From 4a381a1d0bc66b37f806de67a9b0a046f909bcb6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mark Jones <>
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2018 10:51:27 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Fix problems in THcTrigDet.cxx

1) Read-in of the trigger reference time cuts was in ReadDatabase method
  when it should be in Init method. Moved to the Init method before
  call to InitHitList where the reference cuts are used.

2) Modified the selection of the good TDC hit for filling the TdcTimeRaw
and TdcTime. Previosly used the TdcTime but not picks the TDC hit with the TdcTimeRaw that is within
the time min and max windows that can be set by parameters. Default windows are min=0 and max=10000.
If two hits in the time window then selects last hit within window.
If not hits within time window then TdcTimeRaw=0 and TdcTime=0.
The TdcMultiplicity is always filled.
 src/THcTrigDet.cxx | 49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/THcTrigDet.cxx b/src/THcTrigDet.cxx
index d60aa01..bb09725 100644
--- a/src/THcTrigDet.cxx
+++ b/src/THcTrigDet.cxx
@@ -183,7 +183,15 @@ THaAnalysisObject::EStatus THcTrigDet::Init(const TDatime& date) {
     Error(Here(here), "Error filling detectormap for %s.", EngineDID.c_str());
     return kInitError;
-  // Initialize hitlist part of the class.
+   DBRequest listextra[]={
+    {"_trig_tdcrefcut", &fTDC_RefTimeCut, kInt, 0, 1},
+    {"_trig_adcrefcut", &fADC_RefTimeCut, kInt, 0, 1},
+    {0}
+  };
+  fTDC_RefTimeCut = -1000;		// Minimum allowed reference times
+  fADC_RefTimeCut = -1000;
+  gHcParms->LoadParmValues((DBRequest*)&listextra,fKwPrefix.c_str());
+ // Initialize hitlist part of the class.
   // printf(" Init trig det hitlist\n");
   InitHitList(fDetMap, "THcTrigRawHit", 200,fTDC_RefTimeCut,fADC_RefTimeCut);
@@ -245,15 +253,13 @@ Int_t THcTrigDet::Decode(const THaEvData& evData) {
       THcRawAdcHit rawAdcHit = hit->GetRawAdcHit();
       fAdcMultiplicity[cnt] = rawAdcHit.GetNPulses();
       UInt_t good_hit=999;
-         if (rawAdcHit.GetNPulses()>1) {
           for (UInt_t thit=0; thit<rawAdcHit.GetNPulses(); ++thit) {
-	    Int_t TestTime=rawAdcHit.GetPulseTime(thit)+fAdcTdcOffset;
+	    Int_t TestTime=rawAdcHit.GetPulseTimeRaw(thit);
 	    if (TestTime>fAdcTimeWindowMin[cnt]&&TestTime<fAdcTimeWindowMax[cnt]&&good_hit==999) {
-	 }
-       if (good_hit==999) good_hit=0;
+	 if (good_hit<rawAdcHit.GetNPulses()) {
        fAdcPedRaw[cnt] = rawAdcHit.GetPedRaw();
        fAdcPulseIntRaw[cnt] = rawAdcHit.GetPulseIntRaw(good_hit);
        fAdcPulseAmpRaw[cnt] = rawAdcHit.GetPulseAmpRaw(good_hit);
@@ -262,23 +268,22 @@ Int_t THcTrigDet::Decode(const THaEvData& evData) {
        fAdcPed[cnt] = rawAdcHit.GetPed();
        fAdcPulseInt[cnt] = rawAdcHit.GetPulseInt(good_hit);
        fAdcPulseAmp[cnt] = rawAdcHit.GetPulseAmp(good_hit);
+	 }
     else if (hit->fPlane == 2) {
       THcRawTdcHit rawTdcHit = hit->GetRawTdcHit();
       UInt_t good_hit=999;
-         if (rawTdcHit.GetNHits()>1) {
-          for (UInt_t thit=0; thit<rawTdcHit.GetNHits(); ++thit) {
-	    Int_t TestTime=rawTdcHit.GetTime(thit)*fTdcChanperNS+fTdcOffset;
+           for (UInt_t thit=0; thit<rawTdcHit.GetNHits(); ++thit) {
+	    Int_t TestTime= rawTdcHit.GetTimeRaw(thit);
 	    if (TestTime>fTdcTimeWindowMin[cnt]&&TestTime<fTdcTimeWindowMax[cnt]&&good_hit==999) {
-	  }
-	 }
-       if (good_hit==999) good_hit=0;
+	   }
+	 if (good_hit<rawTdcHit.GetNHits()) {
       fTdcTimeRaw[cnt] = rawTdcHit.GetTimeRaw(good_hit);
       fTdcTime[cnt] = rawTdcHit.GetTime(good_hit)*fTdcChanperNS+fTdcOffset;
+	 }
       fTdcMultiplicity[cnt] = rawTdcHit.GetNHits();
     else {
@@ -316,15 +321,11 @@ Int_t THcTrigDet::ReadDatabase(const TDatime& date) {
     {"_tdcoffset", &fTdcOffset, kDouble,0,1},  // Offset of tdc channels
     {"_adc_tdc_offset", &fAdcTdcOffset, kDouble,0,1},  // Offset of Adc Pulse time (ns)
     {"_tdcchanperns", &fTdcChanperNS, kDouble,0,1},  // Convert channesl to ns
-    {"_trig_tdcrefcut", &fTDC_RefTimeCut, kInt, 0, 1},
-    {"_trig_adcrefcut", &fADC_RefTimeCut, kInt, 0, 1},
-    {0}
+     {0}
-  fTDC_RefTimeCut=-1000.;
-  fADC_RefTimeCut=-1000.;
   gHcParms->LoadParmValues(list, fKwPrefix.c_str());
   fAdcTimeWindowMin = new Double_t [fNumAdc];
@@ -332,12 +333,12 @@ Int_t THcTrigDet::ReadDatabase(const TDatime& date) {
   fTdcTimeWindowMin = new Double_t [fNumTdc];
   fTdcTimeWindowMax = new Double_t [fNumTdc];
   for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNumAdc;ip++) { // Set a large default window
-    fAdcTimeWindowMin[ip]=-1000;
-    fAdcTimeWindowMax[ip]=1000;
+    fAdcTimeWindowMin[ip]=0;
+    fAdcTimeWindowMax[ip]=10000;
   for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNumTdc;ip++) { // Set a large default window
-    fTdcTimeWindowMin[ip]=-1000;
-    fTdcTimeWindowMax[ip]=1000;
+    fTdcTimeWindowMin[ip]=0;
+    fTdcTimeWindowMax[ip]=10000;
   DBRequest list2[]={
     {"_AdcTimeWindowMin", fAdcTimeWindowMin, kDouble,     (UInt_t) fNumAdc, 1},
@@ -348,7 +349,9 @@ Int_t THcTrigDet::ReadDatabase(const TDatime& date) {
   gHcParms->LoadParmValues(list2, fKwPrefix.c_str());
+  for(Int_t ip=0;ip<fNumTdc;ip++) { 
+    //    cout << ip << " " << << " " << fTdcTimeWindowMin[ip] << " " << fTdcTimeWindowMax[ip] << endl;
+  }
   // Split the names to std::vector<std::string>.
   fAdcNames = vsplit(adcNames);
   fTdcNames = vsplit(tdcNames);
@@ -366,7 +369,7 @@ Int_t THcTrigDet::ReadDatabase(const TDatime& date) {
-  cout << " Trgi = " << fTrigNames.size() << endl;
+  cout << " Trig = " << fTrigNames.size() << endl;
      for (UInt_t j = 0; j <fTrigNames.size(); j++) {
        cout << fTrigNames[j] << " " << fTrigId[j] << endl;