module.exports = { siteMetadata: { siteTitle: `@rocketseat/gatsby-theme-docs`, defaultTitle: `@rocketseat/gatsby-theme-docs`, siteTitleShort: `gatsby-theme-docs`, siteDescription: `Out of the box Gatsby Theme for creating documentation websites easily and quickly`, siteUrl: ``, siteAuthor: `@rocketseat`, siteImage: `/banner.png`, siteLanguage: `en`, themeColor: `#7159c1`, basePath: `/`, footer: `Theme by Rocketseat`, }, plugins: [ { resolve: `@rocketseat/gatsby-theme-docs`, options: { configPath: `src/config`, docsPath: `src/docs`, githubUrl: ``, baseDir: `examples/gatsby-theme-docs`, }, }, { resolve: `gatsby-plugin-manifest`, options: { name: `Rocketseat Gatsby Themes`, short_name: `RS Gatsby Themes`, start_url: `/`, background_color: `#ffffff`, display: `standalone`, icon: `static/favicon.png`, }, }, `gatsby-plugin-sitemap`, { resolve: `gatsby-plugin-google-analytics`, options: { // trackingId: ``, }, }, { resolve: `gatsby-plugin-canonical-urls`, options: { siteUrl: ``, }, }, `gatsby-plugin-offline`, ], };