From 36e2347bb55efbcc2f928599f69bc00bcd296914 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Stephen A. Wood" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2018 16:08:54 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Inherit THcInterface from THaInterface

 src/THcInterface.cxx | 173 +------------------------------------------
 src/THcInterface.h   |  10 +--
 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 178 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/THcInterface.cxx b/src/THcInterface.cxx
index 230d57f..ca109ca 100644
--- a/src/THcInterface.cxx
+++ b/src/THcInterface.cxx
@@ -9,23 +9,10 @@ for the Hall C style parameter database.
 #include "TROOT.h"
-#include "TClass.h"
-#include "TError.h"
-#include "TSystem.h"
-#include "TString.h"
-#include "TRegexp.h"
 #include "THcInterface.h"
-#include "TInterpreter.h"
-#include "THaVarList.h"
 #include "THcParmList.h"
 #include "THcDetectorMap.h"
-#include "THaCutList.h"
-#include "CodaDecoder.h"
-#include "THaGlobals.h"
 #include "THcGlobals.h"
-#include "THaAnalyzer.h"
-//#include "THaFileDB.h"
-#include "THaTextvars.h"
 #include "ha_compiledata.h"
 #include "TTree.h"
@@ -36,27 +23,14 @@ for the Hall C style parameter database.
 using namespace std;
-//THaVarList*  gHaVars     = NULL;  // List of symbolic analyzer variables
-//THaCutList*  gHaCuts     = NULL;  // List of global analyzer cuts/tests
-//TList*       gHaApps     = NULL;  // List of Apparatuses
-//TList*       gHaScalers  = NULL;  // List of scaler groups
-//TList*       gHaPhysics  = NULL;  // List of physics modules
-//THaRunBase*  gHaRun      = NULL;  // The currently active run
-//TClass*      gHaDecoder  = NULL;  // Class(!) of decoder to use
-//THaDB*       gHaDB       = NULL;  // Database system to use
-//THaTextvars* gHaTextvars = NULL;  // Text variable definitions
 THcParmList* gHcParms     = NULL;  // List of symbolic analyzer variables
 THcDetectorMap* gHcDetectorMap = NULL; // Global (Hall C style) detector map
-THcInterface* THcInterface::fgAint = NULL;  // Pointer to this interface
-static TString fgTZ;
 THcInterface::THcInterface( const char* appClassName, int* argc, char** argv,
 			    void* options, int numOptions, Bool_t noLogo ) :
-  TRint( appClassName, argc, argv, options, numOptions, kTRUE )
+  THaInterface( appClassName, argc, argv, options, numOptions, kTRUE )
 Create the Hall A/C analyzer application environment. The THcInterface
@@ -67,87 +41,15 @@ This class is copy of THaInterface with the addition of of the global
 `gHcParms` to hold parameters.  It does not inherit from THaInterface.
-  if( fgAint ) {
-    Error("THcInterface", "only one instance of THcInterface allowed");
-    MakeZombie();
-    return;
-  }
   if( !noLogo )
   SetPrompt("hcana [%d] ");
-  gHaVars    = new THaVarList;
   gHcParms    = new THcParmList;
-  gHaCuts    = new THaCutList( gHaVars );
-  gHaApps    = new TList;
-  gHaPhysics = new TList;
-  gHaEvtHandlers = new TList;
-  // Use the standard CODA file decoder by default
-  gHaDecoder = Decoder::CodaDecoder::Class();
-  // File-based database by default
-  //  gHaDB      = new THaFileDB();
-  gHaTextvars = new THaTextvars;
-  //  cout << "In THcInterface ... " << endl;
-  //  cout << "Decoder => " << gHaDecoder << endl;
-  // Set the maximum size for a file written by Podd contained by the TTree
-  //  putting it to 1.5 GB, down from the default 1.9 GB since something odd
-  //  happens for larger files
-  //FIXME: investigate
-  //TTree::SetMaxTreeSize(1500000000);
   // Jure update: 100 GB
-  // Make the Podd header directory(s) available so scripts don't have to
-  // specify an explicit path.
-  // If $ANALYZER defined, we take our includes from there, otherwise we fall
-  // back to the compile-time directories (which may have moved!)
-  TString s = gSystem->Getenv("ANALYZER");
-  if( s.IsNull() ) {
-  } else {
-    // Give preference to $ANALYZER/include
-    TString p = s+"/include";
-    void* dp = gSystem->OpenDirectory(p);
-    if( dp ) {
-      gSystem->FreeDirectory(dp);
-      s = p;
-    } else
-      s = s+"/src " + s+"/hana_decode ";
-  }
-  // Directories names separated by blanks.
-  // FIXME: allow blanks
-  TRegexp re("[^ ]+");
-  TString ss = s(re);
-  while( !ss.IsNull() ) {
-    // Only add dirs that exist
-    void* dp = gSystem->OpenDirectory(ss);
-    if( dp ) {
-      gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(ss);
-      gSystem->FreeDirectory(dp);
-    }
-    s.Remove(0,s.Index(re)+ss.Length());
-    ss = s(re);
-  }
-  // Because of lack of foresight, the analyzer uses TDatime objects,
-  // which are kept in localtime() and hence are not portable, and also
-  // uses localtime() directly in several places. As a result, database
-  // lookups depend on the timezone of the machine that the replay is done on!
-  // If this timezone is different from the one in which the data were taken,
-  // mismatches may occur. This is bad.
-  // FIXME: Use TTimeStamp to keep time in UTC internally.
-  // To be done in version 1.5
-  //
-  // As a temporary workaround, we assume that all data were taken in
-  // US/Eastern time, and that the database has US/Eastern timestamps.
-  // This should be true for all JLab production data..
-  fgTZ = gSystem->Getenv("TZ");
-  gSystem->Setenv("TZ","US/Eastern");
   fgAint = this;
@@ -157,23 +59,7 @@ THcInterface::~THcInterface()
   // Destructor
   if( fgAint == this ) {
-    // Restore the user's original TZ
-    gSystem->Setenv("TZ",fgTZ.Data());
-    // Clean up the analyzer object if defined
-    delete THaAnalyzer::GetInstance();
-    // Delete all global lists and objects contained in them
-    delete gHaTextvars; gHaTextvars=0;
-    //    delete gHaDB;           gHaDB = 0;
-    delete gHaPhysics;   gHaPhysics=0;
-    delete gHaEvtHandlers; gHaEvtHandlers=0;
-    delete gHaApps;         gHaApps=0;
-    delete gHaVars;         gHaVars=0;
-    delete gHaCuts;         gHaCuts=0;
-    delete gHcParms;        gHcParms=0;
     delete gHcDetectorMap;   gHcDetectorMap=0;
-    fgAint = NULL;
@@ -215,9 +101,8 @@ void THcInterface::PrintLogo( Bool_t lite )
      Printf("  *          H A L L C ++  A N A L Y Z E R       *");
      Printf("  *                                              *");
      Printf("  *            Based on                          *");
-     Printf("  *  PODD Release %10s %18s *",halla_version,__DATE__);
+     Printf("  *  PODD Release  %10s %18s *",halla_version,__DATE__);
      Printf("  *  Based on ROOT %8s %20s *",root_version,root_date);
-     //   Printf("  *             Development version              *");
      Printf("  *                                              *");
      Printf("  *            For information visit             *");
      Printf("  *    *");
@@ -236,58 +121,6 @@ void THcInterface::PrintLogo( Bool_t lite )
-TClass* THcInterface::GetDecoder()
-  /// Get class of the current decoder
-  cout << "In THcInterface::GetDecoder ... " << gHaDecoder << endl;
-  return gHaDecoder;
-TClass* THcInterface::SetDecoder( TClass* c )
-  /// Set the type of decoder to be used. Make sure the specified class
-  /// actually inherits from the standard THaEvData decoder.
-  /// Returns the decoder class (i.e. its argument) or NULL if error.
-  if( !c ) {
-    ::Error("THcInterface::SetDecoder", "argument is NULL");
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  if( !c->InheritsFrom("THaEvData")) {
-    ::Error("THcInterface::SetDecoder",
-	    "decoder class must inherit from THaEvData");
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  cout << "In THcInterface::SetDecoder ... " << c << endl;
-  gHaDecoder = c;
-  return gHaDecoder;
-const char* THcInterface::SetPrompt( const char* newPrompt )
-  /// Make sure the prompt is and stays "hcana [%d]". ROOT 6 resets the
-  /// interpreter prompt for every line without respect to any user-set
-  /// default prompt.
-  return TRint::SetPrompt(newPrompt);
-  TString s;
-  if( newPrompt ) {
-    s = newPrompt;
-    if( s.Index("root") == 0 )
-      s.Replace(0,4,"hcana");
-  }
-  return TRint::SetPrompt(s.Data());
diff --git a/src/THcInterface.h b/src/THcInterface.h
index 3ccdabe..57863e0 100644
--- a/src/THcInterface.h
+++ b/src/THcInterface.h
@@ -7,12 +7,11 @@
-#include "TRint.h"
-#include "Decoder.h"
+#include "THaInterface.h"
 class TClass;
-class THcInterface : public TRint {
+class THcInterface : public THaInterface {
   THcInterface( const char* appClassName, int* argc, char** argv,
@@ -25,13 +24,8 @@ public:
   virtual void PrintLogo(Bool_t lite = kFALSE);
-  static TClass* GetDecoder();
-  static TClass* SetDecoder( TClass* c );
-  virtual const char* SetPrompt(const char *newPrompt);
-  static THcInterface*  fgAint;  //Pointer indicating that interface already exists
   ClassDef(THcInterface,0)  //Hall C Analyzer Interactive Interface