choices), specify the existing code location, and
+then add any SCons Options (for example, debug=1 standalone=1 will compile the code in debug
+mode, and compile the standalone codes as well.
+d) Click 'Finish'
+You should now see the project within the Project Explorer window on the RHS of the Eclipse window.
+You can double-click on any file, and it should open in the editor window.  You can edit and save
+changes in the usual way.  Clicking on the "Hammer" icon on the Eclipse toolbar should execute
+scons, with the output of the build process shown in the console view at the bottom of the Eclipse
+Also, you should see the current git branch that you are working on displayed next to the 
+top-level hcana folder that is displayed in the Project Explorer window.
+If you right-click on the hcana folder in the Project Explorer window, and then choose "Team", you
+should see the various git commands available.  From here, you can switch to another branch,
+checkout a new branch, do commits and pushes, and/or fetch and merge from upstream.  If you have
+configured Eclipse to show the Git Toolbar, you can also choose a number of oft-used git commands
+from the Git pulldown menu.
+Also, you can commit and push from the Git Staging window!!!  And, you show the commit history
+by right-clicking on the top level hcana folder, and choosing Team -> Show in History
+You should see now a tab in the Console area called History, with a table of commits for the repository.
+Cloning hcana from within Eclipse
+This section details how to clone your forked copy of hcana directly from within Eclipse (without
+having done so at the command line already).
+a) Select File → Import → Git → Project from Git.
+b) Select Clone URI in the next dialog.
+c) Enter the URI of your repository on github, for example:
+d) Click on ‘Next’ to get the Branch Selection dialog
+e) The default is to clone all branches.  You may want to select only certain ones.  Do so, 
+if you please, and click on ‘Next’
+f) Choose the local destination for your cloned repository.  Note that Eclipse will
+warn you if there is already an existing repository clone there (which can happen as the 
+default is to choose your top-level directory plus the first part of the repository name, 
+i.e. hcana, and so this may already be used).
+g) Choose the initial branch that you want to work with.
+h) IMPORTANT!!!!  Click the radio button to Clone Submodules!!!!
+i) Click on ‘Next’ to get the Projects dialog.
+j) Click the ‘Use New Project wizard’ radio button, and then click on ‘Finish’
+k)  The final dialog will allow you to choose ‘New SCons project from existing source’, at 
+which point you can then continue from step b) in Section 5 above!! 
+l) The final step is to add the appropriate Jefferson Lab reposistory as an upstream remote.
+(i) Open the Git Repositories view (Select Window → Show View → Other... → Git → Git Repositories)
+(ii) From the Git Repositories tab in the Console area, expand the repository that you are trying
+to set up (hcana in this case), and then expand Remotes.  You should see that origin is present.
+(iii) Right-click on Remotes, and choose 'Create Remote'.  Specify the Remote Name as 'upstream'. Select
+'Configure Push', and Click OK.
+(iv) Click on "Change" next to the field where one specifies the URI ... in the new dialog, specify
+the remote URI as git@github.com:JeffersonLab/hcana.git.  Click on 'Save'.  You should now see that the
+remote called upstream has been added.
+(v)  The final step is to configure the upstream fetch so that it pulls from the develop branch.  Expand
+the upstream directory under Remotes.  You will see a fetch and a push specification for the upstream
+repository.  The fetch specification is indicated by a left green arrow.  Right-click on this, and 
+choose Configure Fetch.  From the next dialog, choose Add.  In the next dialog, for the Source, specify
+the develop branch, then click Save and Finish.