diff --git a/docs/Doxyfile b/docs/Doxyfile
index f48b1f3748500784e4ba4fc4be5e5594ccf7ec87..abd3cd9a297b9475b29ddc124ca4b89be4cda9f0 100644
--- a/docs/Doxyfile
+++ b/docs/Doxyfile
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ EXTRACT_ALL            = YES
 # be included in the documentation.
 # The default value is: NO.
 # If the EXTRACT_PACKAGE tag is set to YES all members with package or internal
 # scope will be included in the documentation.
diff --git a/docs/Makefile b/docs/Makefile
index cc33e7d78732d47cdb16ee3d11c290c92418a6e5..9ccf3420f4d90b65b7617416e349d2f1ea090297 100644
--- a/docs/Makefile
+++ b/docs/Makefile
@@ -7,10 +7,11 @@ export DOXYGEN_SOURCE_DIRECTORY := ..
 PODDDIR = ../podd/docs
 # THISDIR is location of this directory relative to the podd docs directory
 THISDIR = ../../docs
+INSTALLPATH = jlabl1:/group/hallc/www/hallcweb/html/hcana/docs/
 all: doxygen
-doxygen: Doxyfile Doxygen_podd.tag ROOT.tag
+doxygen html/index.html: Doxyfile Doxygen_podd.tag ROOT.tag
 Doxyfile_podd: $(PODDDIR)/Doxyfile
@@ -28,3 +29,6 @@ clean:
 	rm Doxyfile_podd
 	rm Doxygen_podd.tag
+# Must have permission to write to $(INSTALLPATH)
+install: doxygen
+	rsync -av --delete html/ $(INSTALLPATH)
diff --git a/src/THcAnalyzer.cxx b/src/THcAnalyzer.cxx
index e5ba03014828fb75e355f2bb4d555e0a6c91db57..63f18b7409821bcfc01562200c2e2d434d75a64c 100644
--- a/src/THcAnalyzer.cxx
+++ b/src/THcAnalyzer.cxx
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ defined.  It performs a standard analysis consisting of
 At the end of each step, testing and histogramming are done for
 the appropriate block defined in the global test/histogram lists.
-Hall C has their own analyzer class because some things are bound to
-be different.
+Hall C ENGINE style reports are implemented with the PrintReport
+method.  This can be used for generating end of run summary sheets.
 \author S. A. Wood,  13-March-2012
@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ THcAnalyzer::~THcAnalyzer()
 void THcAnalyzer::PrintReport(const char* templatefile, const char* ofile)
-  // Generate "reports" such as end of run scaler/efficiency sheets
-  // Reads a template file, copying that file to the output, replacing
-  // variables and expressions inside of braces ({}) with evaluated values.
-  // Similar but not identical to ENGINE/CTP report templates.
+  /// Generate "reports" such as end of run scaler/efficiency sheets
+  /// Reads a template file, copying that file to the output, replacing
+  /// variables and expressions inside of braces ({}) with evaluated values.
+  /// Similar but not identical to ENGINE/CTP report templates.
   ifstream ifile;
@@ -139,12 +139,12 @@ void THcAnalyzer::PrintReport(const char* templatefile, const char* ofile)
 void THcAnalyzer::LoadInfo()
-  // Create several THcParms variables in gHcParms containing 
-  // run information such as
+  /// Create several THcParms variables in gHcParms containing 
+  /// run information such as
   // run number, first event analyzed, number of events, etc.
-  //    gen_run_number - Current run
-  //    gen_run_starting_event - Id of first event analyzed
-  //    gen_event_id_number - Id of last event analyzed
+  ///    `gen_run_number` - Current run
+  ///    `gen_run_starting_event` - Id of first event analyzed
+  ///    `gen_event_id_number` - Id of last event analyzed
   Int_t* runnum;
   Int_t* firstevent;
   Int_t* lastevent;
diff --git a/src/THcFormula.cxx b/src/THcFormula.cxx
index d9467c8489225d286778bd0eedda6d9c905f5052..857e0cd95ea0f820e368edf1a77a6aaf0dca7495 100644
--- a/src/THcFormula.cxx
+++ b/src/THcFormula.cxx
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
 /** \class THcFormula
     \ingroup Base
- Tweaked THaFormula.  If cutname.scaler is used in a formula, then
- it is evaluated as the number of times that the cut passed.
- Use EVariableType of kUndefined to indicate cut scaler in list of
- variables used in the formula
+Enhanced THaFormula for use in report files.
+In addition to global variables (gHaVars) and cuts (gHaCuts),
+THcFormula expressions have access hcana parameters (gHcParms).
+The number of times a cut has been try, as well as the number of times
+that the cut has been tested can be accessed with cutname.`scaler` (or
+.`npassed`) and cutname.`ncalled`.  
 \author S. A. Wood
@@ -32,8 +36,8 @@ enum EFuncCode { kLength, kSum, kMean, kStdDev, kMax, kMin,
 static inline Int_t NumberOfSetBits( UInt_t v )
-  // Count number of bits set in 32-bit integer. From
-  // http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#CountBitsSetParallel
+  /// Count number of bits set in 32-bit integer. From
+  /// http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#CountBitsSetParallel
   v = v - ((v >> 1) & 0x55555555);
   v = (v & 0x33333333) + ((v >> 2) & 0x33333333);
@@ -43,7 +47,7 @@ static inline Int_t NumberOfSetBits( UInt_t v )
 static inline Int_t NumberOfSetBits( ULong64_t v )
-  // Count number of bits in 64-bit integer
+  /// Count number of bits in 64-bit integer
   const ULong64_t mask32 = (1LL<<32)-1;
   return NumberOfSetBits( static_cast<UInt_t>(mask32 & v) ) +
diff --git a/src/THcInterface.cxx b/src/THcInterface.cxx
index ceea259da3e6c98525f042bc7708b17b98e53739..f6bff8bccf405c2ecad338c1e927b14a56149174 100644
--- a/src/THcInterface.cxx
+++ b/src/THcInterface.cxx
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 /** \class THcInterface
     \ingroup Base
- THcInterface is the interactive interface to the Hall A Analyzer.
+ THcInterface is the interactive interface to the Hall C Analyzer.
  It allows interactive access to all analyzer classes as well as
  all of standard ROOT.
@@ -57,9 +57,14 @@ THcInterface::THcInterface( const char* appClassName, int* argc, char** argv,
 			    void* options, int numOptions, Bool_t noLogo ) :
   TRint( appClassName, argc, argv, options, numOptions, kTRUE )
-  // Create the Hall A analyzer application environment. The THcInterface 
-  // environment provides an interface to the the interactive ROOT system 
-  // via inheritance of TRint as well as access to the Hall A analyzer classes.
+  /**
+Create the Hall A/C analyzer application environment. The THcInterface 
+environment provides an interface to the the interactive ROOT system 
+via inheritance of TRint as well as access to the Hall A/C analyzer classes.
+This class is copy of THaInterface with the addition of of the global
+`gHcParms` to hold parameters.  It does not inherit from THaInterface.
+  */
   if( fgAint ) {
     Error("THcInterface", "only one instance of THcInterface allowed");
@@ -70,7 +75,7 @@ THcInterface::THcInterface( const char* appClassName, int* argc, char** argv,
   if( !noLogo )
-  SetPrompt("analyzerThcInterface [%d] ");
+  SetPrompt("hcana [%d] ");
   gHaVars    = new THaVarList;
   gHcParms    = new THcParmList;
   gHaCuts    = new THaCutList( gHaVars );
@@ -176,7 +181,7 @@ void THcInterface::PrintLogo()
 void THcInterface::PrintLogo( Bool_t lite )
-   // Print the Hall A analyzer logo on standard output.
+  /// Print the Hall C analyzer logo on standard output.
    Int_t iday,imonth,iyear,mille;
    static const char* months[] = {"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May",
@@ -206,12 +211,13 @@ void THcInterface::PrintLogo( Bool_t lite )
      Printf("  *            W E L C O M E  to  the            *");
      Printf("  *          H A L L C ++  A N A L Y Z E R       *");
      Printf("  *                                              *");
-     Printf("  *        Release %10s %18s *",halla_version,__DATE__);
+     Printf("  *            Based on                          *");
+     Printf("  *  PODD Release %10s %18s *",halla_version,__DATE__);
      Printf("  *  Based on ROOT %8s %20s *",root_version,root_date);
      //   Printf("  *             Development version              *");
      Printf("  *                                              *");
      Printf("  *            For information visit             *");
-     Printf("  *        http://hallaweb.jlab.org/root/        *");
+     Printf("  *      http://hallcweb.jlab.org/hcana/docs/    *");
      Printf("  *                                              *");
      Printf("  ************************************************");
@@ -230,7 +236,7 @@ void THcInterface::PrintLogo( Bool_t lite )
 TClass* THcInterface::GetDecoder()
-  // Get class of the current decoder
+  /// Get class of the current decoder
   cout << "In THcInterface::GetDecoder ... " << gHaDecoder << endl;
   return gHaDecoder;
@@ -238,9 +244,9 @@ TClass* THcInterface::GetDecoder()
 TClass* THcInterface::SetDecoder( TClass* c )
-  // Set the type of decoder to be used. Make sure the specified class
-  // actually inherits from the standard THaEvData decoder.
-  // Returns the decoder class (i.e. its argument) or NULL if error.
+  /// Set the type of decoder to be used. Make sure the specified class
+  /// actually inherits from the standard THaEvData decoder.
+  /// Returns the decoder class (i.e. its argument) or NULL if error.
   if( !c ) {
     ::Error("THcInterface::SetDecoder", "argument is NULL");
@@ -258,6 +264,27 @@ TClass* THcInterface::SetDecoder( TClass* c )
   return gHaDecoder;
+const char* THcInterface::SetPrompt( const char* newPrompt )
+  /// Make sure the prompt is and stays "hcana [%d]". ROOT 6 resets the
+  /// interpreter prompt for every line without respect to any user-set
+  /// default prompt.
+  return TRint::SetPrompt(newPrompt);
+  TString s;
+  if( newPrompt ) {
+    s = newPrompt;
+    if( s.Index("root") == 0 )
+      s.Replace(0,4,"hcana");
+  }
+  return TRint::SetPrompt(s.Data());
diff --git a/src/THcInterface.h b/src/THcInterface.h
index 839b2ad77c6853d3e95269dac9bd922ef2582ee8..d89c3db81e2b8c3f2415bc07b30c5a31b2f4584e 100644
--- a/src/THcInterface.h
+++ b/src/THcInterface.h
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ public:
   static TClass* GetDecoder();
   static TClass* SetDecoder( TClass* c );
+  virtual const char* SetPrompt(const char *newPrompt);
   static THcInterface*  fgAint;  //Pointer indicating that interface already exists
diff --git a/src/THcParmList.cxx b/src/THcParmList.cxx
index 0b58db2ca5f317363e3a4719828cdccb98568c90..3f898d69341786980a5d2c89cd11357b1ed5713d 100644
--- a/src/THcParmList.cxx
+++ b/src/THcParmList.cxx
@@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
 /** \class THcParmList
     \ingroup Base
-A class that can read and hold the parmaters from the CTP formatted
-parameter files used by the Fortran ENGINE.
+A THcParmList object holds an arbitrary list of parameters and
+their values.  Parameters may be integers, real numbers or strings.
+Integers and floating point numbers can be one dimensional arrays.
+(Strings can not be arrays.)  In addition to values, each parameter
+may have a title/description.  (No titles are saved for string parameters.)
+The Hall C analyzer make one instance of this class available via the
+global `gHcParms`.  The detector classes look for their
+configuration parameters in that list.
+This class is built on THaVarList, adding a method to load the list of
+parameters from Hall C ENGINE style CTP parameter files and a method
+to retrieve a set of parameters from the list.
+An instance of THaTextvars is created to hold the string parameters.
@@ -29,6 +42,7 @@ Int_t  fDebug   = 1;  // Keep this at one while we're working on the code
+/// Create empty numerical and string parameter lists
 THcParmList::THcParmList() : THaVarList()
   TextList = new THaTextvars;
@@ -43,19 +57,42 @@ inline static bool IsComment( const string& s, string::size_type pos )
 void THcParmList::Load( const char* fname, Int_t RunNumber )
-Read a CTP style parameter file.
+Load the parameter cache by reading a CTP style parameter file.  Most
+parameter files used in the ENGINE should work.
+A line in the file of the form
+   varname = value1[, value2, value3, value4]  [; Comment]
+adds the variable `varname` to the parameter cache and the value after
+the equal sign is stored.  If a list of values is given, then the
+values are saved as an array.  Lists of values may be continued on
+additional lines.  Lines without a `=` are interpreted as such continuation
+lines.  Text after a ";" is treated as a comment.  If this comment is
+on a line defining a parameter, then it is saved as the
+title/description for the parameter.
+Values may be expressions composed of numbers and previously defined
+parameters.  These expressions are evaluated with THaFormula.
+Lines of the form
+   varname = "A string"
+   varname = 'A string'
+create string parameters.
-Parameter values and arrays of values are cached in a THaVarList
-and are available for use elsewhere in the analyzer.
-Text strings are saved in a THaTextvars list.
-Parameter files can contain "include" statements of the form
+A parameter file can load other files with the include statement
    #include "filename"
-If a run number is given, ignore input until a line with a matching
-run number or run number range is found.  All parameters following
-the are read until a non matching run number or range is encountered.
+The ENGINE CTP support parameter "blocks" which were marked with
+`begin` and `end` statements.  These statements are ignored.
   static const char* const whtspc = " \t";
@@ -438,13 +475,32 @@ the are read until a non matching run number or range is encountered.
 Int_t THcParmList::LoadParmValues(const DBRequest* list, const char* prefix)
-  // Load a number of entries from the database.
-  // For array entries, the number of elements to be read in
-  // must be given, and the memory already allocated
-  // NOTE: initial code taken wholesale from THaDBFile. 
-  // GN 2012
-  // If prefix is specified, prepend each requested parameter name with
-  // the prefix.
+  /**
+Retrieve parameter values from the parameter cache.
+The following example loads several parameters held in the `gHcParms`
+parameter cache into scalar variables or arrays.
+  DBRequest list[]={
+    {"nplanes", &fNPlanes, kInt},
+    {"name", &fName, kString},
+    {"array", fArray, kDouble, fArraySize},
+    {"optional", &FOptionalvar, kDouble, 0, 1},
+    {0}
+  };
+  gHcParms->LoadParmValues((DBRequest*)&list,"h");
+If a string is passed as the second parameter of LoadParmValues, then
+that string is prepended to the parameter names given in the DBRequest
+list.  In the above example, the values for the parameters `hnplanes`,
+`hname`, `harray`, and `hoptional` are loaded.
+If a requested parameter is not found in the parameter cache, an error
+is printed.  If the 5th element of a DBRequest structure is true (non
+zero), then there will be no error if the parameter is missing.
+  */
   const DBRequest *ti = list;
   Int_t cnt=0;
@@ -455,7 +511,7 @@ Int_t THcParmList::LoadParmValues(const DBRequest* list, const char* prefix)
   while ( ti && ti->name ) {
     string keystr(prefix); keystr.append(ti->name);
     const char* key = keystr.c_str();
-    ///    cout <<"Now at "<<ti->name<<endl;
+    //    cout <<"Now at "<<ti->name<<endl;
     this_cnt = 0;
     if(this->Find(key)) {
       VarType ty = this->Find(key)->GetType();
diff --git a/src/THcParmList.h b/src/THcParmList.h
index d1a2fd667976fdfb3c5dbcafb5af2417d541b37d..13743888270c0d4ea8f3df721b6d55cd0e5ed648 100644
--- a/src/THcParmList.h
+++ b/src/THcParmList.h
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ public:
-  THaTextvars* TextList;
+  THaTextvars* TextList;  //! Dictionary of string parameters
 #ifdef WITH_CCDB
   SQLiteCalibration* CCDB_obj;
diff --git a/src/THcScalerEvtHandler.cxx b/src/THcScalerEvtHandler.cxx
index 9e5fb58a0debc01c1d7f71cce1af783aacd7799e..5d722e5596889ff6230c2c7143050ee44b1eb865 100644
--- a/src/THcScalerEvtHandler.cxx
+++ b/src/THcScalerEvtHandler.cxx
@@ -1,32 +1,35 @@
 /** \class THcScalerEvtHandler
     \ingroup Base
-   Event handler for Hall C scalers
-   This class does the following
-      For a particular set of event types (here, event type 0)
-      decode the scalers and put some variables into global variables.
-      The global variables can then appear in the Podd output tree T.
-      In addition, a tree "TS" is created by this class; it contains
-      just the scaler data by itself.  Note, the "fName" is concatenated
-      with "TS" to ensure the tree is unqiue; further, "fName" is
-      concatenated with the name of the global variables, for uniqueness.
-      The list of global variables and how they are tied to the
-      scaler module and channels is defined here; eventually this
-      will be modified to use a scaler.map file
-      NOTE: if you don't have the scaler map file (e.g. Leftscalevt.map)
-      there will be no variable output to the Trees.
-   To use in the analyzer, your setup script needs something like this
-       gHaEvtHandlers->Add (new THcScalerEvtHandler("HMS","HC scaler event type 0"));
-   To enable debugging you may try this in the setup script
+ Event handler for Hall C scalers
+This class does the following
+For a particular set of event types (here, event type 0)
+decode the scalers and put some variables into global variables.
+The global variables can then appear in the Podd output tree T.
+In addition, a tree "TS" is created by this class; it contains
+just the scaler data by itself.  Note, the "fName" is concatenated
+with "TS" to ensure the tree is unqiue; further, "fName" is
+concatenated with the name of the global variables, for uniqueness.
+The list of global variables and how they are tied to the
+scaler module and channels is defined here; eventually this
+will be modified to use a scaler.map file
+NOTE: if you don't have the scaler map file (e.g. Leftscalevt.map)
+there will be no variable output to the Trees.
+To use in the analyzer, your setup script needs something like this
+     gHaEvtHandlers->Add (new THcScalerEvtHandler("HMS","HC scaler event type 0"));
+To enable debugging you may try this in the setup script
      THcScalerEvtHandler *hscaler = new THcScalerEvtHandler("HS","HC scaler event type 0");
      gHaEvtHandlers->Add (hscaler);
 \author  E. Brash based on THaScalerEvtHandler by R. Michaels