Overview -------- The reference detector at IP6 for Electron-Ion Collider experiment. <a href="https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/api/v4/projects/447/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/images/view01.pdf?job=report"> <img src="https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/api/v4/projects/447/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/images/view01.png?job=report" width="400px" /> </a> <br /> <a href="https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/api/v4/projects/447/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/images/view01_top.pdf?job=report"> <img src="https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/api/v4/projects/447/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/images/view01_top.png?job=report" width="400px" /> </a> [Browse latest](https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/detectors/reference_detector/-/jobs/artifacts/master/browse/images?job=report) [Detector views](views/detector_views.md) Getting Started --------------- ### Adding/changing detector geometry Hint: **Use the CI/CD pipelines**. To avoid dealing with setting up all the software, we recommend using the CI/CD to make changes. Any feedback to help this process is appreciated. Here is how to begin: 1. Look at existing detector constructions and reuse if possible. Note that "compact detector descriptions" -> xml files, and "detector construction" -> cpp file. 2. Modify xml file or detector construction. 3. Create a WIP (or draft) merge request and look at the CI output for debugging. Then go to back to 2 if changes are needed. 4. Remove the WIP/Draft part of the merge request if you would like to see your changes merged into the master. See: - [Talk at computing round table](https://indico.jlab.org/event/420/#17-automated-workflow-for-end) ### Compiling (avoid it) First, see if the use case above is best for you. It most likely is and can save a lot of time for newcomers. To run the simulation locally, we suggest using the singularity image. More details can be found at the links below: - https://dd4hep.web.cern.ch/dd4hep/page/beginners-guide/ - https://eic.phy.anl.gov/tutorials/eic_tutorial/ - https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/containers/eic_container/ Related useful links -------------------- - [Reference_Detector_doc] (https://escalate.readthedocs.io/projects/g4e/en/latest/detector_naming.html) - [g4e] (https://gitlab.com/eic/escalate/g4e) - [eic_tutorial] (https://argonne_eic.gitlab.io/tutorial/eic_tutorial/part2/adding_detectors/) - [DD4hep] (https://github.com/AIDAsoft/DD4hep) - [DD4hep_manual] (https://dd4hep.web.cern.ch/dd4hep/usermanuals/DD4hepManual/DD4hepManual.pdf)