diff --git a/src/THcCoinTime.cxx b/src/THcCoinTime.cxx
index 6f35ec2e3e39c635aa2835f599e485688b1cae27..6d4958ed37b7b8c924093ee11008209ef11e8ec9 100644
--- a/src/THcCoinTime.cxx
+++ b/src/THcCoinTime.cxx
@@ -236,10 +236,10 @@ Int_t THcCoinTime::Process( const THaEvData& evdata )
       Double_t HMS_FPtime = theHMSTrack->GetFPTime();    
       //Get raw TDC Times for HMS/SHMS (3/4 trigger)
-      pTRIG1_rawTdcTime_ROC1 = fCoinDet->Get_pTRG1_ROC1_rawTdctime();  //TDC Channels (0.1 ns/Ch)
-      pTRIG4_rawTdcTime_ROC1 = fCoinDet->Get_pTRG4_ROC1_rawTdctime();
-      pTRIG1_rawTdcTime_ROC2 = fCoinDet->Get_pTRG1_ROC2_rawTdctime();
-      pTRIG4_rawTdcTime_ROC2 = fCoinDet->Get_pTRG4_ROC2_rawTdctime();
+      pTRIG1_TdcTime_ROC1 = fCoinDet->Get_CT_Trigtime(0);  //SHMS
+      pTRIG4_TdcTime_ROC1 = fCoinDet->Get_CT_Trigtime(1);  //HMS
+      pTRIG1_TdcTime_ROC2 = fCoinDet->Get_CT_Trigtime(2);//SHMS
+      pTRIG4_TdcTime_ROC2 = fCoinDet->Get_CT_Trigtime(3);//HMS
 	  DeltaSHMSpathLength = -0.11*atan2(shms_xptar,1)*1000 - 0.057*shms_dP;
 	  DeltaHMSpathLength = 12.462*hms_xpfp + 0.1138*hms_xpfp*hms_xfp - 0.0154*hms_xfp - 72.292*hms_xpfp*hms_xpfp - 0.0000544*hms_xfp*had_xfp - 116.52*hms_ypfp*hms_ypfp;
@@ -273,8 +273,8 @@ Int_t THcCoinTime::Process( const THaEvData& evdata )
 	  had_coinCorr_Positron = (HadPathLength) / (lightSpeed * hadArm_BetaCalc_Positron );
 	  //Raw, Uncorrected Coincidence Time
-	  fROC1_RAW_CoinTime =  (pTRIG1_rawTdcTime_ROC1*0.1 + SHMS_FPtime) - (pTRIG4_rawTdcTime_ROC1*0.1 + HMS_FPtime);
-	  fROC2_RAW_CoinTime =  (pTRIG1_rawTdcTime_ROC2*0.1 + SHMS_FPtime) - (pTRIG4_rawTdcTime_ROC2*0.1 + HMS_FPtime);
+	  fROC1_RAW_CoinTime =  (pTRIG1_TdcTime_ROC1 + SHMS_FPtime) - (pTRIG4_TdcTime_ROC1 + HMS_FPtime);
+	  fROC2_RAW_CoinTime =  (pTRIG1_TdcTime_ROC2 + SHMS_FPtime) - (pTRIG4_TdcTime_ROC2 + HMS_FPtime);
 	  //Corrected Coincidence Time for ROC1/ROC2 (ROC1 Should be identical to ROC2)
diff --git a/src/THcCoinTime.h b/src/THcCoinTime.h
index ed1cb187f82578da609485d8504f4bf77c9836f4..91d3ba27ffa462e71d28f32985665b9fa40486a8 100644
--- a/src/THcCoinTime.h
+++ b/src/THcCoinTime.h
@@ -125,11 +125,11 @@ public:
   Double_t had_ypfp;     //hadron yp focal plane
   Double_t had_FPtime;   //hadron focal plane time
-  //Raw trigger times pTrig1 (SHMS 3/4 trig) and pTrig4 (HMS 3/4 trig)
-  Int_t pTRIG1_rawTdcTime_ROC1;
-  Int_t pTRIG4_rawTdcTime_ROC1;
-  Int_t pTRIG1_rawTdcTime_ROC2;
-  Int_t pTRIG4_rawTdcTime_ROC2;
+  // trigger times pTrig1 (SHMS 3/4 trig) and pTrig4 (HMS 3/4 trig)
+  Int_t pTRIG1_TdcTime_ROC1;
+  Int_t pTRIG4_TdcTime_ROC1;
+  Int_t pTRIG1_TdcTime_ROC2;
+  Int_t pTRIG4_TdcTime_ROC2;
diff --git a/src/THcTrigDet.cxx b/src/THcTrigDet.cxx
index 0d690f56dddf66926a09051d00b1be289443f2a6..d60aa010c7a5eb9dd222b29b9097bbf5173296cc 100644
--- a/src/THcTrigDet.cxx
+++ b/src/THcTrigDet.cxx
@@ -221,16 +221,6 @@ void THcTrigDet::Clear(Option_t* opt) {
-//Added function to SET coincidence trigger times
-void THcTrigDet::SetCoinTrigTimes() 
-  pTrig1_ROC1 = fTdcTimeRaw[fidx0];
-  pTrig4_ROC1 = fTdcTimeRaw[fidx1];
-  pTrig1_ROC2 = fTdcTimeRaw[fidx2];
-  pTrig4_ROC2 = fTdcTimeRaw[fidx3];
 Int_t THcTrigDet::Decode(const THaEvData& evData) {
@@ -300,9 +290,6 @@ Int_t THcTrigDet::Decode(const THaEvData& evData) {
-  //Set raw Tdc coin. trigger times for pTRIG1/4
-  SetCoinTrigTimes();
   return 0;
@@ -319,11 +306,13 @@ void THcTrigDet::Setup(const char* name, const char* description) {
 Int_t THcTrigDet::ReadDatabase(const TDatime& date) {
   std::string adcNames, tdcNames;
+  std::string trigNames="pTRIG1_ROC1 pTRIG4_ROC1 pTRIG1_ROC2 pTRIG4_ROC2";
   DBRequest list[] = {
     {"_numAdc", &fNumAdc, kInt},  // Number of ADC channels.
     {"_numTdc", &fNumTdc, kInt},  // Number of TDC channels.
     {"_adcNames", &adcNames, kString},  // Names of ADC channels.
     {"_tdcNames", &tdcNames, kString},  // Names of TDC channels.
+    {"_trigNames", &trigNames, kString,0,1},  // Names of Triggers for coincidence time.
     {"_tdcoffset", &fTdcOffset, kDouble,0,1},  // Offset of tdc channels
     {"_adc_tdc_offset", &fAdcTdcOffset, kDouble,0,1},  // Offset of Adc Pulse time (ns)
     {"_tdcchanperns", &fTdcChanperNS, kDouble,0,1},  // Convert channesl to ns
@@ -331,7 +320,7 @@ Int_t THcTrigDet::ReadDatabase(const TDatime& date) {
     {"_trig_adcrefcut", &fADC_RefTimeCut, kInt, 0, 1},
-  fTdcChanperNS=0.1;
+  fTdcChanperNS=0.09766;
@@ -363,36 +352,24 @@ Int_t THcTrigDet::ReadDatabase(const TDatime& date) {
   // Split the names to std::vector<std::string>.
   fAdcNames = vsplit(adcNames);
   fTdcNames = vsplit(tdcNames);
+  fTrigNames = vsplit(trigNames);
   //default index values
-  fidx0 = 27;
-  fidx1 = 30;
-  fidx2 = 58;
-  fidx3 = 61;	
   //Assign an index to coincidence trigger times strings
-  for (int i = 0; i <fNumTdc; i++)
-    {
-      if(fTdcNames.at(i)=="pTRIG1_ROC1")
-	{
-	  fidx0 = i;
-	}
-      else if(fTdcNames.at(i)=="pTRIG4_ROC1")
-	{
-	  fidx1 = i;
-	}
-      else if(fTdcNames.at(i)=="pTRIG1_ROC2")
-	{
-	  fidx2 = i;
-	}
-      else if(fTdcNames.at(i)=="pTRIG4_ROC2")
-	{
-	  fidx3 = i;
-	}
-    }
+     for (UInt_t j = 0; j <fTrigNames.size(); j++) {
+       fTrigId[j]=-1;
+     }
+  for (int i = 0; i <fNumTdc; i++) {
+    for (UInt_t j = 0; j <fTrigNames.size(); j++) {
+            if(fTdcNames.at(i)==fTrigNames[j]) fTrigId[j]=i;
+	  }
+  }
+  cout << " Trgi = " << fTrigNames.size() << endl;
+     for (UInt_t j = 0; j <fTrigNames.size(); j++) {
+       cout << fTrigNames[j] << " " << fTrigId[j] << endl;
+     }
   return kOK;
diff --git a/src/THcTrigDet.h b/src/THcTrigDet.h
index fd8cd5364eed6e9d3d9af336b85d6eb044ddc254..20b4838cd537a28a25d256182533020490f31904 100644
--- a/src/THcTrigDet.h
+++ b/src/THcTrigDet.h
@@ -32,37 +32,21 @@ class THcTrigDet : public THaDetector, public THcHitList {
     virtual Bool_t IsIgnoreType(Int_t evtype) const;
     virtual Bool_t HaveIgnoreList() const;
     Int_t          End(THaRunBase* run);
-    //Funtions to get raw TdcTimes 
-    Int_t Get_pTRG1_ROC1_rawTdctime() {return pTrig1_ROC1;}
-    Int_t Get_pTRG4_ROC1_rawTdctime() {return pTrig4_ROC1;}
-    Int_t Get_pTRG1_ROC2_rawTdctime() {return pTrig1_ROC2;}
-    Int_t Get_pTRG4_ROC2_rawTdctime() {return pTrig4_ROC2;}
+    //Funtions to get TDCtime for cointime module 
+    Double_t Get_CT_Trigtime(Int_t ii) { return (fTrigId[ii]==-1 ? 0. : fTdcTime[fTrigId[ii]]) ;}
     void Setup(const char* name, const char* description);
     virtual Int_t ReadDatabase(const TDatime& date);
     virtual Int_t DefineVariables(EMode mode=kDefine);
-    //Added for coin. time calculation
-    void SetCoinTrigTimes();
-    //indices to store pTrig string locations
-    Int_t fidx0;
-    Int_t fidx1;
-    Int_t fidx2;
-    Int_t fidx3;
-    Int_t pTrig1_ROC1;
-    Int_t pTrig4_ROC1;
-    Int_t pTrig1_ROC2;
-    Int_t pTrig4_ROC2;
     std::string fKwPrefix;
     Int_t fNumAdc;
     Int_t fNumTdc;
+    Int_t fTrigId[4];
     Double_t fAdcTdcOffset;
     Double_t fTdcOffset;
@@ -70,6 +54,7 @@ class THcTrigDet : public THaDetector, public THcHitList {
     std::vector<std::string> fAdcNames;
     std::vector<std::string> fTdcNames;
+    std::vector<std::string> fTrigNames;
     static const int fMaxAdcChannels = 200;
     static const int fMaxTdcChannels = 200;