diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format
index 0cbccb84d2af16059203b8e1f849b37a0c88e4d0..abc048740674e237d1e012b45148fda7a7592f4d 100644
--- a/.clang-format
+++ b/.clang-format
@@ -91,8 +91,7 @@ PenaltyExcessCharacter: 1000000
 PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 60
 PointerAlignment: Left
-  - Delimiter:       pb
-    Language:        TextProto
+  - Language:        TextProto
     BasedOnStyle:    google
 ReflowComments:  true
 SortIncludes:    true
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index a0144f0608c7ae8eb579d798e4af69eeeb0db12f..66a089314e07ba10c5daf1d3bdbbf906254b48de 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
-project(hcana VERSION 0.90 LANGUAGES CXX)
+project(hcana VERSION 0.95 LANGUAGES CXX)
 option(HCANA_BUILTIN_PODD "Use built-in Podd submodule (default: YES)" OFF)
diff --git a/src/THcCoinTime.cxx b/src/THcCoinTime.cxx
index 3e520f3176305643c234d2cb7ab57e2cbbd97e9d..653e6e2d5b69261e866dbe2dfe694488ab5653ca 100644
--- a/src/THcCoinTime.cxx
+++ b/src/THcCoinTime.cxx
@@ -168,18 +168,28 @@ Int_t THcCoinTime::DefineVariables( EMode mode )
   const RVarDef vars[] = {
     {"epCoinTime_ROC1",    "ROC1 Corrected ep Coincidence Time",  "fROC1_epCoinTime"},
     {"epCoinTime_ROC2",    "ROC2 Corrected ep Coincidence Time",  "fROC2_epCoinTime"},
+    {"epCoinTime_TRIG1",    "TRIG1 Corrected ep Coincidence Time",  "fTRIG1_epCoinTime"},
+    {"epCoinTime_TRIG4",    "TRIG4 Corrected ep Coincidence Time",  "fTRIG4_epCoinTime"},
     {"eKCoinTime_ROC1",    "ROC1 Corrected eK Coincidence Time",  "fROC1_eKCoinTime"},
     {"eKCoinTime_ROC2",    "ROC2 Corrected eK Coincidence Time",  "fROC2_eKCoinTime"},
+    {"eKCoinTime_TRIG1",    "TRIG1 Corrected eK Coincidence Time",  "fTRIG1_eKCoinTime"},
+    {"eKCoinTime_TRIG4",    "TRIG4 Corrected eK Coincidence Time",  "fTRIG4_eKCoinTime"},
     {"ePiCoinTime_ROC1",    "ROC1 Corrected ePi Coincidence Time",  "fROC1_ePiCoinTime"},
     {"ePiCoinTime_ROC2",    "ROC2 Corrected ePi Coincidence Time",  "fROC2_ePiCoinTime"},
+    {"ePiCoinTime_TRIG1",    "TRIG1 Corrected ePi Coincidence Time",  "fTRIG1_ePiCoinTime"},
+    {"ePiCoinTime_TRIG4",    "TRIG4 Corrected ePi Coincidence Time",  "fTRIG4_ePiCoinTime"},
     {"ePositronCoinTime_ROC1",    "ROC1 Corrected e-Positorn Coincidence Time",  "fROC1_ePosCoinTime"},
     {"ePositronCoinTime_ROC2",    "ROC2 Corrected e-Positron Coincidence Time",  "fROC2_ePosCoinTime"},
+    {"ePositronCoinTime_TRIG1",    "TRIG1 Corrected e-Positorn Coincidence Time",  "fTRIG1_ePosCoinTime"},
+    {"ePositronCoinTime_TRIG4",    "TRIG4 Corrected e-Positron Coincidence Time",  "fTRIG4_ePosCoinTime"},
     {"CoinTime_RAW_ROC1",    "ROC1 RAW Coincidence Time",  "fROC1_RAW_CoinTime"},
     {"CoinTime_RAW_ROC2",    "ROC2 RAW Coincidence Time",  "fROC2_RAW_CoinTime"},
+    {"CoinTime_RAW_TRIG1",    "TRIG1 RAW Coincidence Time",  "fTRIG1_RAW_CoinTime"},
+    {"CoinTime_RAW_TRIG4",    "TRIG4 RAW Coincidence Time",  "fTRIG4_RAW_CoinTime"},
     {"DeltaSHMSPathLength","DeltaSHMSpathLength (cm)","DeltaSHMSpathLength"},
     {"DeltaHMSPathLength", "DeltaHMSpathLength (cm)","DeltaHMSpathLength"},
     {"had_coinCorr_Positron",    "",  "had_coinCorr_Positron"},
@@ -294,6 +304,8 @@ Int_t THcCoinTime::Process( const THaEvData& evdata )
 	  //Raw, Uncorrected Coincidence Time
 	  fROC1_RAW_CoinTime =  (pTRIG1_TdcTime_ROC1 + SHMS_FPtime) - (pTRIG4_TdcTime_ROC1 + HMS_FPtime);
 	  fROC2_RAW_CoinTime =  (pTRIG1_TdcTime_ROC2 + SHMS_FPtime) - (pTRIG4_TdcTime_ROC2 + HMS_FPtime);
+	  fTRIG1_RAW_CoinTime =  (pTRIG1_TdcTime_ROC1 + SHMS_FPtime) - (pTRIG1_TdcTime_ROC2 + HMS_FPtime);
+	  fTRIG4_RAW_CoinTime =  (pTRIG4_TdcTime_ROC1 + SHMS_FPtime) - (pTRIG4_TdcTime_ROC2 + HMS_FPtime);
 	  //Corrected Coincidence Time for ROC1/ROC2 (ROC1 Should be identical to ROC2)
@@ -301,19 +313,26 @@ Int_t THcCoinTime::Process( const THaEvData& evdata )
 	  fROC1_epCoinTime = fROC1_RAW_CoinTime + sign*( elec_coinCorr-had_coinCorr_proton) - eHad_CT_Offset; 
 	  fROC2_epCoinTime = fROC2_RAW_CoinTime + sign*( elec_coinCorr-had_coinCorr_proton) - eHad_CT_Offset; 
+	  fTRIG1_epCoinTime = fTRIG1_RAW_CoinTime + sign*( elec_coinCorr-had_coinCorr_proton) - eHad_CT_Offset; 
+	  fTRIG4_epCoinTime = fTRIG4_RAW_CoinTime + sign*( elec_coinCorr-had_coinCorr_proton) - eHad_CT_Offset; 
 	  fROC1_eKCoinTime = fROC1_RAW_CoinTime + sign*( elec_coinCorr-had_coinCorr_Kaon) - eHad_CT_Offset;
 	  fROC2_eKCoinTime = fROC2_RAW_CoinTime + sign*( elec_coinCorr-had_coinCorr_Kaon) - eHad_CT_Offset;
+	  fTRIG1_eKCoinTime = fTRIG1_RAW_CoinTime + sign*( elec_coinCorr-had_coinCorr_Kaon) - eHad_CT_Offset;
+	  fTRIG4_eKCoinTime = fTRIG4_RAW_CoinTime + sign*( elec_coinCorr-had_coinCorr_Kaon) - eHad_CT_Offset;
 	  fROC1_ePiCoinTime = fROC1_RAW_CoinTime + sign*( elec_coinCorr - had_coinCorr_Pion) - eHad_CT_Offset;	  
 	  fROC2_ePiCoinTime = fROC2_RAW_CoinTime + sign*( elec_coinCorr - had_coinCorr_Pion) - eHad_CT_Offset;
+	  fTRIG1_ePiCoinTime = fTRIG1_RAW_CoinTime + sign*( elec_coinCorr - had_coinCorr_Pion) - eHad_CT_Offset;	  
+	  fTRIG4_ePiCoinTime = fTRIG4_RAW_CoinTime + sign*( elec_coinCorr - had_coinCorr_Pion) - eHad_CT_Offset;
 	  fROC1_ePosCoinTime = fROC1_RAW_CoinTime + sign*( elec_coinCorr - had_coinCorr_Positron) - eHad_CT_Offset ;	  
 	  fROC2_ePosCoinTime = fROC2_RAW_CoinTime + sign*( elec_coinCorr - had_coinCorr_Positron) - eHad_CT_Offset;
+	  fTRIG1_ePosCoinTime = fTRIG1_RAW_CoinTime + sign*( elec_coinCorr - had_coinCorr_Positron) - eHad_CT_Offset ;	  
+	  fTRIG4_ePosCoinTime = fTRIG4_RAW_CoinTime + sign*( elec_coinCorr - had_coinCorr_Positron) - eHad_CT_Offset;
diff --git a/src/THcCoinTime.h b/src/THcCoinTime.h
index 8cc33411f8c9db3f133589f60eb884b43cb6612b..ecaf5008c6365d9c317deaa3a28b32ab583826f9 100644
--- a/src/THcCoinTime.h
+++ b/src/THcCoinTime.h
@@ -85,19 +85,29 @@ public:
   Double_t fROC1_RAW_CoinTime;
   Double_t fROC2_RAW_CoinTime;
+  Double_t fTRIG1_RAW_CoinTime;
+  Double_t fTRIG4_RAW_CoinTime;
   Double_t fROC1_epCoinTime;
   Double_t fROC2_epCoinTime;
+  Double_t fTRIG1_epCoinTime;
+  Double_t fTRIG4_epCoinTime;
   Double_t fROC1_eKCoinTime;
   Double_t fROC2_eKCoinTime;
+  Double_t fTRIG1_eKCoinTime;
+  Double_t fTRIG4_eKCoinTime;
   Double_t fROC1_ePiCoinTime;
   Double_t fROC2_ePiCoinTime;
+  Double_t fTRIG1_ePiCoinTime;
+  Double_t fTRIG4_ePiCoinTime;
   Double_t fROC1_ePosCoinTime;   //electron-positron coin time 
   Double_t fROC2_ePosCoinTime;
+  Double_t fTRIG1_ePosCoinTime;   //electron-positron coin time 
+  Double_t fTRIG4_ePosCoinTime;
   Double_t elec_coinCorr;
   Double_t elecArm_BetaCalc;
@@ -128,10 +138,10 @@ public:
   Double_t had_FPtime;   //hadron focal plane time
   // trigger times pTrig1 (SHMS 3/4 trig) and pTrig4 (HMS 3/4 trig)
-  Int_t pTRIG1_TdcTime_ROC1;
-  Int_t pTRIG4_TdcTime_ROC1;
-  Int_t pTRIG1_TdcTime_ROC2;
-  Int_t pTRIG4_TdcTime_ROC2;
+  Double_t pTRIG1_TdcTime_ROC1;
+  Double_t pTRIG4_TdcTime_ROC1;
+  Double_t pTRIG1_TdcTime_ROC2;
+  Double_t pTRIG4_TdcTime_ROC2;
diff --git a/src/THcDC.cxx b/src/THcDC.cxx
index 2651bb7f0f37e4c6fc07b1683c5946281d903348..c09ce44dd2ed9d2e6191762c46e9df2d18086f71 100644
--- a/src/THcDC.cxx
+++ b/src/THcDC.cxx
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ the number of parameters per plane.
 #include "TMath.h"
 #include "TVectorD.h"
 #include "THaApparatus.h"
+#include "THcHallCSpectrometer.h"
 #include <cstring>
 #include <cstdio>
@@ -446,6 +447,7 @@ Int_t THcDC::DefineVariables( EMode mode )
     { "chisq", "chisq/dof (golden track) ", "fChisq_best"},
     { "sp1_id", " (golden track) ", "fSp1_ID_best"},
     { "sp2_id", " (golden track) ", "fSp2_ID_best"},
+    { "InsideDipoleExit", " ","fInSideDipoleExit_best"},
     { "gtrack_nsp", " Number of space points in golden track ", "fNsp_best"},
     { "residual", "Residuals", "fResiduals"},
     { "residualExclPlane", "Residuals", "fResidualsExclPlane"},
@@ -540,6 +542,7 @@ void THcDC::ClearEvent()
+  fInSideDipoleExit_best = kTRUE;
   for(UInt_t i=0;i<fNChambers;i++) {
@@ -681,6 +684,8 @@ void THcDC::SetFocalPlaneBestTrack(Int_t golden_track_index)
+      THcHallCSpectrometer *app = dynamic_cast<THcHallCSpectrometer*>(GetApparatus());
+      fInSideDipoleExit_best = app->InsideDipoleExitWindow(fX_fp_best, fXp_fp_best ,fY_fp_best,fYp_fp_best);
@@ -771,11 +776,11 @@ void THcDC::LinkStubs()
   std::vector<THcSpacePoint*> fSp;
-  fSp.reserve(10);
+  fSp.reserve(100);
   fNDCTracks=0;		// Number of Focal Plane tracks found
   // Make a vector of pointers to the SpacePoints
-  if (fChambers[0]->GetNSpacePoints()+fChambers[1]->GetNSpacePoints()>10) return;
+  //if (fChambers[0]->GetNSpacePoints()+fChambers[1]->GetNSpacePoints()>10) return;
   for(UInt_t ich=0;ich<fNChambers;ich++) {
     Int_t nchamber=fChambers[ich]->GetChamberNum();
@@ -785,7 +790,8 @@ void THcDC::LinkStubs()
       fSp[fNSp]->fNChamber = nchamber;
       fSp[fNSp]->fNChamber_spnum = isp;
-      if (fNSp>10) break;
+      if (ich==0 && fNSp>50) break;
+      if (fNSp>100) break;
   Double_t stubminx = 999999;
@@ -852,7 +858,7 @@ void THcDC::LinkStubs()
 		fStubTest = 1;
 		//stubtest=1;  Used in h_track_tests.f
 		// Make a new track if there are not to many
-		if(fNDCTracks < MAXTRACKS) {
+		if(fNDCTracks < fNTracksMaxFP) {
 		  sptracks=0; // Number of tracks with this seed
 		  stub_tracks[sptracks++] = fNDCTracks;
 		  THcDCTrack *theDCTrack = new( (*fDCTracks)[fNDCTracks++]) THcDCTrack(fNPlanes);
diff --git a/src/THcDC.h b/src/THcDC.h
index df5c89f35c733335a3646e82048b5d7d5ce1214a..1e88d8eb09793e23789c05fa68bd1ed6f280bc09 100644
--- a/src/THcDC.h
+++ b/src/THcDC.h
@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ protected:
   Double_t fChisq_best;
   Int_t fSp1_ID_best;
   Int_t fSp2_ID_best;
+  Bool_t fInSideDipoleExit_best;
  // For accumulating statitics for efficiencies
   Int_t fTotEvents;
   Int_t* fNChamHits;
@@ -222,7 +223,7 @@ protected:
   // double tan_angle, sin_angle, cos_angle;
   // Intermediate structure for building
-  static const UInt_t MAXTRACKS = 10;
+  static const UInt_t MAXTRACKS = 50;
   THcDriftChamberPlane* GetPlane(unsigned int i_plane) {
diff --git a/src/THcDriftChamber.cxx b/src/THcDriftChamber.cxx
index 6f2dac9964fdd2e2362f6684e90c53980b6e3c0e..27e1440e410c950edc453021e55cf6cc8a6da0fe 100644
--- a/src/THcDriftChamber.cxx
+++ b/src/THcDriftChamber.cxx
@@ -1194,7 +1194,7 @@ void THcDriftChamber::LeftRight()
 	  iswhit <<= 1;
-      if (nplaneshit >= fNPlanes-1) {
+      if ( (nplaneshit >= fNPlanes-1) || (nplaneshit >= fNPlanes-2 && !fHMSStyleChambers)) {
 	Double_t chi2;
 	chi2 = FindStub(nhits, sp,plane_list, bitpat, plusminus, stub);
 	if (fdebugstubchisq) cout << " pmloop = " << pmloop << " chi2 = " << chi2 << endl;
diff --git a/src/THcHallCSpectrometer.cxx b/src/THcHallCSpectrometer.cxx
index a1868918f58246e6fc10bc205499c8fbc3b531e1..2f84f3d435bb92a1bea5b01b4bbe946fe1fd5538 100644
--- a/src/THcHallCSpectrometer.cxx
+++ b/src/THcHallCSpectrometer.cxx
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::DefineVariables( EMode mode )
   fIsSetup = ( mode == kDefine );
   RVarDef vars[] = {
     { "tr.betachisq", "Chi2 of beta", "fTracks.THaTrack.GetBetaChi2()"},
+    { "tr.PruneSelect", "Prune Select ID", "fPruneSelect"},
     { "present", "Trigger Type includes this spectrometer", "fPresent"},
     { 0 }
@@ -277,17 +278,32 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
     {"prune_chibeta",         &fPruneChiBeta,          kDouble,         0,  1},
     {"prune_npmt",            &fPruneNPMT,           kDouble,         0,  1},
     {"prune_fptime",          &fPruneFpTime,             kDouble,         0,  1},
+    {"prune_DipoleExit",          &fPruneDipoleExit,             kDouble,         0,  1},
   // Default values
+  fPruneDipoleExit=0;
   fSelUsingScin = 0;
   fSelUsingPrune = 0;
+  fPruneXp = .2;
+  fPruneYp = .2;
+  fPruneYtar = 20.;
+  fPruneDelta = 30.;
+  fPruneBeta = 30.;
+  fPruneDf= 1;
+  fPruneChiBeta= 100.;
+  fPruneNPMT= 6;
+  fPruneFpTime= 1000.;
   fPhi_lab = 0.;
+  fUseHMSDipoleExitWindow=kFALSE;
+  fUseSHMSDipoleExitWindow=kFALSE;
+  if (prefix[0]=='h') fUseHMSDipoleExitWindow=kTRUE;
+  if (prefix[0]=='p') fUseSHMSDipoleExitWindow=kTRUE;
   //  mispointing in transport system y is horizontal and +x is vertical down
   if (fMispointing_y == 999.) {
@@ -344,7 +360,7 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
-  EnforcePruneLimits();
+  //EnforcePruneLimits();
 #ifdef WITH_DEBUG
   _logger->debug("Spectrometer  {} ", GetName());
@@ -486,7 +502,7 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::FindVertices( TClonesArray& tracks )
+  fPruneSelect=-1.;
   if (fHodo==0 || (( fSelUsingScin == 0 ) && ( fSelUsingPrune == 0 )) ) {
   } else if (fHodo!=0 && fSelUsingPrune !=0) {
@@ -559,11 +575,15 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::TrackCalc()
   if( fNtracks > 0 ) {
     Int_t hit_gold_track=0; // find track with index =0 which is best track
+    Int_t hit_dc_track=1; // 
     for (Int_t itrack = 0; itrack < fNtracks; itrack++ ){
       THaTrack* aTrack = static_cast<THaTrack*>( fTracks->At(itrack) );
-      if (aTrack->GetIndex()==0) hit_gold_track=itrack;  
+      if (aTrack->GetIndex()==0) {
+	hit_gold_track=itrack;
+        hit_dc_track = aTrack->GetTrkNum();
+      }  
-    fDC->SetFocalPlaneBestTrack(hit_gold_track);
+    fDC->SetFocalPlaneBestTrack(hit_dc_track-1);
     fGoldenTrack = static_cast<THaTrack*>( fTracks->At(hit_gold_track) );
     fTrkIfo      = *fGoldenTrack;
     fTrk         = fGoldenTrack;
@@ -780,7 +800,8 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::BestTrackUsingPrune()
       testTracks[ptrack] = static_cast<THaTrack*>( fTracks->At(ptrack) );
       if (!testTracks[ptrack]) return -1;
+    fPruneSelect = 0;
+    Double_t PruneSelect=0;
     // ! Prune on xptar
     nGood = 0;
     for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
@@ -796,7 +817,8 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::BestTrackUsingPrune()
+    PruneSelect++;
+    if (nGood==1 && fPruneSelect ==0 && fNtracks>1) fPruneSelect=PruneSelect;
     // ! Prune on yptar
     nGood = 0;
     for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
@@ -813,6 +835,8 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::BestTrackUsingPrune()
+    PruneSelect++;
+    if (nGood==1 && fPruneSelect ==0 && fNtracks>1) fPruneSelect=PruneSelect;
     // !     Prune on ytar
     nGood = 0;
@@ -829,6 +853,8 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::BestTrackUsingPrune()
+    PruneSelect++;
+    if (nGood==1 && fPruneSelect ==0 && fNtracks>1) fPruneSelect=PruneSelect;
     // !     Prune on delta
     nGood = 0;
@@ -845,6 +871,34 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::BestTrackUsingPrune()
+    PruneSelect++;
+    if (nGood==1 && fPruneSelect ==0 && fNtracks>1) fPruneSelect=PruneSelect;
+   // !     Prune on dipole exit
+    nGood = 0;
+    for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
+      Double_t xfp=testTracks[ptrack]->GetX();
+      Double_t yfp=testTracks[ptrack]->GetY();
+      Double_t xpfp=testTracks[ptrack]->GetTheta();
+       Double_t ypfp=testTracks[ptrack]->GetPhi();
+       if ( fPruneDipoleExit==1 && InsideDipoleExitWindow(xfp,xpfp,yfp,ypfp) && ( keep[ptrack] ) ){
+	nGood ++;
+      }
+    }
+    if (nGood > 0 ) {
+      for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
+      Double_t xfp=testTracks[ptrack]->GetX();
+      Double_t yfp=testTracks[ptrack]->GetY();
+      Double_t xpfp=testTracks[ptrack]->GetTheta();
+       Double_t ypfp=testTracks[ptrack]->GetPhi();
+	if (!InsideDipoleExitWindow(xfp,xpfp,yfp,ypfp)  ){
+	  keep[ptrack] = kFALSE;
+	  reject[ptrack] += 30;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    PruneSelect++;
+    if (nGood==1 && fPruneSelect ==0 && fNtracks>1) fPruneSelect=PruneSelect;
     // !     Prune on beta
     nGood = 0;
@@ -865,6 +919,8 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::BestTrackUsingPrune()
+    PruneSelect++;
+    if (nGood==1 && fPruneSelect ==0 && fNtracks>1) fPruneSelect=PruneSelect;
     // !     Prune on deg. freedom for track chisq
     nGood = 0;
@@ -882,6 +938,8 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::BestTrackUsingPrune()
+    PruneSelect++;
+    if (nGood==1 && fPruneSelect ==0 && fNtracks>1) fPruneSelect=PruneSelect;
     //!     Prune on num pmt hits
     nGood = 0;
     for (Int_t ptrack = 0; ptrack < fNtracks; ptrack++ ){
@@ -897,6 +955,8 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::BestTrackUsingPrune()
+    PruneSelect++;
+    if (nGood==1 && fPruneSelect ==0 && fNtracks>1) fPruneSelect=PruneSelect;
     // !     Prune on beta chisqr
     nGood = 0;
@@ -915,6 +975,8 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::BestTrackUsingPrune()
+    PruneSelect++;
+    if (nGood==1 && fPruneSelect ==0 && fNtracks>1) fPruneSelect=PruneSelect;
     // !     Prune on fptime
     nGood = 0;
@@ -932,6 +994,8 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::BestTrackUsingPrune()
+    PruneSelect++;
+    if (nGood==1 && fPruneSelect ==0 && fNtracks>1) fPruneSelect=PruneSelect;
     // !     Prune on Y2 being hit
     nGood = 0;
@@ -948,6 +1012,8 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::BestTrackUsingPrune()
+    PruneSelect++;
+    if (nGood==1 && fPruneSelect ==0 && fNtracks>1) fPruneSelect=PruneSelect;
     // !     Prune on X2 being hit
     nGood = 0;
@@ -964,6 +1030,8 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::BestTrackUsingPrune()
+    PruneSelect++;
+    if (nGood==1 && fPruneSelect ==0 && fNtracks>1) fPruneSelect=PruneSelect;
     // !     Pick track with best chisq if more than one track passed prune tests
     Double_t chi2PerDeg = 0.;
@@ -976,7 +1044,9 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::BestTrackUsingPrune()
 	chi2Min = chi2PerDeg;
-    // Set index=0 for fGoodTrack 
+     PruneSelect++;
+    if (fPruneSelect ==0 && fNtracks>1) fPruneSelect=PruneSelect;
+   // Set index=0 for fGoodTrack 
     for (Int_t iitrack = 0; iitrack < fNtracks; iitrack++ ){
       THaTrack* aTrack = dynamic_cast<THaTrack*>( fTracks->At(iitrack) );
@@ -1042,6 +1112,45 @@ Bool_t THcHallCSpectrometer::IsMyEvent(Int_t evtype) const
   return kFALSE;
+Bool_t THcHallCSpectrometer::InsideDipoleExitWindow(Double_t x_fp, Double_t xp_fp, Double_t y_fp, Double_t yp_fp) {
+  Bool_t inside=kTRUE;
+  Double_t DipoleExitWindowZpos=0.;
+  if (fUseSHMSDipoleExitWindow)  DipoleExitWindowZpos=-307.;
+  if (fUseHMSDipoleExitWindow)  DipoleExitWindowZpos=-147.48;
+  Double_t xdip = x_fp + xp_fp*DipoleExitWindowZpos;
+  Double_t ydip = y_fp + yp_fp*DipoleExitWindowZpos;
+  if (fUseSHMSDipoleExitWindow) inside = SHMSDipoleExitWindow(xdip,ydip);
+  if (fUseHMSDipoleExitWindow) inside = HMSDipoleExitWindow(xdip,ydip);
+  return inside;
+Bool_t THcHallCSpectrometer::SHMSDipoleExitWindow(Double_t xdip,Double_t ydip ) {
+    Bool_t insideSHMS=kTRUE;
+    Double_t crad=23.81; // radius of semicircle
+    Double_t voffset= crad-24.035;
+    Double_t hwid=11.549/2.;
+    if ( TMath::Abs(ydip) < hwid) {
+      if (TMath::Abs(xdip) > (crad+voffset)) insideSHMS=kFALSE;
+    } else {
+      if ( ydip >=hwid) {
+      if ( ((xdip-voffset)*(xdip-voffset)+(ydip-hwid)*(ydip-hwid)) > crad*crad) insideSHMS=kFALSE;
+      }
+      if ( ydip <=-hwid) {
+      if ( ((xdip-voffset)*(xdip-voffset)+(ydip+hwid)*(ydip+hwid)) > crad*crad) insideSHMS=kFALSE;
+      }
+    }
+      return insideSHMS;
+ }
+Bool_t  THcHallCSpectrometer::HMSDipoleExitWindow(Double_t xdip,Double_t ydip) {
+  Bool_t insideHMS=kTRUE;
+    Double_t xpipe_offset = 2.8;
+    Double_t ypipe_offset = 0.0;
+    Double_t pipe_rad=46.507;
+    if ( ((xdip-xpipe_offset)*(xdip-xpipe_offset)+(ydip-ypipe_offset)*(ydip-ypipe_offset)) > pipe_rad*pipe_rad) insideHMS=kFALSE; 
+    return insideHMS ;
diff --git a/src/THcHallCSpectrometer.h b/src/THcHallCSpectrometer.h
index bb9a6a1cb4f5ec37947983235e783f0a4bce556b..a0a0061b71f36c1820aeeb319698802908b53b32 100644
--- a/src/THcHallCSpectrometer.h
+++ b/src/THcHallCSpectrometer.h
@@ -75,13 +75,19 @@ public:
   virtual Int_t GetNumTypes() { return eventtypes.size(); };
   virtual Bool_t IsPresent() {return fPresent;};
+  Bool_t InsideDipoleExitWindow(Double_t x_fp, Double_t xp_fp, Double_t y_fp, Double_t yp_fp);
   void InitializeReconstruction();
-  //  Bool_t*      fKeep;
+  Bool_t SHMSDipoleExitWindow(Double_t x_dip, Double_t y_dip);
+  Bool_t HMSDipoleExitWindow(Double_t x_dip, Double_t y_dip);
+  Bool_t fUseSHMSDipoleExitWindow;
+  Bool_t fUseHMSDipoleExitWindow;
+ //  Bool_t*      fKeep;
   //  Int_t*       fReject;
+  Double_t     fPruneDipoleExit;
   Double_t     fPartMass;
   Double_t     fPruneXp;
   Double_t     fPruneYp;
@@ -93,6 +99,7 @@ protected:
   Double_t     fPruneFpTime;
   Double_t     fPruneNPMT;
   Double_t     fSatCorr;
+  Double_t     fPruneSelect;
   Int_t        fGoodTrack;
   Int_t        fSelUsingScin;
diff --git a/src/THcHelicity.cxx b/src/THcHelicity.cxx
index 770148acd575abfe67996ac819bbd3f6e28750db..ae335b1cd918af23fceee1b5283ac78cfd32134d 100644
--- a/src/THcHelicity.cxx
+++ b/src/THcHelicity.cxx
@@ -8,27 +8,25 @@
 //    +1 = plus,  -1 = minus,  0 = unknown
 // Also supports in-time mode with delay = 0
 #include "THcHelicity.h"
+#include "TH1F.h"
 #include "THaApparatus.h"
 #include "THaEvData.h"
 #include "THcGlobals.h"
 #include "THcParmList.h"
-#include "TH1F.h"
 #include "TMath.h"
 #include <iostream>
 using namespace std;
-THcHelicity::THcHelicity( const char* name, const char* description,
-				    THaApparatus* app ):
-  hcana::ConfigLogging<THaHelicityDet>( name, description, app ), 
-  fnQrt(-1), fHelDelay(8), fMAXBIT(30)
+THcHelicity::THcHelicity(const char* name, const char* description, THaApparatus* app)
+    : hcana::ConfigLogging<THaHelicityDet>(name, description, app), fnQrt(-1), fHelDelay(8),
+      fMAXBIT(30) {
   //  for( Int_t i = 0; i < NHIST; ++i )
   //    fHisto[i] = 0;
   //  memset(fHbits, 0, sizeof(fHbits));
@@ -36,8 +34,7 @@ THcHelicity::THcHelicity( const char* name, const char* description,
-  : hcana::ConfigLogging<THaHelicityDet>(),fnQrt(-1), fHelDelay(8), fMAXBIT(30)
+    : hcana::ConfigLogging<THaHelicityDet>(), fnQrt(-1), fHelDelay(8), fMAXBIT(30) {
   // Default constructor for ROOT I/O
   //  for( Int_t i = 0; i < NHIST; ++i )
@@ -45,9 +42,8 @@ THcHelicity::THcHelicity()
-  DefineVariables( kDelete );
+THcHelicity::~THcHelicity() {
+  DefineVariables(kDelete);
   // for( Int_t i = 0; i < NHIST; ++i ) {
   //   delete fHisto[i];
@@ -59,11 +55,11 @@ THaAnalysisObject::EStatus THcHelicity::Init(const TDatime& date) {
   // Call `Setup` before everything else.
   Setup(GetName(), GetTitle());
-  fFirstEvProcessed = kFALSE;
-  fActualHelicity = kUnknown;
+  fFirstEvProcessed  = kFALSE;
+  fActualHelicity    = kUnknown;
   fPredictedHelicity = kUnknown;
-  fLastMPSTime = 0;
-  fFoundMPS = kFALSE;
+  fLastMPSTime       = 0;
+  fFoundMPS          = kFALSE;
   // Call initializer for base class.
   // This also calls `ReadDatabase` and `DefineVariables`.
@@ -73,6 +69,9 @@ THaAnalysisObject::EStatus THcHelicity::Init(const TDatime& date) {
     return fStatus;
+  fEvNumCheck = 0;
+  fDisabled   = kFALSE;
   fStatus = kOK;
   return fStatus;
@@ -86,131 +85,125 @@ void THcHelicity::Setup(const char* name, const char* description) {
-Int_t THcHelicity::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
+Int_t THcHelicity::ReadDatabase(const TDatime& date) {
   _logger->info("In THcHelicity::ReadDatabase");
-  //cout << "In THcHelicity::ReadDatabase" << endl;
+  // cout << "In THcHelicity::ReadDatabase" << endl;
   // Read general HelicityDet database values (e.g. fSign)
   //  Int_t st = THaHelicityDet::ReadDatabase( date );
   //  if( st != kOK )
   //    return st;
   // Read readout parameters (ROC addresses etc.)
-  Int_t st = THcHelicityReader::ReadDatabase( GetDBFileName(), GetPrefix(),
-					date, fQWEAKDebug );
-  if( st != kOK )
-      return st;
+  Int_t st = THcHelicityReader::ReadDatabase(GetDBFileName(), GetPrefix(), date, fQWEAKDebug);
+  if (st != kOK)
+    return st;
-  fSign = 1;			// Default helicity sign
+  fSign                      = 1; // Default helicity sign
   fRingSeed_reported_initial = 0; // Initial see that should predict reported
-                                // helicity of first quartet.
-  fFirstCycle = -1; // First Cycle that starts a quad (0 to 3)
-  fFreq = 29.5596;
-  fHelDelay=8;
-  DBRequest list[]= {
-    //	  {"_hsign", &fSign, kInt, 0, 1},
-    {"helicity_delay", &fHelDelay, kInt, 0, 1},
-    {"helicity_freq", &fFreq, kDouble, 0, 1},
-    //    {"helicity_seed", &fRingSeed_reported_initial, kInt, 0, 1},
-    //    {"helicity_cycle", &fFirstCycle, kInt, 0, 1},
-    {0}
-  };
+                                  // helicity of first quartet.
+  fFirstCycle = -1;               // First Cycle that starts a quad (0 to 3)
+  fFreq       = 29.5596;
+  fHelDelay   = 8;
+  DBRequest list[] = {//	  {"_hsign", &fSign, kInt, 0, 1},
+                      {"helicity_delay", &fHelDelay, kInt, 0, 1},
+                      {"helicity_freq", &fFreq, kDouble, 0, 1},
+                      //    {"helicity_seed", &fRingSeed_reported_initial, kInt, 0, 1},
+                      //    {"helicity_cycle", &fFirstCycle, kInt, 0, 1},
+                      {0}};
   gHcParms->LoadParmValues(list, "");
-  fMAXBIT=30;
+  fMAXBIT = 30;
-  fTIPeriod = 250000000.0/fFreq;
+  fTIPeriod = 250000000.0 / fFreq;
   // maximum of event in the pattern, for now we are working with quartets
-  //  Int_t localpattern[4]={1,-1,-1,1}; 
+  //  Int_t localpattern[4]={1,-1,-1,1};
   // careful, the first value here should always +1
   //  for(int i=0;i<fQWEAKNPattern;i++)
   //    {
   //      fPatternSequence.push_back(localpattern[i]);
   //    }
-  fQuartet[0]=fQuartet[1]=fQuartet[2]=fQuartet[3]=0;
+  fQuartet[0] = fQuartet[1] = fQuartet[2] = fQuartet[3] = 0;
-  if (fFirstCycle>=0 && fRingSeed_reported_initial!=0) {
+  if (fFirstCycle >= 0 && fRingSeed_reported_initial != 0) {
     // Set the seed for predicted reported and predicted actual
   } else {
     // Initialize mode to find quartets and then seed
+  _logger->info(
+      "Helicity decoder initialized with frequency of {} Hz and reporting delay of {} cycles.",
+      fFreq, fHelDelay);
+  //  cout << "Helicity decoder initialized with frequency of " << fFreq
+  //  << " Hz and reporting delay of " << fHelDelay << " cycles." << endl;
   return kOK;
-void THcHelicity::MakePrefix()
- THaDetector::MakePrefix();
+void THcHelicity::MakePrefix() { THaDetector::MakePrefix(); }
-Int_t THcHelicity::DefineVariables( EMode mode )
+Int_t THcHelicity::DefineVariables(EMode mode) {
   // Initialize global variables
   _logger->info("Called THcHelicity::DefineVariables with mode == {}", mode);
-  //cout << "Called THcHelicity::DefineVariables with mode == "
+  // cout << "Called THcHelicity::DefineVariables with mode == "
   //     << mode << endl;
-  if( mode == kDefine && fIsSetup ) return kOK;
-  fIsSetup = ( mode == kDefine );
+  if (mode == kDefine && fIsSetup)
+    return kOK;
+  fIsSetup = (mode == kDefine);
   // Define standard variables from base class
-  THaHelicityDet::DefineVariables( mode );
-  const RVarDef var[] = {
-    { "nqrt",     "position of cycle in quartet",          "fnQrt" },
-    { "hel",      "actual helicity for event",             "fActualHelicity" },
-    { "helrep",   "reported helicity for event",           "fReportedHelicity" },
-    { "helpred",  "predicted reported helicity for event", "fPredictedHelicity" },
-    { "mps", "In MPS blanking period", "fMPS"},
-    { 0 }
-  };
-  //cout << "Calling THcHelicity DefineVarsFromList" << endl;
+  THaHelicityDet::DefineVariables(mode);
+  const RVarDef var[] = {{"nqrt", "position of cycle in quartet", "fnQrt"},
+                         {"hel", "actual helicity for event", "fActualHelicity"},
+                         {"helrep", "reported helicity for event", "fReportedHelicity"},
+                         {"helpred", "predicted reported helicity for event", "fPredictedHelicity"},
+                         {"mps", "In MPS blanking period", "fMPS"},
+                         {0}};
+  // cout << "Calling THcHelicity DefineVarsFromList" << endl;
   _logger->info("Calling THcHelicity DefineVarsFromList");
-  return DefineVarsFromList( var, mode );
+  return DefineVarsFromList(var, mode);
-void THcHelicity::PrintEvent(Int_t evtnum)
+void THcHelicity::PrintEvent(Int_t evtnum) {
-  cout<<" ++++++ THcHelicity::Print ++++++\n";
+  cout << " ++++++ THcHelicity::Print ++++++\n";
-  cout<<" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n";
+  cout << " +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n";
-Int_t THcHelicity::Begin( THaRunBase* )
+Int_t THcHelicity::Begin(THaRunBase*) {
   //  fHisto[0] = new TH1F("hel.seed","hel.seed",32,-1.5,30.5);
   //  fHisto[1] = new TH1F("hel.error.code","hel.error.code",35,-1.5,33.5);
   return 0;
-//void THcHelicity::FillHisto()
+// void THcHelicity::FillHisto()
 //  fHisto[0]->Fill(fRing_NSeed);
 //  fHisto[1]->Fill(fErrorCode);
 //  return;
-void THcHelicity::SetErrorCode(Int_t error)
- // used as a control for the helciity computation
+void THcHelicity::SetErrorCode(Int_t error) {
+  // used as a control for the helciity computation
   // 2^0: if the reported number of events in a  pattern is larger than fQWEAKNPattern
   // 2^1: if the offset between the ring reported value and TIR value is not fOffsetTIRvsRing
   // 2^2: if the reported time in the ring is 0
@@ -218,184 +211,238 @@ void THcHelicity::SetErrorCode(Int_t error)
   // 2^4: if the helicity cannot be computed using the SetHelicity routine
   // 2^5: if seed is being gathered
-  if(fErrorCode==0)
-    fErrorCode=(1<<error);
+  if (fErrorCode == 0)
+    fErrorCode = (1 << error);
   // only one reported error at the time
-void THcHelicity::Clear( Option_t* opt ) 
+void THcHelicity::Clear(Option_t* opt) {
   // Clear event-by-event data
   fEvtype = 0;
-  fQrt=0;
-  fErrorCode=0;
+  fQrt       = 0;
+  fErrorCode = 0;
-Int_t THcHelicity::Decode( const THaEvData& evdata )
+Int_t THcHelicity::Decode(const THaEvData& evdata) {
   // Decode Helicity data.
   // Return 1 if helicity was assigned, 0 if not, <0 if error.
-  Int_t err = ReadData( evdata ); // from THcHelicityReader class
-  if( err ) {
-    Error( Here("THcHelicity::Decode"), "Error decoding helicity data." );
+  Int_t err = ReadData(evdata); // from THcHelicityReader class
+  if (err) {
+    Error(Here("THcHelicity::Decode"), "Error decoding helicity data.");
     return err;
-  fReportedHelicity = (fIsHelp?(fIsHelm?kUnknown:kPlus):(fIsHelm?kMinus:kUnknown));
-  fMPS = fIsMPS?1:0;
-  if(fHelDelay == 0) {		// If no delay actual=reported (but zero if in MPS)
-    fActualHelicity = fIsMPS?kUnknown:fReportedHelicity;
+  fReportedHelicity = (fIsHelp ? (fIsHelm ? kUnknown : kPlus) : (fIsHelm ? kMinus : kUnknown));
+  fMPS              = fIsMPS ? 1 : 0;
+  if (fHelDelay == 0) { // If no delay actual=reported (but zero if in MPS)
+    fActualHelicity = fIsMPS ? kUnknown : fReportedHelicity;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if (fDisabled) {
+    fActualHelicity = kUnknown;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  fEvNumCheck++;
+  Int_t evnum = evdata.GetEvNum();
+  if (fEvNumCheck != evnum) {
+    _logger->info("THcHelicity: Missed {} events at event {}.", evnum - fEvNumCheck, evnum);
+    _logger->info("             Disabling helicity decoding for rest of run.");
+    _logger->info(
+        "             Make sure \"RawDecode_master in cuts file accepts all physics events.");
+    fDisabled       = kTRUE;
+    fActualHelicity = kUnknown;
     return 0;
-  Long64_t lastlastmpstime = fLastMPSTime;
-  if(fFirstEvProcessed) {	// Normal processing
+  fActualHelicity = -10.0;
+  if (fFirstEvProcessed) { // Normal processing
+    //    cout << evnum << " " << fNCycle << " " << fIsMPS << " " << fFoundMPS << " " << fTITime <<
+    //    " "
+    //	 << fLastMPSTime << " " << fNBits << endl;
     Int_t missed = 0;
     //    Double_t elapsed_time = (fTITime - fFirstEvTime)/250000000.0;
-    if(fIsMPS) {
-      if(fFoundMPS) {
-	missed = TMath::Nint(fTITime/fTIPeriod-fLastMPSTime/fTIPeriod);
-	if(missed < 1) { // was <=1
-	  fLastMPSTime = (fTITime+fLastMPSTime+missed*fTIPeriod)/2;
-	  fIsNewCycle = kTRUE;
-	  fActualHelicity = kUnknown;
-	  fPredictedHelicity = kUnknown;
-	} else {
-	  fLastMPSTime = (fLastMPSTime + fTITime - missed*fTIPeriod)/2;
-	}
-	// If there is a skip, pass it off to next non MPS event
-	// Need to also check here for missed MPS's
-	//      cout << "Found MPS" << endl;
-	// check for Nint((time-last)/period) > 1
+    if (fIsMPS) {
+      fActualHelicity    = kUnknown;
+      fPredictedHelicity = kUnknown;
+      if (fFoundMPS) {
+        missed = TMath::Nint(fTITime / fTIPeriod - fLastMPSTime / fTIPeriod);
+        if (missed < 1) { // was <=1
+          fLastMPSTime       = (fTITime + fLastMPSTime + missed * fTIPeriod) / 2;
+          fIsNewCycle        = kTRUE;
+          fActualHelicity    = kUnknown;
+          fPredictedHelicity = kUnknown;
+        } else {
+          fLastMPSTime = (fLastMPSTime + fTITime - missed * fTIPeriod) / 2;
+        }
+        // If there is a skip, pass it off to next non MPS event
+        // Need to also check here for missed MPS's
+        //      cout << "Found MPS" << endl;
+        // check for Nint((time-last)/period) > 1
       } else {
-	fFoundMPS = kTRUE;
-	fLastMPSTime = fTITime;
+        fFoundMPS    = kTRUE;
+        fLastMPSTime = fTITime;
-    } else if (fFoundMPS) {	//
-      if(fTITime - fLastMPSTime > fTIPeriod) { // We missed MPS periods
-	missed = TMath::Nint(floor((fTITime-fLastMPSTime)/fTIPeriod));
-	if(missed > 1) {
-	  //	  cout << "Missed " << missed << " MPSes" << endl;
-	  Int_t newNCycle = fNCycle + missed -1; // How many cycles really missed
-	  Int_t quartets_missed = (newNCycle-fFirstCycle)/4 - (fNCycle-fFirstCycle)/4;
-	  for(Int_t i=0;i<quartets_missed;i++) { // Advance the seeds.
-	    fRingSeed_reported = RanBit30(fRingSeed_reported);
-	    fRingSeed_actual = RanBit30(fRingSeed_actual);
-	  }
-	  int quartetphase = (newNCycle-fFirstCycle)%4;
-	  //	  cout << "  " << fNCycle << " " << newNCycle << " " << fFirstCycle << " " << quartets_missed << " " << quartetphase << endl;
-	  fQuartetStartHelicity = (fRingSeed_actual&1)?kPlus:kMinus;
-	  fQuartetStartPredictedHelicity = (fRingSeed_reported&1)?kPlus:kMinus;
-	  fActualHelicity = (quartetphase==0||quartetphase==3)?
-	    fQuartetStartHelicity:-fQuartetStartHelicity;
-	  fPredictedHelicity = (quartetphase==0||quartetphase==3)?
-	    fQuartetStartPredictedHelicity:-fQuartetStartPredictedHelicity;
-	  //	  cout << "Cycles " << fNCycle << " " << newNCycle << " " << fFirstCycle 
-	  //	       << " skipped " << quartets_missed << " quartets" << endl;
-	  fNCycle = newNCycle;
-	  // Need to reset fQuartet to reflect where we are based on the current
-	  // reported helicity.  So we don't fail quartet testing.
-	  // But only do this if we are calibrated.
-	  if(fNBits >= fMAXBIT) {
-	    if (((fNCycle - fFirstCycle)%2)==1) {
-	      fQuartet[0] = fReportedHelicity;
-	      fQuartet[1] = fQuartet[2] = -fQuartet[0];
-	    } else {
-	      fQuartet[0] = fQuartet[1] = -fReportedHelicity;
-	      fQuartet[2] = -fQuartet[1];
-	    }
-	  } else {
-	    fQuartet[0] = fReportedHelicity;
-	    fQuartet[1] = 0;
-	  }
-	}
-	fLastMPSTime += missed*fTIPeriod;
-	fIsNewCycle = kTRUE;
-	fLastReportedHelicity = fReportedHelicity;
+    } else if (fFoundMPS) {                     //
+      if (fTITime - fLastMPSTime > fTIPeriod) { // We missed MPS periods
+        missed = TMath::Nint(floor((fTITime - fLastMPSTime) / fTIPeriod));
+        if (missed > 1) {
+          //	  cout << "Missed " << missed << " MPSes" << endl;
+          Int_t newNCycle       = fNCycle + missed - 1; // How many cycles really missed
+          Int_t quartets_missed = (newNCycle - fFirstCycle) / 4 - (fNCycle - fFirstCycle) / 4;
+          for (Int_t i = 0; i < quartets_missed; i++) { // Advance the seeds.
+            fRingSeed_reported = RanBit30(fRingSeed_reported);
+            fRingSeed_actual   = RanBit30(fRingSeed_actual);
+          }
+          int quartetphase = (newNCycle - fFirstCycle) % 4;
+          //	  cout << "  " << fNCycle << " " << newNCycle << " " << fFirstCycle << " " <<
+          // quartets_missed << " " << quartetphase << endl; 	  cout << "Cycles " << fNCycle << "
+          // " << newNCycle << " " << fFirstCycle
+          //	       << " skipped " << quartets_missed << " quartets" << endl;
+          fNCycle = newNCycle;
+          // Need to reset fQuartet to reflect where we are based on the current
+          // reported helicity.  So we don't fail quartet testing.
+          // But only do this if we are calibrated.
+          if (fNBits >= fMAXBIT) {
+            fQuartetStartHelicity          = (fRingSeed_actual & 1) ? kPlus : kMinus;
+            fQuartetStartPredictedHelicity = (fRingSeed_reported & 1) ? kPlus : kMinus;
+            fActualHelicity = (quartetphase == 0 || quartetphase == 3) ? fQuartetStartHelicity
+                                                                       : -fQuartetStartHelicity;
+            fPredictedHelicity = (quartetphase == 0 || quartetphase == 3)
+                                     ? fQuartetStartPredictedHelicity
+                                     : -fQuartetStartPredictedHelicity;
+            if (((fNCycle - fFirstCycle) % 2) == 1) {
+              fQuartet[0] = fReportedHelicity;
+              fQuartet[1] = fQuartet[2] = -fQuartet[0];
+            } else {
+              fQuartet[0] = fQuartet[1] = -fReportedHelicity;
+              fQuartet[2]               = -fQuartet[1];
+            }
+          } else {
+            fActualHelicity = kUnknown;
+            fQuartet[0]     = fReportedHelicity;
+            fQuartet[1]     = 0;
+          }
+        }
+        fLastMPSTime += missed * fTIPeriod;
+        fIsNewCycle           = kTRUE;
+        fLastReportedHelicity = fReportedHelicity;
+      } else { // No missed periods.  Get helicities from rings
+        if (fNBits >= fMAXBIT) {
+          int quartetphase               = (fNCycle - fFirstCycle) % 4;
+          fQuartetStartHelicity          = (fRingSeed_actual & 1) ? kPlus : kMinus;
+          fQuartetStartPredictedHelicity = (fRingSeed_reported & 1) ? kPlus : kMinus;
+          fActualHelicity = (quartetphase == 0 || quartetphase == 3) ? fQuartetStartHelicity
+                                                                     : -fQuartetStartHelicity;
+          fPredictedHelicity = (quartetphase == 0 || quartetphase == 3)
+                                   ? fQuartetStartPredictedHelicity
+                                   : -fQuartetStartPredictedHelicity;
+        } else {
+          fActualHelicity = 0;
+        }
-      if(fIsNewCycle) {
-	fQuartet[3]=fQuartet[2]; fQuartet[2]=fQuartet[1]; fQuartet[1]=fQuartet[0];
-	fQuartet[0]=fReportedHelicity;
-	fNCycle++;
-	if((fNCycle-fFirstCycle)%4 == 3) {// Test if last in a quartet
-	  if((abs(fQuartet[0]+fQuartet[3]-fQuartet[1]-fQuartet[2])==4)) {
-	    if(!fFoundQuartet) {
-	      //	      fFirstCycle = fNCycle - 3;
-              _logger->info("Quartet potentially found, starting at cycle {} - event {}", fFirstCycle, evdata.GetEvNum());
-              //cout << "Quartet potentially found, starting at cycle " << fFirstCycle << " - event "
+      if (fIsNewCycle) {
+        fQuartet[3] = fQuartet[2];
+        fQuartet[2] = fQuartet[1];
+        fQuartet[1] = fQuartet[0];
+        fQuartet[0] = fReportedHelicity;
+        fNCycle++;
+        if ((fNCycle - fFirstCycle) % 4 == 3) { // Test if last in a quartet
+          if ((abs(fQuartet[0] + fQuartet[3] - fQuartet[1] - fQuartet[2]) == 4)) {
+            if (!fFoundQuartet) {
+              //	      fFirstCycle = fNCycle - 3;
+              _logger->info("Quartet potentially found, starting at cycle {} - event {}",
+                            fFirstCycle, evdata.GetEvNum());
+              // cout << "Quartet potentially found, starting at cycle " << fFirstCycle << " - event
+              // "
               //     << evdata.GetEvNum() << endl;
               fFoundQuartet = kTRUE;
-	    }
-	  } else {
-	    if(fNCycle - fFirstCycle > 4) { // Not at start of run.  Reset
-              _logger->warn("Lost quartet sync at cycle {} - event {}", fNCycle,evdata.GetEvNum());
-              _logger->warn("{} {} {} {}",fQuartet[0],fQuartet[1],fQuartet[2],fQuartet[3]);
-              //cout << "Lost quartet sync at cycle " << fNCycle << " - event " << evdata.GetEvNum()
+            }
+          } else {
+            if (fNCycle - fFirstCycle > 4) { // Not at start of run.  Reset
+              _logger->warn("Lost quartet sync at cycle {} - event {}", fNCycle, evdata.GetEvNum());
+              _logger->warn("{} {} {} {}", fQuartet[0], fQuartet[1], fQuartet[2], fQuartet[3]);
+              // cout << "Lost quartet sync at cycle " << fNCycle << " - event " <<
+              // evdata.GetEvNum()
               //     << endl;
-              //cout << fQuartet[0] << " " << fQuartet[1] << " " << fQuartet[2] << " " << fQuartet[3]
+              // cout << fQuartet[0] << " " << fQuartet[1] << " " << fQuartet[2] << " " <<
+              // fQuartet[3]
               //     << endl;
-              fFirstCycle += 4*((fNCycle-fFirstCycle)/4); // Update, but don't change phase
-	    }
-	    fFoundQuartet = kFALSE;
+              fFirstCycle += 4 * ((fNCycle - fFirstCycle) / 4); // Update, but don't change phase
+            }
+            fFoundQuartet = kFALSE;
             fNBits        = 0;
-            _logger->info("Searching for first of a quartet at cycle {} - event {}", fFirstCycle, evdata.GetEvNum());
-            //cout << "Searching for first of a quartet at cycle "
+            _logger->info("Searching for first of a quartet at cycle {} - event {}", fFirstCycle,
+                          evdata.GetEvNum());
+            // cout << "Searching for first of a quartet at cycle "
             //     << " " << fFirstCycle << " - event " << evdata.GetEvNum() << endl;
-            //cout << fQuartet[0] << " " << fQuartet[1] << " " << fQuartet[2] << " " << fQuartet[3]
+            // cout << fQuartet[0] << " " << fQuartet[1] << " " << fQuartet[2] << " " << fQuartet[3]
             //     << endl;
             _logger->info("{} {} {} {}", fQuartet[0], fQuartet[1], fQuartet[2], fQuartet[3]);
-	    fFirstCycle++;
-	  }
-	}
-	// Load the actual helicity.  Calibrate if not calibrated.
-	fActualHelicity = kUnknown;
-	LoadHelicity(fReportedHelicity, fNCycle, missed);
-	fLastReportedHelicity = fReportedHelicity;
-	fIsNewCycle = kFALSE;
-	//	cout << fTITime/250000000.0 << " " << fNCycle << " " << fReportedHelicity << endl;
-	//	cout << fNCycle << ": " << fReportedHelicity << " "
-	//	     << fPredictedHelicity << " " << fActualHelicity << endl;
+            fFirstCycle++;
+          }
+        }
+        // Load the actual helicity.  Calibrate if not calibrated.
+        fActualHelicity = kUnknown;
+        LoadHelicity(fReportedHelicity, fNCycle, missed);
+        fLastReportedHelicity = fReportedHelicity;
+        fIsNewCycle           = kFALSE;
+        //	cout << fTITime/250000000.0 << " " << fNCycle << " " << fReportedHelicity << endl;
+        //	cout << fNCycle << ": " << fReportedHelicity << " "
+        //	     << fPredictedHelicity << " " << fActualHelicity << endl;
       // Ignore until a MPS Is found
+    } else { // No MPS found yet
+      fActualHelicity = kUnknown;
   } else {
-    //cout << "Initializing" << endl;
+    // cout << "Initializing" << endl;
     _logger->info("Initializing Helicity");
     fLastReportedHelicity = fReportedHelicity;
-    fActualHelicity = kUnknown;
-    fPredictedHelicity = kUnknown;
-    fFirstEvTime = fTITime;
-    fLastEvTime = fTITime;
-    fLastMPSTime = fTITime;  // Not necessarily during the MPS
-    fNCycle = 0;
-    fFirstEvProcessed = kTRUE;
-    fFoundMPS = kFALSE;
-    fFoundQuartet = kFALSE;
-    fIsNewCycle = kFALSE;
-    fNBits = 0;
+    fActualHelicity       = kUnknown;
+    fPredictedHelicity    = kUnknown;
+    fFirstEvTime          = fTITime;
+    fLastEvTime           = fTITime;
+    fLastMPSTime          = fTITime; // Not necessarily during the MPS
+    fNCycle               = 0;
+    fFirstEvProcessed     = kTRUE;
+    fFoundMPS             = kFALSE;
+    fFoundQuartet         = kFALSE;
+    fIsNewCycle           = kFALSE;
+    fNBits                = 0;
-  //  cout << setprecision(9) << "HEL " << fTITime/250000000.0 << " " << fNCycle << "(" << (fNCycle-fFirstCycle)%4 << "): "
-  //       << fMPS << " " << fReportedHelicity << " "
-  //       << fPredictedHelicity << " " << fActualHelicity << " " << lastlastmpstime/250000000.0 << endl;
-  // bitset<32>(v)
+  // Some sanity checks
+  if (fActualHelicity < -5) {
+    _logger->info("Actual Helicity never got defined");
+  }
+  if (fNBits < fMAXBIT) {
+    if (fActualHelicity == -1 || fActualHelicity == 1) {
+      cout << "Helicity of " << fActualHelicity << " reported prematurely at cycle " << fNCycle
+           << endl;
+    }
+  }
+  fLastActualHelicity = fActualHelicity;
   return 0;
-Int_t THcHelicity::End( THaRunBase* )
+Int_t THcHelicity::End(THaRunBase*) {
   // End of run processing. Write histograms.
@@ -406,158 +453,160 @@ Int_t THcHelicity::End( THaRunBase* )
-void THcHelicity::SetDebug( Int_t level )
-  // Set debug level of this detector as well as the THcHelicityReader 
+void THcHelicity::SetDebug(Int_t level) {
+  // Set debug level of this detector as well as the THcHelicityReader
   // helper class.
-  THaHelicityDet::SetDebug( level );
+  THaHelicityDet::SetDebug(level);
   fQWEAKDebug = level;
-void THcHelicity::LoadHelicity(Int_t reportedhelicity, Int_t cyclecount, Int_t missedcycles)
+void THcHelicity::LoadHelicity(Int_t reportedhelicity, Int_t cyclecount, Int_t missedcycles) {
   //  static const char* const here = "THcHelicity::LoadHelicity";
-  int quartetphase = (cyclecount-fFirstCycle)%4;
-  fnQrt = quartetphase;
+  int quartetphase = (cyclecount - fFirstCycle) % 4;
+  fnQrt            = quartetphase;
-  if(missedcycles > 1) {	// If we missed windows
-    if(fNBits< fMAXBIT) {	// and we haven't gotten the seed, start over
+  if (missedcycles > 1) {   // If we missed windows
+    if (fNBits < fMAXBIT) { // and we haven't gotten the seed, start over
       fNBits = 0;
-  if(!fFoundQuartet) {		// Wait until we have found quad phase before starting
-    return;			// to calibrate
+  if (!fFoundQuartet) { // Wait until we have found quad phase before starting
+    return;             // to calibrate
-  if(quartetphase == 0) { // Start of a quad
-    if(fNBits < fMAXBIT) {
-      if(fNBits == 0) {
-	_logger->info("Start calibrating at cycle {}" ,cyclecount );
-	//cout << "Start calibrating at cycle " << cyclecount << endl;
-	fRingSeed_reported = 0;
+  if (quartetphase == 0) { // Start of a quad
+    if (fNBits < fMAXBIT) {
+      if (fNBits == 0) {
+        _logger->info("Start calibrating at cycle {}", cyclecount);
+        // cout << "Start calibrating at cycle " << cyclecount << endl;
+        fRingSeed_reported = 0;
-      if(fReportedHelicity == kPlus) {
-	fRingSeed_reported = ((fRingSeed_reported<<1) | 1) & 0x3FFFFFFF;
+      if (fReportedHelicity == kPlus) {
+        fRingSeed_reported = ((fRingSeed_reported << 1) | 1) & 0x3FFFFFFF;
       } else {
-	fRingSeed_reported = (fRingSeed_reported<<1) & 0x3FFFFFFF;
+        fRingSeed_reported = (fRingSeed_reported << 1) & 0x3FFFFFFF;
-      if(fReportedHelicity == kUnknown) {
-	fNBits = 0;
-	fRingSeed_reported = 0;
-      } else if (fNBits==fMAXBIT) {
-	_logger->info("Seed Found {} at cycle {} with first cycle {}" , fRingSeed_reported , cyclecount , fFirstCycle );
-	//cout << "Seed Found " << hex << fRingSeed_reported << dec << " at cycle " << cyclecount << " with first cycle " << fFirstCycle << endl;
-	Int_t backseed = GetSeed30(fRingSeed_reported);
-        _logger->info("Seed at cycle {} should be {}", fFirstCycle , backseed);
-	//cout << "Seed at cycle " << fFirstCycle << " should be " << hex << backseed << dec << endl;
+      if (fReportedHelicity == kUnknown) {
+        fNBits             = 0;
+        fRingSeed_reported = 0;
+      } else if (fNBits == fMAXBIT) {
+        _logger->info("Seed Found {} at cycle {} with first cycle {}", fRingSeed_reported,
+                      cyclecount, fFirstCycle);
+        // cout << "Seed Found " << hex << fRingSeed_reported << dec << " at cycle " << cyclecount
+        // << " with first cycle " << fFirstCycle << endl;
+        Int_t backseed = GetSeed30(fRingSeed_reported);
+        _logger->info("Seed at cycle {} should be {}", fFirstCycle, backseed);
+        // cout << "Seed at cycle " << fFirstCycle << " should be " << hex << backseed << dec <<
+        // endl;
       fActualHelicity = kUnknown;
     } else if (fNBits >= fMAXBIT) {
       fRingSeed_reported = RanBit30(fRingSeed_reported);
-      if(fNBits==fMAXBIT) {
-	fRingSeed_actual = fRingSeed_reported;
-	for(Int_t i=0;i<fHelDelay/4; i++) {
-	  fRingSeed_actual = RanBit30(fRingSeed_actual);
-	}
-	fNBits++;
+      if (fNBits == fMAXBIT) {
+        fRingSeed_actual = fRingSeed_reported;
+        for (Int_t i = 0; i < fHelDelay / 4; i++) {
+          fRingSeed_actual = RanBit30(fRingSeed_actual);
+        }
+        fNBits++;
       } else {
-	fRingSeed_actual = RanBit30(fRingSeed_actual);
+        fRingSeed_actual = RanBit30(fRingSeed_actual);
-      fActualHelicity = (fRingSeed_actual&1)?kPlus:kMinus;
-      fPredictedHelicity = (fRingSeed_reported&1)?kPlus:kMinus;
-      //      if(fTITime/250000000.0 > 380.0) cout << fTITime/250000000.0 << " " << fNCycle << " " << hex <<
-      //					fRingSeed_reported << " " << fRingSeed_actual << dec << endl;
-      if(fReportedHelicity != fPredictedHelicity) {
-	_logger->warn("Helicity prediction failed {} {} {}", fReportedHelicity, fPredictedHelicity, fActualHelicity);
-	//cout << "Helicity prediction failed " << fReportedHelicity << " "
-	//     << fPredictedHelicity << " " << fActualHelicity << endl;
-	//cout << hex << fRingSeed_reported << " " << fRingSeed_actual << dec << endl;
-	fNBits = 0;		// Need to reaquire seed
-	fActualHelicity = kUnknown;
-	fPredictedHelicity = kUnknown;
+      fActualHelicity    = (fRingSeed_actual & 1) ? kPlus : kMinus;
+      fPredictedHelicity = (fRingSeed_reported & 1) ? kPlus : kMinus;
+      //      if(fTITime/250000000.0 > 380.0) cout << fTITime/250000000.0 << " " << fNCycle << " "
+      //      << hex <<
+      //					fRingSeed_reported << " " << fRingSeed_actual << dec
+      //<< endl;
+      if (fReportedHelicity != fPredictedHelicity) {
+        _logger->warn("Helicity prediction failed {} {} {}", fReportedHelicity, fPredictedHelicity,
+                      fActualHelicity);
+        // cout << "Helicity prediction failed " << fReportedHelicity << " "
+        //     << fPredictedHelicity << " " << fActualHelicity << endl;
+        // cout << hex << fRingSeed_reported << " " << fRingSeed_actual << dec << endl;
+        fNBits             = 0; // Need to reaquire seed
+        fActualHelicity    = kUnknown;
+        fPredictedHelicity = kUnknown;
-    fQuartetStartHelicity = fActualHelicity;
+    fQuartetStartHelicity          = fActualHelicity;
     fQuartetStartPredictedHelicity = fPredictedHelicity;
-  } else { 			// Not the beginning of a quad
-    if(fNBits>=fMAXBIT) {
-      fActualHelicity = (quartetphase==0||quartetphase==3)?
-	fQuartetStartHelicity:-fQuartetStartHelicity;
-      fPredictedHelicity = (quartetphase==0||quartetphase==3)?
-	fQuartetStartPredictedHelicity:-fQuartetStartPredictedHelicity;
+  } else { // Not the beginning of a quad
+    if (fNBits >= fMAXBIT) {
+      fActualHelicity =
+          (quartetphase == 0 || quartetphase == 3) ? fQuartetStartHelicity : -fQuartetStartHelicity;
+      fPredictedHelicity = (quartetphase == 0 || quartetphase == 3)
+                               ? fQuartetStartPredictedHelicity
+                               : -fQuartetStartPredictedHelicity;
-Int_t  THcHelicity::RanBit30(Int_t ranseed)
-  UInt_t bit7    = (ranseed & 0x00000040) != 0;
-  UInt_t bit28   = (ranseed & 0x08000000) != 0;
-  UInt_t bit29   = (ranseed & 0x10000000) != 0;
-  UInt_t bit30   = (ranseed & 0x20000000) != 0;
+Int_t THcHelicity::RanBit30(Int_t ranseed) {
+  UInt_t bit7  = (ranseed & 0x00000040) != 0;
+  UInt_t bit28 = (ranseed & 0x08000000) != 0;
+  UInt_t bit29 = (ranseed & 0x10000000) != 0;
+  UInt_t bit30 = (ranseed & 0x20000000) != 0;
   UInt_t newbit = (bit30 ^ bit29 ^ bit28 ^ bit7) & 0x1;
-  if(ranseed<=0) {
-    if(fQWEAKDebug>1)
-      std::cerr<<"ranseed must be greater than zero!"<<"\n";
+  if (ranseed <= 0) {
+    if (fQWEAKDebug > 1)
+      std::cerr << "ranseed must be greater than zero!"
+                << "\n";
     newbit = 0;
-  ranseed =  ( (ranseed<<1) | newbit ) & 0x3FFFFFFF;
-  //here ranseed is changed
-  if(fQWEAKDebug>1)
-    {
-      cout<< "THcHelicity::RanBit30, newbit="<<newbit<<"\n";
-    }
+  ranseed = ((ranseed << 1) | newbit) & 0x3FFFFFFF;
+  // here ranseed is changed
+  if (fQWEAKDebug > 1) {
+    cout << "THcHelicity::RanBit30, newbit=" << newbit << "\n";
+  }
   return ranseed;
-Int_t  THcHelicity::GetSeed30(Int_t currentseed)
+Int_t THcHelicity::GetSeed30(Int_t currentseed)
 /* Back track the seed by 30 samples */
 #if 1
   Int_t seed = currentseed;
-  for(Int_t i=0;i<30;i++) {
-    UInt_t bit1    = (seed & 0x00000001) != 0;
-    UInt_t bit8    = (seed & 0x00000080) != 0;
-    UInt_t bit29   = (seed & 0x10000000) != 0;
-    UInt_t bit30   = (seed & 0x20000000) != 0;
+  for (Int_t i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
+    UInt_t bit1  = (seed & 0x00000001) != 0;
+    UInt_t bit8  = (seed & 0x00000080) != 0;
+    UInt_t bit29 = (seed & 0x10000000) != 0;
+    UInt_t bit30 = (seed & 0x20000000) != 0;
     UInt_t newbit30 = (bit30 ^ bit29 ^ bit8 ^ bit1) & 0x1;
-    seed = (seed >> 1) | (newbit30<<29);
+    seed            = (seed >> 1) | (newbit30 << 29);
   Int_t bits = currentseed;
-  Int_t seed=0;
-  for(Int_t i=0;i<30;i++) {
+  Int_t seed = 0;
+  for (Int_t i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
     Int_t val;
     // XOR at virtual position 0 and 29
-    if(i==0) {
-      val = ((bits & (1<<(i)))!=0) ^ ((bits & (1<<(i+29)))!=0);
+    if (i == 0) {
+      val = ((bits & (1 << (i))) != 0) ^ ((bits & (1 << (i + 29))) != 0);
     } else {
-      val = ((bits & (1<<(i)))!=0) ^ ((seed & (1<<(i-1)))!=0);
+      val = ((bits & (1 << (i))) != 0) ^ ((seed & (1 << (i - 1))) != 0);
-    if(i<=1) {
-      val = ((bits & (1<<(1-i)))!=0) ^ val;
+    if (i <= 1) {
+      val = ((bits & (1 << (1 - i))) != 0) ^ val;
     } else {
-      val = ((seed & (1<<(i-2)))!=0) ^ val;
+      val = ((seed & (1 << (i - 2))) != 0) ^ val;
-    if(i<=22) {
-      val = ((bits & (1<<(i-22)))!=0) ^ val;
+    if (i <= 22) {
+      val = ((bits & (1 << (i - 22))) != 0) ^ val;
     } else {
-      val = ((seed & (1<<(i-23)))!=0) ^ val;
+      val = ((seed & (1 << (i - 23))) != 0) ^ val;
-    seed |= (val<<i);
+    seed |= (val << i);
   return seed;
diff --git a/src/THcHelicity.h b/src/THcHelicity.h
index 8eabbffdd52624183e40397db7f04666140c3288..70c651e529ef26e0b829080c8226018f2e47b18d 100644
--- a/src/THcHelicity.h
+++ b/src/THcHelicity.h
@@ -95,6 +95,9 @@ protected:
   Double_t fErrorCode;
   Int_t fEvtype; // Current CODA event type
+  Int_t fLastActualHelicity;
+  Int_t fEvNumCheck;
+  Bool_t fDisabled;
   static const Int_t NHIST = 2;
   TH1F* fHisto[NHIST];  
diff --git a/src/THcHodoscope.cxx b/src/THcHodoscope.cxx
index f1856c64372bc2df1ebf67cac57d991dfd94c2ee..45bc5d4dcb9b78eafbe87aa21963fb979e949694 100644
--- a/src/THcHodoscope.cxx
+++ b/src/THcHodoscope.cxx
@@ -9,29 +9,30 @@ hodoscope array, not just one plane.
-#include "THcSignalHit.h"
-#include "THcShower.h"
+#include "TClass.h"
+#include "THaSubDetector.h"
 #include "THcCherenkov.h"
 #include "THcHallCSpectrometer.h"
 #include "THcHitList.h"
 #include "THcRawShowerHit.h"
-#include "TClass.h"
+#include "THcScintPlaneCluster.h"
+#include "THcShower.h"
+#include "THcSignalHit.h"
 #include "math.h"
-#include "THaSubDetector.h"
-#include "THcHodoscope.h"
-#include "THaEvData.h"
+#include "TClonesArray.h"
+#include "THaCutList.h"
 #include "THaDetMap.h"
-#include "THcDetectorMap.h"
+#include "THaEvData.h"
 #include "THaGlobals.h"
-#include "THaCutList.h"
+#include "THaTrack.h"
+#include "THcDetectorMap.h"
 #include "THcGlobals.h"
+#include "THcHodoscope.h"
 #include "THcParmList.h"
+#include "TMath.h"
 #include "VarDef.h"
 #include "VarType.h"
-#include "THaTrack.h"
-#include "TClonesArray.h"
-#include "TMath.h"
 #include "THaOutput.h"
 #include "TTree.h"
@@ -40,13 +41,13 @@ hodoscope array, not just one plane.
 #include <vector>
 #include <algorithm>
-#include <cstring>
+#include <array>
 #include <cstdio>
 #include <cstdlib>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <iomanip>
+#include <cstring>
 #include <fstream>
-#include <array>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <iostream>
 #include "hcana/helpers.hxx"
 #include <cassert>
@@ -55,98 +56,93 @@ using namespace std;
 using std::vector;
-THcHodoscope::THcHodoscope( const char* name, const char* description,
-				  THaApparatus* apparatus ) :
-  hcana::ConfigLogging<THaNonTrackingDetector>(name,description,apparatus)
+THcHodoscope::THcHodoscope(const char* name, const char* description, THaApparatus* apparatus)
+    : hcana::ConfigLogging<THaNonTrackingDetector>(name, description, apparatus) {
   // Constructor
-  //fTrackProj = new TClonesArray( "THaTrackProj", 5 );
+  // fTrackProj = new TClonesArray( "THaTrackProj", 5 );
   // Construct the planes
-  fNPlanes = 0;			// No planes until we make them
-  fStartTime=-1e5;
-  fGoodStartTime=kFALSE;
+  fNPlanes       = 0; // No planes until we make them
+  fStartTime     = -1e5;
+  fGoodStartTime = kFALSE;
-THcHodoscope::THcHodoscope( ) :
-  hcana::ConfigLogging<THaNonTrackingDetector>()
+THcHodoscope::THcHodoscope() : hcana::ConfigLogging<THaNonTrackingDetector>() {
   // Constructor
-void THcHodoscope::Setup(const char* name, const char* description)
+void THcHodoscope::Setup(const char* name, const char* description) {
      Create the scintillator plane objects for the hodoscope.
      Uses the Xhodo_num_planes and Xhodo_plane_names to get the number of
      planes and their names.
      Gets a pointer to the Cherenkov named "cer" ("hgcer" in the case of the SHMS.)
-  */     
-  if( IsZombie()) return;
+  */
+  if (IsZombie())
+    return;
   // fDebug = 1;  // Keep this at one while we're working on the code
   char prefix[2];
-  prefix[0]=tolower(GetApparatus()->GetName()[0]);
-  prefix[1]='\0';
+  prefix[0] = tolower(GetApparatus()->GetName()[0]);
+  prefix[1] = '\0';
   TString temp(prefix[0]);
-  if (temp == "p" ) fSHMS=kTRUE;
-  TString histname=temp+"_timehist";
-  hTime = new TH1F(histname,"",400,0,200);
+  fSHMS = kFALSE;
+  if (temp == "p")
+    fSHMS = kTRUE;
+  TString histname = temp + "_timehist";
+  hTime            = new TH1F(histname, "", 400, 0, 200);
   // cout << " fSHMS = " << fSHMS << endl;
-  string planenamelist;
-  DBRequest listextra[]={
-    {"hodo_num_planes", &fNPlanes, kInt},
-    {"hodo_plane_names",&planenamelist, kString},
-    {"hodo_tdcrefcut", &fTDC_RefTimeCut, kInt, 0, 1},
-    {"hodo_adcrefcut", &fADC_RefTimeCut, kInt, 0, 1},
-    {0}
-  };
-  //fNPlanes = 4; 		// Default if not defined
-  fTDC_RefTimeCut = 0;		// Minimum allowed reference times
+  string    planenamelist;
+  DBRequest listextra[] = {{"hodo_num_planes", &fNPlanes, kInt},
+                           {"hodo_plane_names", &planenamelist, kString},
+                           {"hodo_tdcrefcut", &fTDC_RefTimeCut, kInt, 0, 1},
+                           {"hodo_adcrefcut", &fADC_RefTimeCut, kInt, 0, 1},
+                           {0}};
+  // fNPlanes = 4; 		// Default if not defined
+  fTDC_RefTimeCut = 0; // Minimum allowed reference times
   fADC_RefTimeCut = 0;
-  gHcParms->LoadParmValues((DBRequest*)&listextra,prefix);
+  gHcParms->LoadParmValues((DBRequest*)&listextra, prefix);
-  _det_logger->info("Plane Name List : {}" , planenamelist);
-  //cout << "Plane Name List : " << planenamelist << endl;
+  _det_logger->info("Plane Name List : {}", planenamelist);
+  // cout << "Plane Name List : " << planenamelist << endl;
   vector<string> plane_names = vsplit(planenamelist);
   // Plane names
-  if(plane_names.size() != (UInt_t) fNPlanes) {
-    cout << "ERROR: Number of planes " << fNPlanes << " doesn't agree with number of plane names " << plane_names.size() << endl;
+  if (plane_names.size() != (UInt_t)fNPlanes) {
+    cout << "ERROR: Number of planes " << fNPlanes << " doesn't agree with number of plane names "
+         << plane_names.size() << endl;
     // Should quit.  Is there an official way to quit?
-  fPlaneNames = new char* [fNPlanes];
-  for(Int_t i=0;i<fNPlanes;i++) {
-    fPlaneNames[i] = new char[plane_names[i].length()+1];
+  fPlaneNames = new char*[fNPlanes];
+  for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNPlanes; i++) {
+    fPlaneNames[i] = new char[plane_names[i].length() + 1];
     strcpy(fPlaneNames[i], plane_names[i].c_str());
   // Probably shouldn't assume that description is defined
-  char* desc = new char[strlen(description)+100];
-  fPlanes = new THcScintillatorPlane* [fNPlanes];
-  for(Int_t i=0;i < fNPlanes;i++) {
+  char* desc = new char[strlen(description) + 100];
+  fPlanes    = new THcScintillatorPlane*[fNPlanes];
+  for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNPlanes; i++) {
     strcpy(desc, description);
     strcat(desc, " Plane ");
     strcat(desc, fPlaneNames[i]);
-    fPlanes[i] = new THcScintillatorPlane(fPlaneNames[i], desc, i+1, this); // Number planes starting from zero!!
-    //cout << "Created Scintillator Plane " << fPlaneNames[i] << ", " << desc << endl;
+    fPlanes[i] = new THcScintillatorPlane(fPlaneNames[i], desc, i + 1,
+                                          this); // Number planes starting from zero!!
+    // cout << "Created Scintillator Plane " << fPlaneNames[i] << ", " << desc << endl;
   // Save the nominal particle mass
-  THcHallCSpectrometer *app = dynamic_cast<THcHallCSpectrometer*>(GetApparatus());
-  fPartMass = app->GetParticleMass();
-  fBetaNominal = app->GetBetaAtPcentral();
+  THcHallCSpectrometer* app = dynamic_cast<THcHallCSpectrometer*>(GetApparatus());
+  fPartMass                 = app->GetParticleMass();
+  fBetaNominal              = app->GetBetaAtPcentral();
   if (fSHMS) {
     fCherenkov = dynamic_cast<THcCherenkov*>(app->GetDetector("hgcer"));
@@ -154,21 +150,20 @@ void THcHodoscope::Setup(const char* name, const char* description)
     fCherenkov = dynamic_cast<THcCherenkov*>(app->GetDetector("cer"));
-  delete [] desc;
+  delete[] desc;
-THaAnalysisObject::EStatus THcHodoscope::Init( const TDatime& date )
+THaAnalysisObject::EStatus THcHodoscope::Init(const TDatime& date) {
   // cout << "In THcHodoscope::Init()" << endl;
   Setup(GetName(), GetTitle());
   char EngineDID[] = "xSCIN";
-  EngineDID[0] = toupper(GetApparatus()->GetName()[0]);
-  if( gHcDetectorMap->FillMap(fDetMap, EngineDID) < 0 ) {
+  EngineDID[0]     = toupper(GetApparatus()->GetName()[0]);
+  if (gHcDetectorMap->FillMap(fDetMap, EngineDID) < 0) {
     static const char* const here = "Init()";
-    //Error( Here(here), "Error filling detectormap for %s.", EngineDID );
-    _det_logger->error("THcHodoscope::Init : Error filling detectormap for {}.",EngineDID);
+    // Error( Here(here), "Error filling detectormap for %s.", EngineDID );
+    _det_logger->error("THcHodoscope::Init : Error filling detectormap for {}.", EngineDID);
     return kInitError;
@@ -177,27 +172,27 @@ THaAnalysisObject::EStatus THcHodoscope::Init( const TDatime& date )
   // But it needs to happen before the sub detectors are initialized
   // so that they can get the pointer to the hitlist.
   _det_logger->info("Hodo TDC and ADC ref time cut = {} {}", fTDC_RefTimeCut, fADC_RefTimeCut);
-  //cout << " Hodo tdc ref time cut = " << fTDC_RefTimeCut << " " << fADC_RefTimeCut << endl;
+  // cout << " Hodo tdc ref time cut = " << fTDC_RefTimeCut << " " << fADC_RefTimeCut << endl;
-  InitHitList(fDetMap, "THcRawHodoHit", fDetMap->GetTotNumChan()+1,
-	      fTDC_RefTimeCut, fADC_RefTimeCut);
+  InitHitList(fDetMap, "THcRawHodoHit", fDetMap->GetTotNumChan() + 1, fTDC_RefTimeCut,
+              fADC_RefTimeCut);
   EStatus status;
   // This triggers call of ReadDatabase and DefineVariables
-  if( (status = THaNonTrackingDetector::Init( date )) )
-    return fStatus=status;
+  if ((status = THaNonTrackingDetector::Init(date)))
+    return fStatus = status;
-  for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNPlanes;ip++) {
-    if((status = fPlanes[ip]->Init( date ))) {
-      return fStatus=status;
+  for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNPlanes; ip++) {
+    if ((status = fPlanes[ip]->Init(date))) {
+      return fStatus = status;
   // Why not std::vector?
-  fNScinHits     = new Int_t [fNPlanes];
-  fGoodPlaneTime = new Bool_t [fNPlanes];
-  fNPlaneTime    = new Int_t [fNPlanes];
-  fSumPlaneTime  = new Double_t [fNPlanes];
+  fNScinHits     = new Int_t[fNPlanes];
+  fGoodPlaneTime = new Bool_t[fNPlanes];
+  fNPlaneTime    = new Int_t[fNPlanes];
+  fSumPlaneTime  = new Double_t[fNPlanes];
   //  Double_t  fHitCnt4 = 0., fHitCnt3 = 0.;
@@ -207,21 +202,20 @@ THaAnalysisObject::EStatus THcHodoscope::Init( const TDatime& date )
   //   fScinHit[m] = new Double_t[fNPaddle[0]];
   // }
-  for (int ip=0; ip<fNPlanes; ++ip) {
+  for (int ip = 0; ip < fNPlanes; ++ip) {
     fScinHitPaddle.push_back(std::vector<Int_t>(fNPaddle[ip], 0));
-  fPresentP = 0;
-  THaVar* vpresent = gHaVars->Find(Form("%s.present",GetApparatus()->GetName()));
-  if(vpresent) {
-    fPresentP = (Bool_t *) vpresent->GetValuePointer();
+  fPresentP        = 0;
+  THaVar* vpresent = gHaVars->Find(Form("%s.present", GetApparatus()->GetName()));
+  if (vpresent) {
+    fPresentP = (Bool_t*)vpresent->GetValuePointer();
   return fStatus = kOK;
-Int_t THcHodoscope::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
+Int_t THcHodoscope::ReadDatabase(const TDatime& date) {
      Read this detector's parameters from the ThcParmlist.
@@ -235,140 +229,139 @@ Int_t THcHodoscope::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
   // Determine which spectrometer in order to construct
   // the parameter names (e.g. hscin_1x_nr vs. sscin_1x_nr)
-  prefix[0]=tolower(GetApparatus()->GetName()[0]);
+  prefix[0] = tolower(GetApparatus()->GetName()[0]);
-  prefix[1]='\0';
-  strcpy(parname,prefix);
-  strcat(parname,"scin_");
+  prefix[1] = '\0';
+  strcpy(parname, prefix);
+  strcat(parname, "scin_");
   //  Int_t plen=strlen(parname);
   // cout << " readdatabse hodo fnplanes = " << fNPlanes << endl;
-  CreateMissReportParms(Form("%sscin",prefix));
+  CreateMissReportParms(Form("%sscin", prefix));
-  fBetaNoTrk = 0.;
+  fBetaNoTrk      = 0.;
   fBetaNoTrkChiSq = 0.;
-  fNPaddle = new UInt_t [fNPlanes];
-  fFPTime = new Double_t [fNPlanes];
-  fPlaneCenter = new Double_t[fNPlanes];
+  fNPaddle      = new UInt_t[fNPlanes];
+  fFPTime       = new Double_t[fNPlanes];
+  fPlaneCenter  = new Double_t[fNPlanes];
   fPlaneSpacing = new Double_t[fNPlanes];
-  prefix[0]=tolower(GetApparatus()->GetName()[0]);
+  prefix[0] = tolower(GetApparatus()->GetName()[0]);
-  prefix[1]='\0';
+  prefix[1] = '\0';
-  for(Int_t i=0;i<fNPlanes;i++) {
+  for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNPlanes; i++) {
-    DBRequest list[]={
-      {Form("scin_%s_nr",fPlaneNames[i]), &fNPaddle[i], kInt},
-      {0}
-    };
+    DBRequest list[] = {{Form("scin_%s_nr", fPlaneNames[i]), &fNPaddle[i], kInt}, {0}};
-    gHcParms->LoadParmValues((DBRequest*)&list,prefix);
+    gHcParms->LoadParmValues((DBRequest*)&list, prefix);
   // GN added
   // reading variables from *hodo.param
-  fMaxScinPerPlane=fNPaddle[0];
-  for (Int_t i=1;i<fNPlanes;i++) {
-    fMaxScinPerPlane=(fMaxScinPerPlane > fNPaddle[i])? fMaxScinPerPlane : fNPaddle[i];
+  fMaxScinPerPlane = fNPaddle[0];
+  for (Int_t i = 1; i < fNPlanes; i++) {
+    fMaxScinPerPlane = (fMaxScinPerPlane > fNPaddle[i]) ? fMaxScinPerPlane : fNPaddle[i];
   // need this for "padded arrays" i.e. 4x16 lists of parameters (GN)
-  fMaxHodoScin=fMaxScinPerPlane*fNPlanes;
-  if (fDebug>=1)  cout <<"fMaxScinPerPlane = "<<fMaxScinPerPlane<<" fMaxHodoScin = "<<fMaxHodoScin<<endl;
-  fHodoVelLight=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoPosSigma=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoNegSigma=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoPosMinPh=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoNegMinPh=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoPosPhcCoeff=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoNegPhcCoeff=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoPosTimeOffset=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoNegTimeOffset=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoPosPedLimit=new Int_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoNegPedLimit=new Int_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoPosInvAdcOffset=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoNegInvAdcOffset=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoPosInvAdcLinear=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoNegInvAdcLinear=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoPosInvAdcAdc=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoNegInvAdcAdc=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  //New Time-Walk Calibration Parameters
-  fHodoVelFit=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoCableFit=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodo_LCoeff=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoPos_c1=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoNeg_c1=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoPos_c2=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoNeg_c2=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoSigmaPos=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoSigmaNeg=new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fNHodoscopes = 2;
-  fxLoScin = new Int_t [fNHodoscopes];
-  fxHiScin = new Int_t [fNHodoscopes];
-  fyLoScin = new Int_t [fNHodoscopes];
-  fyHiScin = new Int_t [fNHodoscopes];
-  fHodoSlop = new Double_t [fNPlanes];
-  fTdcOffset = new Int_t [fNPlanes];
-  fAdcTdcOffset = new Double_t [fNPlanes];
-  fHodoPosAdcTimeWindowMin = new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoPosAdcTimeWindowMax = new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoNegAdcTimeWindowMin = new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  fHodoNegAdcTimeWindowMax = new Double_t [fMaxHodoScin];
-  for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNPlanes;ip++) { // Set a large default window
-   fTdcOffset[ip] = 0 ;
-   fAdcTdcOffset[ip] = 0.0 ;
+  fMaxHodoScin = fMaxScinPerPlane * fNPlanes;
+  if (fDebug >= 1)
+    cout << "fMaxScinPerPlane = " << fMaxScinPerPlane << " fMaxHodoScin = " << fMaxHodoScin << endl;
+  fHodoVelLight        = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoPosSigma        = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoNegSigma        = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoPosMinPh        = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoNegMinPh        = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoPosPhcCoeff     = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoNegPhcCoeff     = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoPosTimeOffset   = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoNegTimeOffset   = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoPosPedLimit     = new Int_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoNegPedLimit     = new Int_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoPosInvAdcOffset = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoNegInvAdcOffset = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoPosInvAdcLinear = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoNegInvAdcLinear = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoPosInvAdcAdc    = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoNegInvAdcAdc    = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  // New Time-Walk Calibration Parameters
+  fHodoVelFit   = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoCableFit = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodo_LCoeff  = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoPos_c1   = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoNeg_c1   = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoPos_c2   = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoNeg_c2   = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoSigmaPos = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoSigmaNeg = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fNHodoscopes             = 2;
+  fxLoScin                 = new Int_t[fNHodoscopes];
+  fxHiScin                 = new Int_t[fNHodoscopes];
+  fyLoScin                 = new Int_t[fNHodoscopes];
+  fyHiScin                 = new Int_t[fNHodoscopes];
+  fHodoSlop                = new Double_t[fNPlanes];
+  fTdcOffset               = new Int_t[fNPlanes];
+  fAdcTdcOffset            = new Double_t[fNPlanes];
+  fHodoPosAdcTimeWindowMin = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoPosAdcTimeWindowMax = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoNegAdcTimeWindowMin = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  fHodoNegAdcTimeWindowMax = new Double_t[fMaxHodoScin];
+  for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNPlanes; ip++) { // Set a large default window
+    fTdcOffset[ip]    = 0;
+    fAdcTdcOffset[ip] = 0.0;
-  DBRequest list[]={
-    {"cosmicflag",                       &fCosmicFlag,            kInt,            0,  1},
-    {"NumPlanesBetaCalc",                       &fNumPlanesBetaCalc,            kInt,            0,  1},
-    {"start_time_center",                &fStartTimeCenter,                      kDouble},
-    {"start_time_slop",                  &fStartTimeSlop,                        kDouble},
-    {"scin_tdc_to_time",                 &fScinTdcToTime,                        kDouble},
-    {"scin_tdc_min",                     &fScinTdcMin,                           kDouble},
-    {"scin_tdc_max",                     &fScinTdcMax,                           kDouble},
-    {"tof_tolerance",                    &fTofTolerance,          kDouble,         0,  1},
-    {"pathlength_central",               &fPathLengthCentral,                    kDouble},
-    {"hodo_pos_sigma",                   &fHodoPosSigma[0],       kDouble,  fMaxHodoScin, 1},
-    {"hodo_neg_sigma",                   &fHodoNegSigma[0],       kDouble,  fMaxHodoScin, 1},
-    {"hodo_pos_ped_limit",               &fHodoPosPedLimit[0],    kInt,     fMaxHodoScin, 1},
-    {"hodo_neg_ped_limit",               &fHodoNegPedLimit[0],    kInt,     fMaxHodoScin, 1},
-    {"tofusinginvadc",                   &fTofUsingInvAdc,        kInt,            0,  1},
-    {"xloscin",                          &fxLoScin[0],            kInt,     (UInt_t) fNHodoscopes},
-    {"xhiscin",                          &fxHiScin[0],            kInt,     (UInt_t) fNHodoscopes},
-    {"yloscin",                          &fyLoScin[0],            kInt,     (UInt_t) fNHodoscopes},
-    {"yhiscin",                          &fyHiScin[0],            kInt,     (UInt_t) fNHodoscopes},
-    {"track_eff_test_num_scin_planes",   &fTrackEffTestNScinPlanes,                 kInt},
-    {"cer_npe",                          &fNCerNPE,               kDouble,         0,  1},
-    {"normalized_energy_tot",            &fNormETot,              kDouble,         0,  1},
-    {"hodo_slop",                        fHodoSlop,               kDouble,  (UInt_t) fNPlanes},
-    {"debugprintscinraw",                &fdebugprintscinraw,               kInt,  0,1},
-    {"hodo_tdc_offset",                  fTdcOffset,              kInt,     (UInt_t) fNPlanes, 1},
-    {"hodo_adc_tdc_offset",              fAdcTdcOffset,           kDouble,  (UInt_t) fNPlanes, 1},
-    {"hodo_PosAdcTimeWindowMin",         fHodoPosAdcTimeWindowMin, kDouble,  (UInt_t) fMaxHodoScin, 1},
-    {"hodo_PosAdcTimeWindowMax",         fHodoPosAdcTimeWindowMax, kDouble,  (UInt_t) fMaxHodoScin, 1},
-    {"hodo_NegAdcTimeWindowMin",         fHodoNegAdcTimeWindowMin, kDouble,  (UInt_t) fMaxHodoScin, 1},
-    {"hodo_NegAdcTimeWindowMax",         fHodoNegAdcTimeWindowMax, kDouble,  (UInt_t) fMaxHodoScin, 1},
-    {"dumptof",                          &fDumpTOF,               kInt,    0, 1},
-    {"TOFCalib_shtrk_lo",                &fTOFCalib_shtrk_lo,               kDouble,    0, 1},
-    {"TOFCalib_shtrk_hi",                &fTOFCalib_shtrk_hi,               kDouble,    0, 1},
-    {"TOFCalib_cer_lo",                &fTOFCalib_cer_lo,               kDouble,    0, 1},
-    {"TOFCalib_beta_lo",                &fTOFCalib_beta_lo,               kDouble,    0, 1},
-    {"TOFCalib_beta_hi",                &fTOFCalib_beta_hi,               kDouble,    0, 1},
-    {"dumptof_filename",                 &fTOFDumpFile,           kString, 0, 1},
-    {0}
-  };
+  DBRequest list[] = {
+      {"cosmicflag", &fCosmicFlag, kInt, 0, 1},
+      {"NumPlanesBetaCalc", &fNumPlanesBetaCalc, kInt, 0, 1},
+      {"start_time_center", &fStartTimeCenter, kDouble},
+      {"start_time_slop", &fStartTimeSlop, kDouble},
+      {"scin_tdc_to_time", &fScinTdcToTime, kDouble},
+      {"scin_tdc_min", &fScinTdcMin, kDouble},
+      {"scin_tdc_max", &fScinTdcMax, kDouble},
+      {"tof_tolerance", &fTofTolerance, kDouble, 0, 1},
+      {"pathlength_central", &fPathLengthCentral, kDouble},
+      {"hodo_pos_sigma", &fHodoPosSigma[0], kDouble, fMaxHodoScin, 1},
+      {"hodo_neg_sigma", &fHodoNegSigma[0], kDouble, fMaxHodoScin, 1},
+      {"hodo_pos_ped_limit", &fHodoPosPedLimit[0], kInt, fMaxHodoScin, 1},
+      {"hodo_neg_ped_limit", &fHodoNegPedLimit[0], kInt, fMaxHodoScin, 1},
+      {"tofusinginvadc", &fTofUsingInvAdc, kInt, 0, 1},
+      {"xloscin", &fxLoScin[0], kInt, (UInt_t)fNHodoscopes},
+      {"xhiscin", &fxHiScin[0], kInt, (UInt_t)fNHodoscopes},
+      {"yloscin", &fyLoScin[0], kInt, (UInt_t)fNHodoscopes},
+      {"yhiscin", &fyHiScin[0], kInt, (UInt_t)fNHodoscopes},
+      {"track_eff_test_num_scin_planes", &fTrackEffTestNScinPlanes, kInt},
+      {"trackeff_scint_ydiff_max", &trackeff_scint_ydiff_max, kDouble, 0, 1},
+      {"trackeff_scint_xdiff_max", &trackeff_scint_xdiff_max, kDouble, 0, 1},
+      {"cer_npe", &fNCerNPE, kDouble, 0, 1},
+      {"normalized_energy_tot", &fNormETot, kDouble, 0, 1},
+      {"hodo_slop", fHodoSlop, kDouble, (UInt_t)fNPlanes},
+      {"debugprintscinraw", &fdebugprintscinraw, kInt, 0, 1},
+      {"hodo_tdc_offset", fTdcOffset, kInt, (UInt_t)fNPlanes, 1},
+      {"hodo_adc_tdc_offset", fAdcTdcOffset, kDouble, (UInt_t)fNPlanes, 1},
+      {"hodo_PosAdcTimeWindowMin", fHodoPosAdcTimeWindowMin, kDouble, (UInt_t)fMaxHodoScin, 1},
+      {"hodo_PosAdcTimeWindowMax", fHodoPosAdcTimeWindowMax, kDouble, (UInt_t)fMaxHodoScin, 1},
+      {"hodo_NegAdcTimeWindowMin", fHodoNegAdcTimeWindowMin, kDouble, (UInt_t)fMaxHodoScin, 1},
+      {"hodo_NegAdcTimeWindowMax", fHodoNegAdcTimeWindowMax, kDouble, (UInt_t)fMaxHodoScin, 1},
+      {"dumptof", &fDumpTOF, kInt, 0, 1},
+      {"TOFCalib_shtrk_lo", &fTOFCalib_shtrk_lo, kDouble, 0, 1},
+      {"TOFCalib_shtrk_hi", &fTOFCalib_shtrk_hi, kDouble, 0, 1},
+      {"TOFCalib_cer_lo", &fTOFCalib_cer_lo, kDouble, 0, 1},
+      {"TOFCalib_beta_lo", &fTOFCalib_beta_lo, kDouble, 0, 1},
+      {"TOFCalib_beta_hi", &fTOFCalib_beta_hi, kDouble, 0, 1},
+      {"dumptof_filename", &fTOFDumpFile, kString, 0, 1},
+      {0}};
   // Defaults if not defined in parameter file
-  for(UInt_t ip=0;ip<fMaxHodoScin;ip++) {
+  trackeff_scint_ydiff_max = 20.;
+  trackeff_scint_xdiff_max = 20.;
+  for (UInt_t ip = 0; ip < fMaxHodoScin; ip++) {
     fHodoPosAdcTimeWindowMin[ip] = -1000.;
     fHodoPosAdcTimeWindowMax[ip] = 1000.;
     fHodoNegAdcTimeWindowMin[ip] = -1000.;
@@ -376,33 +369,34 @@ Int_t THcHodoscope::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
     fHodoPosPedLimit[ip] = 0.0;
     fHodoNegPedLimit[ip] = 0.0;
-    fHodoPosSigma[ip] = 0.2;
-    fHodoNegSigma[ip] = 0.2;
+    fHodoPosSigma[ip]    = 0.2;
+    fHodoNegSigma[ip]    = 0.2;
-  fTOFCalib_shtrk_lo=-kBig;
-  fTOFCalib_shtrk_hi= kBig;
-  fTOFCalib_cer_lo=-kBig;
-  fTOFCalib_beta_lo=-kBig;
-  fTOFCalib_beta_hi= kBig;
-  fdebugprintscinraw=0;
-  fDumpTOF = 0;
-  fTOFDumpFile="";
-  fTofUsingInvAdc = 1;
-  fTofTolerance = 3.0;
-  fNCerNPE = 2.0;
-  fNormETot = 0.7;
-  fCosmicFlag=0;
-  fNumPlanesBetaCalc=4;
+  fTOFCalib_shtrk_lo = -kBig;
+  fTOFCalib_shtrk_hi = kBig;
+  fTOFCalib_cer_lo   = -kBig;
+  fTOFCalib_beta_lo  = -kBig;
+  fTOFCalib_beta_hi  = kBig;
+  fdebugprintscinraw = 0;
+  fDumpTOF           = 0;
+  fTOFDumpFile       = "";
+  fTofUsingInvAdc    = 1;
+  fTofTolerance      = 3.0;
+  fNCerNPE           = 2.0;
+  fNormETot          = 0.7;
+  fCosmicFlag        = 0;
+  fNumPlanesBetaCalc = 4;
   // Gets added to each reference time corrected raw TDC value
   // to make sure valid range is all positive.
-  gHcParms->LoadParmValues((DBRequest*)&list,prefix);
-  if (fCosmicFlag==1) cout << "Setup for cosmics in TOF"<< endl;
+  gHcParms->LoadParmValues((DBRequest*)&list, prefix);
+  if (fCosmicFlag == 1)
+    cout << "Setup for cosmics in TOF" << endl;
   // cout << " cosmic flag = " << fCosmicFlag << endl;
-  if(fDumpTOF) {
+  if (fDumpTOF) {
-    if(fDumpOut.is_open()) {
-      //fDumpOut << "Hodoscope Time of Flight calibration data" << endl;
+    if (fDumpOut.is_open()) {
+      // fDumpOut << "Hodoscope Time of Flight calibration data" << endl;
     } else {
       fDumpTOF = 0;
       cout << "WARNING: Unable to open TOF Dump file " << fTOFDumpFile << endl;
@@ -427,24 +421,23 @@ Int_t THcHodoscope::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
   //      << " number of photo electrons = " << fNCerNPE
   //      << endl;
-  //Set scin Velocity/Cable to default
-  for (UInt_t i=0; i<fMaxHodoScin; i++) {
+  // Set scin Velocity/Cable to default
+  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fMaxHodoScin; i++) {
     fHodoVelLight[i] = 15.0;
   if (fTofUsingInvAdc) {
-    DBRequest list2[]={
-      {"hodo_vel_light",                   &fHodoVelLight[0],       kDouble,  fMaxHodoScin, 1},
-      {"hodo_pos_invadc_offset",&fHodoPosInvAdcOffset[0],kDouble,fMaxHodoScin},
-      {"hodo_neg_invadc_offset",&fHodoNegInvAdcOffset[0],kDouble,fMaxHodoScin},
-      {"hodo_pos_invadc_linear",&fHodoPosInvAdcLinear[0],kDouble,fMaxHodoScin},
-      {"hodo_neg_invadc_linear",&fHodoNegInvAdcLinear[0],kDouble,fMaxHodoScin},
-      {"hodo_pos_invadc_adc",&fHodoPosInvAdcAdc[0],kDouble,fMaxHodoScin},
-      {"hodo_neg_invadc_adc",&fHodoNegInvAdcAdc[0],kDouble,fMaxHodoScin},
-      {0}
-    };
-    gHcParms->LoadParmValues((DBRequest*)&list2,prefix);
+    DBRequest list2[] = {
+        {"hodo_vel_light", &fHodoVelLight[0], kDouble, fMaxHodoScin, 1},
+        {"hodo_pos_invadc_offset", &fHodoPosInvAdcOffset[0], kDouble, fMaxHodoScin},
+        {"hodo_neg_invadc_offset", &fHodoNegInvAdcOffset[0], kDouble, fMaxHodoScin},
+        {"hodo_pos_invadc_linear", &fHodoPosInvAdcLinear[0], kDouble, fMaxHodoScin},
+        {"hodo_neg_invadc_linear", &fHodoNegInvAdcLinear[0], kDouble, fMaxHodoScin},
+        {"hodo_pos_invadc_adc", &fHodoPosInvAdcAdc[0], kDouble, fMaxHodoScin},
+        {"hodo_neg_invadc_adc", &fHodoNegInvAdcAdc[0], kDouble, fMaxHodoScin},
+        {0}};
+    gHcParms->LoadParmValues((DBRequest*)&list2, prefix);
   /* if (!fTofUsingInvAdc) {
       DBRequest list3[]={
@@ -455,65 +448,60 @@ Int_t THcHodoscope::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
     {"hodo_neg_phc_coeff",               &fHodoNegPhcCoeff[0],    kDouble,  fMaxHodoScin},
     {"hodo_pos_time_offset",             &fHodoPosTimeOffset[0],  kDouble,  fMaxHodoScin},
     {"hodo_neg_time_offset",             &fHodoNegTimeOffset[0],  kDouble,  fMaxHodoScin},
-    {0}   
+    {0}
-     DBRequest list4[]={
-    {"hodo_velFit",                      &fHodoVelFit[0],   kDouble,  fMaxHodoScin, 1},
-    {"hodo_cableFit",                    &fHodoCableFit[0], kDouble,  fMaxHodoScin, 1},
-    {"hodo_LCoeff",                      &fHodo_LCoeff[0],  kDouble,  fMaxHodoScin, 1},
-    {"c1_Pos",                           &fHodoPos_c1[0],   kDouble,  fMaxHodoScin, 1},
-    {"c1_Neg",                           &fHodoNeg_c1[0],   kDouble,  fMaxHodoScin, 1},
-    {"c2_Pos",                           &fHodoPos_c2[0],   kDouble,  fMaxHodoScin, 1},
-    {"c2_Neg",                           &fHodoNeg_c2[0],   kDouble,  fMaxHodoScin, 1},
-    {"TDC_threshold",                    &fTdc_Thrs,        kDouble, 0, 1},
-    {"hodo_PosSigma",                   &fHodoSigmaPos[0], kDouble,  fMaxHodoScin, 1},
-    {"hodo_NegSigma",                   &fHodoSigmaNeg[0], kDouble,  fMaxHodoScin, 1},
-    {0}   
-     };
-     fTdc_Thrs = 1.0;
-     //Set Default Values if NOT defined in param file
-     for (UInt_t i=0; i<fMaxHodoScin; i++)
-       {
-	 //Turn OFF Time-Walk Correction if param file NOT found
-	 fHodoPos_c1[i] = 0.0;
-	 fHodoPos_c2[i] = 0.0;
-	 fHodoNeg_c1[i] = 0.0;
-	 fHodoNeg_c2[i] = 0.0;
-       }
-     for (UInt_t i=0; i<fMaxHodoScin; i++)                                                                    
-       {  
-	 //Set scin Velocity/Cable to default
-	 fHodoCableFit[i] = 0.0;
-	 fHodoVelFit[i] = 15.0;
-	 //set time coeff between paddles to default
-	 fHodo_LCoeff[i] = 0.0;
-       }
-     gHcParms->LoadParmValues((DBRequest*)&list4,prefix);
-  if (fDebug >=1) {
-    cout <<"******* Testing Hodoscope Parameter Reading ***\n";
-    cout<<"StarTimeCenter = "<<fStartTimeCenter<<endl;
-    cout<<"StartTimeSlop = "<<fStartTimeSlop<<endl;
-    cout <<"ScintTdcToTime = "<<fScinTdcToTime<<endl;
-    cout <<"TdcMin = "<<fScinTdcMin<<" TdcMax = "<<fScinTdcMax<<endl;
-    cout <<"TofTolerance = "<<fTofTolerance<<endl;
-    cout <<"*** VelLight ***\n";
-    for (Int_t i1=0;i1<fNPlanes;i1++) {
-      cout<<"Plane "<<i1<<endl;
-      for (UInt_t i2=0;i2<fMaxScinPerPlane;i2++) {
-	cout<<fHodoVelLight[GetScinIndex(i1,i2)]<<" ";
+  DBRequest list4[] = {{"hodo_velFit", &fHodoVelFit[0], kDouble, fMaxHodoScin, 1},
+                       {"hodo_cableFit", &fHodoCableFit[0], kDouble, fMaxHodoScin, 1},
+                       {"hodo_LCoeff", &fHodo_LCoeff[0], kDouble, fMaxHodoScin, 1},
+                       {"c1_Pos", &fHodoPos_c1[0], kDouble, fMaxHodoScin, 1},
+                       {"c1_Neg", &fHodoNeg_c1[0], kDouble, fMaxHodoScin, 1},
+                       {"c2_Pos", &fHodoPos_c2[0], kDouble, fMaxHodoScin, 1},
+                       {"c2_Neg", &fHodoNeg_c2[0], kDouble, fMaxHodoScin, 1},
+                       {"TDC_threshold", &fTdc_Thrs, kDouble, 0, 1},
+                       {"hodo_PosSigma", &fHodoSigmaPos[0], kDouble, fMaxHodoScin, 1},
+                       {"hodo_NegSigma", &fHodoSigmaNeg[0], kDouble, fMaxHodoScin, 1},
+                       {0}};
+  fTdc_Thrs = 1.0;
+  // Set Default Values if NOT defined in param file
+  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fMaxHodoScin; i++) {
+    // Turn OFF Time-Walk Correction if param file NOT found
+    fHodoPos_c1[i] = 0.0;
+    fHodoPos_c2[i] = 0.0;
+    fHodoNeg_c1[i] = 0.0;
+    fHodoNeg_c2[i] = 0.0;
+  }
+  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fMaxHodoScin; i++) {
+    // Set scin Velocity/Cable to default
+    fHodoCableFit[i] = 0.0;
+    fHodoVelFit[i]   = 15.0;
+    // set time coeff between paddles to default
+    fHodo_LCoeff[i] = 0.0;
+  }
+  gHcParms->LoadParmValues((DBRequest*)&list4, prefix);
+  if (fDebug >= 1) {
+    cout << "******* Testing Hodoscope Parameter Reading ***\n";
+    cout << "StarTimeCenter = " << fStartTimeCenter << endl;
+    cout << "StartTimeSlop = " << fStartTimeSlop << endl;
+    cout << "ScintTdcToTime = " << fScinTdcToTime << endl;
+    cout << "TdcMin = " << fScinTdcMin << " TdcMax = " << fScinTdcMax << endl;
+    cout << "TofTolerance = " << fTofTolerance << endl;
+    cout << "*** VelLight ***\n";
+    for (Int_t i1 = 0; i1 < fNPlanes; i1++) {
+      cout << "Plane " << i1 << endl;
+      for (UInt_t i2 = 0; i2 < fMaxScinPerPlane; i2++) {
+        cout << fHodoVelLight[GetScinIndex(i1, i2)] << " ";
-      cout <<endl;
+      cout << endl;
-    cout <<endl<<endl;
+    cout << endl << endl;
     // check fHodoPosPhcCoeff
     cout <<"fHodoPosPhcCoeff = ";
@@ -525,87 +513,96 @@ Int_t THcHodoscope::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
   if ((fTofTolerance > 0.5) && (fTofTolerance < 10000.)) {
-    //cout << "USING "<<fTofTolerance<<" NSEC WINDOW FOR FP NO_TRACK CALCULATIONS.\n";
-    _det_logger->info("THcHodoscope: Using {} nsec window for fp no_track calculations.",fTofTolerance);
-  }
-  else {
-    fTofTolerance= 3.0;
-    _det_logger->warn("THcHodoscope: Using default {} nsec window for fp no_track calculations.",fTofTolerance);
+    // cout << "USING "<<fTofTolerance<<" NSEC WINDOW FOR FP NO_TRACK CALCULATIONS.\n";
+    _det_logger->info("THcHodoscope: Using {} nsec window for fp no_track calculations.",
+                      fTofTolerance);
+  } else {
+    fTofTolerance = 3.0;
+    _det_logger->warn("THcHodoscope: Using default {} nsec window for fp no_track calculations.",
+                      fTofTolerance);
+  fRatio_xpfp_to_xfp = 0.00;
+  TString SHMS       = "p";
+  TString HMS        = "h";
+  TString test       = prefix[0];
+  if (test == SHMS)
+    fRatio_xpfp_to_xfp = 0.0018; // SHMS
+  if (test == HMS)
+    fRatio_xpfp_to_xfp = 0.0011; // HMS
+  cout << " fRatio_xpfp_to_xfp= " << fRatio_xpfp_to_xfp << endl;
   fIsInit = true;
   return kOK;
-Int_t THcHodoscope::DefineVariables( EMode mode )
+Int_t THcHodoscope::DefineVariables(EMode mode) {
     Initialize global variables for histograms and Root tree
   // cout << "THcHodoscope::DefineVariables called " << GetName() << endl;
-  if( mode == kDefine && fIsSetup ) return kOK;
-  fIsSetup = ( mode == kDefine );
+  if (mode == kDefine && fIsSetup)
+    return kOK;
+  fIsSetup = (mode == kDefine);
   // Register variables in global list
   RVarDef vars[] = {
-    // Move these into THcHallCSpectrometer using track fTracks
-    {"beta"             , "Beta including track info"                 , "fBeta"           } ,
-    {"betanotrack"      , "Beta from scintillator hits"               , "fBetaNoTrk"      } ,
-    {"betachisqnotrack" , "Chi square of beta from scintillator hits" , "fBetaNoTrkChiSq" } ,
-    {"fpHitsTime"       , "Time at focal plane from all hits"         , "fFPTimeAll"      } ,
-    {"starttime"        , "Hodoscope Start Time"                      , "fStartTime"      } ,
-    {"goodstarttime"    , "Hodoscope Good Start Time (logical flag)"  , "fGoodStartTime"  } ,
-    {"goodscinhit"      , "Hit in fid area"                           , "fGoodScinHits"   } ,
-    {"TimeHist_Sigma"   , ""                                          , "fTimeHist_Sigma" } ,
-    {"TimeHist_Peak"    , ""                                          , "fTimeHist_Peak"  } ,
-    {"TimeHist_Hits"    , ""                                          , "fTimeHist_Hits"  } ,
-     { 0 }
-  };
-  return DefineVarsFromList( vars, mode );
+      // Move these into THcHallCSpectrometer using track fTracks
+      {"beta", "Beta including track info", "fBeta"},
+      {"betanotrack", "Beta from scintillator hits", "fBetaNoTrk"},
+      {"betachisqnotrack", "Chi square of beta from scintillator hits", "fBetaNoTrkChiSq"},
+      {"fpHitsTime", "Time at focal plane from all hits", "fFPTimeAll"},
+      {"starttime", "Hodoscope Start Time", "fStartTime"},
+      {"goodstarttime", "Hodoscope Good Start Time (logical flag)", "fGoodStartTime"},
+      {"goodscinhit", "Hit in fid area", "fGoodScinHits"},
+      {"TimeHist_Sigma", "", "fTimeHist_Sigma"},
+      {"TimeHist_Peak", "", "fTimeHist_Peak"},
+      {"TimeHist_Hits", "", "fTimeHist_Hits"},
+      {0}};
+  return DefineVarsFromList(vars, mode);
   //  return kOK;
-Int_t THcHodoscope::ManualInitTree( TTree* t ){
+Int_t THcHodoscope::ManualInitTree(TTree* t) {
   // The most direct path to the output tree!!!
   std::string app_name    = GetApparatus()->GetName();
   std::string det_name    = GetName();
   std::string branch_name = (app_name + "_" + det_name + "_data");
   if (t) {
-    _det_logger->info("THcHodoscope::ManualInitTree : Adding branch, {}, to output tree", branch_name);
+    _det_logger->info("THcHodoscope::ManualInitTree : Adding branch, {}, to output tree",
+                      branch_name);
     t->Branch(branch_name.c_str(), &_basic_data, 32000, 99);
   return 0;
+THcHodoscope::~THcHodoscope() {
   // Destructor. Remove variables from global list.
-  delete [] fFPTime;
-  delete [] fPlaneCenter;
-  delete [] fPlaneSpacing;
+  delete[] fFPTime;
+  delete[] fPlaneCenter;
+  delete[] fPlaneSpacing;
-  if( fIsSetup )
+  if (fIsSetup)
-  if( fIsInit )
+  if (fIsInit)
-  for( int i = 0; i < fNPlanes; ++i ) {
+  for (int i = 0; i < fNPlanes; ++i) {
     delete fPlanes[i];
-    delete [] fPlaneNames[i];
+    delete[] fPlaneNames[i];
-  delete [] fPlanes;
-  delete [] fPlaneNames;
+  delete[] fPlanes;
+  delete[] fPlaneNames;
-void THcHodoscope::DeleteArrays()
+void THcHodoscope::DeleteArrays() {
   // Delete member arrays. Used by destructor.
   // Int_t k;
   // for( k = 0; k < fNPlanes; k++){
@@ -613,80 +610,121 @@ void THcHodoscope::DeleteArrays()
   // }
   // delete [] fScinHit;
-  delete [] fxLoScin;             fxLoScin = NULL;
-  delete [] fxHiScin;             fxHiScin = NULL;
-  delete [] fyLoScin;             fyLoScin = NULL;
-  delete [] fyHiScin;             fyHiScin = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoSlop;            fHodoSlop = NULL;
-  delete [] fNPaddle;             fNPaddle = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoVelLight;        fHodoVelLight = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoPosSigma;        fHodoPosSigma = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoNegSigma;        fHodoNegSigma = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoPosMinPh;        fHodoPosMinPh = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoNegMinPh;        fHodoNegMinPh = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoPosPhcCoeff;     fHodoPosPhcCoeff = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoNegPhcCoeff;     fHodoNegPhcCoeff = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoPosTimeOffset;   fHodoPosTimeOffset = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoNegTimeOffset;   fHodoNegTimeOffset = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoPosPedLimit;     fHodoPosPedLimit = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoNegPedLimit;     fHodoNegPedLimit = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoPosInvAdcOffset; fHodoPosInvAdcOffset = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoNegInvAdcOffset; fHodoNegInvAdcOffset = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoPosInvAdcLinear; fHodoPosInvAdcLinear = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoNegInvAdcLinear; fHodoNegInvAdcLinear = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoPosInvAdcAdc;    fHodoPosInvAdcAdc = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoNegInvAdcAdc;    fHodoNegInvAdcAdc = NULL;
-  delete [] fGoodPlaneTime;       fGoodPlaneTime = NULL;
-  delete [] fNPlaneTime;          fNPlaneTime = NULL;
-  delete [] fSumPlaneTime;        fSumPlaneTime = NULL;
-  delete [] fNScinHits;           fNScinHits = NULL;
-  delete [] fTdcOffset;           fTdcOffset = NULL;
-  delete [] fAdcTdcOffset;        fAdcTdcOffset = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoNegAdcTimeWindowMin;    fHodoNegAdcTimeWindowMin = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoNegAdcTimeWindowMax;    fHodoNegAdcTimeWindowMax = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoPosAdcTimeWindowMin;    fHodoPosAdcTimeWindowMin = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoPosAdcTimeWindowMax;    fHodoPosAdcTimeWindowMax = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoVelFit;                 fHodoVelFit = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoCableFit;               fHodoCableFit = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodo_LCoeff;                fHodo_LCoeff = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoPos_c1;                 fHodoPos_c1 = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoNeg_c1;                 fHodoNeg_c1 = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoPos_c2;                 fHodoPos_c2 = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoNeg_c2;                 fHodoNeg_c2 = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoSigmaPos;               fHodoSigmaPos = NULL;
-  delete [] fHodoSigmaNeg;               fHodoSigmaNeg = NULL;
+  delete[] fxLoScin;
+  fxLoScin = NULL;
+  delete[] fxHiScin;
+  fxHiScin = NULL;
+  delete[] fyLoScin;
+  fyLoScin = NULL;
+  delete[] fyHiScin;
+  fyHiScin = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoSlop;
+  fHodoSlop = NULL;
+  delete[] fNPaddle;
+  fNPaddle = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoVelLight;
+  fHodoVelLight = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoPosSigma;
+  fHodoPosSigma = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoNegSigma;
+  fHodoNegSigma = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoPosMinPh;
+  fHodoPosMinPh = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoNegMinPh;
+  fHodoNegMinPh = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoPosPhcCoeff;
+  fHodoPosPhcCoeff = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoNegPhcCoeff;
+  fHodoNegPhcCoeff = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoPosTimeOffset;
+  fHodoPosTimeOffset = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoNegTimeOffset;
+  fHodoNegTimeOffset = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoPosPedLimit;
+  fHodoPosPedLimit = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoNegPedLimit;
+  fHodoNegPedLimit = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoPosInvAdcOffset;
+  fHodoPosInvAdcOffset = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoNegInvAdcOffset;
+  fHodoNegInvAdcOffset = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoPosInvAdcLinear;
+  fHodoPosInvAdcLinear = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoNegInvAdcLinear;
+  fHodoNegInvAdcLinear = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoPosInvAdcAdc;
+  fHodoPosInvAdcAdc = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoNegInvAdcAdc;
+  fHodoNegInvAdcAdc = NULL;
+  delete[] fGoodPlaneTime;
+  fGoodPlaneTime = NULL;
+  delete[] fNPlaneTime;
+  fNPlaneTime = NULL;
+  delete[] fSumPlaneTime;
+  fSumPlaneTime = NULL;
+  delete[] fNScinHits;
+  fNScinHits = NULL;
+  delete[] fTdcOffset;
+  fTdcOffset = NULL;
+  delete[] fAdcTdcOffset;
+  fAdcTdcOffset = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoNegAdcTimeWindowMin;
+  fHodoNegAdcTimeWindowMin = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoNegAdcTimeWindowMax;
+  fHodoNegAdcTimeWindowMax = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoPosAdcTimeWindowMin;
+  fHodoPosAdcTimeWindowMin = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoPosAdcTimeWindowMax;
+  fHodoPosAdcTimeWindowMax = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoVelFit;
+  fHodoVelFit = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoCableFit;
+  fHodoCableFit = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodo_LCoeff;
+  fHodo_LCoeff = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoPos_c1;
+  fHodoPos_c1 = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoNeg_c1;
+  fHodoNeg_c1 = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoPos_c2;
+  fHodoPos_c2 = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoNeg_c2;
+  fHodoNeg_c2 = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoSigmaPos;
+  fHodoSigmaPos = NULL;
+  delete[] fHodoSigmaNeg;
+  fHodoSigmaNeg = NULL;
-void THcHodoscope::Clear( Option_t* opt )
+void THcHodoscope::Clear(Option_t* opt) {
   /*! \brief Clears variables
    *  Called by  THcHodoscope::Decode
-  fTimeHist_Sigma=  kBig;
-  fTimeHist_Peak=  kBig;
-  fTimeHist_Hits=  kBig;
+  fTimeHist_Sigma = kBig;
+  fTimeHist_Peak  = kBig;
+  fTimeHist_Hits  = kBig;
-  fBeta = 0.0;
-  fBetaNoTrk = 0.0;
+  fBeta           = 0.0;
+  fBetaNoTrk      = 0.0;
   fBetaNoTrkChiSq = 0.0;
-  fStartTime  = -1000.;
-  fFPTimeAll= -1000.;
-  fGoodStartTime = kFALSE;
-  fGoodScinHits = 0;
-  if( *opt != 'I' ) {
-    for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNPlanes;ip++) {
+  fStartTime      = -1000.;
+  fFPTimeAll      = -1000.;
+  fGoodStartTime  = kFALSE;
+  fGoodScinHits   = 0;
+  if (*opt != 'I') {
+    for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNPlanes; ip++) {
-      fFPTime[ip]=0.;
-      fPlaneCenter[ip]=0.;
-      fPlaneSpacing[ip]=0.;
-      for(UInt_t iPaddle=0;iPaddle<fNPaddle[ip]; ++iPaddle) {
-	fScinHitPaddle[ip][iPaddle]=0;
+      fFPTime[ip]       = 0.;
+      fPlaneCenter[ip]  = 0.;
+      fPlaneSpacing[ip] = 0.;
+      for (UInt_t iPaddle = 0; iPaddle < fNPaddle[ip]; ++iPaddle) {
+        fScinHitPaddle[ip][iPaddle] = 0;
@@ -701,23 +739,24 @@ void THcHodoscope::Clear( Option_t* opt )
-Int_t THcHodoscope::Decode( const THaEvData& evdata )
-  /*! \brief Decodes raw data and processes raw data into hits for each instance of  THcScintillatorPlane
+Int_t THcHodoscope::Decode(const THaEvData& evdata) {
+  /*! \brief Decodes raw data and processes raw data into hits for each instance of
+   * THcScintillatorPlane
    *  - Reads raw data using THcHitList::DecodeToHitList
    *  - If one wants to subtract pedestals (assumed to be a set of data at beginning of run)
    *    + Must define "Pedestal_event" cut in the cuts definition file
    *    + For each "Pedestal_event" calls THcScintillatorPlane::AccumulatePedestals and returns
-   *    + After First event which is not a  "Pedestal_event" calls THcScintillatorPlane::CalculatePedestals
+   *    + After First event which is not a  "Pedestal_event" calls
+   * THcScintillatorPlane::CalculatePedestals
    *  - For each scintillator plane THcScintillatorPlane::ProcessHits
    *  - Calls THcHodoscope::EstimateFocalPlaneTime
   // Get the Hall C style hitlist (fRawHitList) for this event
-  Bool_t present = kTRUE;	// Suppress reference time warnings
-  if(fPresentP) {		// if this spectrometer not part of trigger
+  Bool_t present = kTRUE; // Suppress reference time warnings
+  if (fPresentP) {        // if this spectrometer not part of trigger
     present = *fPresentP;
   fNHits = DecodeToHitList(evdata, !present);
@@ -728,308 +767,304 @@ Int_t THcHodoscope::Decode( const THaEvData& evdata )
   //   cout <<"\nhcana_event " << evdata.GetEvNum()<<endl;
   fCheckEvent = evdata.GetEvNum();
-  fEventType =  evdata.GetEvType();
+  fEventType  = evdata.GetEvType();
-  if(gHaCuts->Result("Pedestal_event")) {
+  if (gHaCuts->Result("Pedestal_event")) {
     Int_t nexthit = 0;
-    for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNPlanes;ip++) {
+    for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNPlanes; ip++) {
       nexthit = fPlanes[ip]->AccumulatePedestals(fRawHitList, nexthit);
-    fAnalyzePedestals = 1;	// Analyze pedestals first normal events
-    return(0);
+    fAnalyzePedestals = 1; // Analyze pedestals first normal events
+    return (0);
-  if(fAnalyzePedestals) {
-    for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNPlanes;ip++) {
+  if (fAnalyzePedestals) {
+    for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNPlanes; ip++) {
-    fAnalyzePedestals = 0;	// Don't analyze pedestals next event
+    fAnalyzePedestals = 0; // Don't analyze pedestals next event
   // Let each plane get its hits
   Int_t nexthit = 0;
-  fNfptimes=0;
+  fNfptimes   = 0;
   Int_t thits = 0;
-  for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNPlanes;ip++) {
+  for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNPlanes; ip++) {
-    fPlaneCenter[ip] = fPlanes[ip]->GetPosCenter(0) + fPlanes[ip]->GetPosOffset();
+    fPlaneCenter[ip]  = fPlanes[ip]->GetPosCenter(0) + fPlanes[ip]->GetPosOffset();
     fPlaneSpacing[ip] = fPlanes[ip]->GetSpacing();
     //    nexthit = fPlanes[ip]->ProcessHits(fRawHitList, nexthit);
     // GN: select only events that have reasonable TDC values to start with
     // as per the Engine h_strip_scin.f
-    nexthit = fPlanes[ip]->ProcessHits(fRawHitList,nexthit);
-    thits+=fPlanes[ip]->GetNScinHits();
+    nexthit = fPlanes[ip]->ProcessHits(fRawHitList, nexthit);
+    thits += fPlanes[ip]->GetNScinHits();
-  fStartTime=-1000;
-  if (thits>0 ) EstimateFocalPlaneTime();
+  fStartTime = -1000;
+  if (thits > 0)
+    EstimateFocalPlaneTime();
   if (fdebugprintscinraw == 1) {
-    for(UInt_t ihit = 0; ihit < fNRawHits ; ihit++) {
-//    THcRawHodoHit* hit = (THcRawHodoHit *) fRawHitList->At(ihit);
-//    cout << ihit << " : " << hit->fPlane << ":" << hit->fCounter << " : "
-//	 << hit->fADC_pos << " " << hit->fADC_neg << " "  <<  hit->fTDC_pos
-//	 << " " <<  hit->fTDC_neg << endl;
+    for (UInt_t ihit = 0; ihit < fNRawHits; ihit++) {
+      //    THcRawHodoHit* hit = (THcRawHodoHit *) fRawHitList->At(ihit);
+      //    cout << ihit << " : " << hit->fPlane << ":" << hit->fCounter << " : "
+      //	 << hit->fADC_pos << " " << hit->fADC_neg << " "  <<  hit->fTDC_pos
+      //	 << " " <<  hit->fTDC_neg << endl;
     cout << endl;
   return fNHits;
-void THcHodoscope::EstimateFocalPlaneTime()
-  /*! \brief Calculates the Drift Chamber start time and fBetaNoTrk (velocity determined without track info)
+void THcHodoscope::EstimateFocalPlaneTime() {
+  /*! \brief Calculates the Drift Chamber start time and fBetaNoTrk (velocity determined without
+   * track info)
    *  - Called by  THcHodoscope::Decode
    *  - selects good scintillator paddle hits
-   *     + loops through hits in each scintillator plane and fills histogram array, "timehist", with corrected times for positive
-   *        and negative ends of each paddle
+   *     + loops through hits in each scintillator plane and fills histogram array, "timehist", with
+   * corrected times for positive and negative ends of each paddle
    *     + Determines the peak of "timehist"
-  Int_t ihit=0;
-  Int_t nscinhits=0;		// Total # hits with at least one good tdc
+  Int_t ihit      = 0;
+  Int_t nscinhits = 0; // Total # hits with at least one good tdc
-  for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNPlanes;ip++) {
-    Int_t nphits=fPlanes[ip]->GetNScinHits();
+  for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNPlanes; ip++) {
+    Int_t nphits = fPlanes[ip]->GetNScinHits();
     nscinhits += nphits;
     TClonesArray* hodoHits = fPlanes[ip]->GetHits();
-    for(Int_t i=0;i<nphits;i++) {
-      THcHodoHit *hit = (THcHodoHit*)hodoHits->At(i);
-      if(hit->GetHasCorrectedTimes()) {
-	Double_t postime=hit->GetPosTOFCorrectedTime();
-	Double_t negtime=hit->GetNegTOFCorrectedTime();
-	hTime->Fill(postime);
-	hTime->Fill(negtime);
+    for (Int_t i = 0; i < nphits; i++) {
+      THcHodoHit* hit = (THcHodoHit*)hodoHits->At(i);
+      if (hit->GetHasCorrectedTimes()) {
+        Double_t postime = hit->GetPosTOFCorrectedTime();
+        Double_t negtime = hit->GetNegTOFCorrectedTime();
+        hTime->Fill(postime);
+        hTime->Fill(negtime);
-  ihit = 0;
-  Double_t fpTimeSum = 0.0;
-  fNfptimes=0;
-  Int_t  Ngood_hits_plane=0;
-  Double_t Plane_fptime_sum=0.0;
-  Bool_t goodplanetime[fNPlanes];
-  Bool_t twogoodtimes[nscinhits];
-  Double_t tmin = 0.5*hTime->GetMaximumBin();
-  fTimeHist_Peak=  tmin;
-  fTimeHist_Sigma=  hTime->GetRMS();
-  fTimeHist_Hits=  hTime->Integral();
-  _basic_data.fTimeHist_Peak  = fTimeHist_Peak ;
+  ihit                      = 0;
+  Double_t fpTimeSum        = 0.0;
+  fNfptimes                 = 0;
+  Int_t    Ngood_hits_plane = 0;
+  Double_t Plane_fptime_sum = 0.0;
+  Bool_t   goodplanetime[fNPlanes];
+  Bool_t   twogoodtimes[nscinhits];
+  Double_t tmin               = 0.5 * hTime->GetMaximumBin();
+  fTimeHist_Peak              = tmin;
+  fTimeHist_Sigma             = hTime->GetRMS();
+  fTimeHist_Hits              = hTime->Integral();
+  _basic_data.fTimeHist_Peak  = fTimeHist_Peak;
   _basic_data.fTimeHist_Sigma = fTimeHist_Sigma;
-  _basic_data.fTimeHist_Hits  = fTimeHist_Hits ;
-  for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNumPlanesBetaCalc;ip++) {
-    goodplanetime[ip] = kFALSE;
-    Int_t nphits=fPlanes[ip]->GetNScinHits();
+  _basic_data.fTimeHist_Hits  = fTimeHist_Hits;
+  for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNumPlanesBetaCalc; ip++) {
+    goodplanetime[ip]      = kFALSE;
+    Int_t         nphits   = fPlanes[ip]->GetNScinHits();
     TClonesArray* hodoHits = fPlanes[ip]->GetHits();
-    Ngood_hits_plane=0;
-    Plane_fptime_sum=0.0;
-    for(Int_t i=0;i<nphits;i++) {
-      THcHodoHit *hit = (THcHodoHit*)hodoHits->At(i);
+    Ngood_hits_plane       = 0;
+    Plane_fptime_sum       = 0.0;
+    for (Int_t i = 0; i < nphits; i++) {
+      THcHodoHit* hit    = (THcHodoHit*)hodoHits->At(i);
       twogoodtimes[ihit] = kFALSE;
-      if(hit->GetHasCorrectedTimes()) {
-	Double_t postime=hit->GetPosTOFCorrectedTime();
-	Double_t negtime=hit->GetNegTOFCorrectedTime();
-	if ((postime>(tmin-fTofTolerance)) && (postime<(tmin+fTofTolerance)) &&
-	    (negtime>(tmin-fTofTolerance)) && (negtime<(tmin+fTofTolerance)) ) {
-	  hit->SetTwoGoodTimes(kTRUE);
-	  twogoodtimes[ihit] = kTRUE;	// Both tubes fired
-	  Int_t index=hit->GetPaddleNumber()-1;	 //
-	  Double_t fptime;
-	  if(fCosmicFlag==1) {
-	    fptime = hit->GetScinCorrectedTime()
-	      + (fPlanes[ip]->GetZpos()+(index%2)*fPlanes[ip]->GetDzpos())
-	      / (29.979 * fBetaNominal);
-	  }else{
-	    fptime = hit->GetScinCorrectedTime()
-	      - (fPlanes[ip]->GetZpos()+(index%2)*fPlanes[ip]->GetDzpos())
-	      / (29.979 * fBetaNominal);
-	  }
+      if (hit->GetHasCorrectedTimes()) {
+        Double_t postime = hit->GetPosTOFCorrectedTime();
+        Double_t negtime = hit->GetNegTOFCorrectedTime();
+        if ((postime > (tmin - fTofTolerance)) && (postime < (tmin + fTofTolerance)) &&
+            (negtime > (tmin - fTofTolerance)) && (negtime < (tmin + fTofTolerance))) {
+          hit->SetTwoGoodTimes(kTRUE);
+          twogoodtimes[ihit] = kTRUE;                      // Both tubes fired
+          Int_t    index     = hit->GetPaddleNumber() - 1; //
+          Double_t fptime;
+          if (fCosmicFlag == 1) {
+            fptime = hit->GetScinCorrectedTime() +
+                     (fPlanes[ip]->GetZpos() + (index % 2) * fPlanes[ip]->GetDzpos()) /
+                         (29.979 * fBetaNominal);
+          } else {
+            fptime = hit->GetScinCorrectedTime() -
+                     (fPlanes[ip]->GetZpos() + (index % 2) * fPlanes[ip]->GetDzpos()) /
+                         (29.979 * fBetaNominal);
+          }
-	  Plane_fptime_sum+=fptime;
-	  fpTimeSum += fptime;
-	  fNfptimes++;
-	  goodplanetime[ip] = kTRUE;
-	} else {
-	  hit->SetTwoGoodTimes(kFALSE);
-	}
+          Plane_fptime_sum += fptime;
+          fpTimeSum += fptime;
+          fNfptimes++;
+          goodplanetime[ip] = kTRUE;
+        } else {
+          hit->SetTwoGoodTimes(kFALSE);
+        }
-    if (Ngood_hits_plane) fPlanes[ip]->SetFpTime(Plane_fptime_sum/float(Ngood_hits_plane));
+    if (Ngood_hits_plane)
+      fPlanes[ip]->SetFpTime(Plane_fptime_sum / float(Ngood_hits_plane));
-  if(fNfptimes>0) {
-    fStartTime = fpTimeSum/fNfptimes;
-    fGoodStartTime=kTRUE;
-    fFPTimeAll = fStartTime ;
+  if (fNfptimes > 0) {
+    fStartTime     = fpTimeSum / fNfptimes;
+    fGoodStartTime = kTRUE;
+    fFPTimeAll     = fStartTime;
   } else {
-    fStartTime = fStartTimeCenter;
-    fGoodStartTime=kFALSE;
-    fFPTimeAll = fStartTime ;
+    fStartTime     = fStartTimeCenter;
+    fGoodStartTime = kFALSE;
+    fFPTimeAll     = fStartTime;
-    //
-   //
+  //
+  //
-  if((goodplanetime[0]||goodplanetime[1]) &&(goodplanetime[2]||goodplanetime[3])) {
+  if ((goodplanetime[0] || goodplanetime[1]) && (goodplanetime[2] || goodplanetime[3])) {
-    Double_t sumW = 0.;
-    Double_t sumT = 0.;
-    Double_t sumZ = 0.;
+    Double_t sumW  = 0.;
+    Double_t sumT  = 0.;
+    Double_t sumZ  = 0.;
     Double_t sumZZ = 0.;
     Double_t sumTZ = 0.;
-    Int_t ihhit = 0;
+    Int_t    ihhit = 0;
-    for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNumPlanesBetaCalc;ip++) {
-      Int_t nphits=fPlanes[ip]->GetNScinHits();
+    for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNumPlanesBetaCalc; ip++) {
+      Int_t         nphits   = fPlanes[ip]->GetNScinHits();
       TClonesArray* hodoHits = fPlanes[ip]->GetHits();
-      for(Int_t i=0;i<nphits;i++) {
-	Int_t index=((THcHodoHit*)hodoHits->At(i))->GetPaddleNumber()-1;
-	if(twogoodtimes[ihhit]){
-	  Double_t sigma = 0.0;
-	  if(fTofUsingInvAdc)
-	    {
-	      sigma = 0.5 * ( TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Power( fHodoPosSigma[GetScinIndex(ip,index)],2) +
-					   TMath::Power( fHodoNegSigma[GetScinIndex(ip,index)],2) ) );
-	    }
-	  else{
-	    sigma = 0.5 * ( TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Power( fHodoSigmaPos[GetScinIndex(ip,index)],2) +
-					 TMath::Power( fHodoSigmaNeg[GetScinIndex(ip,index)],2) ) );
-	  }
-	  Double_t scinWeight = 1 / TMath::Power(sigma,2);
-	  Double_t zPosition = fPlanes[ip]->GetZpos() + (index%2)*fPlanes[ip]->GetDzpos();
- 	  //	  cout << "hit = " << ihhit + 1 << "   zpos = " << zPosition << "   sigma = " << sigma << endl;
-	  //cout << "fHodoSigma+ = " << fHodoSigmaPos[GetScinIndex(ip,index)] << endl;
-	  sumW  += scinWeight;
-	  sumT  += scinWeight * ((THcHodoHit*)hodoHits->At(i))->GetScinCorrectedTime();
-	  sumZ  += scinWeight * zPosition;
-	  sumZZ += scinWeight * ( zPosition * zPosition );
-	  sumTZ += scinWeight * zPosition * ((THcHodoHit*)hodoHits->At(i))->GetScinCorrectedTime();
-	} // condition of good scin time
-	ihhit ++;
+      for (Int_t i = 0; i < nphits; i++) {
+        Int_t index = ((THcHodoHit*)hodoHits->At(i))->GetPaddleNumber() - 1;
+        if (twogoodtimes[ihhit]) {
+          Double_t sigma = 0.0;
+          if (fTofUsingInvAdc) {
+            sigma = 0.5 * (TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(fHodoPosSigma[GetScinIndex(ip, index)], 2) +
+                                       TMath::Power(fHodoNegSigma[GetScinIndex(ip, index)], 2)));
+          } else {
+            sigma = 0.5 * (TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(fHodoSigmaPos[GetScinIndex(ip, index)], 2) +
+                                       TMath::Power(fHodoSigmaNeg[GetScinIndex(ip, index)], 2)));
+          }
+          Double_t scinWeight = 1 / TMath::Power(sigma, 2);
+          Double_t zPosition  = fPlanes[ip]->GetZpos() + (index % 2) * fPlanes[ip]->GetDzpos();
+          //	  cout << "hit = " << ihhit + 1 << "   zpos = " << zPosition << "   sigma = " <<
+          // sigma << endl; cout << "fHodoSigma+ = " << fHodoSigmaPos[GetScinIndex(ip,index)] <<
+          // endl;
+          sumW += scinWeight;
+          sumT += scinWeight * ((THcHodoHit*)hodoHits->At(i))->GetScinCorrectedTime();
+          sumZ += scinWeight * zPosition;
+          sumZZ += scinWeight * (zPosition * zPosition);
+          sumTZ += scinWeight * zPosition * ((THcHodoHit*)hodoHits->At(i))->GetScinCorrectedTime();
+        } // condition of good scin time
+        ihhit++;
       } // loop over hits of plane
-    } // loop over planes
+    }   // loop over planes
-    Double_t tmp = sumW * sumZZ - sumZ * sumZ ;
-    Double_t t0 = ( sumT * sumZZ - sumZ * sumTZ ) / tmp ;
+    Double_t tmp      = sumW * sumZZ - sumZ * sumZ;
+    Double_t t0       = (sumT * sumZZ - sumZ * sumTZ) / tmp;
     Double_t tmpDenom = sumW * sumTZ - sumZ * sumT;
-    if ( TMath::Abs( tmpDenom ) > ( 1 / 10000000000.0 ) ) {
+    if (TMath::Abs(tmpDenom) > (1 / 10000000000.0)) {
-      fBetaNoTrk = tmp / tmpDenom;
+      fBetaNoTrk      = tmp / tmpDenom;
       fBetaNoTrkChiSq = 0.;
-      ihhit = 0;
+      ihhit           = 0;
-      for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNumPlanesBetaCalc; ip++ ){                           // Loop over planes
-	Int_t nphits=fPlanes[ip]->GetNScinHits();
-	TClonesArray* hodoHits = fPlanes[ip]->GetHits();
+      for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNumPlanesBetaCalc; ip++) { // Loop over planes
+        Int_t         nphits   = fPlanes[ip]->GetNScinHits();
+        TClonesArray* hodoHits = fPlanes[ip]->GetHits();
-	for(Int_t i=0;i<nphits;i++) {
-	  Int_t index=((THcHodoHit*)hodoHits->At(i))->GetPaddleNumber()-1;
+        for (Int_t i = 0; i < nphits; i++) {
+          Int_t index = ((THcHodoHit*)hodoHits->At(i))->GetPaddleNumber() - 1;
-	  if(twogoodtimes[ihhit]) {
+          if (twogoodtimes[ihhit]) {
-	    Double_t zPosition = fPlanes[ip]->GetZpos() + (index%2)*fPlanes[ip]->GetDzpos();
-	    Double_t timeDif = ( ((THcHodoHit*)hodoHits->At(i))->GetScinCorrectedTime() - t0 );
-	    Double_t sigma = 0.0;
-	    if(fTofUsingInvAdc){
-	      sigma = 0.5 * ( TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Power( fHodoPosSigma[GetScinIndex(ip,index)],2) +
-					   TMath::Power( fHodoNegSigma[GetScinIndex(ip,index)],2) ) );
-	    }
-	    else {
-	      sigma = 0.5 * ( TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Power( fHodoSigmaPos[GetScinIndex(ip,index)],2) +
-					   TMath::Power( fHodoSigmaNeg[GetScinIndex(ip,index)],2) ) );
-	    }
+            Double_t zPosition = fPlanes[ip]->GetZpos() + (index % 2) * fPlanes[ip]->GetDzpos();
+            Double_t timeDif   = (((THcHodoHit*)hodoHits->At(i))->GetScinCorrectedTime() - t0);
-	    fBetaNoTrkChiSq += ( ( zPosition / fBetaNoTrk - timeDif ) *
-				 ( zPosition / fBetaNoTrk - timeDif ) ) / ( sigma * sigma );
+            Double_t sigma = 0.0;
+            if (fTofUsingInvAdc) {
+              sigma = 0.5 * (TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(fHodoPosSigma[GetScinIndex(ip, index)], 2) +
+                                         TMath::Power(fHodoNegSigma[GetScinIndex(ip, index)], 2)));
+            } else {
+              sigma = 0.5 * (TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(fHodoSigmaPos[GetScinIndex(ip, index)], 2) +
+                                         TMath::Power(fHodoSigmaNeg[GetScinIndex(ip, index)], 2)));
+            }
+            fBetaNoTrkChiSq +=
+                ((zPosition / fBetaNoTrk - timeDif) * (zPosition / fBetaNoTrk - timeDif)) /
+                (sigma * sigma);
-	  } // condition for good scin time
-	  ihhit++;
-	} // loop over hits of a plane
-      } // loop over planes
+          } // condition for good scin time
+          ihhit++;
+        } // loop over hits of a plane
+      }   // loop over planes
       Double_t pathNorm = 1.0;
       fBetaNoTrk = fBetaNoTrk * pathNorm;
-      fBetaNoTrk = fBetaNoTrk / 29.979;    // velocity / c
+      fBetaNoTrk = fBetaNoTrk / 29.979; // velocity / c
-    }  // condition for fTmpDenom
+    } // condition for fTmpDenom
     else {
-      fBetaNoTrk = 0.;
+      fBetaNoTrk      = 0.;
       fBetaNoTrkChiSq = -2.;
     } // else condition for fTmpDenom
-    fGoodEventTOFCalib=kFALSE;
-    if ((fNumPlanesBetaCalc==4)&&goodplanetime[0]&&goodplanetime[1]&&goodplanetime[2]&&goodplanetime[3]&&fPlanes[0]->GetNGoodHits()==1&&fPlanes[1]->GetNGoodHits()==1&&fPlanes[2]->GetNGoodHits()==1&&fPlanes[3]->GetNGoodHits()==1) fGoodEventTOFCalib=kTRUE;
-    if ((fNumPlanesBetaCalc==3)&&goodplanetime[0]&&goodplanetime[1]&&goodplanetime[2]&&fPlanes[0]->GetNGoodHits()==1&&fPlanes[1]->GetNGoodHits()==1&&fPlanes[2]->GetNGoodHits()==1) fGoodEventTOFCalib=kTRUE;
+    fGoodEventTOFCalib = kFALSE;
+    if ((fNumPlanesBetaCalc == 4) && goodplanetime[0] && goodplanetime[1] && goodplanetime[2] &&
+        goodplanetime[3] && fPlanes[0]->GetNGoodHits() == 1 && fPlanes[1]->GetNGoodHits() == 1 &&
+        fPlanes[2]->GetNGoodHits() == 1 && fPlanes[3]->GetNGoodHits() == 1)
+      fGoodEventTOFCalib = kTRUE;
+    if ((fNumPlanesBetaCalc == 3) && goodplanetime[0] && goodplanetime[1] && goodplanetime[2] &&
+        fPlanes[0]->GetNGoodHits() == 1 && fPlanes[1]->GetNGoodHits() == 1 &&
+        fPlanes[2]->GetNGoodHits() == 1)
+      fGoodEventTOFCalib = kTRUE;
-Int_t THcHodoscope::ApplyCorrections( void )
-  return(0);
+Int_t THcHodoscope::ApplyCorrections(void) { return (0); }
-Double_t THcHodoscope::TimeWalkCorrection(const Int_t& paddle,
-					     const ESide side)
-  return(0.0);
+Double_t THcHodoscope::TimeWalkCorrection(const Int_t& paddle, const ESide side) { return (0.0); }
-Int_t THcHodoscope::CoarseProcess( TClonesArray& tracks )
+Int_t THcHodoscope::CoarseProcess(TClonesArray& tracks) {
-  Int_t ntracks = tracks.GetLast()+1; // Number of reconstructed tracks
+  Int_t ntracks = tracks.GetLast() + 1; // Number of reconstructed tracks
   // -------------------------------------------------
   //  fDumpOut << " ntrack =  " << ntracks  << endl;
-  if (ntracks > 0 ) {
+  if (ntracks > 0) {
     // **MAIN LOOP: Loop over all tracks and get corrected time, tof, beta...
     vector<Double_t> nPmtHit(ntracks);
     vector<Double_t> timeAtFP(ntracks);
-    for ( Int_t itrack = 0; itrack < ntracks; itrack++ ) { // Line 133
-      nPmtHit[itrack]=0;
-      timeAtFP[itrack]=0;
-      THaTrack* theTrack = dynamic_cast<THaTrack*>( tracks.At(itrack) );
-      if (!theTrack) return -1;
-      for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNumPlanesBetaCalc; ip++ ){
-	fGoodPlaneTime[ip] = kFALSE;
-	fNScinHits[ip] = 0;
-	fNPlaneTime[ip] = 0;
-	fSumPlaneTime[ip] = 0.;
+    for (Int_t itrack = 0; itrack < ntracks; itrack++) { // Line 133
+      nPmtHit[itrack]  = 0;
+      timeAtFP[itrack] = 0;
+      THaTrack* theTrack = dynamic_cast<THaTrack*>(tracks.At(itrack));
+      if (!theTrack)
+        return -1;
+      for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNumPlanesBetaCalc; ip++) {
+        fGoodPlaneTime[ip] = kFALSE;
+        fNScinHits[ip]     = 0;
+        fNPlaneTime[ip]    = 0;
+        fSumPlaneTime[ip]  = 0.;
-      std::vector<Double_t> dedx_temp;
-      std::vector<std::vector<GoodFlags> > goodflagstmp1;
+      std::vector<Double_t>               dedx_temp;
+      std::vector<std::vector<GoodFlags>> goodflagstmp1;
 #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
       fdEdX.push_back(std::move(dedx_temp)); // Create array of dedx per hit
@@ -1038,9 +1073,9 @@ Int_t THcHodoscope::CoarseProcess( TClonesArray& tracks )
       fdEdX.push_back(dedx_temp); // Create array of dedx per hit
-      Int_t nFPTime = 0;
+      Int_t    nFPTime   = 0;
       Double_t betaChiSq = -3;
-      Double_t beta = 0;
+      Double_t beta      = 0;
       //      timeAtFP[itrack] = 0.;
       Double_t sumFPTime = 0.; // Line 138
@@ -1057,317 +1092,321 @@ Int_t THcHodoscope::CoarseProcess( TClonesArray& tracks )
       //! to accomodate difference in TOF for other particles
       //! Default value in case user hasnt defined something reasonable
       // Loop over scintillator planes.
       // In ENGINE, its loop over good scintillator hits.
-      fTOFCalc.clear();   // SAW - Can we
-      fTOFPInfo.clear();  // SAW - combine these two?
-      Int_t ihhit = 0;		// Hit # overall
+      fTOFCalc.clear();  // SAW - Can we
+      fTOFPInfo.clear(); // SAW - combine these two?
+      Int_t ihhit = 0;   // Hit # overall
-      for(Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNumPlanesBetaCalc; ip++ ) {
+      for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNumPlanesBetaCalc; ip++) {
-	std::vector<GoodFlags> goodflagstmp2;
-	goodflagstmp2.reserve(fNScinHits[ip]);
+        std::vector<GoodFlags> goodflagstmp2;
+        goodflagstmp2.reserve(fNScinHits[ip]);
 #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
-	fGoodFlags[itrack].push_back(std::move(goodflagstmp2));
+        fGoodFlags[itrack].push_back(std::move(goodflagstmp2));
-	fGoodFlags[itrack].push_back(goodflagstmp2);
+        fGoodFlags[itrack].push_back(goodflagstmp2);
-	fNScinHits[ip] = fPlanes[ip]->GetNScinHits();
-	TClonesArray* hodoHits = fPlanes[ip]->GetHits();
-	Double_t zPos = fPlanes[ip]->GetZpos();
-	Double_t dzPos = fPlanes[ip]->GetDzpos();
-	// first loop over hits with in a single plane
-	for (Int_t iphit = 0; iphit < fNScinHits[ip]; iphit++ ){
-	  // iphit is hit # within a plane
-	  THcHodoHit *hit = (THcHodoHit*)hodoHits->At(iphit);
-	  fTOFPInfo.push_back(TOFPInfo());
-	  // Can remove these as we will initialize in the constructor
-	  //	  fTOFPInfo[ihhit].time_pos = -99.0;
-	  //	  fTOFPInfo[ihhit].time_neg = -99.0;
-	  //	  fTOFPInfo[ihhit].keep_pos = kFALSE;
-	  //	  fTOFPInfo[ihhit].keep_neg = kFALSE;
-	  fTOFPInfo[ihhit].scin_pos_time = 0.0;
-	  fTOFPInfo[ihhit].scin_neg_time = 0.0;
-	  fTOFPInfo[ihhit].hit = hit;
-	  fTOFPInfo[ihhit].planeIndex = ip;
-	  fTOFPInfo[ihhit].hitNumInPlane = iphit;
-	  fTOFPInfo[ihhit].onTrack = kFALSE;
-	  Int_t paddle = hit->GetPaddleNumber()-1;
-	  Double_t zposition = zPos + (paddle%2)*dzPos;
-	  Double_t xHitCoord = theTrack->GetX() + theTrack->GetTheta() *
-	    ( zposition ); // Line 183
-	  Double_t yHitCoord = theTrack->GetY() + theTrack->GetPhi() *
-	    ( zposition ); // Line 184
-	  Double_t scinTrnsCoord, scinLongCoord;
-	  if ( ( ip == 0 ) || ( ip == 2 ) ){ // !x plane. Line 185
-	    scinTrnsCoord = xHitCoord;
-	    scinLongCoord = yHitCoord;
-	  } else if ( ( ip == 1 ) || ( ip == 3 ) ){ // !y plane. Line 188
-	    scinTrnsCoord = yHitCoord;
-	    scinLongCoord = xHitCoord;
-	  } else { return -1; } // Line 195
-	  fTOFPInfo[ihhit].scinTrnsCoord = scinTrnsCoord;
-	  fTOFPInfo[ihhit].scinLongCoord = scinLongCoord;
-	  Double_t scinCenter = fPlanes[ip]->GetPosCenter(paddle) + fPlanes[ip]->GetPosOffset();
-	  // Index to access the 2d arrays of paddle/scintillator properties
-	  Int_t fPIndex = GetScinIndex(ip,paddle);
-	  if ( TMath::Abs( scinCenter - scinTrnsCoord ) <
-	       ( fPlanes[ip]->GetSize() * 0.5 + fPlanes[ip]->GetHodoSlop() ) ){ // Line 293
-	    fTOFPInfo[ihhit].onTrack = kTRUE;
-	    Double_t zcor = zposition/(29.979*fBetaNominal)*
-	      TMath::Sqrt(1. + theTrack->GetTheta()*theTrack->GetTheta()
-			  + theTrack->GetPhi()*theTrack->GetPhi());
-	    fTOFPInfo[ihhit].zcor = zcor;
-	    if (fCosmicFlag) {
-	      Double_t zcor = -zposition/(29.979*1.0)*
-		TMath::Sqrt(1. + theTrack->GetTheta()*theTrack->GetTheta()
-			    + theTrack->GetPhi()*theTrack->GetPhi());
-	      fTOFPInfo[ihhit].zcor = zcor;
-	    }
-	    Double_t tdc_pos = hit->GetPosTDC();
-	    if(tdc_pos >=fScinTdcMin && tdc_pos <= fScinTdcMax ) {
-	      Double_t adc_pos = hit->GetPosADC();
-	      Double_t adcamp_pos = hit->GetPosADCpeak();
-	      Double_t pathp = fPlanes[ip]->GetPosLeft() - scinLongCoord;
-	      fTOFPInfo[ihhit].pathp = pathp;
-	      Double_t timep = tdc_pos*fScinTdcToTime;
-	      if(fTofUsingInvAdc) {
-		timep -= fHodoPosInvAdcOffset[fPIndex]
-		  + pathp/fHodoPosInvAdcLinear[fPIndex]
-		  + fHodoPosInvAdcAdc[fPIndex]
-		  /TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Max(20.0*.020,adc_pos));
-	      } else {
-	        //Double_t tw_corr_pos = fHodoPos_c1[fPIndex]/pow(adcamp_pos/fTdc_Thrs,fHodoPos_c2[fPIndex]) -  fHodoPos_c1[fPIndex]/pow(200./fTdc_Thrs, fHodoPos_c2[fPIndex]);
-		Double_t tw_corr_pos=0.;
-		pathp=scinLongCoord;
-		if (adcamp_pos>0) tw_corr_pos = 1./pow(adcamp_pos/fTdc_Thrs,fHodoPos_c2[fPIndex]) -  1./pow(200./fTdc_Thrs, fHodoPos_c2[fPIndex]);            
-		timep += -tw_corr_pos + fHodo_LCoeff[fPIndex]+ pathp/fHodoVelFit[fPIndex];
-	      }
-	      fTOFPInfo[ihhit].scin_pos_time = timep;
- 	      timep -= zcor;
-	      fTOFPInfo[ihhit].time_pos = timep;
+        fNScinHits[ip]         = fPlanes[ip]->GetNScinHits();
+        TClonesArray* hodoHits = fPlanes[ip]->GetHits();
+        Double_t zPos  = fPlanes[ip]->GetZpos();
+        Double_t dzPos = fPlanes[ip]->GetDzpos();
+        // first loop over hits with in a single plane
+        for (Int_t iphit = 0; iphit < fNScinHits[ip]; iphit++) {
+          // iphit is hit # within a plane
+          THcHodoHit* hit = (THcHodoHit*)hodoHits->At(iphit);
+          fTOFPInfo.push_back(TOFPInfo());
+          // Can remove these as we will initialize in the constructor
+          //	  fTOFPInfo[ihhit].time_pos = -99.0;
+          //	  fTOFPInfo[ihhit].time_neg = -99.0;
+          //	  fTOFPInfo[ihhit].keep_pos = kFALSE;
+          //	  fTOFPInfo[ihhit].keep_neg = kFALSE;
+          fTOFPInfo[ihhit].scin_pos_time = 0.0;
+          fTOFPInfo[ihhit].scin_neg_time = 0.0;
+          fTOFPInfo[ihhit].hit           = hit;
+          fTOFPInfo[ihhit].planeIndex    = ip;
+          fTOFPInfo[ihhit].hitNumInPlane = iphit;
+          fTOFPInfo[ihhit].onTrack       = kFALSE;
+          Int_t    paddle    = hit->GetPaddleNumber() - 1;
+          Double_t zposition = zPos + (paddle % 2) * dzPos;
+          Double_t xHitCoord = theTrack->GetX() + theTrack->GetTheta() * (zposition); // Line 183
+          Double_t yHitCoord = theTrack->GetY() + theTrack->GetPhi() * (zposition); // Line 184
+          Double_t scinTrnsCoord, scinLongCoord;
+          if ((ip == 0) || (ip == 2)) { // !x plane. Line 185
+            scinTrnsCoord = xHitCoord;
+            scinLongCoord = yHitCoord;
+          } else if ((ip == 1) || (ip == 3)) { // !y plane. Line 188
+            scinTrnsCoord = yHitCoord;
+            scinLongCoord = xHitCoord;
+          } else {
+            return -1;
+          } // Line 195
+          fTOFPInfo[ihhit].scinTrnsCoord = scinTrnsCoord;
+          fTOFPInfo[ihhit].scinLongCoord = scinLongCoord;
+          Double_t scinCenter = fPlanes[ip]->GetPosCenter(paddle) + fPlanes[ip]->GetPosOffset();
+          // Index to access the 2d arrays of paddle/scintillator properties
+          Int_t    fPIndex   = GetScinIndex(ip, paddle);
+          Double_t betatrack = theTrack->GetP() / TMath::Sqrt(theTrack->GetP() * theTrack->GetP() +
+                                                              fPartMass * fPartMass);
+          if (TMath::Abs(scinCenter - scinTrnsCoord) <
+              (fPlanes[ip]->GetSize() * 0.5 + fPlanes[ip]->GetHodoSlop())) { // Line 293
+            fTOFPInfo[ihhit].onTrack = kTRUE;
+            Double_t zcor            = zposition / (29.979 * betatrack) *
+                            TMath::Sqrt(1. + theTrack->GetTheta() * theTrack->GetTheta() +
+                                        theTrack->GetPhi() * theTrack->GetPhi());
+            fTOFPInfo[ihhit].zcor = zcor;
+            if (fCosmicFlag) {
+              Double_t zcor = -zposition / (29.979 * 1.0) *
+                              TMath::Sqrt(1. + theTrack->GetTheta() * theTrack->GetTheta() +
+                                          theTrack->GetPhi() * theTrack->GetPhi());
+              fTOFPInfo[ihhit].zcor = zcor;
+            }
+            Double_t tdc_pos = hit->GetPosTDC();
+            if (tdc_pos >= fScinTdcMin && tdc_pos <= fScinTdcMax) {
+              Double_t adc_pos       = hit->GetPosADC();
+              Double_t adcamp_pos    = hit->GetPosADCpeak();
+              Double_t pathp         = fPlanes[ip]->GetPosLeft() - scinLongCoord;
+              fTOFPInfo[ihhit].pathp = pathp;
+              Double_t timep         = tdc_pos * fScinTdcToTime;
+              if (fTofUsingInvAdc) {
+                timep -= fHodoPosInvAdcOffset[fPIndex] + pathp / fHodoPosInvAdcLinear[fPIndex] +
+                         fHodoPosInvAdcAdc[fPIndex] / TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Max(20.0 * .020, adc_pos));
+              } else {
+                // Double_t tw_corr_pos =
+                // fHodoPos_c1[fPIndex]/pow(adcamp_pos/fTdc_Thrs,fHodoPos_c2[fPIndex]) -
+                // fHodoPos_c1[fPIndex]/pow(200./fTdc_Thrs, fHodoPos_c2[fPIndex]);
+                Double_t tw_corr_pos = 0.;
+                pathp                = scinLongCoord;
+                if (adcamp_pos > 0)
+                  tw_corr_pos = 1. / pow(adcamp_pos / fTdc_Thrs, fHodoPos_c2[fPIndex]) -
+                                1. / pow(200. / fTdc_Thrs, fHodoPos_c2[fPIndex]);
+                timep += -tw_corr_pos + fHodo_LCoeff[fPIndex] + pathp / fHodoVelFit[fPIndex];
+              }
+              fTOFPInfo[ihhit].scin_pos_time = timep;
+              timep -= zcor;
+              fTOFPInfo[ihhit].time_pos = timep;
-	    }
-	    Double_t tdc_neg = hit->GetNegTDC();
-	    if(tdc_neg >=fScinTdcMin && tdc_neg <= fScinTdcMax ) {
-	      Double_t adc_neg = hit->GetNegADC();
-	      Double_t adcamp_neg = hit->GetNegADCpeak();
-	      Double_t pathn =  scinLongCoord - fPlanes[ip]->GetPosRight();
-	      fTOFPInfo[ihhit].pathn = pathn;
-	      Double_t timen = tdc_neg*fScinTdcToTime;
-	      if(fTofUsingInvAdc) {
-		timen -= fHodoNegInvAdcOffset[fPIndex]
-		  + pathn/fHodoNegInvAdcLinear[fPIndex]
-		  + fHodoNegInvAdcAdc[fPIndex]
-		  /TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Max(20.0*.020,adc_neg));
-	      } else {
-		pathn=scinLongCoord ;
-		Double_t tw_corr_neg =0 ;
-		if (adcamp_neg >0) tw_corr_neg= 1./pow(adcamp_neg/fTdc_Thrs,fHodoNeg_c2[fPIndex]) -  1./pow(200./fTdc_Thrs, fHodoNeg_c2[fPIndex]);              
-		timen += -tw_corr_neg- 2*fHodoCableFit[fPIndex] + fHodo_LCoeff[fPIndex]- pathn/fHodoVelFit[fPIndex];
-	      }
-	      fTOFPInfo[ihhit].scin_neg_time = timen;
-	      timen -=  zcor;
-	      fTOFPInfo[ihhit].time_neg = timen;
+            }
+            Double_t tdc_neg = hit->GetNegTDC();
+            if (tdc_neg >= fScinTdcMin && tdc_neg <= fScinTdcMax) {
+              Double_t adc_neg       = hit->GetNegADC();
+              Double_t adcamp_neg    = hit->GetNegADCpeak();
+              Double_t pathn         = scinLongCoord - fPlanes[ip]->GetPosRight();
+              fTOFPInfo[ihhit].pathn = pathn;
+              Double_t timen         = tdc_neg * fScinTdcToTime;
+              if (fTofUsingInvAdc) {
+                timen -= fHodoNegInvAdcOffset[fPIndex] + pathn / fHodoNegInvAdcLinear[fPIndex] +
+                         fHodoNegInvAdcAdc[fPIndex] / TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Max(20.0 * .020, adc_neg));
+              } else {
+                pathn                = scinLongCoord;
+                Double_t tw_corr_neg = 0;
+                if (adcamp_neg > 0)
+                  tw_corr_neg = 1. / pow(adcamp_neg / fTdc_Thrs, fHodoNeg_c2[fPIndex]) -
+                                1. / pow(200. / fTdc_Thrs, fHodoNeg_c2[fPIndex]);
+                timen += -tw_corr_neg - 2 * fHodoCableFit[fPIndex] + fHodo_LCoeff[fPIndex] -
+                         pathn / fHodoVelFit[fPIndex];
+              }
+              fTOFPInfo[ihhit].scin_neg_time = timen;
+              timen -= zcor;
+              fTOFPInfo[ihhit].time_neg = timen;
-	    }
-	  } // condition for cenetr on a paddle
-	  ihhit++;
-	} // First loop over hits in a plane <---------
-	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	//------------- First large loop over scintillator hits ends here --------------------
-	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+            }
+          } // condition for cenetr on a paddle
+          ihhit++;
+        } // First loop over hits in a plane <---------
+        //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        //------------- First large loop over scintillator hits ends here --------------------
+        //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      Int_t nhits=ihhit;
-      if(0.5*hTime->GetMaximumBin() > 0) {
-	Double_t tmin = 0.5*hTime->GetMaximumBin();
-	for(Int_t ih = 0; ih < nhits; ih++) { // loop over all scintillator hits
-	  if ( ( fTOFPInfo[ih].time_pos > (tmin-fTofTolerance) ) && ( fTOFPInfo[ih].time_pos < ( tmin + fTofTolerance ) ) ) {
-	    fTOFPInfo[ih].keep_pos=kTRUE;
-	  }
-	  if ( ( fTOFPInfo[ih].time_neg > (tmin-fTofTolerance) ) && ( fTOFPInfo[ih].time_neg < ( tmin + fTofTolerance ) ) ){
-	    fTOFPInfo[ih].keep_neg=kTRUE;
-	  }
-	}
+      Int_t nhits = ihhit;
+      if (0.5 * hTime->GetMaximumBin() > 0) {
+        Double_t tmin = 0.5 * hTime->GetMaximumBin();
+        for (Int_t ih = 0; ih < nhits; ih++) { // loop over all scintillator hits
+          if ((fTOFPInfo[ih].time_pos > (tmin - fTofTolerance)) &&
+              (fTOFPInfo[ih].time_pos < (tmin + fTofTolerance))) {
+            fTOFPInfo[ih].keep_pos = kTRUE;
+          }
+          if ((fTOFPInfo[ih].time_neg > (tmin - fTofTolerance)) &&
+              (fTOFPInfo[ih].time_neg < (tmin + fTofTolerance))) {
+            fTOFPInfo[ih].keep_neg = kTRUE;
+          }
+        }
-      // ---------------------- Second loop over scint. hits in a plane -----------------------------
+      // ---------------------- Second loop over scint. hits in a plane
+      // -----------------------------
-      for(Int_t ih=0; ih < nhits; ih++) {
-	THcHodoHit *hit = fTOFPInfo[ih].hit;
-	Int_t iphit = fTOFPInfo[ih].hitNumInPlane;
-	Int_t ip = fTOFPInfo[ih].planeIndex;
-	//         fDumpOut << " looping over hits = " << ih << " plane = " << ip+1 << endl;
-	// Flags are used by THcHodoEff
-	fGoodFlags[itrack][ip].reserve(nhits);
-	fGoodFlags[itrack][ip].push_back(GoodFlags());
-	assert( iphit >= 0 && (size_t)iphit < fGoodFlags[itrack][ip].size() );
-	fGoodFlags[itrack][ip][iphit].onTrack = kFALSE;
-	fGoodFlags[itrack][ip][iphit].goodScinTime = kFALSE;
-	fGoodFlags[itrack][ip][iphit].goodTdcNeg = kFALSE;
-	fGoodFlags[itrack][ip][iphit].goodTdcPos = kFALSE;
-	fTOFCalc.push_back(TOFCalc());
-	// Do we set back to false for each track, or just once per event?
-	assert( ih >= 0 && (size_t)ih < fTOFCalc.size() );
-	fTOFCalc[ih].good_scin_time = kFALSE;
-	// These need a track index too to calculate efficiencies
-	fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_pos = kFALSE;
-	fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_neg = kFALSE;
-	fTOFCalc[ih].pindex = ip;
-	Int_t paddle = hit->GetPaddleNumber()-1;
-	fTOFCalc[ih].hit_paddle = paddle;
-	fTOFCalc[ih].good_raw_pad = paddle;
-	//	Double_t scinCenter = fPlanes[ip]->GetPosCenter(paddle) + fPlanes[ip]->GetPosOffset();
-	//	Double_t scinTrnsCoord = fTOFPInfo[ih].scinTrnsCoord;
-	//	Double_t scinLongCoord = fTOFPInfo[ih].scinLongCoord;
-	Int_t fPIndex = GetScinIndex(ip,paddle);
-	if (fTOFPInfo[ih].onTrack) {
-	  fGoodFlags[itrack][ip][iphit].onTrack = kTRUE;
-	  if ( fTOFPInfo[ih].keep_pos ) { // 301
-	    fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_pos = kTRUE;
-	    fGoodFlags[itrack][ip][iphit].goodTdcPos = kTRUE;
-	  }
-	  if ( fTOFPInfo[ih].keep_neg ) { //
-	    fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_neg = kTRUE;
-	    fGoodFlags[itrack][ip][iphit].goodTdcNeg = kTRUE;
-	  }
-	  // ** Calculate ave time for scin and error.
-	  if ( fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_pos ){
-	    if ( fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_neg ){
-	      fTOFCalc[ih].scin_time  = ( fTOFPInfo[ih].scin_pos_time +
-					  fTOFPInfo[ih].scin_neg_time ) / 2.;
-	      fTOFCalc[ih].scin_time_fp  = ( fTOFPInfo[ih].time_pos +
-					     fTOFPInfo[ih].time_neg ) / 2.;
-	      if (fTofUsingInvAdc){
-		fTOFCalc[ih].scin_sigma = TMath::Sqrt( fHodoPosSigma[fPIndex] * fHodoPosSigma[fPIndex] +
-						       fHodoNegSigma[fPIndex] * fHodoNegSigma[fPIndex] )/2.;
-	      }
-	      else {
-		fTOFCalc[ih].scin_sigma = TMath::Sqrt( fHodoSigmaPos[fPIndex] * fHodoSigmaPos[fPIndex] +
-						       fHodoSigmaNeg[fPIndex] * fHodoSigmaNeg[fPIndex] )/2.;
-	      }
-	      fTOFCalc[ih].good_scin_time = kTRUE;
-	      fGoodFlags[itrack][ip][iphit].goodScinTime = kTRUE;
-	    } else{
-	      fTOFCalc[ih].scin_time = fTOFPInfo[ih].scin_pos_time;
-	      fTOFCalc[ih].scin_time_fp = fTOFPInfo[ih].time_pos;
-	      if (fTofUsingInvAdc){
-		fTOFCalc[ih].scin_sigma = fHodoPosSigma[fPIndex];
-	      }
-	      else{
-		fTOFCalc[ih].scin_sigma = fHodoSigmaPos[fPIndex];
-	      }
-	      fTOFCalc[ih].good_scin_time = kTRUE;
-	      fGoodFlags[itrack][ip][iphit].goodScinTime = kTRUE;
-	    }
-	  } else {
-	    if ( fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_neg ){
-	      fTOFCalc[ih].scin_time = fTOFPInfo[ih].scin_neg_time;
-	      fTOFCalc[ih].scin_time_fp = fTOFPInfo[ih].time_neg;
-	      if (fTofUsingInvAdc){
-		fTOFCalc[ih].scin_sigma = fHodoNegSigma[fPIndex];
-	      }
-	      else{
-		fTOFCalc[ih].scin_sigma = fHodoSigmaNeg[fPIndex];
-	      }
-	      fTOFCalc[ih].good_scin_time = kTRUE;
-	      fGoodFlags[itrack][ip][iphit].goodScinTime = kTRUE;
-	    }
-	  } // In h_tof.f this includes the following if condition for time at focal plane
-	    // // because it is written in FORTRAN code
-	    // c     Get time at focal plane
-	  if ( fTOFCalc[ih].good_scin_time ){
-	    // scin_time_fp doesn't need to be an array
-	    // Is this any different than the average of time_pos and time_neg?
-	    //	    Double_t scin_time_fp = ( fTOFPInfo[ih].time_pos +
-	    //				      fTOFPInfo[ih].time_neg ) / 2.;
-	    Double_t scin_time_fp = fTOFCalc[ih].scin_time_fp;
-	    sumFPTime = sumFPTime + scin_time_fp;
-	    nFPTime ++;
-	    fSumPlaneTime[ip] = fSumPlaneTime[ip] + scin_time_fp;
-	    fNPlaneTime[ip] ++;
-	    fNScinHit[itrack] ++;
-	    if ( ( fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_pos ) && ( fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_neg ) ){
-	      nPmtHit[itrack] = nPmtHit[itrack] + 2;
-	    } else {
-	      nPmtHit[itrack] = nPmtHit[itrack] + 1;
-	    }
-	    fdEdX[itrack].push_back(0.0);
-	    assert( fNScinHit[itrack] > 0 && (size_t)fNScinHit[itrack] < fdEdX[itrack].size()+1 );
-	    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	    if ( fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_pos ){
-	      if ( fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_neg ){
-		fdEdX[itrack][fNScinHit[itrack]-1]=
-		  TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Max( 0., hit->GetPosADC() * hit->GetNegADC() ) );
-	      } else{
-		fdEdX[itrack][fNScinHit[itrack]-1]=
-		  TMath::Max( 0., hit->GetPosADC() );
-	      }
-	    } else{
-	      if ( fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_neg ){
-		fdEdX[itrack][fNScinHit[itrack]-1]=
-		  TMath::Max( 0., hit->GetNegADC() );
-	      } else{
-		fdEdX[itrack][fNScinHit[itrack]-1]=0.0;
-	      }
-	    }
-	    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	  } // time at focal plane condition
-	} // on track condition
-	  // ** See if there are any good time measurements in the plane.
-	if ( fTOFCalc[ih].good_scin_time ){
-	  fGoodPlaneTime[ip] = kTRUE;
-	  fTOFCalc[ih].dedx = fdEdX[itrack][fNScinHit[itrack]-1];
-	} else {
-	  fTOFCalc[ih].dedx = 0.0;
-	}
+      for (Int_t ih = 0; ih < nhits; ih++) {
+        THcHodoHit* hit   = fTOFPInfo[ih].hit;
+        Int_t       iphit = fTOFPInfo[ih].hitNumInPlane;
+        Int_t       ip    = fTOFPInfo[ih].planeIndex;
+        //         fDumpOut << " looping over hits = " << ih << " plane = " << ip+1 << endl;
+        // Flags are used by THcHodoEff
+        fGoodFlags[itrack][ip].reserve(nhits);
+        fGoodFlags[itrack][ip].push_back(GoodFlags());
+        assert(iphit >= 0 && (size_t)iphit < fGoodFlags[itrack][ip].size());
+        fGoodFlags[itrack][ip][iphit].onTrack      = kFALSE;
+        fGoodFlags[itrack][ip][iphit].goodScinTime = kFALSE;
+        fGoodFlags[itrack][ip][iphit].goodTdcNeg   = kFALSE;
+        fGoodFlags[itrack][ip][iphit].goodTdcPos   = kFALSE;
+        fTOFCalc.push_back(TOFCalc());
+        // Do we set back to false for each track, or just once per event?
+        assert(ih >= 0 && (size_t)ih < fTOFCalc.size());
+        fTOFCalc[ih].good_scin_time = kFALSE;
+        // These need a track index too to calculate efficiencies
+        fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_pos = kFALSE;
+        fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_neg = kFALSE;
+        fTOFCalc[ih].pindex       = ip;
+        Int_t paddle              = hit->GetPaddleNumber() - 1;
+        fTOFCalc[ih].hit_paddle   = paddle;
+        fTOFCalc[ih].good_raw_pad = paddle;
+        //	Double_t scinCenter = fPlanes[ip]->GetPosCenter(paddle) +
+        // fPlanes[ip]->GetPosOffset(); 	Double_t scinTrnsCoord =
+        // fTOFPInfo[ih].scinTrnsCoord; 	Double_t scinLongCoord =
+        // fTOFPInfo[ih].scinLongCoord;
+        Int_t fPIndex = GetScinIndex(ip, paddle);
+        if (fTOFPInfo[ih].onTrack) {
+          fGoodFlags[itrack][ip][iphit].onTrack = kTRUE;
+          if (fTOFPInfo[ih].keep_pos) { // 301
+            fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_pos                = kTRUE;
+            fGoodFlags[itrack][ip][iphit].goodTdcPos = kTRUE;
+          }
+          if (fTOFPInfo[ih].keep_neg) { //
+            fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_neg                = kTRUE;
+            fGoodFlags[itrack][ip][iphit].goodTdcNeg = kTRUE;
+          }
+          // ** Calculate ave time for scin and error.
+          if (fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_pos) {
+            if (fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_neg) {
+              fTOFCalc[ih].scin_time =
+                  (fTOFPInfo[ih].scin_pos_time + fTOFPInfo[ih].scin_neg_time) / 2.;
+              fTOFCalc[ih].scin_time_fp = (fTOFPInfo[ih].time_pos + fTOFPInfo[ih].time_neg) / 2.;
+              if (fTofUsingInvAdc) {
+                fTOFCalc[ih].scin_sigma =
+                    TMath::Sqrt(fHodoPosSigma[fPIndex] * fHodoPosSigma[fPIndex] +
+                                fHodoNegSigma[fPIndex] * fHodoNegSigma[fPIndex]) /
+                    2.;
+              } else {
+                fTOFCalc[ih].scin_sigma =
+                    TMath::Sqrt(fHodoSigmaPos[fPIndex] * fHodoSigmaPos[fPIndex] +
+                                fHodoSigmaNeg[fPIndex] * fHodoSigmaNeg[fPIndex]) /
+                    2.;
+              }
+              fTOFCalc[ih].good_scin_time                = kTRUE;
+              fGoodFlags[itrack][ip][iphit].goodScinTime = kTRUE;
+            } else {
+              fTOFCalc[ih].scin_time    = fTOFPInfo[ih].scin_pos_time;
+              fTOFCalc[ih].scin_time_fp = fTOFPInfo[ih].time_pos;
+              if (fTofUsingInvAdc) {
+                fTOFCalc[ih].scin_sigma = fHodoPosSigma[fPIndex];
+              } else {
+                fTOFCalc[ih].scin_sigma = fHodoSigmaPos[fPIndex];
+              }
+              fTOFCalc[ih].good_scin_time                = kTRUE;
+              fGoodFlags[itrack][ip][iphit].goodScinTime = kTRUE;
+            }
+          } else {
+            if (fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_neg) {
+              fTOFCalc[ih].scin_time    = fTOFPInfo[ih].scin_neg_time;
+              fTOFCalc[ih].scin_time_fp = fTOFPInfo[ih].time_neg;
+              if (fTofUsingInvAdc) {
+                fTOFCalc[ih].scin_sigma = fHodoNegSigma[fPIndex];
+              } else {
+                fTOFCalc[ih].scin_sigma = fHodoSigmaNeg[fPIndex];
+              }
+              fTOFCalc[ih].good_scin_time                = kTRUE;
+              fGoodFlags[itrack][ip][iphit].goodScinTime = kTRUE;
+            }
+          } // In h_tof.f this includes the following if condition for time at focal plane
+            // // because it is written in FORTRAN code
+          // c     Get time at focal plane
+          if (fTOFCalc[ih].good_scin_time) {
+            // scin_time_fp doesn't need to be an array
+            // Is this any different than the average of time_pos and time_neg?
+            //	    Double_t scin_time_fp = ( fTOFPInfo[ih].time_pos +
+            //				      fTOFPInfo[ih].time_neg ) / 2.;
+            Double_t scin_time_fp = fTOFCalc[ih].scin_time_fp;
+            sumFPTime = sumFPTime + scin_time_fp;
+            nFPTime++;
+            fSumPlaneTime[ip] = fSumPlaneTime[ip] + scin_time_fp;
+            fNPlaneTime[ip]++;
+            fNScinHit[itrack]++;
+            if ((fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_pos) && (fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_neg)) {
+              nPmtHit[itrack] = nPmtHit[itrack] + 2;
+            } else {
+              nPmtHit[itrack] = nPmtHit[itrack] + 1;
+            }
+            fdEdX[itrack].push_back(0.0);
+            assert(fNScinHit[itrack] > 0 && (size_t)fNScinHit[itrack] < fdEdX[itrack].size() + 1);
+            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+            if (fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_pos) {
+              if (fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_neg) {
+                fdEdX[itrack][fNScinHit[itrack] - 1] =
+                    TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Max(0., hit->GetPosADC() * hit->GetNegADC()));
+              } else {
+                fdEdX[itrack][fNScinHit[itrack] - 1] = TMath::Max(0., hit->GetPosADC());
+              }
+            } else {
+              if (fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_neg) {
+                fdEdX[itrack][fNScinHit[itrack] - 1] = TMath::Max(0., hit->GetNegADC());
+              } else {
+                fdEdX[itrack][fNScinHit[itrack] - 1] = 0.0;
+              }
+            }
+            // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+          } // time at focal plane condition
+        }   // on track condition
+        // ** See if there are any good time measurements in the plane.
+        if (fTOFCalc[ih].good_scin_time) {
+          fGoodPlaneTime[ip] = kTRUE;
+          fTOFCalc[ih].dedx  = fdEdX[itrack][fNScinHit[itrack] - 1];
+        } else {
+          fTOFCalc[ih].dedx = 0.0;
+        }
       } // Second loop over hits of a scintillator plane ends here
-      theTrack->SetGoodPlane3( fGoodPlaneTime[2] ? 1 : 0 );
-      if (fNumPlanesBetaCalc==4) theTrack->SetGoodPlane4( fGoodPlaneTime[3] ? 1 : 0 );
+      theTrack->SetGoodPlane3(fGoodPlaneTime[2] ? 1 : 0);
+      if (fNumPlanesBetaCalc == 4)
+        theTrack->SetGoodPlane4(fGoodPlaneTime[3] ? 1 : 0);
@@ -1380,142 +1419,136 @@ Int_t THcHodoscope::CoarseProcess( TClonesArray& tracks )
       // * * Fit beta if there are enough time measurements (one upper, one lower)
       // From h_tof_fit
-      if ( ( ( fGoodPlaneTime[0] ) || ( fGoodPlaneTime[1] ) ) &&
-	   ( ( fGoodPlaneTime[2] ) || ( fGoodPlaneTime[3] ) ) ){
+      if (((fGoodPlaneTime[0]) || (fGoodPlaneTime[1])) &&
+          ((fGoodPlaneTime[2]) || (fGoodPlaneTime[3]))) {
-	Double_t sumW = 0.;
-	Double_t sumT = 0.;
-	Double_t sumZ = 0.;
-	Double_t sumZZ = 0.;
-	Double_t sumTZ = 0.;
+        Double_t sumW  = 0.;
+        Double_t sumT  = 0.;
+        Double_t sumZ  = 0.;
+        Double_t sumZZ = 0.;
+        Double_t sumTZ = 0.;
-	for(Int_t ih=0; ih < nhits; ih++) {
-	  Int_t ip = fTOFPInfo[ih].planeIndex;
+        for (Int_t ih = 0; ih < nhits; ih++) {
+          Int_t ip = fTOFPInfo[ih].planeIndex;
-	  if ( fTOFCalc[ih].good_scin_time ) {
+          if (fTOFCalc[ih].good_scin_time) {
-	    Double_t scinWeight = 1 / ( fTOFCalc[ih].scin_sigma * fTOFCalc[ih].scin_sigma );
-	    Double_t zPosition = ( fPlanes[ip]->GetZpos()
-				   +( fTOFCalc[ih].hit_paddle % 2 ) *
-				   fPlanes[ip]->GetDzpos() );
+            Double_t scinWeight = 1 / (fTOFCalc[ih].scin_sigma * fTOFCalc[ih].scin_sigma);
+            Double_t zPosition =
+                (fPlanes[ip]->GetZpos() + (fTOFCalc[ih].hit_paddle % 2) * fPlanes[ip]->GetDzpos());
-	    sumW  += scinWeight;
-	    sumT  += scinWeight * fTOFCalc[ih].scin_time;
-	    sumZ  += scinWeight * zPosition;
-	    sumZZ += scinWeight * ( zPosition * zPosition );
-	    sumTZ += scinWeight * zPosition * fTOFCalc[ih].scin_time;
+            sumW += scinWeight;
+            sumT += scinWeight * fTOFCalc[ih].scin_time;
+            sumZ += scinWeight * zPosition;
+            sumZZ += scinWeight * (zPosition * zPosition);
+            sumTZ += scinWeight * zPosition * fTOFCalc[ih].scin_time;
-	  } // condition of good scin time
-	} // loop over hits
+          } // condition of good scin time
+        }   // loop over hits
-	Double_t tmp = sumW * sumZZ - sumZ * sumZ ;
-	Double_t t0 = ( sumT * sumZZ - sumZ * sumTZ ) / tmp ;
-	Double_t tmpDenom = sumW * sumTZ - sumZ * sumT;
+        Double_t tmp      = sumW * sumZZ - sumZ * sumZ;
+        Double_t t0       = (sumT * sumZZ - sumZ * sumTZ) / tmp;
+        Double_t tmpDenom = sumW * sumTZ - sumZ * sumT;
-	if ( TMath::Abs( tmpDenom ) > ( 1 / 10000000000.0 ) ) {
+        if (TMath::Abs(tmpDenom) > (1 / 10000000000.0)) {
-	  beta = tmp / tmpDenom;
-	  betaChiSq = 0.;
+          beta      = tmp / tmpDenom;
+          betaChiSq = 0.;
-	  for(Int_t ih=0; ih < nhits; ih++) {
-	    Int_t ip = fTOFPInfo[ih].planeIndex;
+          for (Int_t ih = 0; ih < nhits; ih++) {
+            Int_t ip = fTOFPInfo[ih].planeIndex;
-	    if ( fTOFCalc[ih].good_scin_time ){
+            if (fTOFCalc[ih].good_scin_time) {
-	      Double_t zPosition = ( fPlanes[ip]->GetZpos() + ( fTOFCalc[ih].hit_paddle % 2 ) *
-				     fPlanes[ip]->GetDzpos() );
-	      Double_t timeDif = ( fTOFCalc[ih].scin_time - t0 );
-	      betaChiSq += ( ( zPosition / beta - timeDif ) *
-			     ( zPosition / beta - timeDif ) )  /
-		( fTOFCalc[ih].scin_sigma * fTOFCalc[ih].scin_sigma );
+              Double_t zPosition = (fPlanes[ip]->GetZpos() +
+                                    (fTOFCalc[ih].hit_paddle % 2) * fPlanes[ip]->GetDzpos());
+              Double_t timeDif   = (fTOFCalc[ih].scin_time - t0);
+              betaChiSq += ((zPosition / beta - timeDif) * (zPosition / beta - timeDif)) /
+                           (fTOFCalc[ih].scin_sigma * fTOFCalc[ih].scin_sigma);
-	    } // condition for good scin time
-	  } // loop over hits
+            } // condition for good scin time
+          }   // loop over hits
-	  Double_t pathNorm = TMath::Sqrt( 1. + theTrack->GetTheta() * theTrack->GetTheta() +
-					   theTrack->GetPhi()   * theTrack->GetPhi() );
-	  // Take angle into account
-	  beta = beta / pathNorm;
-	  beta = beta / 29.979;    // velocity / c
+          Double_t pathNorm = TMath::Sqrt(1. + theTrack->GetTheta() * theTrack->GetTheta() +
+                                          theTrack->GetPhi() * theTrack->GetPhi());
+          // Take angle into account
+          beta = beta / pathNorm;
+          beta = beta / 29.979; // velocity / c
-	} // condition for fTmpDenom
-	else {
-	  beta = 0.;
-	  betaChiSq = -2.;
-	} // else condition for fTmpDenom
+        } // condition for fTmpDenom
+        else {
+          beta      = 0.;
+          betaChiSq = -2.;
+        } // else condition for fTmpDenom
       } else {
-	beta = 0.;
-	betaChiSq = -1;
+        beta      = 0.;
+        betaChiSq = -1;
-      if ( nFPTime != 0 ){
-      	timeAtFP[itrack] = ( sumFPTime / nFPTime );
+      if (nFPTime != 0) {
+        timeAtFP[itrack] = (sumFPTime / nFPTime);
       // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-      Double_t FPTimeSum=0.0;
-      Int_t nFPTimeSum=0;
-      for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNumPlanesBetaCalc; ip++ ){
-	if ( fNPlaneTime[ip] != 0 ){
-	  fFPTime[ip] = ( fSumPlaneTime[ip] / fNPlaneTime[ip] );
-	  FPTimeSum += fSumPlaneTime[ip];
-	  nFPTimeSum += fNPlaneTime[ip];
-	} else {
-	  fFPTime[ip] = 1000. * ( ip + 1 );
-	}
+      Double_t FPTimeSum  = 0.0;
+      Int_t    nFPTimeSum = 0;
+      for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNumPlanesBetaCalc; ip++) {
+        if (fNPlaneTime[ip] != 0) {
+          fFPTime[ip] = (fSumPlaneTime[ip] / fNPlaneTime[ip]);
+          FPTimeSum += fSumPlaneTime[ip];
+          nFPTimeSum += fNPlaneTime[ip];
+        } else {
+          fFPTime[ip] = 1000. * (ip + 1);
+        }
-      Double_t fptime=-1000;
-      if (nFPTimeSum>0) fptime = FPTimeSum/nFPTimeSum;
-      fFPTimeAll = fptime;
-      Double_t dedx=0.0;
-      for(UInt_t ih=0;ih<fTOFCalc.size();ih++) {
-	if(fTOFCalc[ih].good_scin_time) {
-	  dedx = fTOFCalc[ih].dedx;
-	  break;
-	}
+      Double_t fptime = -1000;
+      if (nFPTimeSum > 0)
+        fptime = FPTimeSum / nFPTimeSum;
+      fFPTimeAll    = fptime;
+      Double_t dedx = 0.0;
+      for (UInt_t ih = 0; ih < fTOFCalc.size(); ih++) {
+        if (fTOFCalc[ih].good_scin_time) {
+          dedx = fTOFCalc[ih].dedx;
+          break;
+        }
-      theTrack->SetBetaChi2( betaChiSq );
+      theTrack->SetBetaChi2(betaChiSq);
-      theTrack->SetFPTime( timeAtFP[itrack]);
+      theTrack->SetFPTime(timeAtFP[itrack]);
     } // Main loop over tracks ends here.
   } // If condition for at least one track
-  //OriginalTrackEffTest();
+  // OriginalTrackEffTest();
   return 0;
-void THcHodoscope::TrackEffTest(void)
+void THcHodoscope::TrackEffTest(void) {
   // assume X planes are 0,2 and Y planes are 1,3
-  std::array<int,4> PadLow = {fxLoScin[0], fyLoScin[0], fxLoScin[1], fyLoScin[1]};
-  std::array<int,4> PadHigh = {fxHiScin[0], fyHiScin[0], fxHiScin[1], fyHiScin[1]};
-  std::array<double,4> PadPosLo;
-  std::array<double,4> PadPosHi;
+  std::array<int, 4> PadLow  = {fxLoScin[0], fyLoScin[0], fxLoScin[1], fyLoScin[1]};
+  std::array<int, 4> PadHigh = {fxHiScin[0], fyHiScin[0], fxHiScin[1], fyHiScin[1]};
-  for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNumPlanesBetaCalc; ip++ ){
+  std::array<double, 4> PadPosLo;
+  std::array<double, 4> PadPosHi;
+  for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNumPlanesBetaCalc; ip++) {
     Double_t lowtemp = fPlanes[ip]->GetPosCenter(PadLow[ip] - 1) + fPlanes[ip]->GetPosOffset();
     Double_t hitemp  = fPlanes[ip]->GetPosCenter(PadHigh[ip] - 1) + fPlanes[ip]->GetPosOffset();
     if (lowtemp < hitemp) {
-      PadPosLo[ip]=lowtemp;
-      PadPosHi[ip]=hitemp;
+      PadPosLo[ip] = lowtemp;
+      PadPosHi[ip] = hitemp;
     } else {
-      PadPosLo[ip]=hitemp;
-      PadPosHi[ip]=lowtemp;
+      PadPosLo[ip] = hitemp;
+      PadPosHi[ip] = lowtemp;
-  }  
+  }
   //  std::vector<int>  test_vector = {1,2,5,6,7, 9,10, 20};
   //  auto test_res = hcana::find_discontinuity(test_vector);
@@ -1546,32 +1579,32 @@ void THcHodoscope::TrackEffTest(void)
   using HitIterator      = std::vector<THcHodoHit*>::iterator;
   using HitRangeVector   = typename std::vector<std::pair<HitIterator, HitIterator>>;
   using ClusterPositions = typename std::vector<double>;
-  std::map<int,std::vector<THcHodoHit*>> hit_vecs;
-  std::vector<HitRangeVector>           hit_clusters;
-  std::vector<ClusterPositions>         pos_clusters;
-  std::vector<std::vector<int>>         good_clusters;
-  std::array<int,4>                     n_good_clusters;
+  std::map<int, std::vector<THcHodoHit*>> hit_vecs;
+  std::vector<HitRangeVector>             hit_clusters;
+  std::vector<ClusterPositions>           pos_clusters;
+  std::vector<std::vector<int>>           good_clusters;
+  std::array<int, 4>                      n_good_clusters;
   // Loop over each plane
-  for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNumPlanesBetaCalc; ip++ ){
+  for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNumPlanesBetaCalc; ip++) {
     // Get the hit array
     TClonesArray* hodoHits = fPlanes[ip]->GetHits();
     // Create vector for good hits.
     hit_vecs[ip] = std::vector<THcHodoHit*>();
-    for (Int_t iphit = 0; iphit < fPlanes[ip]->GetNScinHits(); iphit++ ){
-      THcHodoHit *hit = (THcHodoHit*)hodoHits->At(iphit);
+    for (Int_t iphit = 0; iphit < fPlanes[ip]->GetNScinHits(); iphit++) {
+      THcHodoHit* hit = (THcHodoHit*)hodoHits->At(iphit);
       // keep only those with "two good times"
-      if ( hit->GetTwoGoodTimes() ) {
+      if (hit->GetTwoGoodTimes()) {
-    // Cluster (group adjacent) hits 
-    if( hit_vecs[ip].size() > 0 ) {
+    // Cluster (group adjacent) hits
+    if (hit_vecs[ip].size() > 0) {
       auto& hv = hit_vecs[ip];
       hcana::sort(hv, [](const THcHodoHit* h1, const THcHodoHit* h2) {
-            return h1->GetPaddleNumber() < h2->GetPaddleNumber();
+        return h1->GetPaddleNumber() < h2->GetPaddleNumber();
       // get the clusters for this layer
@@ -1580,33 +1613,39 @@ void THcHodoscope::TrackEffTest(void)
             return h1->GetPaddleNumber() + 1 == h2->GetPaddleNumber();
     } else {
-      hit_clusters.push_back( HitRangeVector{} );
-    } 
+      hit_clusters.push_back(HitRangeVector{});
+    }
+    fPlanes[ip]->SetNumberClusters(hit_clusters.back().size());
     // Calculate each cluster's mean position (in one coordinate)
     ClusterPositions clust_positions;
     std::vector<int> clust_bound;
-    for(auto& r : hit_clusters.back()) {
-      double a_pos  = 0.0;
+    int              ic = 0;
+    for (auto& r : hit_clusters.back()) {
+      double a_pos = 0.0;
       int    n_hit = 0;
-      for(auto chit = r.first; chit < r.second; chit++) {
-        a_pos += fPlanes[ip]->GetPosCenter((*chit)->GetPaddleNumber()-1) + fPlanes[ip]->GetPosOffset();
+      for (auto chit = r.first; chit < r.second; chit++) {
+        a_pos +=
+            fPlanes[ip]->GetPosCenter((*chit)->GetPaddleNumber() - 1) + fPlanes[ip]->GetPosOffset();
       // take the average position
       double avg_pos = a_pos / double(n_hit);
+      fPlanes[ip]->SetCluster(ic, avg_pos);
+      fPlanes[ip]->SetClusterSize(ic, n_hit);
       // Calculate if it is the bound by the upper and lower limits where we expect
       // full tracks to be reconstructed.
-      int is_bound = int((avg_pos >= PadPosLo[ip]) &&  (avg_pos <= PadPosHi[ip]));
+      int is_bound = int((avg_pos >= PadPosLo[ip]) && (avg_pos <= PadPosHi[ip]));
-      if(is_bound) {
-      // we are only interested in clusters positioned inthe "sweet spot"
+      if (is_bound) {
+        // we are only interested in clusters positioned inthe "sweet spot"
         if (n_hit > 10) {
           _det_logger->warn("cluster in hodoscope track efficiency has {} hits", n_hit);
+      ic += 1;
@@ -1617,54 +1656,73 @@ void THcHodoscope::TrackEffTest(void)
   bool has_both_y_clusters          = (n_good_clusters[1] > 0) && (n_good_clusters[3] > 0);
   bool at_least_one_good_x_clusters = (n_good_clusters[0] > 0) || (n_good_clusters[2] > 0);
   bool at_least_one_good_y_clusters = (n_good_clusters[1] > 0) || (n_good_clusters[3] > 0);
-  bool good_x_match = false;
-  bool good_y_match = false;
+  bool good_x_match                 = false;
+  bool good_y_match                 = false;
   // Superficial matching. Find out if clusters in front and back could possibly belong to the same
   // track. This done by checking to see if the position differences  are less than 10 cm;
   // ie, |x1-x2|<10  or |y1-y2| <10
   // TODO do actual matching with tracks elsewhere
-  if(has_both_x_clusters) {
-    for(auto x1_pos : pos_clusters[0] ) {
-      for(auto x2_pos : pos_clusters[2] ) {
-        if( std::abs(x1_pos-x2_pos) < 10.0) {
+  if (has_both_x_clusters) {
+    int ic0 = 0;
+    // factor to project X1 to X2 z position
+    const double x1_projection_factor =
+        (1 + fRatio_xpfp_to_xfp * (fPlanes[2]->GetZpos() - fPlanes[0]->GetZpos()));
+    for (auto x1_pos : pos_clusters[0]) {
+      int ic2 = 0;
+      // project X1 to X2 Z position
+      Double_t x1_proj = x1_pos * x1_projection_factor;
+      for (auto x2_pos : pos_clusters[2]) {
+        if (std::abs(x1_proj - x2_pos) < trackeff_scint_xdiff_max) {
           good_x_match = true;
+          fPlanes[0]->SetClusterUsedFlag(ic0, 1.);
+          fPlanes[2]->SetClusterUsedFlag(ic2, 1.);
+        ic2 += 1;
+      ic0 += 1;
-  if(has_both_y_clusters) {
-    for(auto y1_pos : pos_clusters[1] ) {
-      for(auto y2_pos : pos_clusters[3] ) {
-        if( std::abs(y1_pos-y2_pos) < 10.0) {
+  if (has_both_y_clusters) {
+    int ic1 = 0;
+    for (auto y1_pos : pos_clusters[1]) {
+      int ic3 = 0;
+      for (auto y2_pos : pos_clusters[3]) {
+        if (std::abs(y1_pos - y2_pos) < trackeff_scint_ydiff_max) {
           good_y_match = true;
+          fPlanes[1]->SetClusterUsedFlag(ic1, 1.);
+          fPlanes[3]->SetClusterUsedFlag(ic3, 1.);
+        ic3 += 1;
+      ic1 += 1;
   fGoodScinHits = 0;
-  // (2+2) 4 good hits 
-  if( good_y_match &&  good_x_match )  {
-    fGoodScinHits = 1;
-  }
-  // (2+1) 3 good hits
-  if( at_least_one_good_y_clusters &&  good_x_match )  {
-    fGoodScinHits = 1;
-  }
-  // (1+2) 3 good hits
-  if( at_least_one_good_x_clusters &&  good_y_match )  {
-    fGoodScinHits = 1;
+  // (2+2) 4 good hits
+  if (fTrackEffTestNScinPlanes == 4 || fTrackEffTestNScinPlanes == 3) {
+    if (good_y_match && good_x_match) {
+      fGoodScinHits = 1;
+    }
+    // (2+1) 3 good hits
+    if (at_least_one_good_y_clusters && good_x_match) {
+      fGoodScinHits = 1;
+    }
+    // (1+2) 3 good hits
+    if (at_least_one_good_x_clusters && good_y_match) {
+      fGoodScinHits = 1;
+    }
-void THcHodoscope::OriginalTrackEffTest(void)
+void THcHodoscope::OriginalTrackEffTest(void) {
       Translation of h_track_tests.f file for tracking efficiency
@@ -1672,21 +1730,21 @@ void THcHodoscope::OriginalTrackEffTest(void)
   //************************now look at some hodoscope tests
   //  *second, we move the scintillators.  here we use scintillator cuts to see
   //  *if a track should have been found.
-  cout << " enter track eff" <<  fNumPlanesBetaCalc << endl;
-  for(Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNumPlanesBetaCalc; ip++ ) {
-    cout << " loop over planes " <<  ip+1 << endl;
+  cout << " enter track eff" << fNumPlanesBetaCalc << endl;
+  for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNumPlanesBetaCalc; ip++) {
+    cout << " loop over planes " << ip + 1 << endl;
     TClonesArray* hodoHits = fPlanes[ip]->GetHits();
     //    TClonesArray* scinPosTDC = fPlanes[ip]->GetPosTDC();
     //    TClonesArray* scinNegTDC = fPlanes[ip]->GetNegTDC();
     fNScinHits[ip] = fPlanes[ip]->GetNScinHits();
-    cout << " hits =  " << fNScinHits[ip]  << endl;
-    for (Int_t iphit = 0; iphit < fNScinHits[ip]; iphit++ ){
-      Int_t paddle = ((THcHodoHit*)hodoHits->At(iphit))->GetPaddleNumber()-1;
+    cout << " hits =  " << fNScinHits[ip] << endl;
+    for (Int_t iphit = 0; iphit < fNScinHits[ip]; iphit++) {
+      Int_t paddle = ((THcHodoHit*)hodoHits->At(iphit))->GetPaddleNumber() - 1;
       fScinHitPaddle[ip][paddle] = 1;
-      cout << " hit =  " << iphit+1 << " " << paddle+1   << endl;
+      cout << " hit =  " << iphit + 1 << " " << paddle + 1 << endl;
@@ -1695,7 +1753,7 @@ void THcHodoscope::OriginalTrackEffTest(void)
   //  *Wwe count the number of three adjacent scintillators too.  (A signle track
   //  *shouldn't fire three adjacent scintillators.
-  for(Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNumPlanesBetaCalc; ip++ ) {
+  for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNumPlanesBetaCalc; ip++) {
     // Planes ip = 0 = 1X
     // Planes ip = 2 = 2X
@@ -1706,34 +1764,33 @@ void THcHodoscope::OriginalTrackEffTest(void)
   // *number of scintillators.
   cout << " looking for cluster in x planes" << endl;
   Int_t icount;
-  for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < 3; ip +=2 ) {
+  for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < 3; ip += 2) {
     icount = 0;
-    if ( fScinHitPaddle[ip][0] == 1 ) icount ++;
-    cout << "plane =" << ip <<  "check if paddle 1 hit " << icount << endl;
+    if (fScinHitPaddle[ip][0] == 1)
+      icount++;
+    cout << "plane =" << ip << "check if paddle 1 hit " << icount << endl;
-    for (Int_t ipaddle = 0; ipaddle < (Int_t) fNPaddle[ip] - 1; ipaddle++ ){
+    for (Int_t ipaddle = 0; ipaddle < (Int_t)fNPaddle[ip] - 1; ipaddle++) {
       // !look for number of clusters of 1 or more hits
-      if ( ( fScinHitPaddle[ip][ipaddle] == 0 ) &&
-	   ( fScinHitPaddle[ip][ipaddle + 1] == 1 ) )
-	icount ++;
-      cout << " paddle =  " << ipaddle+1 << " " << icount << endl;
+      if ((fScinHitPaddle[ip][ipaddle] == 0) && (fScinHitPaddle[ip][ipaddle + 1] == 1))
+        icount++;
+      cout << " paddle =  " << ipaddle + 1 << " " << icount << endl;
     } // Loop over  paddles
-    cout << "Two  cluster in plane =  " << ip+1 << " " << icount << endl;
+    cout << "Two  cluster in plane =  " << ip + 1 << " " << icount << endl;
     fNClust[ip] = icount;
-    icount = 0;
+    icount      = 0;
-    for (Int_t ipaddle = 0; ipaddle < (Int_t) fNPaddle[ip] - 2; ipaddle++ ){
+    for (Int_t ipaddle = 0; ipaddle < (Int_t)fNPaddle[ip] - 2; ipaddle++) {
       // !look for three or more adjacent hits
-      if ( ( fScinHitPaddle[ip][ipaddle] == 1 ) &&
-	   ( fScinHitPaddle[ip][ipaddle + 1] == 1 ) &&
-	   ( fScinHitPaddle[ip][ipaddle + 2] == 1 ) )
-	icount ++;
+      if ((fScinHitPaddle[ip][ipaddle] == 1) && (fScinHitPaddle[ip][ipaddle + 1] == 1) &&
+          (fScinHitPaddle[ip][ipaddle + 2] == 1))
+        icount++;
     } // Second loop over paddles
-    cout << "Three  clusters in plane =  " << ip+1 << " " << icount << endl;
+    cout << "Three  clusters in plane =  " << ip + 1 << " " << icount << endl;
-    if ( icount > 0 )
+    if (icount > 0)
       fThreeScin[ip] = 1;
   } // Loop over X plane
@@ -1742,224 +1799,248 @@ void THcHodoscope::OriginalTrackEffTest(void)
   // *number of scintillators.
   cout << " looking for cluster in y planes" << endl;
-  for (Int_t ip = 1; ip < fNumPlanesBetaCalc; ip +=2 ) {
+  for (Int_t ip = 1; ip < fNumPlanesBetaCalc; ip += 2) {
     // Planes ip = 1 = 1Y
     // Planes ip = 3 = 2Y
     icount = 0;
-    if ( fScinHitPaddle[ip][0] == 1 ) icount ++;
-    cout << "plane =" << ip <<  "check if paddle 1 hit " << icount << endl;
+    if (fScinHitPaddle[ip][0] == 1)
+      icount++;
+    cout << "plane =" << ip << "check if paddle 1 hit " << icount << endl;
-    for (Int_t ipaddle = 0; ipaddle < (Int_t) fNPaddle[ip] - 1; ipaddle++ ){
+    for (Int_t ipaddle = 0; ipaddle < (Int_t)fNPaddle[ip] - 1; ipaddle++) {
       //  !look for number of clusters of 1 or more hits
-      if ( ( fScinHitPaddle[ip][ipaddle] == 0 ) &&
-	   ( fScinHitPaddle[ip][ipaddle + 1] == 1 ) )
-	icount ++;
-      cout << " paddle =  " << ipaddle+1 << " " << icount << endl;
+      if ((fScinHitPaddle[ip][ipaddle] == 0) && (fScinHitPaddle[ip][ipaddle + 1] == 1))
+        icount++;
+      cout << " paddle =  " << ipaddle + 1 << " " << icount << endl;
     } // Loop over Y paddles
-    cout << "Two  cluster in plane =  " << ip+1 << " " << icount << endl;
+    cout << "Two  cluster in plane =  " << ip + 1 << " " << icount << endl;
     fNClust[ip] = icount;
-    icount = 0;
+    icount      = 0;
-    for (Int_t ipaddle = 0; ipaddle < (Int_t) fNPaddle[ip] - 2; ipaddle++ ){
+    for (Int_t ipaddle = 0; ipaddle < (Int_t)fNPaddle[ip] - 2; ipaddle++) {
       // !look for three or more adjacent hits
-      if ( ( fScinHitPaddle[ip][ipaddle] == 1 ) &&
-	   ( fScinHitPaddle[ip][ipaddle + 1] == 1 ) &&
-	   ( fScinHitPaddle[ip][ipaddle + 2] == 1 ) )
-	icount ++;
+      if ((fScinHitPaddle[ip][ipaddle] == 1) && (fScinHitPaddle[ip][ipaddle + 1] == 1) &&
+          (fScinHitPaddle[ip][ipaddle + 2] == 1))
+        icount++;
     } // Second loop over Y paddles
-    cout << "Three  clusters in plane =  " << ip+1 << " " << icount << endl;
+    cout << "Three  clusters in plane =  " << ip + 1 << " " << icount << endl;
-    if ( icount > 0 )
+    if (icount > 0)
       fThreeScin[ip] = 1;
-  }// Loop over Y planes
+  } // Loop over Y planes
   // *next we mask out the edge scintillators, and look at triggers that happened
   // *at the center of the acceptance.  To change which scins are in the mask
   // *change the values of h*loscin and h*hiscin in htracking.param
   //      fGoodScinHits = 0;
-  for (Int_t ifidx = fxLoScin[0]; ifidx < (Int_t) fxHiScin[0]; ifidx ++ ){
+  for (Int_t ifidx = fxLoScin[0]; ifidx < (Int_t)fxHiScin[0]; ifidx++) {
-  fHitSweet1X=0;
-  fHitSweet2X=0;
-  fHitSweet1Y=0;
-  fHitSweet2Y=0;
+  fHitSweet1X = 0;
+  fHitSweet2X = 0;
+  fHitSweet1Y = 0;
+  fHitSweet2Y = 0;
   // *first x plane.  first see if there are hits inside the scin region
-  for (Int_t ifidx = fxLoScin[0]-1; ifidx < fxHiScin[0]; ifidx ++ ){
-    if ( fScinHitPaddle[0][ifidx] == 1 ){
-      fHitSweet1X = 1;
+  for (Int_t ifidx = fxLoScin[0] - 1; ifidx < fxHiScin[0]; ifidx++) {
+    if (fScinHitPaddle[0][ifidx] == 1) {
+      fHitSweet1X  = 1;
       fSweet1XScin = ifidx + 1;
   // *  next make sure nothing fired outside the good region
-  for (Int_t ifidx = 0; ifidx < fxLoScin[0]-1; ifidx ++ ){
-    if ( fScinHitPaddle[0][ifidx] == 1 ){ fHitSweet1X = -1; }
+  for (Int_t ifidx = 0; ifidx < fxLoScin[0] - 1; ifidx++) {
+    if (fScinHitPaddle[0][ifidx] == 1) {
+      fHitSweet1X = -1;
+    }
-  for (Int_t ifidx = fxHiScin[0]; ifidx < (Int_t) fNPaddle[0]; ifidx ++ ){
-    if ( fScinHitPaddle[0][ifidx] == 1 ){ fHitSweet1X = -1; }
+  for (Int_t ifidx = fxHiScin[0]; ifidx < (Int_t)fNPaddle[0]; ifidx++) {
+    if (fScinHitPaddle[0][ifidx] == 1) {
+      fHitSweet1X = -1;
+    }
   // *second x plane.  first see if there are hits inside the scin region
-  for (Int_t ifidx = fxLoScin[1]-1; ifidx < fxHiScin[1]; ifidx ++ ){
-    if ( fScinHitPaddle[2][ifidx] == 1 ){
-      fHitSweet2X = 1;
+  for (Int_t ifidx = fxLoScin[1] - 1; ifidx < fxHiScin[1]; ifidx++) {
+    if (fScinHitPaddle[2][ifidx] == 1) {
+      fHitSweet2X  = 1;
       fSweet2XScin = ifidx + 1;
   // *  next make sure nothing fired outside the good region
-  for (Int_t ifidx = 0; ifidx < fxLoScin[1]-1; ifidx ++ ){
-    if ( fScinHitPaddle[2][ifidx] == 1 ){ fHitSweet2X = -1; }
+  for (Int_t ifidx = 0; ifidx < fxLoScin[1] - 1; ifidx++) {
+    if (fScinHitPaddle[2][ifidx] == 1) {
+      fHitSweet2X = -1;
+    }
-  for (Int_t ifidx = fxHiScin[1]; ifidx < (Int_t) fNPaddle[2]; ifidx ++ ){
-    if ( fScinHitPaddle[2][ifidx] == 1 ){ fHitSweet2X = -1; }
+  for (Int_t ifidx = fxHiScin[1]; ifidx < (Int_t)fNPaddle[2]; ifidx++) {
+    if (fScinHitPaddle[2][ifidx] == 1) {
+      fHitSweet2X = -1;
+    }
   // *first y plane.  first see if there are hits inside the scin region
-  for (Int_t ifidx = fyLoScin[0]-1; ifidx < fyHiScin[0]; ifidx ++ ){
-    if ( fScinHitPaddle[1][ifidx] == 1 ){
-      fHitSweet1Y = 1;
+  for (Int_t ifidx = fyLoScin[0] - 1; ifidx < fyHiScin[0]; ifidx++) {
+    if (fScinHitPaddle[1][ifidx] == 1) {
+      fHitSweet1Y  = 1;
       fSweet1YScin = ifidx + 1;
   // *  next make sure nothing fired outside the good region
-  for (Int_t ifidx = 0; ifidx < fyLoScin[0]-1; ifidx ++ ){
-    if ( fScinHitPaddle[1][ifidx] == 1 ){ fHitSweet1Y = -1; }
+  for (Int_t ifidx = 0; ifidx < fyLoScin[0] - 1; ifidx++) {
+    if (fScinHitPaddle[1][ifidx] == 1) {
+      fHitSweet1Y = -1;
+    }
-  for (Int_t ifidx = fyHiScin[0]; ifidx < (Int_t) fNPaddle[1]; ifidx ++ ){
-    if ( fScinHitPaddle[1][ifidx] == 1 ){ fHitSweet1Y = -1; }
+  for (Int_t ifidx = fyHiScin[0]; ifidx < (Int_t)fNPaddle[1]; ifidx++) {
+    if (fScinHitPaddle[1][ifidx] == 1) {
+      fHitSweet1Y = -1;
+    }
   // *second y plane.  first see if there are hits inside the scin region
-  for (Int_t ifidx = fyLoScin[1]-1; ifidx < fyHiScin[1]; ifidx ++ ){
-    if ( fScinHitPaddle[3][ifidx] == 1 ){
-      fHitSweet2Y = 1;
+  for (Int_t ifidx = fyLoScin[1] - 1; ifidx < fyHiScin[1]; ifidx++) {
+    if (fScinHitPaddle[3][ifidx] == 1) {
+      fHitSweet2Y  = 1;
       fSweet2YScin = ifidx + 1;
   // *  next make sure nothing fired outside the good region
-  for (Int_t ifidx = 0; ifidx < fyLoScin[1]-1; ifidx ++ ){
-    if ( fScinHitPaddle[3][ifidx] == 1 ){ fHitSweet2Y = -1; }
+  for (Int_t ifidx = 0; ifidx < fyLoScin[1] - 1; ifidx++) {
+    if (fScinHitPaddle[3][ifidx] == 1) {
+      fHitSweet2Y = -1;
+    }
-  for (Int_t ifidx = fyHiScin[1]; ifidx < (Int_t) fNPaddle[3]; ifidx ++ ){
-    if ( fScinHitPaddle[3][ifidx] == 1 ){ fHitSweet2Y = -1; }
+  for (Int_t ifidx = fyHiScin[1]; ifidx < (Int_t)fNPaddle[3]; ifidx++) {
+    if (fScinHitPaddle[3][ifidx] == 1) {
+      fHitSweet2Y = -1;
+    }
   fTestSum = fHitSweet1X + fHitSweet2X + fHitSweet1Y + fHitSweet2Y;
   // * now define a 3/4 or 4/4 trigger of only good scintillators the value
   // * is specified in htracking
-  if ( fTestSum >= fTrackEffTestNScinPlanes ){
+  if (fTestSum >= fTrackEffTestNScinPlanes) {
     fGoodScinHits = 1;
-    for (Int_t ifidx = fxLoScin[0]; ifidx < fxHiScin[0]; ifidx ++ ){
-      if ( fSweet1XScin == ifidx )
-	fGoodScinHitsX[ifidx] = 1;
+    for (Int_t ifidx = fxLoScin[0]; ifidx < fxHiScin[0]; ifidx++) {
+      if (fSweet1XScin == ifidx)
+        fGoodScinHitsX[ifidx] = 1;
   // * require front/back hodoscopes be close to each other
-  if ( ( fGoodScinHits == 1 ) && ( fTrackEffTestNScinPlanes == 4 ) ){
-    if ( TMath::Abs( fSweet1XScin - fSweet2XScin ) > 3 )
+  if ((fGoodScinHits == 1) && (fTrackEffTestNScinPlanes == 4)) {
+    if (TMath::Abs(fSweet1XScin - fSweet2XScin) > 3)
       fGoodScinHits = 0;
-    if ( TMath::Abs( fSweet1YScin - fSweet2YScin ) > 2 )
+    if (TMath::Abs(fSweet1YScin - fSweet2YScin) > 2)
       fGoodScinHits = 0;
+  //
-Int_t THcHodoscope::FineProcess( TClonesArray&  tracks  )
-  Int_t Ntracks = tracks.GetLast()+1;   // Number of reconstructed tracks
+Int_t THcHodoscope::FineProcess(TClonesArray& tracks) {
+  Int_t    Ntracks = tracks.GetLast() + 1; // Number of reconstructed tracks
   Double_t hitPos;
   Double_t hitDistance;
-  Int_t ih=0;
-  for (Int_t itrk=0; itrk<Ntracks; itrk++) {
-    THaTrack* theTrack = static_cast<THaTrack*>( tracks[itrk] );
-    if (theTrack->GetIndex()==0) {
-      fBeta=theTrack->GetBeta();
-      fFPTimeAll=theTrack->GetFPTime();
+  Int_t    ih = 0;
+  for (Int_t itrk = 0; itrk < Ntracks; itrk++) {
+    THaTrack* theTrack = static_cast<THaTrack*>(tracks[itrk]);
+    if (theTrack->GetIndex() == 0) {
+      fBeta                       = theTrack->GetBeta();
+      fFPTimeAll                  = theTrack->GetFPTime();
       _basic_data.fBeta           = fBeta;
       _basic_data.fFPTimeAll      = fFPTimeAll;
-      Double_t shower_track_enorm = theTrack->GetEnergy()/theTrack->GetP();
-      for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNumPlanesBetaCalc; ip++ ){
-	Double_t pl_xypos=0;
-	Double_t pl_zpos=0;
-	Int_t   num_good_pad=0;
-	TClonesArray* hodoHits = fPlanes[ip]->GetHits();
-	for (Int_t iphit = 0; iphit < fPlanes[ip]->GetNScinHits(); iphit++ ){
-	  THcHodoHit *hit = fTOFPInfo[ih].hit;
-	  if ( fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_pos && fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_neg ) {
-	    Bool_t sh_pid=(shower_track_enorm > fTOFCalib_shtrk_lo && shower_track_enorm < fTOFCalib_shtrk_hi);
-	    Bool_t beta_pid=( fBeta > fTOFCalib_beta_lo &&  fBeta < fTOFCalib_beta_hi);
-	    // cer_pid is true if there is no Cherenkov detector
-	    Bool_t cer_pid=(fCherenkov?(fCherenkov->GetCerNPE()>fTOFCalib_cer_lo):kTRUE);
-	    if(fDumpTOF && Ntracks==1 && fGoodEventTOFCalib && sh_pid && beta_pid && cer_pid) {
-	      fDumpOut << fixed << setprecision(2);
-	      fDumpOut  << showpoint << " 1" << setw(3) << ip+1 << setw(3) << hit->GetPaddleNumber()  << setw(10) << hit->GetPosTDC()*fScinTdcToTime  << setw(10) << fTOFPInfo[ih].pathp << setw(10) << fTOFPInfo[ih].zcor  << setw(10) << fTOFPInfo[ih].time_pos << setw(10) << hit->GetPosADC() << endl;
-	      fDumpOut  << showpoint << " 2" << setw(3) << ip+1 << setw(3) << hit->GetPaddleNumber() << setw(10) << hit->GetNegTDC()*fScinTdcToTime  << setw(10) << fTOFPInfo[ih].pathn << setw(10) << fTOFPInfo[ih].zcor  << setw(10) << fTOFPInfo[ih].time_neg << setw(10) << hit->GetNegADC() << endl;
-	    }
-	    Int_t padind = ((THcHodoHit*)hodoHits->At(iphit))->GetPaddleNumber()-1;
-	    pl_xypos+=fPlanes[ip]->GetPosCenter(padind)+ fPlanes[ip]->GetPosOffset();
-	    pl_zpos+=fPlanes[ip]->GetZpos()+ (padind%2)*fPlanes[ip]->GetDzpos();
-	    num_good_pad++; 
-	  } 
-	  ih++;
-	  //	  cout << ip << " " << iphit << " " <<  fGoodFlags[itrk][ip][iphit].goodScinTime << " " <<   fGoodFlags[itrk][ip][iphit].goodTdcPos << " " << fGoodFlags[itrk][ip][iphit].goodTdcNeg << endl;
-	}
-	hitDistance=kBig;
-	if (num_good_pad !=0 ) {
-	  pl_xypos=pl_xypos/num_good_pad;
-	  pl_zpos=pl_zpos/num_good_pad;
-	  hitPos = theTrack->GetY() + theTrack->GetPhi()*pl_zpos ;
-	  if (ip%2 == 0)  hitPos = theTrack->GetX() + theTrack->GetTheta()*pl_zpos ;
-	  hitDistance =  hitPos - pl_xypos;
-	  fPlanes[ip]->SetTrackXPosition(theTrack->GetX() + theTrack->GetTheta()*pl_zpos );
-	  fPlanes[ip]->SetTrackYPosition(theTrack->GetY() + theTrack->GetPhi()*pl_zpos );
-	}
-	//      cout << " ip " << ip << " " << hitPos << " " << pl_xypos << " " << pl_zpos << " " <<  hitDistance << endl;
-	fPlanes[ip]->SetHitDistance(hitDistance);
+      Double_t shower_track_enorm = theTrack->GetEnergy() / theTrack->GetP();
+      for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < fNumPlanesBetaCalc; ip++) {
+        Double_t      pl_xypos     = 0;
+        Double_t      pl_zpos      = 0;
+        Int_t         num_good_pad = 0;
+        TClonesArray* hodoHits     = fPlanes[ip]->GetHits();
+        for (Int_t iphit = 0; iphit < fPlanes[ip]->GetNScinHits(); iphit++) {
+          THcHodoHit* hit = fTOFPInfo[ih].hit;
+          if (fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_pos && fTOFCalc[ih].good_tdc_neg) {
+            Bool_t sh_pid   = (shower_track_enorm > fTOFCalib_shtrk_lo &&
+                             shower_track_enorm < fTOFCalib_shtrk_hi);
+            Bool_t beta_pid = (fBeta > fTOFCalib_beta_lo && fBeta < fTOFCalib_beta_hi);
+            // cer_pid is true if there is no Cherenkov detector
+            Bool_t cer_pid = (fCherenkov ? (fCherenkov->GetCerNPE() > fTOFCalib_cer_lo) : kTRUE);
+            if (fDumpTOF && Ntracks == 1 && fGoodEventTOFCalib && sh_pid && beta_pid && cer_pid) {
+              fDumpOut << fixed << setprecision(2);
+              fDumpOut << showpoint << " 1" << setw(3) << ip + 1 << setw(3)
+                       << hit->GetPaddleNumber() << setw(10) << hit->GetPosTDC() * fScinTdcToTime
+                       << setw(10) << fTOFPInfo[ih].pathp << setw(10) << fTOFPInfo[ih].zcor
+                       << setw(10) << fTOFPInfo[ih].time_pos << setw(10) << hit->GetPosADC()
+                       << endl;
+              fDumpOut << showpoint << " 2" << setw(3) << ip + 1 << setw(3)
+                       << hit->GetPaddleNumber() << setw(10) << hit->GetNegTDC() * fScinTdcToTime
+                       << setw(10) << fTOFPInfo[ih].pathn << setw(10) << fTOFPInfo[ih].zcor
+                       << setw(10) << fTOFPInfo[ih].time_neg << setw(10) << hit->GetNegADC()
+                       << endl;
+            }
+            Int_t padind = ((THcHodoHit*)hodoHits->At(iphit))->GetPaddleNumber() - 1;
+            pl_xypos += fPlanes[ip]->GetPosCenter(padind) + fPlanes[ip]->GetPosOffset();
+            pl_zpos += fPlanes[ip]->GetZpos() + (padind % 2) * fPlanes[ip]->GetDzpos();
+            num_good_pad++;
+          }
+          ih++;
+          //	  cout << ip << " " << iphit << " " <<  fGoodFlags[itrk][ip][iphit].goodScinTime <<
+          //" " <<   fGoodFlags[itrk][ip][iphit].goodTdcPos << " " <<
+          // fGoodFlags[itrk][ip][iphit].goodTdcNeg << endl;
+        }
+        hitDistance = kBig;
+        if (num_good_pad != 0) {
+          pl_xypos = pl_xypos / num_good_pad;
+          pl_zpos  = pl_zpos / num_good_pad;
+          hitPos   = theTrack->GetY() + theTrack->GetPhi() * pl_zpos;
+          if (ip % 2 == 0)
+            hitPos = theTrack->GetX() + theTrack->GetTheta() * pl_zpos;
+          hitDistance = hitPos - pl_xypos;
+          fPlanes[ip]->SetTrackXPosition(theTrack->GetX() + theTrack->GetTheta() * pl_zpos);
+          fPlanes[ip]->SetTrackYPosition(theTrack->GetY() + theTrack->GetPhi() * pl_zpos);
+        }
+        //      cout << " ip " << ip << " " << hitPos << " " << pl_xypos << " " << pl_zpos << " "
+        //      << hitDistance << endl;
+        fPlanes[ip]->SetHitDistance(hitDistance);
-      if(ih>0&&fDumpTOF && Ntracks==1 && fGoodEventTOFCalib && shower_track_enorm > fTOFCalib_shtrk_lo && shower_track_enorm < fTOFCalib_shtrk_hi ) {
-	fDumpOut << "0 "  << endl;
+      if (ih > 0 && fDumpTOF && Ntracks == 1 && fGoodEventTOFCalib &&
+          shower_track_enorm > fTOFCalib_shtrk_lo && shower_track_enorm < fTOFCalib_shtrk_hi) {
+        fDumpOut << "0 " << endl;
-  }     //over tracks
+  } // over tracks
   return 0;
-Int_t THcHodoscope::GetScinIndex( Int_t nPlane, Int_t nPaddle ) {
+Int_t THcHodoscope::GetScinIndex(Int_t nPlane, Int_t nPaddle) {
   // GN: Return the index of a scintillator given the plane # and the paddle #
   // This assumes that both planes and
   // paddles start counting from 0!
   // Result also counts from 0.
-  return fNPlanes*nPaddle+nPlane;
+  return fNPlanes * nPaddle + nPlane;
-Int_t THcHodoscope::GetScinIndex( Int_t nSide, Int_t nPlane, Int_t nPaddle ) {
-  return nSide*fMaxHodoScin+fNPlanes*nPaddle+nPlane-1;
+Int_t THcHodoscope::GetScinIndex(Int_t nSide, Int_t nPlane, Int_t nPaddle) {
+  return nSide * fMaxHodoScin + fNPlanes * nPaddle + nPlane - 1;
-Double_t THcHodoscope::GetPathLengthCentral() {
-  return fPathLengthCentral;
+Double_t THcHodoscope::GetPathLengthCentral() { return fPathLengthCentral; }
-Int_t THcHodoscope::End(THaRunBase* run)
+Int_t THcHodoscope::End(THaRunBase* run) {
   MissReport(Form("%s.%s", GetApparatus()->GetName(), GetName()));
   return 0;
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
diff --git a/src/THcHodoscope.h b/src/THcHodoscope.h
index 8a0a1c55ef6d021f5a533f04181db84d74c2429c..1d30cb95349609d2a6f45d11770a00e08d9d79a7 100644
--- a/src/THcHodoscope.h
+++ b/src/THcHodoscope.h
@@ -185,7 +185,9 @@ protected:
   TH1F *hTime;
   // Calibration
+  Double_t fRatio_xpfp_to_xfp;
+  Double_t trackeff_scint_ydiff_max ;
+  Double_t trackeff_scint_xdiff_max ;
   // Per-event data
   Bool_t fSHMS;
   Bool_t fGoodStartTime;
diff --git a/src/THcRawAdcHit.cxx b/src/THcRawAdcHit.cxx
index 6e2bfc7884fdf893e7d205cf54612caf2d042b0d..a5a86f4883514ae0009b3d6d94470b5afe79691e 100644
--- a/src/THcRawAdcHit.cxx
+++ b/src/THcRawAdcHit.cxx
@@ -245,8 +245,8 @@ void THcRawAdcHit::Clear(Option_t* opt) {
 void THcRawAdcHit::SetData(Int_t data) {
   if (fNPulses >= fMaxNPulses) {
-    _hit_logger->error("THcRawAdcHit::SetData: too many pulses! Ignoring pulse {}",fNPulses);
-    //throw std::out_of_range("`THcRawAdcHit::SetData`: too many pulses!");
+    _hit_logger->error("THcRawAdcHit::SetData: too many pulses! Ignoring pulse {}", fNPulses);
+    // throw std::out_of_range("`THcRawAdcHit::SetData`: too many pulses!");
   fPulseInt[fNPulses] = data;
@@ -260,8 +260,8 @@ void THcRawAdcHit::SetRefTime(Int_t refTime) {
 void THcRawAdcHit::SetSample(Int_t data) {
   if (fNSamples >= fMaxNSamples) {
-    //throw std::out_of_range("`THcRawAdcHit::SetSample`: too many samples!");
-    _hit_logger->error("THcRawAdcHit::SetSample: too many samples! Ignoring sample {}",fNSamples);
+    // throw std::out_of_range("`THcRawAdcHit::SetSample`: too many samples!");
+    _hit_logger->error("THcRawAdcHit::SetSample: too many samples! Ignoring sample {}", fNSamples);
   fSample[fNSamples] = data;
@@ -269,8 +269,9 @@ void THcRawAdcHit::SetSample(Int_t data) {
 void THcRawAdcHit::SetDataTimePedestalPeak(Int_t data, Int_t time, Int_t pedestal, Int_t peak) {
   if (fNPulses >= fMaxNPulses) {
-    _hit_logger->error("THcRawAdcHit::SetDataTimePedestalPeak: too many pulses! Ignoring pulse {}",fNPulses);
-    //throw std::out_of_range("`THcRawAdcHit::SetData`: too many pulses!");
+    _hit_logger->error("THcRawAdcHit::SetDataTimePedestalPeak: too many pulses! Ignoring pulse {}",
+                       fNPulses);
+    // throw std::out_of_range("`THcRawAdcHit::SetData`: too many pulses!");
   fPulseInt[fNPulses]  = data;
@@ -283,11 +284,13 @@ void THcRawAdcHit::SetDataTimePedestalPeak(Int_t data, Int_t time, Int_t pedesta
 Int_t THcRawAdcHit::GetRawData(UInt_t iPulse) const {
   if (iPulse >= fNPulses && iPulse != 0) {
-    //TString msg = TString::Format(
+    // TString msg = TString::Format(
     //    "`THcRawAdcHit::GetRawData`: requested pulse %d where only %d pulses available!", iPulse,
     //    fNPulses);
-    //throw std::out_of_range(msg.Data());
-    _hit_logger->error("THcRawAdcHit::GetRawData: requested pulse {} where only {} pulses available!", iPulse, fNPulses);
+    // throw std::out_of_range(msg.Data());
+    _hit_logger->error(
+        "THcRawAdcHit::GetRawData: requested pulse {} where only {} pulses available!", iPulse,
+        fNPulses);
     return 0;
   } else if (iPulse >= fNPulses && iPulse == 0) {
     return 0;
@@ -311,8 +314,8 @@ Double_t THcRawAdcHit::GetAverage(UInt_t iSampleLow, UInt_t iSampleHigh) const {
 Int_t THcRawAdcHit::GetIntegral(UInt_t iSampleLow, UInt_t iSampleHigh) const {
   if (iSampleHigh >= fNSamples || iSampleLow >= fNSamples) {
-    //TString msg = TString::Format("`THcRawAdcHit::GetAverage`: not this many samples available!");
-    //throw std::out_of_range(msg.Data());
+    // TString msg = TString::Format("`THcRawAdcHit::GetAverage`: not this many samples
+    // available!"); throw std::out_of_range(msg.Data());
     _hit_logger->error("THcRawAdcHit::GetRawData: not this many samples available!");
     return 0;
   } else {
@@ -343,11 +346,13 @@ Int_t THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseIntRaw(UInt_t iPulse) const {
   } else if (iPulse == 0) {
     return 0;
   } else {
-    //TString msg = TString::Format(
+    // TString msg = TString::Format(
     //    "`THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseIntRaw`: Trying to get pulse %d where only %d pulses available!",
     //    iPulse, fNPulses);
-    //throw std::out_of_range(msg.Data());
-    _hit_logger->error("THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseIntRaw: Trying to get pulse {} where only {} pulses available!", iPulse, fNPulses);
+    // throw std::out_of_range(msg.Data());
+    _hit_logger->error(
+        "THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseIntRaw: Trying to get pulse {} where only {} pulses available!",
+        iPulse, fNPulses);
     return 0;
@@ -358,11 +363,13 @@ Int_t THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseAmpRaw(UInt_t iPulse) const {
   } else if (iPulse == 0) {
     return 0;
   } else {
-    //TString msg = TString::Format(
+    // TString msg = TString::Format(
     //    "`THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseAmpRaw`: Trying to get pulse %d where only %d pulses available!",
     //    iPulse, fNPulses);
-    //throw std::out_of_range(msg.Data());
-    _hit_logger->error("THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseIntRaw: Trying to get pulse {} where only {} pulses available!", iPulse, fNPulses);
+    // throw std::out_of_range(msg.Data());
+    _hit_logger->error(
+        "THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseIntRaw: Trying to get pulse {} where only {} pulses available!",
+        iPulse, fNPulses);
     return 0;
@@ -373,11 +380,13 @@ Int_t THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseTimeRaw(UInt_t iPulse) const {
   } else if (iPulse == 0) {
     return 0;
   } else {
-    //TString msg = TString::Format(
+    // TString msg = TString::Format(
     //    "`THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseTimeRaw`: Trying to get pulse %d where only %d pulses available!",
     //    iPulse, fNPulses);
-    //throw std::out_of_range(msg.Data());
-    _hit_logger->error("THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseIntRaw: Trying to get pulse {} where only {} pulses available!", iPulse, fNPulses);
+    // throw std::out_of_range(msg.Data());
+    _hit_logger->error(
+        "THcRawAdcHit::GetPulseIntRaw: Trying to get pulse {} where only {} pulses available!",
+        iPulse, fNPulses);
     return 0;
@@ -386,11 +395,12 @@ Int_t THcRawAdcHit::GetSampleRaw(UInt_t iSample) const {
   if (iSample < fNSamples) {
     return fSample[iSample];
   } else {
-    //TString msg = TString::Format(
+    // TString msg = TString::Format(
     //    "`THcRawAdcHit::GetSampleRaw`: Trying to get sample %d where only %d samples available!",
     //    iSample, fNSamples);
-    //throw std::out_of_range(msg.Data());
-    _hit_logger->error("THcRawAdcHit::GetSampleRaw: Trying to get sample {} where only {} samples available!",
+    // throw std::out_of_range(msg.Data());
+    _hit_logger->error(
+        "THcRawAdcHit::GetSampleRaw: Trying to get sample {} where only {} samples available!",
         iSample, fNSamples);
     return 0;
diff --git a/src/THcScintPlaneCluster.cxx b/src/THcScintPlaneCluster.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f5d56819800c8915dc341b12dd4456ddebb23e50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/THcScintPlaneCluster.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/** \class THcScintPlaneCluster
+    \ingroup DetSupport
+#include "THcScintPlaneCluster.h"
diff --git a/src/THcScintPlaneCluster.h b/src/THcScintPlaneCluster.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d6c31aabe4075db4fc2c3ba25a5af98c4dcfd651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/THcScintPlaneCluster.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#ifndef ROOT_THcScintPlaneCluster
+#define ROOT_THcScintPlaneCluster
+//                                                                         //
+// THcScintPlaneCluster                                                             //
+//                                                                         //
+#include "TObject.h"
+#include <cstdio>
+class THcScintPlaneCluster : public TObject {
+ public:
+ THcScintPlaneCluster(Int_t cluster=0, Double_t pos=0.0) :
+  fClusterNumber(cluster), fClusterPosition(pos) {}
+  virtual ~THcScintPlaneCluster() {}
+  Int_t GetClusterNumber() {return fClusterNumber;}
+  Double_t GetClusterPosition() {return fClusterPosition;}
+  Double_t GetClusterSize() {return fClusterSize;}
+  Double_t GetClusterFlag() {return fClusterFlag;}
+  Double_t GetClusterUsedFlag() {return fClusterUsedFlag;}
+  virtual void Set(Int_t cluster, Double_t pos)
+  { fClusterNumber=cluster; fClusterPosition=pos; fClusterFlag=0.; fClusterUsedFlag=0.;}
+  void SetSize(Double_t size) {fClusterSize=size;}
+  void SetFlag(Double_t flag) {fClusterFlag=flag;}
+  void SetUsedFlag(Double_t flag) {fClusterUsedFlag=flag;}
+ private:
+  Int_t fClusterNumber;
+  Double_t fClusterPosition;
+  Double_t fClusterSize;
+  Double_t fClusterFlag;
+  Double_t fClusterUsedFlag;
+  ClassDef(THcScintPlaneCluster,0); // Single signal value and wire/counter number
diff --git a/src/THcScintillatorPlane.cxx b/src/THcScintillatorPlane.cxx
index c9a6b2e65f822258fbae3122bd2006b5f3ef6708..1e4578907372a505e9b7f832e44d1e116353ff17 100644
--- a/src/THcScintillatorPlane.cxx
+++ b/src/THcScintillatorPlane.cxx
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ The THcHodoscope class instatiates one of these objects per plane.
 #include "TMath.h"
 #include "THcScintillatorPlane.h"
+#include "THcScintPlaneCluster.h"
 #include "TClonesArray.h"
 #include "THcSignalHit.h"
 #include "THcHodoHit.h"
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ THcScintillatorPlane::THcScintillatorPlane( const char* name,
 					    const Int_t planenum,
 					    THaDetectorBase* parent )
 : THaSubDetector(name,description,parent),
-  fParentHitList(0), frPosAdcErrorFlag(0), frNegAdcErrorFlag(0),
+  fParentHitList(0), fCluster(0),frPosAdcErrorFlag(0), frNegAdcErrorFlag(0),
   frPosTDCHits(0), frNegTDCHits(0), frPosADCHits(0), frNegADCHits(0),
   frPosADCSums(0), frNegADCSums(0), frPosADCPeds(0), frNegADCPeds(0),
   fHodoHits(0), frPosTdcTimeRaw(0), frPosAdcPedRaw(0),
@@ -61,6 +62,8 @@ THcScintillatorPlane::THcScintillatorPlane( const char* name,
   // Normal constructor with name and description
   fHodoHits = new TClonesArray("THcHodoHit",16);
+  fCluster = new TClonesArray("THcScintPlaneCluster", 10);
   frPosAdcErrorFlag = new TClonesArray("THcSignalHit", 16);
   frNegAdcErrorFlag = new TClonesArray("THcSignalHit", 16);
@@ -97,6 +100,7 @@ THcScintillatorPlane::THcScintillatorPlane( const char* name,
   frNegAdcPulseAmp  = new TClonesArray("THcSignalHit", 16);
   frNegAdcPulseTime = new TClonesArray("THcSignalHit", 16);
   fPlaneNum = planenum;
   fTotPlanes = planenum;
   fNScinHits = 0;
@@ -111,6 +115,8 @@ THcScintillatorPlane::~THcScintillatorPlane()
   delete  frPosAdcErrorFlag; frPosAdcErrorFlag = NULL;
   delete  frNegAdcErrorFlag; frNegAdcErrorFlag = NULL;
+  delete  fCluster; fCluster = NULL;
   delete fHodoHits;
   delete frPosTDCHits;
   delete frNegTDCHits;
@@ -384,6 +390,7 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
   // Create arrays to hold results here
   fNumGoodPosAdcHits     = vector<Int_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
   fNumGoodNegAdcHits     = vector<Int_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
   fNumGoodPosTdcHits     = vector<Int_t> (fNelem, 0.0);
@@ -527,7 +534,12 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::DefineVariables( EMode mode )
     {"DiffDisTrackCorr",   "TW Corrected Dist Difference between track and scintillator position (cm)", "fGoodDiffDistTrack"},
     {"TrackXPos",   "Track X position at plane (cm)", "fTrackXPosition"},
     {"TrackYPos",   "Track Y position at plane (cm)", "fTrackYPosition"},
-    //{"ngoodhits", "Number of paddle hits (passed tof tolerance and used to determine the focal plane time )",           "GetNGoodHits() "},
+    {"NumClus",   "Number of clusters", "fNumberClusters"},
+    {"Clus.Pos",   "Position of each paddle clusters", "fCluster.THcScintPlaneCluster.GetClusterPosition()"},
+    {"Clus.Size",   "Size of each paddle clusters", "fCluster.THcScintPlaneCluster.GetClusterSize()"},
+    {"Clus.Flag",   "Flag of each paddle clusters", "fCluster.THcScintPlaneCluster.GetClusterFlag()"},
+    {"Clus.UsedFlag",   "USed Flag of each paddle clusters", "fCluster.THcScintPlaneCluster.GetClusterUsedFlag()"},
+   //{"ngoodhits", "Number of paddle hits (passed tof tolerance and used to determine the focal plane time )",           "GetNGoodHits() "},
     { 0 }
@@ -543,6 +555,8 @@ void THcScintillatorPlane::Clear( Option_t* )
   //cout << " Calling THcScintillatorPlane::Clear " << GetName() << endl;
   // Clears the hit lists
+  fCluster->Clear();
@@ -576,6 +590,7 @@ void THcScintillatorPlane::Clear( Option_t* )
   //Clear occupancies
   for (UInt_t ielem = 0; ielem < fNumGoodPosAdcHits.size(); ielem++)
     fNumGoodPosAdcHits.at(ielem) = 0;
@@ -630,6 +645,7 @@ void THcScintillatorPlane::Clear( Option_t* )
   fHitDistance = kBig;
   fTrackXPosition = kBig;
   fTrackYPosition = kBig;
+  fNumberClusters=0;
@@ -725,7 +741,6 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::ProcessHits(TClonesArray* rawhits, Int_t nexthit)
@@ -1031,7 +1046,7 @@ Int_t THcScintillatorPlane::ProcessHits(TClonesArray* rawhits, Int_t nexthit)
       // Do corrections if valid TDC on both ends of bar
-      if(btdcraw_pos && btdcraw_neg && badcraw_pos && badcraw_neg) {
+      if( (btdcraw_pos && btdcraw_neg) && (badcraw_pos && badcraw_neg) ) {
 	// Do the pulse height correction to the time.  (Position dependent corrections later)
 	Double_t timec_pos, timec_neg;
 	if(fTofUsingInvAdc) {
diff --git a/src/THcScintillatorPlane.h b/src/THcScintillatorPlane.h
index 62ef1761337367b7fec9e82446573291fac5fbb1..052ac9512ee1b7706824a5f0eb4562706a57fdbf 100644
--- a/src/THcScintillatorPlane.h
+++ b/src/THcScintillatorPlane.h
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include "THaSubDetector.h"
 #include "TClonesArray.h"
+#include "THcScintPlaneCluster.h"
 using namespace std;
@@ -57,22 +58,31 @@ class THcScintillatorPlane : public THaSubDetector {
   Double_t GetPosOffset() {return fPosOffset;};
   Double_t GetPosCenter(Int_t PaddleNo) {return fPosCenter[PaddleNo];}; // counting from zero!
   Double_t GetFpTime() {return fFptime;};
+  Double_t GetNumberClusters() {return fNumberClusters;}; // number of paddle clusters
   void SetFpTime(Double_t f) {fFptime=f;};
   void SetNGoodHits(Int_t ng) {fNGoodHits=ng;};
   void SetHitDistance(Double_t f) {fHitDistance=f;}; // Distance between track and hit paddle
   void SetTrackXPosition(Double_t f) {fTrackXPosition=f;}; // Distance track X position at plane
   void SetTrackYPosition(Double_t f) {fTrackYPosition=f;}; // Distance track Y position at plane
+  void SetNumberClusters(Int_t nclus) {fNumberClusters=nclus;}; // number of paddle 
+  void SetCluster(Int_t ic,Double_t pos) {((THcScintPlaneCluster*) fCluster->ConstructedAt(ic))->Set(ic,pos);}
+  void SetClusterSize(Int_t ic,Double_t size) {((THcScintPlaneCluster*) fCluster->ConstructedAt(ic))->SetSize(size);}
+  void SetClusterFlag(Int_t ic,Double_t flag) {((THcScintPlaneCluster*) fCluster->ConstructedAt(ic))->SetFlag(flag);}
+  void SetClusterUsedFlag(Int_t ic,Double_t flag) {((THcScintPlaneCluster*) fCluster->ConstructedAt(ic))->SetUsedFlag(flag);}
   TClonesArray* fParentHitList;
   TClonesArray* GetHits() { return fHodoHits;};
+  TClonesArray* fCluster;
   TClonesArray* frPosAdcErrorFlag;
   TClonesArray* frNegAdcErrorFlag;
   TClonesArray* frPosTDCHits;
   TClonesArray* frNegTDCHits;
   TClonesArray* frPosADCHits;
@@ -113,6 +123,7 @@ class THcScintillatorPlane : public THaSubDetector {
   Int_t fTotNumPosAdcHits;
   Int_t fTotNumNegAdcHits;
   Int_t fTotNumAdcHits;
+  Int_t fNumberClusters;
   Int_t fTotNumPosTdcHits;
   Int_t fTotNumNegTdcHits;