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  • EIC/detectors/athena
  • zwzhao/athena
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  • palspeic/athena
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<comment> Central Barrel Tracker Silicon </comment>
<detector id="cb_CTD_Si_ID" name="cb_CTD_Si" type="cb_CTD_Si" readout="cb_CTD_Si_Hits" vis="cb_CTDVis" insideTrackingVloume="true">
<dimensions rmin="cb_CTD_rmin" rmax="cb_CTD_rmax" length="cb_CTD_length" zmax="cb_CTD_zmax" gap="cb_CTD_Si_gap"/>
<layer repeat="cb_CTD_Si_layer" vis="cb_CTD_Si_layerVis">
<slice name="Silicon_slice" material="Si" sensitive="true"/>
<readout name="cb_CTD_Si_Hits">
<segmentation type="CartesianGridXY" grid_size_x="1.0*mm" grid_size_y="1.0*mm" />
<comment>Central Barrel Solenoid</comment>
<!-- Define detector -->
Central Barrel Solenoid Magnet
<detector id="Solenoid_ID" name="cb_Solenoid" type="cb_Solenoid" insideTrackingVolume="false" vis="cb_SolenoidVis">
<material name="Vacuum"/> <!-- G4_Galactic -->
<dimensions rmin="cb_Solenoid_rmin" rmax="cb_Solenoid_rmax" z="cb_Solenoid_z" delta="cb_Solenoid_shift"/>
<!-- TODO: Define field using field map-->
<comment> Electron endcap GEM tracking </comment>
<detector id="ce_GEM_ID" name="ce_GEM" type="ce_GEM" readout="ce_GEM_Hits" vis="ce_GEMVis" insideTrackingVloume="true">
<dimensions rmin="ce_GEM_rmin" rmax="ce_GEM_rmax" length="ce_GEM_length"/>
<position x="ce_GEM_x_pos" y="ce_GEM_y_pos" z="ce_GEM_z_pos"/>
<layer repeat="ce_GEM_layer" vis="ce_GEM_layerVis">
<slice name="Ar10CO2_slice" material="Ar10CO2" thickness="ce_GEM_layer_thickness" sensitive="true"/>
<readout name="ce_GEM_Hits">
<segmentation type="CartesianGridXY" grid_size_x="1.0*mm" grid_size_y="1.0*mm" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<detector id="ce_MRICH_ID" name="ce_MRICH" type="refdet_ce_MRICH" readout="MRICHHits" vis="BlueVis" material="Air">
<dimensions rmin="ce_MRICHRMin" rmax="ce_MRICHRMax" length="ce_MRICHLength" z="ce_MRICHZMin"/>
<modules material="Quartz" thickness="10*cm" width="10*cm" gap="1*cm" />
<readout name="MRICHHits">
<segmentation type="CartesianGridXY" grid_size_x="3*mm" grid_size_y="3*mm" />
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
Colors tweaked to be displayable by geoViewer
<vis name="AnlGreen" alpha="1" r="100/256" g="200/256" b="0/256"/>
<vis name="AnlViolet" alpha="1" r="100/256" g="0/256" b="150/256"/>
<vis name="AnlProcess_Blue" alpha="1" r="0/256" g="100/256" b="202/256"/>
<vis name="AnlOrange" alpha="1" r="255/256" g="121/256" b="0"/>
<vis name="AnlRed" alpha="1" r="205/256" g="45/256 " b="45/256"/>
<vis name="AnlGold" alpha="1" r="248/256" g="188/256" b="0/256"/>
<vis name="AnlBlue" alpha="1" r="0/256" g="96/256" b="156/256"/>
<vis name="AnlTeal" alpha="1" r="0/256" g="161/256" b="156/256"/>
<vis name="AnlGray" alpha="1" r="102/256" g="102/256" b="102/256"/>
<vis name="AnlLight_Gray" alpha="1" r="209/256" g="209/256" b="209/256"/>
<vis name="AnlLightGray" ref="AnlLight_Gray" />
<!-- off-white (or white) don't work! -->
<!--vis name="AnlOff_White" alpha="1" r="242/256" g="242/256" b="242/256"/-->
<vis name="AnlDarkRed" alpha="1" r="161/256" g="45/256" b="45/256"/>
<vis name="AnlDarkGreen" alpha="1" r="0" g="110/256" b="50/256"/>
<vis name="AnlDarkBlue" alpha="1" r="45/256" g="45/256" b="110/256"/>
<vis name="AnlDelta_Red" ref="AnlDarkRed"/>
<vis name="AnlDelta_Green" ref="AnlDarkGreen"/>
<vis name="AnlDelta_Blue" ref="AnlDarkBlue"/>
This diff is collapsed.
DIRC consists of 16 (default) identical modules making a barrel.
Each DIRC module consists of:
[ | \
[ | \
Main constants to control DIRC global geometry:
- DIRC_length
- DIRC_offset
- DIRC_rmin
- DIRCBox_count (16 full dirc, 1 - a single module)
- DIRC_rotation (allows to flip the DIRC)
When DIRC_length is set, it affects bars length (all other lengths are fixed)
The width of each DIRC module is derived from DIRCPrism_width
<constant name="DIRCFake_rmin" value="BarrelTracking_rmax-11*cm"/>
<constant name="DIRC_rotation" value="pi" comment="Allows DIRC flip"/>
<!-- <constant name="cb_DIRC_length" value="DIRCLength"/> -->
<!-- CLEANUP THIS if not sure. This is from the initial implementation
<constant name="DIRC_length" value="285.500*cm"/>
<constant name="DIRCFake_rmin" value="82.00*cm"/>-->
<!-- Prism -->
<constant name="DIRCPrism_width" value="360*mm"/>
<constant name="DIRCPrism_length" value="300*mm"/>
<constant name="DIRCPrism_short_edge" value="50*mm"/>
<constant name="DIRCPrism_angle" value="32*deg"/>
<constant name="DIRCPrism_long_edge" value="DIRCPrism_short_edge + DIRCPrism_length * tan(DIRCPrism_angle)"/>
<constant name="DIRCPrism_height" value="DIRCPrism_long_edge"/>
<!-- DIRC length -->
<constant name="DIRCMain_length" value="DIRC_length"/>
<constant name="DIRCFake_offset" value="DIRC_offset+15*cm"/>
<!-- Box - main DIRC modules -->
<constant name="DIRCBox_count" value="16" comment="Number of DIRC boxes per... DIRC. 16 - default"/>
<constant name="DIRCBox_width" value="DIRCPrism_width"/>
<!-- Mirror -->
<constant name="DIRCMirror_height" value="20 * mm"/>
<constant name="DIRCMirror_width" value="DIRCPrism_width"/>
<constant name="DIRCMirror_thickness" value="1 * mm"/>
<!-- Lens -->
<constant name="DIRCLens_height" value="DIRCPrism_long_edge"/>
<constant name="DIRCLens_width" value="DIRCPrism_width"/>
<constant name="DIRCLens_thickness" value="12 * mm"/>
<constant name="DIRCLens_r1" value="33 * mm"/>
<constant name="DIRCLens_r2" value="24 * mm"/>
<constant name="DIRCLens_shight" value="25 * mm" comment="Is 'shight' from UK urban dictionary???"/>
<!-- FD (Foto detectors?) -->
<constant name="DIRCFd_height" value="DIRCPrism_height"/>
<constant name="DIRCFd_width" value="DIRCPrism_width"/>
<constant name="DIRCFd_thickness" value="1*mm"/>
<!-- Bar - Each DIRC box consists of N "bars" -->
<!-- BarAssembly - Bars + Glue -->
<constant name="DIRCBarAssm_length" value="DIRCMain_length - DIRCPrism_length - DIRCMirror_thickness - DIRCLens_thickness - DIRCFd_thickness" comment="Length of bars+glue assembly"/>
<constant name="DIRCBar_count" value="11" comment="Number of bars per box"/>
<constant name="DIRCBar_gap" value="0.15 * mm"/>
<constant name="DIRCBar_height" value="17 * mm"/>
<constant name="DIRCBar_width" value="(DIRCPrism_width - (DIRCBar_count - 1) * DIRCBar_gap) / DIRCBar_count"/>
<constant name="DIRCGlue_thickness" value="0.05 * mm"/>
<constant name="DIRCBar_length" value="(DIRCBarAssm_length-4*DIRCGlue_thickness)/4"/>
<!-- dirc outer volume -->
RMax is calculated according to "rectangle inside ring" problem solution
<constant name="DIRCFake_rmax" value="sqrt( (DIRCFake_rmin+DIRCPrism_height)^2 + 0.25*(DIRCPrism_height)^2 )"/>
Only non optical material variants are here.
See optical_materials.xml for optical ones
<material name="Epotek">
<D type="density" value="1.2" unit="g/cm3"/>
<composite n="5" ref="H"/>
<composite n="3" ref="C"/>
<composite n="2" ref="O"/>
<material name="Nlak33a">
<D type="density" value="4.220" unit="g/cm3"/>
<composite n="1" ref="Si"/>
<composite n="2" ref="O"/>
<vis name="DIRCTube" ref="AnlTeal" alpha="0.1" visible="true" showDaughters="true" lineStyle="solid" drawingStyle="solid" />
<vis name="DIRCBox" ref="AnlLight_Gray" alpha="0.1" visible="true" showDaughters="true" lineStyle="solid" drawingStyle="solid" />
<vis name="DIRCLens1" ref="AnlProcess_Blue" visible="true" showDaughters="false" lineStyle="solid" drawingStyle="solid" />
<vis name="DIRCLens2" ref="AnlProcess_Blue" visible="true" showDaughters="false" lineStyle="solid" drawingStyle="solid" />
<vis name="DIRCLens3" ref="AnlTeal" visible="true" showDaughters="false" lineStyle="solid" drawingStyle="solid" />
<vis name="DIRCBar" ref="AnlTeal" visible="true" showDaughters="false" lineStyle="solid" drawingStyle="solid" />
<vis name="DIRCGlue" ref="AnlViolet" visible="true" showDaughters="false" lineStyle="solid" drawingStyle="solid" />
<vis name="DIRCMirror" ref="AnlGray" visible="true" showDaughters="false" lineStyle="solid" drawingStyle="solid" />
<vis name="DIRCPrism" ref="AnlTeal" visible="true" showDaughters="false" lineStyle="solid" drawingStyle="solid" />
<vis name="DIRCFd" ref="AnlRed" visible="true" showDaughters="false" />
<detector id="BarrelDIRC_ID" name="cb_DIRC" type="cb_DIRC" readout="DIRCBarHits" vis="DIRCTube">
<dimensions rmin="DIRCFake_rmin" rmax="DIRCFake_rmax" length="DIRCMain_length" radius="DIRCRadius" dx="DIRCBars_DX" dy="DIRCBars_DY" number="DIRCNum" deltaphi="DIRCDPhi"/>
<position x="0" y="0" z="DIRCFake_offset"/>
<rotation theta="DIRC_rotation"/>
<module name="DircBox" R="DIRCRadius" repeat="DIRCBox_count" width="DIRCPrism_width + 1*mm" height="DIRCPrism_height*2" length="DIRCBarAssm_length + 550*mm" vis="DIRCBox">
<!-- Mirror (at the end of the module) -->
<!-- DIRC Bar -->
<!-- TODO parametrize as bar+glue assembly with layers -->
<glue thickness="DIRCGlue_thickness" material="Epotek" vis="DIRCGlue"/>
<!-- lens -->
<prism/> <!-- TODO parametrize here -->
<readout name="DIRCBarHits">
<segmentation type="CartesianGridXY" grid_size_x="3.0*mm" grid_size_y="3.0*mm" />
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This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.