<lccdd xmlns:compact="http://www.lcsim.org/schemas/compact/1.0" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xs:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://www.lcsim.org/schemas/compact/1.0/compact.xsd"> > <!-- Some information about detector --> <info name="Central Ion GEM" title="Central Ion GEM" author="Marshall Scott" url="https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/detectors/reference_detector.git" status="development" version="v1 2021-03-23"> <comment>Central Ion GEM</comment> </info> <!-- Use DD4hep elements and materials definitions --> <includes> <gdmlFile ref="elements.xml"/> <gdmlFile ref="materials.xml"/> </includes> <!-- Define the dimensions of the world volume --> <define> <constant name="ci_GEM_id" value="1"> <constant name="ci_GEM_rin" value="10 * cm"> <constant name="ci_GEM_rout" value="95 * cm"> <constant name="ci_GEM_sizez" value="30 * cm"> <constant name="ci_GEM_shiftz" value="0 * cm"> <constant name="ci_GEM_posz" value="0 * cm"> <constant name="ci_GEM_posx" value="0 * cm"> <constant name="ci_GEM_nlayers" value="8"> </define> <limits> </limits> <regions> </regions> <!-- Common Generic visualization attributes --> <!-- change this --> <comment>Common Generic visualization attributes</comment> <display> <vis name="ci_GEMVis" r= "0.8" g="0.4" b="0.3" alpha="0.8" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/> </display> <!-- Define detector --> <detectors> <comment> Central Ion GEM </comment> <detector id="ci_GEM_id" name="ci_GEM" type="ci_GEM" insideTrackingVolume="false" vis="ci_GEMVis"> <material name="Ar10CO2"/> <!-- G4_Galactic --> <dimensions rmin="ci_GEM_rin" rmax="ci_GEM_rout" sizez="ci_GEM_sizez" delta="ci_GEM_shiftz" z="ci_GEM_posz" x="ci_GEM_posx" nlayers="ci_GEM_nlayers"/> <layer id="0" z="-sizez * 0.5 + (5 + 3. * id) * cm" inner_r="rmin + (1. + 0.5 * id) * cm" outer_r="rmax + (-25. + 2. * id) * cm" dz="1 * cm" /> <layer id="1" z="-sizez * 0.5 + (5 + 3. * id) * cm" inner_r="rmin + (1. + 0.5 * id) * cm" outer_r="rmax + (-25. + 2. * id) * cm" dz="1 * cm" /> <layer id="2" z="-sizez * 0.5 + (5 + 3. * id) * cm" inner_r="rmin + (1. + 0.5 * id) * cm" outer_r="rmax + (-25. + 2. * id) * cm" dz="1 * cm" /> <layer id="3" z="-sizez * 0.5 + (5 + 3. * id) * cm" inner_r="rmin + (1. + 0.5 * id) * cm" outer_r="rmax + (-25. + 2. * id) * cm" dz="1 * cm" /> <layer id="4" z="-sizez * 0.5 + (5 + 3. * id) * cm" inner_r="rmin + (1. + 0.5 * id) * cm" outer_r="rmax + (-25. + 2. * id) * cm" dz="1 * cm" /> <layer id="5" z="-sizez * 0.5 + (5 + 3. * id) * cm" inner_r="rmin + (1. + 0.5 * id) * cm" outer_r="rmax + (-25. + 2. * id) * cm" dz="1 * cm" /> <layer id="6" z="-sizez * 0.5 + (5 + 3. * id) * cm" inner_r="rmin + (1. + 0.5 * id) * cm" outer_r="rmax + (-25. + 2. * id) * cm" dz="1 * cm" /> <layer id="7" z="-sizez * 0.5 + (5 + 3. * id) * cm" inner_r="rmin + (1. + 0.5 * id) * cm" outer_r="rmax + (-25. + 2. * id) * cm" dz="1 * cm" /> </detector> </detectors> <plugins> </plugins>