diff --git a/src/THcDC.cxx b/src/THcDC.cxx
index 9ec08cf5317a1bffe394515bea224a8bed0f36e0..67a9039831a11de00efb5d40ac25fcd218186bf9 100644
--- a/src/THcDC.cxx
+++ b/src/THcDC.cxx
@@ -657,21 +657,21 @@ void THcDC::SetFocalPlaneBestTrack(Int_t golden_track_index)
 void THcDC::EfficiencyPerWire(Int_t golden_track_index)
-      THcDCTrack *tr1 = static_cast<THcDCTrack*>( fDCTracks->At(golden_track_index));
-      Double_t track_pos;
-      for (UInt_t ihit = 0; ihit < UInt_t (tr1->GetNHits()); ihit++) {
-	THcDCHit *hit = tr1->GetHit(ihit);
-	Int_t plane = hit->GetPlaneNum() - 1;
-	track_pos=tr1->GetCoord(plane);
-	Int_t wire_num = hit->GetWireNum();
-	Int_t wire_track_num=round(fPlanes[plane]->CalcWireFromPos(track_pos));
-        if ( (wire_num-wire_track_num) ==0) fWire_hit_did[plane]=wire_num;
-      } 
-      for(Int_t ip=0; ip<fNPlanes;ip++) {
-	track_pos=tr1->GetCoord(ip);
-	Int_t wire_should = round(fPlanes[ip]->CalcWireFromPos(track_pos));
-        fWire_hit_should[ip]=wire_should;
-      }
+  THcDCTrack *tr1 = static_cast<THcDCTrack*>( fDCTracks->At(golden_track_index));
+  Double_t track_pos;
+  for (UInt_t ihit = 0; ihit < UInt_t (tr1->GetNHits()); ihit++) {
+    THcDCHit *hit = tr1->GetHit(ihit);
+    Int_t plane = hit->GetPlaneNum() - 1;
+    track_pos=tr1->GetCoord(plane);
+    Int_t wire_num = hit->GetWireNum();
+    Int_t wire_track_num=round(fPlanes[plane]->CalcWireFromPos(track_pos));
+    if ( (wire_num-wire_track_num) ==0) fWire_hit_did[plane]=wire_num;
+  } 
+  for(Int_t ip=0; ip<fNPlanes;ip++) {
+    track_pos=tr1->GetCoord(ip);
+    Int_t wire_should = round(fPlanes[ip]->CalcWireFromPos(track_pos));
+    fWire_hit_should[ip]=wire_should;
+  }
 void THcDC::PrintSpacePoints()
@@ -682,13 +682,13 @@ void THcDC::PrintSpacePoints()
     printf("%6s %-8s %-8s %6s %6s %10s \n","Point","x","y"," hits ","combos"," for each hit");
     TClonesArray* spacepointarray = fChambers[ich]->GetSpacePointsP();
     for(Int_t isp=0;isp<fChambers[ich]->GetNSpacePoints();isp++) {
-	THcSpacePoint* sp = (THcSpacePoint*)(spacepointarray->At(isp));
-	printf("%5d %8.5f %8.5f %5d  %5d ",isp+1,sp->GetX(),sp->GetY(),sp->GetNHits(),sp->GetCombos()) ;
-	for (Int_t ii=0;ii<sp->GetNHits();ii++) {
-	  THcDCHit* hittemp = (THcDCHit*)(sp->GetHit(ii));
-	  printf("%3d %3d %3d",hittemp->GetPlaneNum(),hittemp->GetWireNum(),hittemp->GetLR());
-        }
-	    printf("\n");
+      THcSpacePoint* sp = (THcSpacePoint*)(spacepointarray->At(isp));
+      printf("%5d %8.5f %8.5f %5d  %5d ",isp+1,sp->GetX(),sp->GetY(),sp->GetNHits(),sp->GetCombos()) ;
+      for (Int_t ii=0;ii<sp->GetNHits();ii++) {
+	THcDCHit* hittemp = (THcDCHit*)(sp->GetHit(ii));
+	printf("%3d %3d %3d",hittemp->GetPlaneNum(),hittemp->GetWireNum(),hittemp->GetLR());
+      }
+      printf("\n");
@@ -702,9 +702,9 @@ void THcDC::PrintStubs()
     printf("%-5s %-18s %-18s %-18s %-18s\n","     ","[cm]","[cm]","[cm]","[cm]");
     TClonesArray* spacepointarray = fChambers[ich]->GetSpacePointsP();
     for(Int_t isp=0;isp<fChambers[ich]->GetNSpacePoints();isp++) {
-	THcSpacePoint* sp = (THcSpacePoint*)(spacepointarray->At(isp));
-	    Double_t *spstubt=sp->GetStubP();
-	    printf("%-5d % 15.10e % 15.10e % 15.10e % 15.10e \n",isp+1,spstubt[0],spstubt[1],spstubt[2],spstubt[3]);
+      THcSpacePoint* sp = (THcSpacePoint*)(spacepointarray->At(isp));
+      Double_t *spstubt=sp->GetStubP();
+      printf("%-5d % 15.10e % 15.10e % 15.10e % 15.10e \n",isp+1,spstubt[0],spstubt[1],spstubt[2],spstubt[3]);
@@ -894,8 +894,8 @@ void THcDC::LinkStubs()
       if(fNDCTracks<MAXTRACKS) {
 	// Need some constructed t thingy
         if (fSp[isp]->GetSetStubFlag()) {
-	THcDCTrack *newDCTrack = new( (*fDCTracks)[fNDCTracks++]) THcDCTrack(fNPlanes);
-	newDCTrack->AddSpacePoint(fSp[isp]);
+	  THcDCTrack *newDCTrack = new( (*fDCTracks)[fNDCTracks++]) THcDCTrack(fNPlanes);
+	  newDCTrack->AddSpacePoint(fSp[isp]);
       } else {
 	if (fdebuglinkstubs) cout << "EPIC FAIL 3:  Too many tracks found in THcDC::LinkStubs" << endl;
@@ -906,17 +906,17 @@ void THcDC::LinkStubs()
-if (fdebuglinkstubs) {
-     cout << " Number of tracks from link stubs = " << fNDCTracks << endl;
-     printf("%s %s \n","Track","Plane Wire ");
-     for (UInt_t itrack=0;itrack<fNDCTracks;itrack++) {
-       THcDCTrack *tempTrack = (THcDCTrack*)( fDCTracks->At(itrack));
-       printf("%-5d  ",itrack+1);
-        for (Int_t ihit=0;ihit<tempTrack->GetNHits();ihit++) {
+  if (fdebuglinkstubs) {
+    cout << " Number of tracks from link stubs = " << fNDCTracks << endl;
+    printf("%s %s \n","Track","Plane Wire ");
+    for (UInt_t itrack=0;itrack<fNDCTracks;itrack++) {
+      THcDCTrack *tempTrack = (THcDCTrack*)( fDCTracks->At(itrack));
+      printf("%-5d  ",itrack+1);
+      for (Int_t ihit=0;ihit<tempTrack->GetNHits();ihit++) {
        	THcDCHit* hit=(THcDCHit*)(tempTrack->GetHit(ihit));
        	printf("%3d %3d",hit->GetPlaneNum(),hit->GetWireNum());
-       }
-	printf("\n");
+      }
+      printf("\n");
@@ -943,21 +943,21 @@ void THcDC::TrackFit()
       THcDCHit* hit=theDCTrack->GetHit(ihit);
       if(fFixLR) {
-    	  if(fFixPropagationCorrection) {
-    		  coords[ihit] = hit->GetPos()
-	    		+ theDCTrack->GetHitLR(ihit)*theDCTrack->GetHitDist(ihit);
-    	  } else {
-    		  coords[ihit] = hit->GetPos()
-	    		+ theDCTrack->GetHitLR(ihit)*hit->GetDist();
-    	  }
+	if(fFixPropagationCorrection) {
+	  coords[ihit] = hit->GetPos()
+	    + theDCTrack->GetHitLR(ihit)*theDCTrack->GetHitDist(ihit);
+	} else {
+	  coords[ihit] = hit->GetPos()
+	    + theDCTrack->GetHitLR(ihit)*hit->GetDist();
+	}
       } else {
-    	  if(fFixPropagationCorrection) {
-    		  coords[ihit] = hit->GetPos()
-	    		+ hit->GetLR()*theDCTrack->GetHitDist(ihit);
-    	  } else {
-    		  coords[ihit] = hit->GetCoord();
-    	  }
+	if(fFixPropagationCorrection) {
+	  coords[ihit] = hit->GetPos()
+	    + hit->GetLR()*theDCTrack->GetHitDist(ihit);
+	} else {
+	  coords[ihit] = hit->GetCoord();
+	}
@@ -969,39 +969,39 @@ void THcDC::TrackFit()
       TVectorD TT(NUM_FPRAY);
       for(Int_t irayp=0;irayp<NUM_FPRAY;irayp++) {
-    	  TT[irayp] = 0.0;
-    	  for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit < theDCTrack->GetNHits();ihit++) {	
-	    THcDCHit* hit=theDCTrack->GetHit(ihit);
-	    TT[irayp] += (coords[ihit]*fPlaneCoeffs[planes[ihit]][raycoeffmap[irayp]])/pow(hit->GetWireSigma(),2);
-	    if (hit->GetPlaneNum()==5)
-	      {
-		//	cout << "Plane: " << hit->GetPlaneNum() << endl;
-		//cout << "Wire: " <<hit->GetWireNum() << endl;
-		//cout << "Sigma: " << hit->GetWireSigma() << endl;
-	      }
+	TT[irayp] = 0.0;
+	for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit < theDCTrack->GetNHits();ihit++) {	
-	  } //end hit loop
+	  THcDCHit* hit=theDCTrack->GetHit(ihit);
+	  TT[irayp] += (coords[ihit]*fPlaneCoeffs[planes[ihit]][raycoeffmap[irayp]])/pow(hit->GetWireSigma(),2);
+	  //	  if (hit->GetPlaneNum()==5)
+	  //	    {
+	  //	      //	cout << "Plane: " << hit->GetPlaneNum() << endl;
+	  //	      //cout << "Wire: " <<hit->GetWireNum() << endl;
+	  //	      //cout << "Sigma: " << hit->GetWireSigma() << endl;
+	  //	    }
+	} //end hit loop
       for(Int_t irayp=0;irayp<NUM_FPRAY;irayp++) {
-    	  for(Int_t jrayp=0;jrayp<NUM_FPRAY;jrayp++) {
-    		  AA[irayp][jrayp] = 0.0;
-    		  if(jrayp<irayp) { // Symmetric
-    			  AA[irayp][jrayp] = AA[jrayp][irayp];
-    		  } else {
-		    for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit < theDCTrack->GetNHits();ihit++) {
-		      THcDCHit* hit=theDCTrack->GetHit(ihit);
+	for(Int_t jrayp=0;jrayp<NUM_FPRAY;jrayp++) {
+	  AA[irayp][jrayp] = 0.0;
+	  if(jrayp<irayp) { // Symmetric
+	    AA[irayp][jrayp] = AA[jrayp][irayp];
+	  } else {
+	    for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit < theDCTrack->GetNHits();ihit++) {
+	      THcDCHit* hit=theDCTrack->GetHit(ihit);
-		      AA[irayp][jrayp] += fPlaneCoeffs[planes[ihit]][raycoeffmap[irayp]]*
-			fPlaneCoeffs[planes[ihit]][raycoeffmap[jrayp]]/
-			pow(hit->GetWireSigma(),2);
+	      AA[irayp][jrayp] += fPlaneCoeffs[planes[ihit]][raycoeffmap[irayp]]*
+		fPlaneCoeffs[planes[ihit]][raycoeffmap[jrayp]]/
+		pow(hit->GetWireSigma(),2);
-		    } //end ihit loop
-    		  }
-    	  }
+	    } //end ihit loop
+	  }
+	}
       // Solve 4x4 equations
@@ -1018,12 +1018,12 @@ void THcDC::TrackFit()
       // Make sure fCoords, fResiduals, and fDoubleResiduals are clear
       for(Int_t iplane=0;iplane < fNPlanes; iplane++) {
-    	  Double_t coord=0.0;
-    	  for(Int_t ir=0;ir<NUM_FPRAY;ir++) {
-    		  coord += fPlaneCoeffs[iplane][raycoeffmap[ir]]*dray[ir];
-    		  // cout << "ir = " << ir << ", dray[ir] = " << dray[ir] << endl;
-    	  }
-    	  theDCTrack->SetCoord(iplane,coord);
+	Double_t coord=0.0;
+	for(Int_t ir=0;ir<NUM_FPRAY;ir++) {
+	  coord += fPlaneCoeffs[iplane][raycoeffmap[ir]]*dray[ir];
+	  // cout << "ir = " << ir << ", dray[ir] = " << dray[ir] << endl;
+	}
+	theDCTrack->SetCoord(iplane,coord);
       // Compute Chi2 and residuals
       chi2 = 0.0;
@@ -1045,56 +1045,56 @@ void THcDC::TrackFit()
-      // calculate ray without a plane in track
+    // calculate ray without a plane in track
     for(Int_t ipl_hit=0;ipl_hit < theDCTrack->GetNHits();ipl_hit++) {    
-    if(theDCTrack->GetNFree() > 0) {
-      TVectorD TT(NUM_FPRAY);
-      for(Int_t irayp=0;irayp<NUM_FPRAY;irayp++) {
-	TT[irayp] = 0.0;
-	for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit < theDCTrack->GetNHits();ihit++) {
+      if(theDCTrack->GetNFree() > 0) {
+	for(Int_t irayp=0;irayp<NUM_FPRAY;irayp++) {
+	  TT[irayp] = 0.0;
+	  for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit < theDCTrack->GetNHits();ihit++) {
-	  THcDCHit* hit=theDCTrack->GetHit(ihit);
+	    THcDCHit* hit=theDCTrack->GetHit(ihit);
-          if (ihit != ipl_hit) {
-	  TT[irayp] += (coords[ihit]*
-			fPlaneCoeffs[planes[ihit]][raycoeffmap[irayp]])
-	    /pow(hit->GetWireSigma(),2);
+	    if (ihit != ipl_hit) {
+	      TT[irayp] += (coords[ihit]*
+			    fPlaneCoeffs[planes[ihit]][raycoeffmap[irayp]])
+		/pow(hit->GetWireSigma(),2);
-          }
+	    }
+	  }
-      }
-      for(Int_t irayp=0;irayp<NUM_FPRAY;irayp++) {
-	for(Int_t jrayp=0;jrayp<NUM_FPRAY;jrayp++) {
-	  AA[irayp][jrayp] = 0.0;
-	  if(jrayp<irayp) { // Symmetric
-	    AA[irayp][jrayp] = AA[jrayp][irayp];
-	  } else {
+	for(Int_t irayp=0;irayp<NUM_FPRAY;irayp++) {
+	  for(Int_t jrayp=0;jrayp<NUM_FPRAY;jrayp++) {
+	    AA[irayp][jrayp] = 0.0;
+	    if(jrayp<irayp) { // Symmetric
+	      AA[irayp][jrayp] = AA[jrayp][irayp];
+	    } else {
-	    for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit < theDCTrack->GetNHits();ihit++) {
+	      for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit < theDCTrack->GetNHits();ihit++) {
-	      THcDCHit* hit=theDCTrack->GetHit(ihit);
+		THcDCHit* hit=theDCTrack->GetHit(ihit);
-              if (ihit != ipl_hit) {
-	      AA[irayp][jrayp] += fPlaneCoeffs[planes[ihit]][raycoeffmap[irayp]]*
-		fPlaneCoeffs[planes[ihit]][raycoeffmap[jrayp]]/
-		pow(hit->GetWireSigma(),2);
+		if (ihit != ipl_hit) {
+		  AA[irayp][jrayp] += fPlaneCoeffs[planes[ihit]][raycoeffmap[irayp]]*
+		    fPlaneCoeffs[planes[ihit]][raycoeffmap[jrayp]]/
+		    pow(hit->GetWireSigma(),2);
+		}
-      }
-      //
-     // Solve 4x4 equations
-      // Should check that it is invertable
-      TVectorD dray(NUM_FPRAY);
-      AA.Invert();
-      dray = AA*TT;
+	//
+	// Solve 4x4 equations
+	// Should check that it is invertable
+	TVectorD dray(NUM_FPRAY);
+	AA.Invert();
+	dray = AA*TT;
 	Double_t coord=0.0;
 	for(Int_t ir=0;ir<NUM_FPRAY;ir++) {
 	  coord += fPlaneCoeffs[planes[ipl_hit]][raycoeffmap[ir]]*dray[ir];
@@ -1102,10 +1102,10 @@ void THcDC::TrackFit()
 	Double_t residual = coords[ipl_hit] - coord;
 	theDCTrack->SetResidualExclPlane(planes[ipl_hit], residual);
-    }
+      }
-      //Calculate residual without plane
+  //Calculate residual without plane
   // Calculate residuals for each chamber if in single stub mode
   // and there was a track found in each chamber
@@ -1189,41 +1189,41 @@ void THcDC::TrackFit()
-      if (fdebugtrackprint) {
-        printf("%5s %-14s %-14s %-14s %-14s  %-10s %-10s \n","Track","x_t","y_t","xp_t","yp_t","chi2","DOF");
-        printf("%5s %-14s %-14s %-14s %-14s  %-10s %-10s \n","     ","[cm]","[cm]","[rad]","[rad]"," "," ");
-	for(UInt_t itr=0;itr < fNDCTracks;itr++) {
-        THcDCTrack *theDCTrack = static_cast<THcDCTrack*>( fDCTracks->At(itr));
-	printf("%-5d %14.6e %14.6e %14.6e %14.6e %10.3e %3d \n", itr+1,theDCTrack->GetX(),theDCTrack->GetY(),theDCTrack->GetXP(),theDCTrack->GetYP(),theDCTrack->GetChisq(),theDCTrack->GetNFree());
-        }
-	for(UInt_t itr=0;itr < fNDCTracks;itr++) {
-	  printf("%s %5d \n","Hit info for track number = ",itr+1);
-          printf("%5s %-15s %-15s %-15s \n","Plane","WIRE_COORD","Fit postiion","Residual");
-         THcDCTrack *theDCTrack = static_cast<THcDCTrack*>( fDCTracks->At(itr));
-	 for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit < theDCTrack->GetNHits();ihit++) {
-	  THcDCHit* hit=theDCTrack->GetHit(ihit);
-	  Int_t plane=hit->GetPlaneNum()-1;
-	  Double_t coords_temp;
-      if(fFixLR) {
-	if(fFixPropagationCorrection) {
-	  coords_temp = hit->GetPos()
-	    + theDCTrack->GetHitLR(ihit)*theDCTrack->GetHitDist(ihit);
-	} else {
-	  coords_temp = hit->GetPos()
-	    + theDCTrack->GetHitLR(ihit)*hit->GetDist();
-	}
-      } else {
-	if(fFixPropagationCorrection) {
-	  coords_temp = hit->GetPos()
-	    + hit->GetLR()*theDCTrack->GetHitDist(ihit);
+  if (fdebugtrackprint) {
+    printf("%5s %-14s %-14s %-14s %-14s  %-10s %-10s \n","Track","x_t","y_t","xp_t","yp_t","chi2","DOF");
+    printf("%5s %-14s %-14s %-14s %-14s  %-10s %-10s \n","     ","[cm]","[cm]","[rad]","[rad]"," "," ");
+    for(UInt_t itr=0;itr < fNDCTracks;itr++) {
+      THcDCTrack *theDCTrack = static_cast<THcDCTrack*>( fDCTracks->At(itr));
+      printf("%-5d %14.6e %14.6e %14.6e %14.6e %10.3e %3d \n", itr+1,theDCTrack->GetX(),theDCTrack->GetY(),theDCTrack->GetXP(),theDCTrack->GetYP(),theDCTrack->GetChisq(),theDCTrack->GetNFree());
+    }
+    for(UInt_t itr=0;itr < fNDCTracks;itr++) {
+      printf("%s %5d \n","Hit info for track number = ",itr+1);
+      printf("%5s %-15s %-15s %-15s \n","Plane","WIRE_COORD","Fit postiion","Residual");
+      THcDCTrack *theDCTrack = static_cast<THcDCTrack*>( fDCTracks->At(itr));
+      for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit < theDCTrack->GetNHits();ihit++) {
+	THcDCHit* hit=theDCTrack->GetHit(ihit);
+	Int_t plane=hit->GetPlaneNum()-1;
+	Double_t coords_temp;
+	if(fFixLR) {
+	  if(fFixPropagationCorrection) {
+	    coords_temp = hit->GetPos()
+	      + theDCTrack->GetHitLR(ihit)*theDCTrack->GetHitDist(ihit);
+	  } else {
+	    coords_temp = hit->GetPos()
+	      + theDCTrack->GetHitLR(ihit)*hit->GetDist();
+	  }
 	} else {
-	  coords_temp = hit->GetCoord();
+	  if(fFixPropagationCorrection) {
+	    coords_temp = hit->GetPos()
+	      + hit->GetLR()*theDCTrack->GetHitDist(ihit);
+	  } else {
+	    coords_temp = hit->GetCoord();
+	  }
+	printf("%-5d %15.7e %15.7e %15.7e \n",plane+1,coords_temp,theDCTrack->GetCoord(plane),theDCTrack->GetResidual(plane));
-      printf("%-5d %15.7e %15.7e %15.7e \n",plane+1,coords_temp,theDCTrack->GetCoord(plane),theDCTrack->GetResidual(plane));
-	 }
-        }
-      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/src/THcDCHit.cxx b/src/THcDCHit.cxx
index c28c146a5ef0094d5cd2e9af6e13799e34018df6..b9e0bad67b6121cba2c4cf975e30be2f491c9221 100644
--- a/src/THcDCHit.cxx
+++ b/src/THcDCHit.cxx
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ void THcDCHit::Print( Option_t* opt ) const
        << " time="     << GetTime()
        << " drift="    << GetDist();
   //       << " res="      << GetResolution()
-    //       << " z="        << GetZ()
+  //       << " z="        << GetZ()
   if( *opt != 'C' )
     cout << endl;
diff --git a/src/THcDCHit.h b/src/THcDCHit.h
index 25536be1676b6c53c5bde0608ab9e848aff458c8..6636e9e4f1a465acb780b4249c627e1760644930 100644
--- a/src/THcDCHit.h
+++ b/src/THcDCHit.h
@@ -59,110 +59,87 @@ public:
   void     SetCorrectedStatus(Int_t c) { fCorrected = c; }
   Int_t GetReadoutSide() {
-	  Int_t pln = fWirePlane->GetPlaneNum();
-	  Int_t tb = fWirePlane->GetReadoutTB();
-	  Int_t wn = fWire->GetNum();
-	  Int_t version = fWirePlane->GetVersion();
-	  //if new HMS
-	  if (version == 1){
-		  if ((pln>=3 && pln<=4) || (pln>=9 && pln<=10)){
-			  if (tb>0){
-				  if (wn < 60){
-					  fReadoutSide = 2;
-				  }
-				  else {
-					  fReadoutSide = 4;
-				  }
-			  }
-			  else {
-				  if (wn < 44){
-					  fReadoutSide = 4;
-				  }
-				  else {
-					  fReadoutSide = 2;
-				  }
-			  }
-		  }
-		  else{
-			  if (tb>0){
-				  if (wn < 51){
-					  fReadoutSide = 2;
-				  }
-				  else if (wn >= 51 && wn <= 64){
-					  fReadoutSide = 1;
-				  }
-				  else {
-					  fReadoutSide =4;
-				  }
-			  }
-			  else {
-				  if (wn < 33){
-					  fReadoutSide = 4;
-				  }
-				  else if (wn >=33 && wn<=46){
-					  fReadoutSide = 1;
-				  }
-				  else {
-					  fReadoutSide = 2;
-				  }
-			  }
-		  }
+    Int_t pln = fWirePlane->GetPlaneNum();
+    Int_t tb = fWirePlane->GetReadoutTB();
+    Int_t wn = fWire->GetNum();
+    Int_t version = fWirePlane->GetVersion();
+    //if new HMS
+    if (version == 1) {
+      if ((pln>=3 && pln<=4) || (pln>=9 && pln<=10)) {
+	if (tb>0) {
+	  if (wn < 60) {
+	    fReadoutSide = 2;
+	  } else {
+	    fReadoutSide = 4;
-	  else{//appplies SHMS DC configuration
-		  //check if x board
-		  if ((pln>=3 && pln<=4) || (pln>=9 && pln<=10)){
-			  if (tb>0){
-				  if (wn < 49){
-					  fReadoutSide = 4;
-				  }
-				  else {
-					  fReadoutSide = 2;
-				  }
-			  }
-			  else {
-				  if (wn < 33){
-					  fReadoutSide = 2;
-				  }
-				  else {
-					  fReadoutSide = 4;
-				  }
-			  }
-		  }
-		  //else is u board
-		  else{
-			  if (tb>0){
-				  if (wn < 41){
-					  fReadoutSide = 4;
-				  }
-				  else if (wn >= 41 && wn <= 63){
-					  fReadoutSide = 3;
-				  }
-				  else if (wn >=64 && wn <=69){
-					  fReadoutSide = 1;
-				  }
-				  else {
-					  fReadoutSide = 2;
-				  }
-			  }
-			  else {
-				  if (wn < 39){
-					  fReadoutSide = 2;
-				  }
-				  else if (wn >=39 && wn<=44){
-					  fReadoutSide = 1;
-				  }
-				  else if (wn>=45 && wn<=67){
-					  fReadoutSide = 3;
-				  }
-				  else {
-					  fReadoutSide = 4;
-				  }
-			  }
-		  }
+	} else {
+	  if (wn < 44) {
+	    fReadoutSide = 4;
+	  } else {
+	    fReadoutSide = 2;
+	  }
+	}
+      } else {
+	if (tb>0) {
+	  if (wn < 51) {
+	    fReadoutSide = 2;
+	  } else if (wn >= 51 && wn <= 64) {
+	    fReadoutSide = 1;
+	  } else {
+	    fReadoutSide =4;
+	  }
+	} else {
+	  if (wn < 33) {
+	    fReadoutSide = 4;
+	  } else if (wn >=33 && wn<=46) {
+	    fReadoutSide = 1;
+	  } else {
+	    fReadoutSide = 2;
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+    } else{//appplies SHMS DC configuration
+      //check if x board
+      if ((pln>=3 && pln<=4) || (pln>=9 && pln<=10)) {
+	if (tb>0) {
+	  if (wn < 49) {
+	    fReadoutSide = 4;
+	  } else {
+	    fReadoutSide = 2;
-	  return fReadoutSide;
+	} else {
+	  if (wn < 33) {
+	    fReadoutSide = 2;
+	  } else {
+	    fReadoutSide = 4;
+	  }
+	}
+      } else { //else is u board
+	if (tb>0) {
+	  if (wn < 41) {
+	    fReadoutSide = 4;
+	  } else if (wn >= 41 && wn <= 63) {
+	    fReadoutSide = 3;
+	  } else if (wn >=64 && wn <=69) {
+	    fReadoutSide = 1;
+	  } else {
+	    fReadoutSide = 2;
+	  }
+	} else {
+	  if (wn < 39) {
+	    fReadoutSide = 2;
+	  } else if (wn >=39 && wn<=44) {
+	    fReadoutSide = 1;
+	  } else if (wn>=45 && wn<=67) {
+	    fReadoutSide = 3;
+	  } else {
+	    fReadoutSide = 4;
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    return fReadoutSide;
diff --git a/src/THcDriftChamber.cxx b/src/THcDriftChamber.cxx
index 18a880b3b7c4f48e750a2b297f3a2ed767c13cca..a47dea84f6143fb494246dc86190543c1d4167cc 100644
--- a/src/THcDriftChamber.cxx
+++ b/src/THcDriftChamber.cxx
@@ -94,34 +94,34 @@ void THcDriftChamber::AddPlane(THcDriftChamberPlane *plane)
- // HMS Specific
+  // HMS Specific
   // Hard code Y plane numbers.  Eventually need to get from database
   if (fHMSStyleChambers) {
-   if(fChamberNum == 1) {
-     YPlaneNum=2;
-     YPlanePNum=5;
-    if(plane->GetPlaneNum() == 2) YPlaneInd = fNPlanes;
-    if(plane->GetPlaneNum() == 5) YPlanePInd = fNPlanes;
-   } else {
-     YPlaneNum=8;
-     YPlanePNum=11;
-    if(plane->GetPlaneNum() == 8) YPlaneInd = fNPlanes;
-    if(plane->GetPlaneNum() == 11) YPlanePInd = fNPlanes;
-   }
+    if(fChamberNum == 1) {
+      YPlaneNum=2;
+      YPlanePNum=5;
+      if(plane->GetPlaneNum() == 2) YPlaneInd = fNPlanes;
+      if(plane->GetPlaneNum() == 5) YPlanePInd = fNPlanes;
+    } else {
+      YPlaneNum=8;
+      YPlanePNum=11;
+      if(plane->GetPlaneNum() == 8) YPlaneInd = fNPlanes;
+      if(plane->GetPlaneNum() == 11) YPlanePInd = fNPlanes;
+    }
   } else {
- // SOS Specific
-  // Hard code X plane numbers.   Eventually need to get from database
-   if(fChamberNum == 1) {
-     XPlaneNum=3;
-     XPlanePNum=4;
-    if(plane->GetPlaneNum() == 3) XPlaneInd = fNPlanes;
-    if(plane->GetPlaneNum() == 4) XPlanePInd = fNPlanes;
-   } else {
-     XPlaneNum=9;
-     XPlanePNum=10;
-    if(plane->GetPlaneNum() == 9) XPlaneInd = fNPlanes;
-    if(plane->GetPlaneNum() == 10) XPlanePInd = fNPlanes;
-   }
+    // SOS Specific
+    // Hard code X plane numbers.   Eventually need to get from database
+    if(fChamberNum == 1) {
+      XPlaneNum=3;
+      XPlanePNum=4;
+      if(plane->GetPlaneNum() == 3) XPlaneInd = fNPlanes;
+      if(plane->GetPlaneNum() == 4) XPlanePInd = fNPlanes;
+    } else {
+      XPlaneNum=9;
+      XPlanePNum=10;
+      if(plane->GetPlaneNum() == 9) XPlaneInd = fNPlanes;
+      if(plane->GetPlaneNum() == 10) XPlanePInd = fNPlanes;
+    }
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
   fSpacePointCriterion = static_cast<THcDC*>(fParent)->GetSpacePointCriterion(fChamberNum);
   fMaxDist = TMath::Sqrt(fSpacePointCriterion/2.0); // For easy space points
-   if (fhdebugflagpr) cout << " cham = " << fChamberNum << " Set yplane num " << YPlaneNum << " "<< YPlanePNum << endl;
+  if (fhdebugflagpr) cout << " cham = " << fChamberNum << " Set yplane num " << YPlaneNum << " "<< YPlanePNum << endl;
   // Generate the HAA3INV matrix for all the acceptable combinations
   // of hit planes.  Try to make it as generic as possible
   // pindex=0 -> Plane 1 missing, pindex5 -> plane 6 missing.  Won't
@@ -229,19 +229,19 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::DefineVariables( EMode mode )
   fIsSetup = ( mode == kDefine );
   // Register variables in global list
-   RVarDef vars[] = {
-     { "maxhits",     "Maximum hits allowed",    "fMaxHits" },
-     { "spacepoints", "Space points of DC",      "fNSpacePoints" },
-     { "nhit", "Number of DC hits",  "fNhits" },
-     { "trawhit", "Number of True Raw hits", "fN_True_RawHits" },
-     { "stub_x", "", "fSpacePoints.THcSpacePoint.GetStubX()" },
-     { "stub_xp", "", "fSpacePoints.THcSpacePoint.GetStubXP()" },
-     { "stub_y", "", "fSpacePoints.THcSpacePoint.GetStubY()" },
-     { "stub_yp", "", "fSpacePoints.THcSpacePoint.GetStubYP()" },
-     { "ncombos", "", "fSpacePoints.THcSpacePoint.GetCombos()" },
-     { 0 }
-   };
-   return DefineVarsFromList( vars, mode );
+  RVarDef vars[] = {
+    { "maxhits",     "Maximum hits allowed",    "fMaxHits" },
+    { "spacepoints", "Space points of DC",      "fNSpacePoints" },
+    { "nhit", "Number of DC hits",  "fNhits" },
+    { "trawhit", "Number of True Raw hits", "fN_True_RawHits" },
+    { "stub_x", "", "fSpacePoints.THcSpacePoint.GetStubX()" },
+    { "stub_xp", "", "fSpacePoints.THcSpacePoint.GetStubXP()" },
+    { "stub_y", "", "fSpacePoints.THcSpacePoint.GetStubY()" },
+    { "stub_yp", "", "fSpacePoints.THcSpacePoint.GetStubYP()" },
+    { "ncombos", "", "fSpacePoints.THcSpacePoint.GetCombos()" },
+    { 0 }
+  };
+  return DefineVarsFromList( vars, mode );
   //return kOK;
@@ -267,10 +267,10 @@ void THcDriftChamber::PrintDecode( void )
   cout << " Num of nits = " << fNhits << endl;
   cout << " Num " << " Plane "  << " Wire " <<  "  Wire-Center  " << " RAW TDC " << " Drift time" << endl;
-    for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<fNhits;ihit++) {
+  for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<fNhits;ihit++) {
     THcDCHit* thishit = fHits[ihit];
     cout << ihit << "       " <<thishit->GetPlaneNum()  << "     " << thishit->GetWireNum() << "     " <<  thishit->GetPos() << "    " << thishit->GetRawTime() << "    " << thishit->GetTime() << endl;
-    }
+  }
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::FindSpacePoints( void )
 	if(fRemove_Sppt_If_One_YPlane == 1) {
 	  // The routine is specific to HMS
 	  //Int_t ndest=
-	    DestroyPoorSpacePoints(); // Only for HMS?
+	  DestroyPoorSpacePoints(); // Only for HMS?
 	  // Loop over space points and remove those with less than 4 planes
 	  // hit and missing hits in Y,Y' planes
@@ -681,17 +681,17 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::DestroyPoorSpacePoints()
       // Does this work, or do we have to copy each member?
       // If it doesn't we should overload the = operator
       //(*fSpacePoints)[isp] = (*fSpacePoints)[osp];
-        THcSpacePoint* spi = (THcSpacePoint*)(*fSpacePoints)[isp];
-        THcSpacePoint* spo = (THcSpacePoint*)(*fSpacePoints)[osp];
-        spi->Clear();
-        Double_t xt,yt;
-        xt=spo->GetX();
-        yt=spo->GetY();
-        spi->SetXY(xt, yt);
-        for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<spo->GetNHits();ihit++) {
-            THcDCHit* hit = spo->GetHit(ihit);
-           spi->AddHit(hit);
-	}
+      THcSpacePoint* spi = (THcSpacePoint*)(*fSpacePoints)[isp];
+      THcSpacePoint* spo = (THcSpacePoint*)(*fSpacePoints)[osp];
+      spi->Clear();
+      Double_t xt,yt;
+      xt=spo->GetX();
+      yt=spo->GetY();
+      spi->SetXY(xt, yt);
+      for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<spo->GetNHits();ihit++) {
+	THcDCHit* hit = spo->GetHit(ihit);
+	spi->AddHit(hit);
+      }
   return nremoved;
@@ -732,9 +732,9 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamber::SpacePointMultiWire()
     for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNPlanes;ip++) {
       nhitsperplane[ip] = 0;
-       for(Int_t ih=0;ih<MAX_HITS_PER_POINT;ih++) {
-         hits_plane[ip][ih] = 0;
-       }
+      for(Int_t ih=0;ih<MAX_HITS_PER_POINT;ih++) {
+	hits_plane[ip][ih] = 0;
+      }
     // Sort Space Points hits by plane
     THcSpacePoint* sp = (THcSpacePoint*)(*fSpacePoints)[isp];
@@ -913,17 +913,17 @@ void THcDriftChamber::SelectSpacePoints()
       if(sp->GetNHits() >= fMinHits) {
 	if(isp > sp_count) {
 	  //	  (*fSpacePoints)[sp_count] = (*fSpacePoints)[isp];
-        THcSpacePoint* sp1 = (THcSpacePoint*)(*fSpacePoints)[sp_count];
-        sp1->Clear();
-        Double_t xt,yt;
-        xt=sp->GetX();
-        yt=sp->GetY();
-        sp1->SetXY(xt, yt);
-        sp1->SetCombos(sp->GetCombos());
-        for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<sp->GetNHits();ihit++) {
+	  THcSpacePoint* sp1 = (THcSpacePoint*)(*fSpacePoints)[sp_count];
+	  sp1->Clear();
+	  Double_t xt,yt;
+	  xt=sp->GetX();
+	  yt=sp->GetY();
+	  sp1->SetXY(xt, yt);
+	  sp1->SetCombos(sp->GetCombos());
+	  for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<sp->GetNHits();ihit++) {
             THcDCHit* hit = sp->GetHit(ihit);
-           sp1->AddHit(hit);
-	}
+	    sp1->AddHit(hit);
+	  }
@@ -958,119 +958,117 @@ void THcDriftChamber::CorrectHitTimes()
   //if (fhdebugflagpr) cout << "In correcthittimes fNSpacePoints = " << fNSpacePoints << endl;
   for(Int_t isp=0;isp<fNSpacePoints;isp++) {
-	  THcSpacePoint* sp = (THcSpacePoint*)(*fSpacePoints)[isp];
-	  Double_t x = sp->GetX();
-	  Double_t y = sp->GetY();
-	  for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<sp->GetNHits();ihit++) {
-		  THcDCHit* hit = sp->GetHit(ihit);
-		  THcDriftChamberPlane* plane=hit->GetWirePlane();
-		  // How do we know this correction only gets applied once?  Is
-		  // it determined that a given hit can only belong to one space point?
-		  Double_t time_corr = plane->GetReadoutX() ?
-				 y*plane->GetReadoutCorr()/fWireVelocity :
-				 x*plane->GetReadoutCorr()/fWireVelocity;
-		  // This applies the wire velocity correction for new SHMS chambers --hszumila, SEP17
-		  if (!fHMSStyleChambers){
-			  Int_t pln = hit->GetPlaneNum();
-			  Int_t readoutSide = hit->GetReadoutSide();
-			  Double_t posn = hit->GetPos();
-			  //The following values are determined from param file as permutations on planes 5 and 10
-			  Int_t readhoriz = plane->GetReadoutLR();
-			  Int_t readvert = plane->GetReadoutTB();
-			  //+x is up and +y is beam right!
-			  double alpha = static_cast<THcDC*>(fParent)->GetAlphaAngle(pln);
-			  double xc = posn*TMath::Sin(alpha);
-			  double yc = posn*TMath::Cos(alpha);
-			  Double_t wireDistance = plane->GetReadoutX() ?
-				  (abs(y-yc))*abs(plane->GetReadoutCorr()) :
-				  (abs(x-xc))*abs(plane->GetReadoutCorr());
-			  //Readout side is based off wiring diagrams
-			  switch (readoutSide){
-			  case 1: //readout from top of chamber
-				  if (x>xc){wireDistance = -readvert*wireDistance;}
-				  else{wireDistance = readvert*wireDistance;}
-				  break;
-			  case 2://readout from right of chamber
-				  if (y>yc){wireDistance = -readhoriz*wireDistance;}
-				  else{wireDistance = readhoriz*wireDistance;}
-				  break;
-			  case 3: //readout from bottom of chamber
-				  if (xc>x){wireDistance= -readvert*wireDistance;}
-				  else{wireDistance = readvert*wireDistance;}
-				  break;
-			  case 4: //readout from left of chamber
-				  if(yc>y){wireDistance = -readhoriz*wireDistance;}
-				  else{wireDistance = readhoriz*wireDistance;}
-				  break;
-			  default:
-				  wireDistance = 0.0;
-			  }
-			  Double_t timeCorrection = wireDistance/fWireVelocity;
-			  if(fFixPropagationCorrection==0) { // ENGINE behavior
-				  Double_t time=hit->GetTime();
-				  hit->SetTime(time - timeCorrection);
-		          hit->ConvertTimeToDist();
-			  }
-			  else{
-				  Double_t time=hit->GetTime();
-				  Double_t dist=hit->GetDist();
-				  hit->SetTime(time - timeCorrection);
-				  //double usingOldTime = time-time_corr;
-				  //hit->SetTime(time- time_corr);
-				  hit->ConvertTimeToDist();
-				  sp->SetHitDist(ihit, hit->GetDist());
-				  hit->SetTime(time);	// Restore time
-				  hit->SetDist(dist);	// Restore distance
-			  }
-		  }
-		  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-		  //     if (fhdebugflagpr) cout << "Correcting hit " << hit << " " << plane->GetPlaneNum() << " " << isp << "/" << ihit << "  " << x << "," << y << endl;
-		  // Fortran ENGINE does not do this check, so hits can get "corrected"
-		  // multiple times if they belong to multiple space points.
-		  // To reproduce the precise ENGINE behavior, remove this if condition.
-		  else{
-			  if(fFixPropagationCorrection==0) { // ENGINE behavior
-				  hit->SetTime(hit->GetTime() - plane->GetCentralTime()
-					  + plane->GetDriftTimeSign()*time_corr);
-				  hit->ConvertTimeToDist();
-			  //      hit->SetCorrectedStatus(1);
-			  } else {
-			  // New behavior: Save corrected distance with the hit in the space point
-			  // so that the same hit can have a different correction depending on
-			  // which space point it is in.
-			  //
-			  // This is a hack now because the converttimetodist method is connected to the hit
-			  // so I compute the corrected time and distance, and then restore the original
-			  // time and distance.  Can probably add a method to hit that does a conversion on a time
-			  // but does not modify the hit data.
-			  Double_t time=hit->GetTime();
-			  Double_t dist=hit->GetDist();
-			  hit->SetTime(time - plane->GetCentralTime()
-					  + plane->GetDriftTimeSign()*time_corr);
-			  hit->ConvertTimeToDist();
-			  sp->SetHitDist(ihit, hit->GetDist());
-			  hit->SetTime(time);	// Restore time
-			  hit->SetDist(dist);	// Restore distance
-			  }
-		  }
-	  }
+    THcSpacePoint* sp = (THcSpacePoint*)(*fSpacePoints)[isp];
+    Double_t x = sp->GetX();
+    Double_t y = sp->GetY();
+    for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<sp->GetNHits();ihit++) {
+      THcDCHit* hit = sp->GetHit(ihit);
+      THcDriftChamberPlane* plane=hit->GetWirePlane();
+      // How do we know this correction only gets applied once?  Is
+      // it determined that a given hit can only belong to one space point?
+      Double_t time_corr = plane->GetReadoutX() ?
+	y*plane->GetReadoutCorr()/fWireVelocity :
+	x*plane->GetReadoutCorr()/fWireVelocity;
+      // This applies the wire velocity correction for new SHMS chambers --hszumila, SEP17
+      if (!fHMSStyleChambers){
+	Int_t pln = hit->GetPlaneNum();
+	Int_t readoutSide = hit->GetReadoutSide();
+	Double_t posn = hit->GetPos();
+	//The following values are determined from param file as permutations on planes 5 and 10
+	Int_t readhoriz = plane->GetReadoutLR();
+	Int_t readvert = plane->GetReadoutTB();
+	//+x is up and +y is beam right!
+	double alpha = static_cast<THcDC*>(fParent)->GetAlphaAngle(pln);
+	double xc = posn*TMath::Sin(alpha);
+	double yc = posn*TMath::Cos(alpha);
+	Double_t wireDistance = plane->GetReadoutX() ?
+	  (abs(y-yc))*abs(plane->GetReadoutCorr()) :
+	  (abs(x-xc))*abs(plane->GetReadoutCorr());
+	//Readout side is based off wiring diagrams
+	switch (readoutSide){
+	case 1: //readout from top of chamber
+	  if (x>xc){wireDistance = -readvert*wireDistance;}
+	  else{wireDistance = readvert*wireDistance;}
+	  break;
+	case 2://readout from right of chamber
+	  if (y>yc){wireDistance = -readhoriz*wireDistance;}
+	  else{wireDistance = readhoriz*wireDistance;}
+	  break;
+	case 3: //readout from bottom of chamber
+	  if (xc>x){wireDistance= -readvert*wireDistance;}
+	  else{wireDistance = readvert*wireDistance;}
+	  break;
+	case 4: //readout from left of chamber
+	  if(yc>y){wireDistance = -readhoriz*wireDistance;}
+	  else{wireDistance = readhoriz*wireDistance;}
+	  break;
+	default:
+	  wireDistance = 0.0;
+	}
+	Double_t timeCorrection = wireDistance/fWireVelocity;
+	if(fFixPropagationCorrection==0) { // ENGINE behavior
+	  Double_t time=hit->GetTime();
+	  hit->SetTime(time - timeCorrection);
+	  hit->ConvertTimeToDist();
+	} else {
+	  Double_t time=hit->GetTime();
+	  Double_t dist=hit->GetDist();
+	  hit->SetTime(time - timeCorrection);
+	  //double usingOldTime = time-time_corr;
+	  //hit->SetTime(time- time_corr);
+	  hit->ConvertTimeToDist();
+	  sp->SetHitDist(ihit, hit->GetDist());
+	  hit->SetTime(time);	// Restore time
+	  hit->SetDist(dist);	// Restore distance
+	}
+      } else {
+	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	//     if (fhdebugflagpr) cout << "Correcting hit " << hit << " " << plane->GetPlaneNum() << " " << isp << "/" << ihit << "  " << x << "," << y << endl;
+	// Fortran ENGINE does not do this check, so hits can get "corrected"
+	// multiple times if they belong to multiple space points.
+	// To reproduce the precise ENGINE behavior, remove this if condition.
+	if(fFixPropagationCorrection==0) { // ENGINE behavior
+	  hit->SetTime(hit->GetTime() - plane->GetCentralTime()
+		       + plane->GetDriftTimeSign()*time_corr);
+	  hit->ConvertTimeToDist();
+	  //      hit->SetCorrectedStatus(1);
+	} else {
+	  // New behavior: Save corrected distance with the hit in the space point
+	  // so that the same hit can have a different correction depending on
+	  // which space point it is in.
+	  //
+	  // This is a hack now because the converttimetodist method is connected to the hit
+	  // so I compute the corrected time and distance, and then restore the original
+	  // time and distance.  Can probably add a method to hit that does a conversion on a time
+	  // but does not modify the hit data.
+	  Double_t time=hit->GetTime();
+	  Double_t dist=hit->GetDist();
+	  hit->SetTime(time - plane->GetCentralTime()
+		       + plane->GetDriftTimeSign()*time_corr);
+	  hit->ConvertTimeToDist();
+	  sp->SetHitDist(ihit, hit->GetDist());
+	  hit->SetTime(time);	// Restore time
+	  hit->SetDist(dist);	// Restore distance
+	}
+      }
+    }
 UInt_t THcDriftChamber::Count1Bits(UInt_t x)
@@ -1197,7 +1195,7 @@ void THcDriftChamber::LeftRight()
       if (nplaneshit >= fNPlanes-1) {
 	Double_t chi2;
-	 chi2 = FindStub(nhits, sp,plane_list, bitpat, plusminus, stub);
+	chi2 = FindStub(nhits, sp,plane_list, bitpat, plusminus, stub);
 	if (fdebugstubchisq) cout << " pmloop = " << pmloop << " chi2 = " << chi2 << endl;
 	if(chi2 < minchi2) {
 	  if (fStubMaxXPDiff<100. ) {
@@ -1220,13 +1218,13 @@ void THcDriftChamber::LeftRight()
 	    } else {		// Record best stub failing angle cut
               if (chi2 < tmp_minchi2) {
-	      tmp_minchi2 = chi2;
-	      for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<nhits;ihit++) {
-		tmp_plusminus[ihit] = plusminus[ihit];
-	      }
-	      for(Int_t i=0;i<4;i++) {
-		tmp_stub[i] = stub[i];
-	      }
+		tmp_minchi2 = chi2;
+		for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<nhits;ihit++) {
+		  tmp_plusminus[ihit] = plusminus[ihit];
+		}
+		for(Int_t i=0;i<4;i++) {
+		  tmp_stub[i] = stub[i];
+		}
 	  } else { // Not HMS specific
@@ -1256,52 +1254,51 @@ void THcDriftChamber::LeftRight()
-      }//////////
-      else {
+      } else {
 	if (fhdebugflagpr) cout << "Insufficient planes hit in THcDriftChamber::LeftRight()" << bitpat <<endl;
     } // End loop of pm combinations
     if (minchi2 == maxchi2 && tmp_minchi2 == maxchi2) {
-    }else{
-    if(minchi2 == maxchi2 ) {	// No track passed angle cut
-      minchi2 = tmp_minchi2;
-      for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<nhits;ihit++) {
-	plusminusbest[ihit] = tmp_plusminus[ihit];
+    } else {
+      if(minchi2 == maxchi2 ) {	// No track passed angle cut
+	minchi2 = tmp_minchi2;
+	for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<nhits;ihit++) {
+	  plusminusbest[ihit] = tmp_plusminus[ihit];
+	}
+	sp->SetStub(tmp_stub);
-      sp->SetStub(tmp_stub);
-    }
-    Double_t *spstub = sp->GetStubP();
-    // Calculate final coordinate based on plusminusbest
-    // Update the hit positions in the space points
-    for(Int_t ihit=0; ihit<nhits; ihit++) {
-      // Save left/right status with the hit and in the spaleftce point
-      // In THcDC will decide which to used based on fix_lr flag
-      sp->GetHit(ihit)->SetLeftRight(plusminusbest[ihit]);
-      sp->SetHitLR(ihit, plusminusbest[ihit]);
- }
-    // Stubs are calculated in rotated coordinate system
-    // (I think this rotates in case chambers not perpendicular to central ray)
-    Int_t pindex=plane_list[0];
-    if(spstub[2] - fTanBeta[pindex] == -1.0) {
-      if (fhdebugflagpr) cout << "THcDriftChamber::LeftRight(): stub3 error" << endl;
-    }
-    stub[2] = (spstub[2] - fTanBeta[pindex])
-      / (1.0 + spstub[2]*fTanBeta[pindex]);
-    if(spstub[2]*fSinBeta[pindex] ==  -fCosBeta[pindex]) {
-      if (fhdebugflagpr) cout << "THcDriftChamber::LeftRight(): stub4 error" << endl;
-    }
-    stub[3] = spstub[3]
-      / (spstub[2]*fSinBeta[pindex]+fCosBeta[pindex]);
-    stub[0] = spstub[0]*fCosBeta[pindex]
-      - spstub[0]*stub[2]*fSinBeta[pindex];
-    stub[1] = spstub[1]
-      - spstub[1]*stub[3]*fSinBeta[pindex];
-    sp->SetStub(stub);
-    //if (fhdebugflagpr) cout << " Left/Right space pt " << isp+1 << " " << stub[0]<< " " << stub[1] << " " << stub[2]<< " " << stub[3] << endl;
+      Double_t *spstub = sp->GetStubP();
+      // Calculate final coordinate based on plusminusbest
+      // Update the hit positions in the space points
+      for(Int_t ihit=0; ihit<nhits; ihit++) {
+	// Save left/right status with the hit and in the spaleftce point
+	// In THcDC will decide which to used based on fix_lr flag
+	sp->GetHit(ihit)->SetLeftRight(plusminusbest[ihit]);
+	sp->SetHitLR(ihit, plusminusbest[ihit]);
+      }
+      // Stubs are calculated in rotated coordinate system
+      // (I think this rotates in case chambers not perpendicular to central ray)
+      Int_t pindex=plane_list[0];
+      if(spstub[2] - fTanBeta[pindex] == -1.0) {
+	if (fhdebugflagpr) cout << "THcDriftChamber::LeftRight(): stub3 error" << endl;
+      }
+      stub[2] = (spstub[2] - fTanBeta[pindex])
+	/ (1.0 + spstub[2]*fTanBeta[pindex]);
+      if(spstub[2]*fSinBeta[pindex] ==  -fCosBeta[pindex]) {
+	if (fhdebugflagpr) cout << "THcDriftChamber::LeftRight(): stub4 error" << endl;
+      }
+      stub[3] = spstub[3]
+	/ (spstub[2]*fSinBeta[pindex]+fCosBeta[pindex]);
+      stub[0] = spstub[0]*fCosBeta[pindex]
+	- spstub[0]*stub[2]*fSinBeta[pindex];
+      stub[1] = spstub[1]
+	- spstub[1]*stub[3]*fSinBeta[pindex];
+      sp->SetStub(stub);
+      //if (fhdebugflagpr) cout << " Left/Right space pt " << isp+1 << " " << stub[0]<< " " << stub[1] << " " << stub[2]<< " " << stub[3] << endl;
   // Option to print stubs
diff --git a/src/THcDriftChamberPlane.cxx b/src/THcDriftChamberPlane.cxx
index bc09d4fb699644834f4798f60093fecd5a743fd0..4acfbacbdbb888bdbc6805ff4cc7373d3da86c24 100644
--- a/src/THcDriftChamberPlane.cxx
+++ b/src/THcDriftChamberPlane.cxx
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamberPlane::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
   THaApparatus* app = GetApparatus();
   const char* nm = "hod";
   if(  !app ||
-      !(fglHod = dynamic_cast<THcHodoscope*>(app->GetDetector(nm))) ) {
+       !(fglHod = dynamic_cast<THcHodoscope*>(app->GetDetector(nm))) ) {
     static const char* const here = "ReadDatabase()";
     Warning(Here(here),"Hodoscope \"%s\" not found. "
 	    "Event-by-event time offsets will NOT be used!!",nm);
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamberPlane::ProcessHits(TClonesArray* rawhits, Int_t nexthit)
       /* Sort into early, late and ontime */
       Int_t rawnorefcorrtdc = hit->GetRawTdcHit().GetTimeRaw(mhit); // Get the ref time subtracted time
-       Int_t rawtdc = hit->GetRawTdcHit().GetTime(mhit); // Get the ref time subtracted time
+      Int_t rawtdc = hit->GetRawTdcHit().GetTime(mhit); // Get the ref time subtracted time
       if(rawtdc < fTdcWinMin) {
 	// Increment early counter  (Actually late because TDC is backward)
       } else if (rawtdc > fTdcWinMax) {
@@ -380,11 +380,11 @@ Int_t THcDriftChamberPlane::SubtractStartTime()
   Double_t StartTime = 0.0;
   if( fglHod ) StartTime = fglHod->GetStartTime();
-   for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<GetNHits();ihit++) { 
-     THcDCHit *thishit = (THcDCHit*) fHits->At(ihit);
-     Double_t temptime= thishit->GetTime()-StartTime;
-     thishit->SetTime(temptime);
-     thishit->ConvertTimeToDist();
-   }
+  for(Int_t ihit=0;ihit<GetNHits();ihit++) { 
+    THcDCHit *thishit = (THcDCHit*) fHits->At(ihit);
+    Double_t temptime= thishit->GetTime()-StartTime;
+    thishit->SetTime(temptime);
+    thishit->ConvertTimeToDist();
+  }
   return 0;
diff --git a/src/THcHallCSpectrometer.cxx b/src/THcHallCSpectrometer.cxx
index b499688fb1d9f7f162f3190bc5b60e529eeb7d3e..e1a83478bedca920f42a135ed5948e568cb2c9bb 100644
--- a/src/THcHallCSpectrometer.cxx
+++ b/src/THcHallCSpectrometer.cxx
@@ -288,23 +288,23 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
   //  mispointing in transport system y is horizontal and +x is vertical down
   if (fMispointing_y == 999.) {
     if (prefix[0]=='h') {
-       fMispointing_y = 0.1*(0.52-0.012*40.+0.002*40.*40.);
-       if (fTheta_lab < 40) fMispointing_y = 0.1*(0.52-0.012*TMath::Abs(fTheta_lab)+0.002*fTheta_lab*fTheta_lab);
+      fMispointing_y = 0.1*(0.52-0.012*40.+0.002*40.*40.);
+      if (fTheta_lab < 40) fMispointing_y = 0.1*(0.52-0.012*TMath::Abs(fTheta_lab)+0.002*fTheta_lab*fTheta_lab);
     if (prefix[0]=='p') fMispointing_y = 0.1*(-0.6);
-	cout << prefix[0] << " From Formula Mispointing_y = " << fMispointing_y << endl;
+    cout << prefix[0] << " From Formula Mispointing_y = " << fMispointing_y << endl;
   } else {
-	cout << prefix[0] << " From Parameter Set Mispointing_y = " << fMispointing_y << endl;
+    cout << prefix[0] << " From Parameter Set Mispointing_y = " << fMispointing_y << endl;
   if (fMispointing_x == 999.) {
     if (prefix[0]=='h')  {
-         fMispointing_x = 0.1*(2.37-0.086*50+0.0012*50.*50.);
-         if (fTheta_lab < 50)fMispointing_x = 0.1*(2.37-0.086*TMath::Abs(fTheta_lab)+0.0012*fTheta_lab*fTheta_lab);
+      fMispointing_x = 0.1*(2.37-0.086*50+0.0012*50.*50.);
+      if (fTheta_lab < 50)fMispointing_x = 0.1*(2.37-0.086*TMath::Abs(fTheta_lab)+0.0012*fTheta_lab*fTheta_lab);
     if (prefix[0]=='p') fMispointing_x = 0.1*(-1.26);
-	cout << prefix[0] << " From Formula Mispointing_x = " << fMispointing_x << endl;
+    cout << prefix[0] << " From Formula Mispointing_x = " << fMispointing_x << endl;
   } else {
-	cout << prefix[0] << " From Parameter Set Mispointing_x = " << fMispointing_x << endl;
+    cout << prefix[0] << " From Parameter Set Mispointing_x = " << fMispointing_x << endl;
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
-   fNReconTerms++;
+    fNReconTerms++;
     good = getline(ifile,line).good();
   cout << "Read " << fNReconTerms << " matrix element terms"  << endl;
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::FindVertices( TClonesArray& tracks )
     Double_t xptar=kBig,yptar=kBig,ytar=kBig,delta=kBig;
     Double_t xtar=0;
-      // Transfer results to track
+    // Transfer results to track
     // No beam raster yet
     //; In transport coordinates phi = hyptar = dy/dz and theta = hxptar = dx/dz
     //;    but for unknown reasons the yp offset is named  htheta_offset
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::FindVertices( TClonesArray& tracks )
     track->SetTarget(0.0, ytar*100.0, xptar, yptar);
     track->SetDp(delta*100.0);	// Percent.  
     Double_t ptemp = fPcentral*(1+track->GetDp()/100.0);
-      track->SetMomentum(ptemp);
+    track->SetMomentum(ptemp);
     TVector3 pvect_temp;
@@ -528,9 +528,9 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::TrackCalc()
     fGoldenTrack = static_cast<THaTrack*>( fTracks->At(hit_gold_track) );
     fTrkIfo      = *fGoldenTrack;
     fTrk         = fGoldenTrack;
-  } else
+  } else {
     fGoldenTrack = NULL;
+  }
   return TrackTimes( fTracks );
@@ -546,11 +546,11 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::BestTrackSimple()
   if( GetTrSorting() )   fTracks->Sort();
   // Assign index=0 to the best track, 
-    for (Int_t itrack = 0; itrack < fNtracks; itrack++ ){
-      THaTrack* aTrack = static_cast<THaTrack*>( fTracks->At(itrack) );
-      aTrack->SetIndex(1);  
-      if (itrack==0) aTrack->SetIndex(0);  
-    }
+  for (Int_t itrack = 0; itrack < fNtracks; itrack++ ){
+    THaTrack* aTrack = static_cast<THaTrack*>( fTracks->At(itrack) );
+    aTrack->SetIndex(1);  
+    if (itrack==0) aTrack->SetIndex(0);  
+  }
@@ -607,75 +607,74 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::BestTrackUsingScin()
 	    ( aTrack->GetBeta()    > fSelBetaMin  )   &&
 	    ( aTrack->GetBeta()    < fSelBetaMax  )   &&
 	    ( aTrack->GetEnergy()  > fSelEtMin    )   &&
-	    ( aTrack->GetEnergy()  < fSelEtMax    ) )
-	  {
-	    Int_t x2D, y2D;
-	    if ( fNtracks > 1 ){
-	      Double_t hitpos3  = aTrack->GetX() + aTrack->GetTheta() * ( fScin2XZpos + 0.5 * fScin2XdZpos );
-	      Int_t icounter3  = TMath::Nint( ( hitpos3 - fHodo->GetPlaneCenter(2) ) / fHodo->GetPlaneSpacing(2) ) + 1;
-	      Int_t hitCnt3  = TMath::Max( TMath::Min(icounter3, (Int_t) fHodo->GetNPaddles(2) ) , 1); // scin_2x_nr = 16
-	      //	      fHitDist3 = fHitPos3 - ( fHodo->GetPlaneSpacing(2) * ( hitCnt3 - 1 ) + fHodo->GetPlaneCenter(2) );
-	      Double_t hitpos4 = aTrack->GetY() + aTrack->GetPhi() * ( fScin2YZpos + 0.5 * fScin2YdZpos );
-	      Int_t icounter4  = TMath::Nint( ( fHodo->GetPlaneCenter(3) - hitpos4 ) / fHodo->GetPlaneSpacing(3) ) + 1;
-	      Int_t hitCnt4  = TMath::Max( TMath::Min(icounter4, (Int_t) fHodo->GetNPaddles(3) ) , 1); // scin_2y_nr = 10
-	      //	      fHitDist4 = fHitPos4 - ( fHodo->GetPlaneCenter(3) - fHodo->GetPlaneSpacing(3) * ( hitCnt4 - 1 ) );
-	      // Plane 3
-	      Int_t mindiff=1000;
-	      for (UInt_t i = 0; i <  fHodo->GetNPaddles(2); i++ ){
-		if ( x2Hits[i] ) {
-		  Int_t diff = TMath::Abs((Int_t)hitCnt3-(Int_t)i-1);
-		  if (diff < mindiff) mindiff = diff;
-		}
-	      }
-	      if(mindiff < 1000) {
-		x2D = mindiff;
-	      } else {
-		x2D = 0;	// Is this what we really want if there were no hits on this plane?
+	    ( aTrack->GetEnergy()  < fSelEtMax    ) ) {
+	  Int_t x2D, y2D;
+	  if ( fNtracks > 1 ){
+	    Double_t hitpos3  = aTrack->GetX() + aTrack->GetTheta() * ( fScin2XZpos + 0.5 * fScin2XdZpos );
+	    Int_t icounter3  = TMath::Nint( ( hitpos3 - fHodo->GetPlaneCenter(2) ) / fHodo->GetPlaneSpacing(2) ) + 1;
+	    Int_t hitCnt3  = TMath::Max( TMath::Min(icounter3, (Int_t) fHodo->GetNPaddles(2) ) , 1); // scin_2x_nr = 16
+	    //	      fHitDist3 = fHitPos3 - ( fHodo->GetPlaneSpacing(2) * ( hitCnt3 - 1 ) + fHodo->GetPlaneCenter(2) );
+	    Double_t hitpos4 = aTrack->GetY() + aTrack->GetPhi() * ( fScin2YZpos + 0.5 * fScin2YdZpos );
+	    Int_t icounter4  = TMath::Nint( ( fHodo->GetPlaneCenter(3) - hitpos4 ) / fHodo->GetPlaneSpacing(3) ) + 1;
+	    Int_t hitCnt4  = TMath::Max( TMath::Min(icounter4, (Int_t) fHodo->GetNPaddles(3) ) , 1); // scin_2y_nr = 10
+	    //	      fHitDist4 = fHitPos4 - ( fHodo->GetPlaneCenter(3) - fHodo->GetPlaneSpacing(3) * ( hitCnt4 - 1 ) );
+	    // Plane 3
+	    Int_t mindiff=1000;
+	    for (UInt_t i = 0; i <  fHodo->GetNPaddles(2); i++ ){
+	      if ( x2Hits[i] ) {
+		Int_t diff = TMath::Abs((Int_t)hitCnt3-(Int_t)i-1);
+		if (diff < mindiff) mindiff = diff;
+	    }
+	    if(mindiff < 1000) {
+	      x2D = mindiff;
+	    } else {
+	      x2D = 0;	// Is this what we really want if there were no hits on this plane?
+	    }
-	      // Plane 4
-	      mindiff = 1000;
-	      for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fHodo->GetNPaddles(3); i++ ){
-		if ( y2Hits[i] ) {
-		  Int_t diff = TMath::Abs((Int_t)hitCnt4-(Int_t)i-1);
-		  if (diff < mindiff) mindiff = diff;
-		}
-	      }
-	      if(mindiff < 1000) {
-		y2D = mindiff;
-	      } else {
-		y2D = 0;	// Is this what we really want if there were no hits on this plane?
+	    // Plane 4
+	    mindiff = 1000;
+	    for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fHodo->GetNPaddles(3); i++ ){
+	      if ( y2Hits[i] ) {
+		Int_t diff = TMath::Abs((Int_t)hitCnt4-(Int_t)i-1);
+		if (diff < mindiff) mindiff = diff;
-	    } else { // Only a single track
-	      x2D = 0.;
-	      y2D = 0.;
+	    if(mindiff < 1000) {
+	      y2D = mindiff;
+	    } else {
+	      y2D = 0;	// Is this what we really want if there were no hits on this plane?
+	    }
+	  } else { // Only a single track
+	    x2D = 0.;
+	    y2D = 0.;
+	  }
+	  if ( y2D <= y2Dmin ) {
+	    if ( y2D < y2Dmin ) {
+	      x2Dmin = 100;
+	      chi2Min = 10000000000.;
+	    } // y2D min
-	    if ( y2D <= y2Dmin ) {
-	      if ( y2D < y2Dmin ) {
-		x2Dmin = 100;
-		chi2Min = 10000000000.;
-	      } // y2D min
-	      if ( x2D <= x2Dmin ){
-		if ( x2D < x2Dmin ){
-		  chi2Min = 10000000000.0;
-		} // condition x2D
-		if ( chi2PerDeg < chi2Min ){
-		  fGoodTrack = itrack; // fGoodTrack = itrack
-		  y2Dmin = y2D;
-		  x2Dmin = x2D;
-		  chi2Min = chi2PerDeg;
-		  fGoldenTrack = static_cast<THaTrack*>( fTracks->At( fGoodTrack ) );
-		  fTrkIfo      = *fGoldenTrack;
-		  fTrk         = fGoldenTrack;
-		}
+	    if ( x2D <= x2Dmin ){
+	      if ( x2D < x2Dmin ){
+		chi2Min = 10000000000.0;
 	      } // condition x2D
-	    } // condition y2D
-	  } // conditions for dedx, beta and trac energy
+	      if ( chi2PerDeg < chi2Min ){
+		fGoodTrack = itrack; // fGoodTrack = itrack
+		y2Dmin = y2D;
+		x2Dmin = x2D;
+		chi2Min = chi2PerDeg;
+		fGoldenTrack = static_cast<THaTrack*>( fTracks->At( fGoodTrack ) );
+		fTrkIfo      = *fGoldenTrack;
+		fTrk         = fGoldenTrack;
+	      }
+	    } // condition x2D
+	  } // condition y2D
+	} // conditions for dedx, beta and trac energy
       } // confition for fNFreeFP greater than fSelNDegreesMin
     } // loop over tracks
@@ -705,7 +704,7 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::BestTrackUsingScin()
 	if (iitrack==fGoodTrack) aTrack->SetIndex(0);
-     //
+      //
@@ -938,16 +937,16 @@ Int_t THcHallCSpectrometer::BestTrackUsingPrune()
 	chi2Min = chi2PerDeg;
-      // Set index=0 for fGoodTrack 
-      for (Int_t iitrack = 0; iitrack < fNtracks; iitrack++ ){
- 	THaTrack* aTrack = dynamic_cast<THaTrack*>( fTracks->At(iitrack) );
-        aTrack->SetIndex(1);
-	if (iitrack==fGoodTrack) aTrack->SetIndex(0);
-      }
-     //
+    // Set index=0 for fGoodTrack 
+    for (Int_t iitrack = 0; iitrack < fNtracks; iitrack++ ){
+      THaTrack* aTrack = dynamic_cast<THaTrack*>( fTracks->At(iitrack) );
+      aTrack->SetIndex(1);
+      if (iitrack==fGoodTrack) aTrack->SetIndex(0);
+    }
+    //
-  } 
+  }
diff --git a/src/THcHodoEff.cxx b/src/THcHodoEff.cxx
index c2617624fc42d6fd7f0a18a32ec981da2fd64e9a..9bb9d5fe40f8e41d6ac5d5e4de8ee2bb7e6fe756 100644
--- a/src/THcHodoEff.cxx
+++ b/src/THcHodoEff.cxx
@@ -82,34 +82,30 @@ Int_t THcHodoEff::Begin( THaRunBase* )
 Int_t THcHodoEff::End( THaRunBase* )
   // End of analysis
-    for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNPlanes;ip++) {
-        fStatAndEff[ip]=0;
-        for(Int_t ic=0;ic<fNCounters[ip];ic++) {
-          fStatTrkSum[ip]+=fStatTrk[fHod->GetScinIndex(ip,ic)];
-          fStatAndSum[ip]+=fHodoAndEffi[fHod->GetScinIndex(ip,ic)];
-        }
-	if (fStatTrkSum[ip] !=0) fStatAndEff[ip]=float(fStatAndSum[ip])/float(fStatTrkSum[ip]);
-     }
+  for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNPlanes;ip++) {
+    fStatAndEff[ip]=0;
+    for(Int_t ic=0;ic<fNCounters[ip];ic++) {
+      fStatTrkSum[ip]+=fStatTrk[fHod->GetScinIndex(ip,ic)];
+      fStatAndSum[ip]+=fHodoAndEffi[fHod->GetScinIndex(ip,ic)];
+    }
+    if (fStatTrkSum[ip] !=0) fStatAndEff[ip]=float(fStatAndSum[ip])/float(fStatTrkSum[ip]);
+  }
-  Double_t     p1;
-  Double_t     p2;
-  Double_t     p3;
-  Double_t     p4;
-      p1=fStatAndEff[0];
-      p2=fStatAndEff[1];
-      p3=fStatAndEff[2];
-      p4=fStatAndEff[3];
-// probability that ONLY the listed planes had triggers
- Double_t     p1234= p1*p2*p3*p4;
- Double_t     p123 = p1*p2*p3*(1.-p4);
- Double_t     p124 = p1*p2*(1.-p3)*p4;
- Double_t    p134 = p1*(1.-p2)*p3*p4;
- Double_t    p234 = (1.-p1)*p2*p3*p4;
- fHodoEff_s1 = 1. - ((1.-p1)*(1.-p2));
- fHodoEff_s2 = 1. - ((1.-p3)*(1.-p4));
- fHodoEff_tof=fHodoEff_s1 * fHodoEff_s2;
- fHodoEff_3_of_4=p1234+p123+p124+p134+p234;
- fHodoEff_4_of_4=p1234;
+  Double_t     p1=fStatAndEff[0];
+  Double_t     p2=fStatAndEff[1];
+  Double_t     p3=fStatAndEff[2];
+  Double_t     p4=fStatAndEff[3];
+  // probability that ONLY the listed planes had triggers
+  Double_t     p1234= p1*p2*p3*p4;
+  Double_t     p123 = p1*p2*p3*(1.-p4);
+  Double_t     p124 = p1*p2*(1.-p3)*p4;
+  Double_t    p134 = p1*(1.-p2)*p3*p4;
+  Double_t    p234 = (1.-p1)*p2*p3*p4;
+  fHodoEff_s1 = 1. - ((1.-p1)*(1.-p2));
+  fHodoEff_s2 = 1. - ((1.-p3)*(1.-p4));
+  fHodoEff_tof=fHodoEff_s1 * fHodoEff_s2;
+  fHodoEff_3_of_4=p1234+p123+p124+p134+p234;
+  fHodoEff_4_of_4=p1234;
   return 0;
@@ -135,7 +131,7 @@ THaAnalysisObject::EStatus THcHodoEff::Init( const TDatime& run_time )
   cout << "THcHodoEff::Init nplanes=" << fHod->GetNPlanes() << endl;
   cout << "THcHodoEff::Init Apparatus = " << fHod->GetName() <<
     " " <<
-     (fHod->GetApparatus())->GetName() << endl;
+    (fHod->GetApparatus())->GetName() << endl;
   return fStatus = kOK;
@@ -220,13 +216,13 @@ Int_t THcHodoEff::ReadDatabase( const TDatime& date )
     for(Int_t ic=0;ic<fNCounters[ip];ic++) {
       fStatTrkDel[ip][ic].resize(20); // Max this settable
       fStatAndHitDel[ip][ic].resize(20); // Max this settable
       fHodoPosEffi[fHod->GetScinIndex(ip,ic)] = 0;
       fHodoNegEffi[fHod->GetScinIndex(ip,ic)] = 0;
       fHodoOrEffi[fHod->GetScinIndex(ip,ic)] = 0;
       fHodoAndEffi[fHod->GetScinIndex(ip,ic)] = 0;
       fStatTrk[fHod->GetScinIndex(ip,ic)] = 0;
-   }
+    }
   // Int_t fHodPaddles = fNCounters[0];
@@ -303,17 +299,17 @@ Int_t THcHodoEff::Process( const THaEvData& evdata )
     if(ip%2 == 0) {		// X Plane
       hitPos[ip] = theTrack->GetX() + theTrack->GetTheta()*fPosZ[ip];
       hitCounter[ip] = TMath::Max(
-		       TMath::Min(
-		       TMath::Nint((hitPos[ip]-fCenterFirst[ip])/
-				   fSpacing[ip]+1),fNCounters[ip] ),1);
+			TMath::Min(
+			 TMath::Nint((hitPos[ip]-fCenterFirst[ip])/
+				     fSpacing[ip]+1),fNCounters[ip] ),1);
       hitDistance[ip] =  hitPos[ip] - (fSpacing[ip]*(hitCounter[ip]-1) +
     } else {			// Y Plane
       hitPos[ip] = theTrack->GetY() + theTrack->GetPhi()*fPosZ[ip];
       hitCounter[ip] = TMath::Max(
-		       TMath::Min(
-		       TMath::Nint((fCenterFirst[ip]-hitPos[ip])/
-				   fSpacing[ip]+1), fNCounters[ip] ),1);
+		        TMath::Min(
+		         TMath::Nint((fCenterFirst[ip]-hitPos[ip])/
+				     fSpacing[ip]+1), fNCounters[ip] ),1);
       hitDistance[ip] =  hitPos[ip] -(fCenterFirst[ip] -
@@ -365,7 +361,7 @@ Int_t THcHodoEff::Process( const THaEvData& evdata )
 	// lookat[ip] = TRUE;
     fHitPlane[ip] = 0;
-   }
+  }
   // Is there a hit on or adjacent to paddle that track
   // passes through?
diff --git a/src/THcReactionPoint.cxx b/src/THcReactionPoint.cxx
index 65032aa86dca7a38ad301e4fbcdbc6a1a4ecd9f5..4c1aa19d091e2d0f89e64a2a9383faee4b05d782 100644
--- a/src/THcReactionPoint.cxx
+++ b/src/THcReactionPoint.cxx
@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ Int_t THcReactionPoint::Process( const THaEvData& )
     if( theTrack == fSpectro->GetGoldenTrack() ) {
       fVertex = theTrack->GetVertex();
-       fVertexOK = kTRUE;
+      fVertexOK = kTRUE;
-   }
+  }
   return 0;