From a03b252522565f3dc226b6b4d8a97d711d961da4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tamara Dahlgren <>
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 14:03:47 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Restore package-related unsigned binary changes from PR 11107

Restore package-related unsigned binary changes from PR 11107
 lib/spack/spack/      | 23 ++++++++++++++++-------
 lib/spack/spack/test/ | 10 +++++-----
 2 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/ b/lib/spack/spack/
index 9b340b951d..6d50b0f15d 100755
--- a/lib/spack/spack/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ def _hms(seconds):
     return ' '.join(parts)
-def _install_from_cache(pkg, cache_only, explicit):
+def _install_from_cache(pkg, cache_only, explicit, unsigned=False):
     Install the package from binary cache
@@ -220,12 +220,15 @@ def _install_from_cache(pkg, cache_only, explicit):
         cache_only (bool): only install from binary cache
         explicit (bool): ``True`` if installing the package was explicitly
             requested by the user, otherwise, ``False``
+        unsigned (bool): ``True`` if binary package signatures to be checked,
+            otherwise, ``False``
         (bool) ``True`` if the package was installed from binary cache,
             ``False`` otherwise
-    installed_from_cache = _try_install_from_binary_cache(pkg, explicit)
+    installed_from_cache = _try_install_from_binary_cache(pkg, explicit,
+                                                          unsigned)
     pkg_id = package_id(pkg)
     if not installed_from_cache:
         pre = 'No binary for {0} found'.format(pkg_id)
@@ -298,7 +301,7 @@ def _process_external_package(pkg, explicit):, None, explicit=explicit)
-def _process_binary_cache_tarball(pkg, binary_spec, explicit):
+def _process_binary_cache_tarball(pkg, binary_spec, explicit, unsigned):
     Process the binary cache tarball.
@@ -306,6 +309,8 @@ def _process_binary_cache_tarball(pkg, binary_spec, explicit):
         pkg (PackageBase): the package being installed
         binary_spec (Spec): the spec  whose cache has been confirmed
         explicit (bool): the package was explicitly requested by the user
+        unsigned (bool): ``True`` if binary package signatures to be checked,
+            otherwise, ``False``
         (bool) ``True`` if the package was installed from binary cache,
@@ -321,19 +326,21 @@ def _process_binary_cache_tarball(pkg, binary_spec, explicit):
     pkg_id = package_id(pkg)
     tty.msg('Installing {0} from binary cache'.format(pkg_id))
     binary_distribution.extract_tarball(binary_spec, tarball, allow_root=False,
-                                        unsigned=False, force=False)
+                                        unsigned=unsigned, force=False)
     pkg.installed_from_binary_cache = True,, explicit=explicit)
     return True
-def _try_install_from_binary_cache(pkg, explicit):
+def _try_install_from_binary_cache(pkg, explicit, unsigned=False):
     Try to install the package from binary cache.
         pkg (PackageBase): the package to be installed from binary cache
         explicit (bool): the package was explicitly requested by the user
+        unsigned (bool): ``True`` if binary package signatures to be checked,
+            otherwise, ``False``
     pkg_id = package_id(pkg)
     tty.debug('Searching for binary cache of {0}'.format(pkg_id))
@@ -343,7 +350,7 @@ def _try_install_from_binary_cache(pkg, explicit):
     if binary_spec not in specs:
         return False
-    return _process_binary_cache_tarball(pkg, binary_spec, explicit)
+    return _process_binary_cache_tarball(pkg, binary_spec, explicit, unsigned)
 def _update_explicit_entry_in_db(pkg, rec, explicit):
@@ -936,6 +943,7 @@ def _install_task(self, task, **kwargs):
         keep_stage = kwargs.get('keep_stage', False)
         skip_patch = kwargs.get('skip_patch', False)
         tests = kwargs.get('tests', False)
+        unsigned = kwargs.get('unsigned', False)
         use_cache = kwargs.get('use_cache', True)
         verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False)
@@ -948,7 +956,8 @@ def _install_task(self, task, **kwargs):
         task.status = STATUS_INSTALLING
         # Use the binary cache if requested
-        if use_cache and _install_from_cache(pkg, cache_only, explicit):
+        if use_cache and \
+                _install_from_cache(pkg, cache_only, explicit, unsigned):
diff --git a/lib/spack/spack/test/ b/lib/spack/spack/test/
index 02d10fce41..7d2eec8caf 100644
--- a/lib/spack/spack/test/
+++ b/lib/spack/spack/test/
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ def test_install_from_cache_errors(install_mockery, capsys):
     # Check with cache-only
     with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
-        inst._install_from_cache(spec.package, True, True)
+        inst._install_from_cache(spec.package, True, True, False)
     captured = str(capsys.readouterr())
     assert 'No binary' in captured
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ def test_install_from_cache_errors(install_mockery, capsys):
     assert not spec.package.installed_from_binary_cache
     # Check when don't expect to install only from binary cache
-    assert not inst._install_from_cache(spec.package, False, True)
+    assert not inst._install_from_cache(spec.package, False, True, False)
     assert not spec.package.installed_from_binary_cache
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ def test_install_from_cache_ok(install_mockery, monkeypatch):
     monkeypatch.setattr(inst, '_try_install_from_binary_cache', _true)
     monkeypatch.setattr(spack.hooks, 'post_install', _noop)
-    assert inst._install_from_cache(spec.package, True, True)
+    assert inst._install_from_cache(spec.package, True, True, False)
 def test_process_external_package_module(install_mockery, monkeypatch, capfd):
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ def test_process_binary_cache_tarball_none(install_mockery, monkeypatch,
     monkeypatch.setattr(spack.binary_distribution, 'download_tarball', _none)
     pkg = spack.repo.get('trivial-install-test-package')
-    assert not inst._process_binary_cache_tarball(pkg, None, False)
+    assert not inst._process_binary_cache_tarball(pkg, None, False, False)
     assert 'exists in binary cache but' in capfd.readouterr()[0]
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ def _spec(spec):
     monkeypatch.setattr(spack.database.Database, 'add', _noop)
     spec = spack.spec.Spec('a').concretized()
-    assert inst._process_binary_cache_tarball(spec.package, spec, False)
+    assert inst._process_binary_cache_tarball(spec.package, spec, False, False)
     assert 'Installing a from binary cache' in capfd.readouterr()[0]