diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 8e6f61a8d94a6d07ed6982fd50cc563c0cfa8a4e..17b05fbb2ec991442827cec5e6ed6497548d08d4 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ variables:
+    af74680405c931dab16c6674f9b97a32bf3f1122
+    0a952f8b7bf6f70009dd5821bccbaf9170c73d07
+    f050b1cf7835fd31992b020e1061c52294ff7330
   ## Ref: https://github.com/spack/spack/commit/[hash]
   ## [hash]: [description]
   ## b5ef5c2eb5145020f9de1bcb964626ce6ac2d02e: geant4: version bumps for Geant4 11.1.0
@@ -62,6 +65,9 @@ variables:
   ## 65bd9b9ac556480b4a9dcc60f7539492af195d4a: podio, edm4hep: add v0.7.2 and v0.16.1 respectively
   ## 1a32cea11495cbdd699fea4fe622babab83e630d: podio: add v0.16.2
   ## 6edc4807369a05786e36f63b5d959588ae94a1fa: podio: Add version 0.16.3
+  ## af74680405c931dab16c6674f9b97a32bf3f1122: depfile: improve tab completion
+  ## 0a952f8b7bf6f70009dd5821bccbaf9170c73d07: docs updates for spack env depfile
+  ## f050b1cf7835fd31992b020e1061c52294ff7330: depfile: variable with all identifiers
   ## EIC spack organization and repository, e.g. eic/eic-spack
   EICSPACK_ORGREPO: "eic/eic-spack"
diff --git a/containers/jug/dev.Dockerfile b/containers/jug/dev.Dockerfile
index b6a79e5f81f02952ff4321eedb2cb5fa90a1999b..98008cf0012b141bc3af1e9397df002f36582bc8 100644
--- a/containers/jug/dev.Dockerfile
+++ b/containers/jug/dev.Dockerfile
@@ -100,77 +100,21 @@ RUN git clone https://github.com/${EICSPACK_ORGREPO}.git ${EICSPACK_ROOT}     \
 ## Setup our custom environment
 COPY --from=spack spack-environment/ /opt/spack-environment/
 ARG ENV=dev
-RUN rm -r /usr/local                                                    \
- && cd /opt/spack-environment                                           \
+RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/var/cache/spack-mirror,sharing=locked    \
+    cd /opt/spack-environment                                           \
+ && rm -r /usr/local                                                    \
  && source $SPACK_ROOT/share/spack/setup-env.sh                         \
  && spack env activate --dir /opt/spack-environment/${ENV}              \
- && spack concretize --fresh
+ && make -C /opt/spack-environment SPACK_ENV=${ENV}                     \
+    BUILDCACHE_DIR=/var/cache/spack-mirror                              \
+    BUILDCACHE_MIRROR=eic-spack
-## Now execute the main build (or fetch from cache if possible)
-## note, no-check-signature is needed to allow the quicker signature-less
-## packages from the internal (docker) buildcache
 ## Optional, nuke the buildcache after install, before (re)caching
 ## This is useful when going to completely different containers,
 ## or intermittently to keep the buildcache step from taking too much time
-## Update the local build cache if needed. Consists of 3 steps:
-## 1. Remove the eic-spack buildcache on S3
-## 2. Get a list of all packages, and compare with what is already on
-##    the buildcache (using package hash)
-## 3. Add packages that need to be added to buildcache if any
-RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/var/cache/spack-mirror                   \
-    cd /opt/spack-environment                                           \
- && source $SPACK_ROOT/share/spack/setup-env.sh                         \
- && spack env activate --dir /opt/spack-environment/${ENV}              \
- && status=0                                                            \
- && spack install -j64 --no-check-signature                             \
-    || spack install -j64 --no-check-signature                          \
-    || spack install -j64 --no-check-signature --show-log-on-error      \
-    || status=$?                                                        \
- && spack mirror rm --scope site eic-spack                              \
- && [ -z "${CACHE_NUKE}" ]                                              \
-    || rm -rf /var/cache/spack-mirror/build_cache/*                     \
- && mkdir -p /var/cache/spack-mirror/build_cache                        \
- && spack buildcache update-index -d /var/cache/spack-mirror            \
- && spack buildcache list --allarch --very-long                         \
-    | sed '/^$/d;/^--/d;s/@.\+//;s/\([a-z0-9]*\) \(.*\)/\2\/\1/'        \
-    | sort > buildcache.local.txt                                       \
- && spack find --format {name}/{hash} | sort                            \
-    | comm -23 - buildcache.local.txt                                   \
-    | xargs --verbose --no-run-if-empty                                 \
-      spack buildcache create --allow-root --only package --unsigned    \
-                              --directory /var/cache/spack-mirror       \
-                              --rebuild-index                           \
- && spack clean -a                                                      \
- && exit $status
-## Update the S3 build cache (without local cache mount)
-RUN cd /opt/spack-environment                                           \
- && source $SPACK_ROOT/share/spack/setup-env.sh                         \
- && spack env activate --dir /opt/spack-environment/${ENV}              \
- && if [ -n "${S3RW_ACCESS_KEY}" ] ; then                               \
-    spack mirror add --scope site                                       \
-      --s3-endpoint-url https://eics3.sdcc.bnl.gov:9000                 \
-      --s3-access-key-id "${S3RW_ACCESS_KEY}"                           \
-      --s3-access-key-secret "${S3RW_SECRET_KEY}"                       \
-      eic-spack s3://eictest/EPIC/spack                                 \
- && spack mirror list                                                   \
- && spack buildcache list --allarch --very-long                         \
-    | sed '/^$/d;/^--/d;s/@.\+//;s/\([a-z0-9]*\) \(.*\)/\2\/\1/'        \
-    | sort > buildcache.eic-spack.txt                                   \
- && spack find --format {name}/{hash} | sort                            \
-    | comm -23 - buildcache.eic-spack.txt                               \
-    | xargs --verbose --no-run-if-empty                                 \
-      spack buildcache create --allow-root --only package --unsigned    \
-                              --mirror-name eic-spack                   \
- && spack buildcache update-index --mirror-url eic-spack                \
- && spack mirror rm --scope site eic-spack                              \
-    ; fi                                                                \
- && spack mirror list
+RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/var/cache/spack-mirror,sharing=locked    \
+    [ -z "${CACHE_NUKE}" ]                                              \
+    || rm -rf /var/cache/spack-mirror/build_cache/*
 ## Extra post-spack steps:
 ##   - Python packages
diff --git a/spack-environment/Makefile b/spack-environment/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8f4dba4125f41e88733c651e7932e193e8a68475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spack-environment/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+MAKEFLAGS += -Orecurse
+SPACK ?= spack
+SPACK_INSTALL_FLAGS += --no-check-signature
+export SPACK_COLOR = always
+SPACK_ENV ?= dev
+.PHONY: all clean
+all: $(SPACK_ENV)/push
+ifeq (,$(filter clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))
+include $(SPACK_ENV)/spack.mk
+$(SPACK_ENV)/push: $(addprefix $(SPACK_ENV)/push/,$($(SPACK_ENV)/SPACK_PACKAGE_IDS))
+	@mkdir -p $(BUILDCACHE_DIR)
+	$(foreach buildcache, $(BUILDCACHE_DIR), $(SPACK) buildcache update-index --mirror-url $(buildcache) ;)
+	$(foreach buildcache, $(BUILDCACHE_MIRROR), $(SPACK) buildcache update-index --mirror-url $(buildcache) ;)
+$(SPACK_ENV)/push/%: $(SPACK_ENV)/install/%
+	@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
+	$(foreach buildcache, $(BUILDCACHE_DIR), $(SPACK) buildcache create --allow-root --only=package --unsigned --directory $(buildcache) /$(HASH) ;) # push $(SPEC)
+	$(foreach buildcache, $(BUILDCACHE_MIRROR), $(SPACK) buildcache create --allow-root --only=package --unsigned --mirror-name $(buildcache) /$(HASH) ;) # push $(SPEC)
+	@touch $@
+$(SPACK_ENV)/spack.lock: $(SPACK_ENV)/spack.yaml Makefile
+	$(SPACK) concretize --force --fresh
+$(SPACK_ENV)/spack.mk: $(SPACK_ENV)/spack.lock Makefile
+	$(SPACK) env depfile --output $@ --make-target-prefix $(SPACK_ENV)
+	rm -rf $(SPACK_ENV)/spack.lock $(SPACK_ENV)/spack.mk