diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 115490cb274cc6a091212361dec3036ac9030bc4..f6b2c7e26a30ec60362e05088a94d2063a2b091d 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -112,15 +112,30 @@ dump_geometry:
     - common:detector
-   - echo "dumping geometry"
-   - mkdir -p geo
-   ## full geo with downstream beamline
-   - dd_web_display --output geo/detector_geo_full.root ${DETECTOR_PATH}/athena.xml
-   ## only central detector geo
-   - sed -i '/forward_ion_beamline/d' ${DETECTOR_PATH}/athena.xml
-   - sed -i '/far_forward/d' ${DETECTOR_PATH}/athena.xml
-   - dd_web_display --output geo/detector_geo.root ${DETECTOR_PATH}/athena.xml
-   - echo "Geometry viewer at https://eic.phy.anl.gov/geoviewer/index.htm?file=https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/detectors/athena/-/jobs/${CI_JOB_ID}/artifacts/raw/geo/detector_geo_full.root?job=dump_geometry&item=default;1&opt=clipxyz;transp30;zoom75;ROTY290;ROTZ350;trz0;trr0;ctrl;all&"
+    - echo "dumping geometry"
+    - mkdir -p geo
+    ## subsystem views
+    - |
+      for xml in ${DETECTOR_PATH}/compact/subsystem_views/*.xml; do
+        geo_name=`basename $xml .xml`_geo.root
+        cp $xml ${DETECTOR_PATH}/geo.xml
+        dd_web_display --output geo/${geo_name} ${DETECTOR_PATH}/geo.xml
+      done
+    ## full geo with downstream beamline
+    - dd_web_display --output geo/detector_geo_full.root ${DETECTOR_PATH}/athena.xml
+    ## only central detector geo
+    - sed -i '/forward_ion_beamline/d' ${DETECTOR_PATH}/athena.xml
+    - sed -i '/far_forward/d' ${DETECTOR_PATH}/athena.xml
+    - dd_web_display --output geo/detector_geo.root ${DETECTOR_PATH}/athena.xml
+    ## print some useful output
+    - |
+      echo "Geometry viewer at:"
+      echo "https://eic.phy.anl.gov/geoviewer/index.htm?file=https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/detectors/athena/-/jobs/${CI_JOB_ID}/artifacts/raw/geo/detector_geo_full.root?job=dump_geometry&item=default;1&opt=clipxyz;transp30;zoom75;ROTY290;ROTZ350;trz0;trr0;ctrl;all&"
+      for xml in ${DETECTOR_PATH}/compact/subsystem_views/*.xml; do
+        geo_name=`basename $xml .xml`_geo.root
+        echo " - Subsystem view for `basename $xml .xml` at:"
+        echo "   https://eic.phy.anl.gov/geoviewer/index.htm?file=https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/detectors/athena/-/jobs/${CI_JOB_ID}/artifacts/raw/geo/${geo_name}?job=dump_geometry&item=default;1&opt=clipxyz;transp30;zoom75;ROTY290;ROTZ350;trz0;trr0;ctrl;all&"
+      done
   stage: docs
@@ -174,7 +189,7 @@ overlap_check_tgeo:
     - echo "$(cat doc/overlap_check_tgeo.out | grep ovlp | wc -l) overlaps..."
     - if [[ "$(cat doc/overlap_check_tgeo.out | grep ovlp | wc -l)" -gt "0" ]] ; then echo "Overlaps exist!" && false ; fi
   stage: test
     - ["common:detector"]
@@ -183,6 +198,16 @@ overlap_check_geant4:
     - echo "$(cat doc/overlap_check_geant4.out | grep GeomVol1002 | wc -l) overlaps..."
     - if [[ "$(cat doc/overlap_check_geant4.out | grep GeomVol1002 | wc -l)" -gt "0" ]] ; then echo "Overlaps exist!" && false ; fi
+  stage: test
+  needs: 
+    - ["common:detector"]
+  script:
+    - cp ${DETECTOR_PATH}/compact/subsystem_views/inner_detector.xml ${DETECTOR_PATH}/inner_detector.xml
+    - python scripts/checkOverlaps.py -c ${DETECTOR_PATH}/inner_detector.xml | tee doc/overlap_check_geant4.out
+    - echo "$(cat doc/overlap_check_geant4.out | grep GeomVol1002 | wc -l) overlaps..."
+    - if [[ "$(cat doc/overlap_check_geant4.out | grep GeomVol1002 | wc -l)" -gt "0" ]] ; then echo "Overlaps exist!" && false ; fi
   stage: test
diff --git a/compact/subsystem_views/calorimeters.xml b/compact/subsystem_views/calorimeters.xml
index c3ea7db77b44647101cc1d8df8372218c34727a3..57df8740f7fe218817cfdc85efcdc01708fa51b9 100644
--- a/compact/subsystem_views/calorimeters.xml
+++ b/compact/subsystem_views/calorimeters.xml
@@ -136,15 +136,6 @@
       <composite name="TrackerEndcapN_Outer"/>
-    <detector id="TOFSubAssembly_ID"
-      name="TOFSubAssembly"
-      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
-      vis="TOFSubAssemblyVis">
-      <composite name="BarrelTOF"/>
-      <composite name="ForwardTOF"/>
-      <composite name="BackwardTOF"/>
-    </detector>
diff --git a/compact/subsystem_views/inner_detector.xml b/compact/subsystem_views/inner_detector.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ab73075d27ff1136e6e1bfb465bca59ad9e9b757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compact/subsystem_views/inner_detector.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+<lccdd xmlns:compact="http://www.lcsim.org/schemas/compact/1.0"
+       xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
+       xs:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://www.lcsim.org/schemas/compact/1.0/compact.xsd">
+       <debug>
+         <type name="surface"       value="0"/>
+         <type name="material"      value="0"/>
+         <type name="readout"       value="0"/>
+         <type name="segmentation"  value="0"/>
+         <type name="limits"        value="0"/>
+         <type name="region"        value="0"/>
+         <type name="includes"      value="0"/>
+       </debug>
+  <documentation level="-1">
+  # Athena Detector 
+  - https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/detectors/athena.git 
+  - https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/detectors/ip6.git
+  </documentation>
+  <!-- Some information about detector  -->
+  <info name="Athena Detector" title="Athena Detector"
+        author="Athena Collaboration"
+	url="https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/detectors/athena.git"
+	status="development"
+	version="v1 2021-03-16">
+  <comment> Athena </comment>
+  </info>
+  <define>
+  <documentation level="2">
+      ## Main Constant Definitions
+      The ip6 (or other ip) defines should be included first.
+      These files have only a define tags.
+  </documentation>
+    <include ref="ip6/ip6_defs.xml" /> 
+    <include ref="compact/definitions.xml" />
+  </define>
+  <includes>
+    <gdmlFile ref="compact/elements.xml"/>
+    <gdmlFile ref="compact/materials.xml"/>
+    <file     ref="compact/optical_materials.xml"/>
+  </includes>
+  <limits>
+    <limitset name="EICBeamlineLimits">
+      <limit name="step_length_max" particles="*" value="1.0" unit="mm" />
+      <limit name="track_length_max" particles="*" value="1.0" unit="mm" />
+      <limit name="time_max" particles="*" value="0.1" unit="ns" />
+      <limit name="ekin_min" particles="*" value="0.001" unit="MeV" />
+      <limit name="range_min" particles="*" value="0.1" unit="mm" />
+    </limitset>
+    <limitset name="cal_limits">
+      <limit name="step_length_max" particles="*" value="5.0" unit="mm"/>
+    </limitset>
+  </limits>
+  <display>
+  <include ref="compact/colors.xml" />
+  <!--include ref="compact/colors2.xml"/-->
+  <include ref="compact/display.xml" />
+  <!--include ref="compact/display_detailed.xml"/-->
+  </display>
+  <documentation level="0">
+    ## Detector Subsystems
+    ### IP Subsystems
+    The interaction point subsystems are included before the central detector subsystems.
+    This is becuase the IP subsystems, for exmaple the beampipe, will define paramters
+    which are subsquently used in the central detector construction -- e.g. the vertex tracker
+    uses the beampipe OD to help define its placement. 
+    The IP subsystems include the Far forward and backward regions. The list of subsystem includes:
+     - Interaction region beampipe 
+     - B0 tracker
+     - Off-momentum tracker
+     - Far forward roman pots
+     - Zero Degree Calorimeter
+     - Beam line magnets.
+     - and more...
+  </documentation>
+  <comment>
+      Beamline elements
+      -----------------
+  </comment>
+  <include ref="ip6/beampipe.xml" />
+  <documentation level="5">
+     ## Main magnet
+      Note: When changing magnet, also select dimensions in definitions.xml.
+  </documentation>
+  <documentation level="5">
+      ### Tracker subassemblies for ACTS
+  </documentation>
+  <detectors>
+    <detector id="VertexBarrelSubAssembly_ID"
+      name="VertexBarrelSubAssembly"
+      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
+      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">
+      <composite name="VertexBarrel" />
+    </detector>
+    <detector id="VertexEndcapSubAssembly_ID"
+      name="VertexEndcapSubAssembly"
+      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
+      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">
+      <composite name="VertexEndcapN" />
+      <composite name="VertexEndcapP" />
+    </detector>
+    <detector id="TrackerBarrelSubAssembly_Inner_ID"
+      name="TrackerBarrelSubAssembly_Inner"
+      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
+      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">
+      <composite name="TrackerBarrel_Inner"/>
+    </detector>
+    <detector id="TrackerEndcapSubAssembly_Inner_ID"
+      name="TrackerEndcapSubAssembly_Inner"
+      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
+      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">
+      <composite name="TrackerEndcapN_Inner"/>
+      <composite name="TrackerEndcapP_Inner"/>
+    </detector>
+    <detector id="TrackerBarrelSubAssembly_Outer_ID"
+      name="TrackerSubAssembly_Outer"
+      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
+      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">
+      <composite name="TrackerBarrel_Outer"/>
+      <composite name="TrackerEndcapP_Outer"/>
+      <composite name="TrackerEndcapN_Outer"/>
+    </detector>
+    <comment>
+      TOF disabled for baseline
+      <detector id="OuterTrackingSubAssembly_ID"
+      name="OuterTrackingSubAssembly"
+      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
+      vis="TOFSubAssemblyVis">
+      <composite name="BarrelTOF"/>
+      <composite name="ForwardTOF"/>
+      <composite name="BackwardTOF"/>
+    </detector>
+    </comment>
+    <detector id="OuterTrackingSubAssembly_ID"
+      name="OuterTrackingSubAssembly"
+      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
+      vis="SubAssemblyVis">
+      <composite name="GEMTrackerEndcapP"/>
+      <composite name="GEMTrackerEndcapN"/>
+    </detector>
+  </detectors>
+  <documentation level="10">
+    ## Central tracking detectors
+  </documentation>
+  <include ref="compact/tracking_config_accadia.xml"/>
+  <!--include ref="compact/tracking_config_mgpds.xml"/-->
+  <documentation level="10">
+  ### PID detectors
+  </documentation>
+  <!--include ref="compact/dirc.xml"/-->
+  <include ref="compact/mrich.xml"/>
+  <!--include ref="compact/forward_trd.xml"/-->
+  <include ref="compact/drich.xml"/>
+  <documentation level="10">
+  ## Central calorimetry
+  </documentation>
+  <documentation level="11">
+  ## Far foward detectors
+  </documentation>
+  <fields>
+    <field name="B0PF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
+      <position x="B0PF_XPosition" y="0" z="B0PF_CenterPosition"/>
+      <rotation x="0" y="B0PF_RotationAngle" z="0"/>
+      <shape type="Tube" rmin="0.0" rmax="B0PF_InnerRadius" dz="B0PF_Length*0.5"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="B0PF_Bmax" skew="0.0*tesla"/>
+      <!--<coefficient coefficient="2.0*tesla/cm" skew="0.2*tesla/cm"/> -->
+    </field>
+    <field name="B0APF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
+      <position x="B0APF_XPosition" y="0" z="B0APF_CenterPosition"/>
+      <rotation x="0" y="B0APF_RotationAngle" z="0"/>
+      <shape type="Tube" rmin="0.0" rmax="B0APF_InnerRadius" dz="B0APF_Length*0.5"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="B0APF_Bmax" skew="0.0*tesla"/>
+      <!--<coefficient coefficient="2.0*tesla/cm" skew="0.2*tesla/cm"/> -->
+    </field>
+    <field name="Q1APF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
+      <position x="Q1APF_XPosition" y="0" z="Q1APF_CenterPosition"/>
+      <rotation x="0" y="Q1APF_RotationAngle" z="0"/>
+      <shape type="Tube" rmin="0.0" rmax="Q1APF_InnerRadius" dz="Q1APF_Length*0.5"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="Q1APF_Bmax" skew="0.0*tesla"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="Q1APF_GradientMax" skew="0.0*tesla/cm"/>
+    </field>
+    <field name="Q1BPF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
+      <position x="Q1BPF_XPosition" y="0" z="Q1BPF_CenterPosition"/>
+      <rotation x="0" y="Q1BPF_RotationAngle" z="0"/>
+      <shape type="Tube" rmin="0.0" rmax="Q1BPF_InnerRadius" dz="Q1BPF_Length*0.5"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="Q1BPF_Bmax" skew="0.0*tesla"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="Q1BPF_GradientMax" skew="0.0*tesla/cm"/>
+    </field>
+    <field name="Q2PF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
+      <position x="Q2PF_XPosition" y="0" z="Q2PF_CenterPosition"/>
+      <rotation x="0" y="Q2PF_RotationAngle" z="pi/2.0"/>
+      <shape type="Tube" rmin="0.0" rmax="Q2PF_InnerRadius" dz="Q2PF_Length*0.5"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="Q2PF_Bmax" skew="0.0*tesla"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="Q2PF_GradientMax" skew="0.0*tesla/cm"/>
+    </field>
+    <field name="B1PF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
+      <position x="B1PF_XPosition" y="0" z="B1PF_CenterPosition"/>
+      <rotation x="0" y="B1PF_RotationAngle" z="0"/>
+      <shape type="Tube" rmin="0.0" rmax="B1PF_InnerRadius" dz="B1PF_Length*0.5"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="B1PF_Bmax" skew="0.0*tesla"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="B1PF_GradientMax" skew="0.0*tesla/cm"/>
+    </field>
+    <field name="B1APF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
+      <position x="B1APF_XPosition" y="0" z="B1APF_CenterPosition"/>
+      <rotation x="0" y="B1APF_RotationAngle" z="0"/>
+      <shape type="Tube" rmin="0.0" rmax="B1APF_InnerRadius" dz="B1APF_Length*0.5"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="B1APF_Bmax" skew="0.0*tesla"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="B1APF_GradientMax" skew="0.0*tesla/cm"/>
+    </field>
+    <field name="B2PF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
+      <position x="B2PF_XPosition" y="0" z="B2PF_CenterPosition"/>
+      <rotation x="0" y="B2PF_RotationAngle" z="0"/>
+      <shape type="Tube" rmin="0.0" rmax="B2PF_InnerRadius" dz="B2PF_Length*0.5"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="B2PF_Bmax" skew="0.0*tesla"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="B2PF_GradientMax" skew="0.0*tesla/cm"/>
+    </field>
+  </fields>
+  <comment>
+      FB elements
+      -----------
+      None (TODO)
+      What is FB?
+  </comment>
+  <readouts>
+  </readouts>
diff --git a/compact/subsystem_views/inner_tracking_only.xml b/compact/subsystem_views/inner_tracking_only.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c0b5ff5b0aba3d91530c96c7e828b33ef3db6503
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compact/subsystem_views/inner_tracking_only.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+<lccdd xmlns:compact="http://www.lcsim.org/schemas/compact/1.0"
+       xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
+       xs:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://www.lcsim.org/schemas/compact/1.0/compact.xsd">
+       <debug>
+         <type name="surface"       value="0"/>
+         <type name="material"       value="0"/>
+         <type name="readout"       value="0"/>
+         <type name="segmentation"  value="0"/>
+         <type name="limits"        value="0"/>
+         <type name="region"        value="0"/>
+         <type name="includes"      value="0"/>
+       </debug>
+  <documentation level="-1">
+  # Athena Detector 
+  - https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/detectors/athena.git 
+  - https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/detectors/ip6.git
+  </documentation>
+  <!-- Some information about detector  -->
+  <info name="Athena Detector" title="Athena Detector"
+        author="Athena Collaboration"
+	url="https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/detectors/athena.git"
+	status="development"
+	version="v1 2021-03-16">
+  <comment> Athena </comment>
+  </info>
+  <define>
+  <documentation level="2">
+      ## Main Constant Definitions
+      The ip6 (or other ip) defines should be included first.
+      These files have only a define tags.
+  </documentation>
+    <include ref="ip6/ip6_defs.xml" /> 
+    <include ref="compact/definitions.xml" />
+  </define>
+  <includes>
+    <gdmlFile ref="compact/elements.xml"/>
+    <gdmlFile ref="compact/materials.xml"/>
+    <file     ref="compact/optical_materials.xml"/>
+  </includes>
+  <limits>
+    <limitset name="EICBeamlineLimits">
+      <limit name="step_length_max" particles="*" value="1.0" unit="mm" />
+      <limit name="track_length_max" particles="*" value="1.0" unit="mm" />
+      <limit name="time_max" particles="*" value="0.1" unit="ns" />
+      <limit name="ekin_min" particles="*" value="0.001" unit="MeV" />
+      <limit name="range_min" particles="*" value="0.1" unit="mm" />
+    </limitset>
+    <limitset name="cal_limits">
+      <limit name="step_length_max" particles="*" value="5.0" unit="mm"/>
+    </limitset>
+  </limits>
+  <display>
+  <include ref="compact/colors.xml" />
+  <include ref="compact/display.xml" />
+  </display>
+  <documentation level="0">
+    ## Detector Subsystems
+    ### IP Subsystems
+    The interaction point subsystems are included before the central detector subsystems.
+    This is becuase the IP subsystems, for exmaple the beampipe, will define paramters
+    which are subsquently used in the central detector construction -- e.g. the vertex tracker
+    uses the beampipe OD to help define its placement. 
+    The IP subsystems include the Far forward and backward regions. The list of subsystem includes:
+     - Interaction region beampipe 
+     - B0 tracker
+     - Off-momentum tracker
+     - Far forward roman pots
+     - Zero Degree Calorimeter
+     - Beam line magnets.
+     - and more...
+  </documentation>
+  <comment>
+      Beamline elements
+      -----------------
+  </comment>
+  <comment>
+      Main magnet
+      -----------
+      Note: When changing magnet, also select dimensions in definitions.xml.
+  </comment>
+  <!--include ref="compact/solenoid.xml"/-->
+  <comment>
+      Tracker subassemblies for ACTS
+      ------------------------------
+  </comment>
+  <detectors>
+    <detector id="VertexBarrelSubAssembly_ID"
+      name="VertexBarrelSubAssembly"
+      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
+      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">
+      <composite name="VertexBarrel" />
+    </detector>
+    <detector id="VertexEndcapSubAssembly_ID"
+      name="VertexEndcapSubAssembly"
+      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
+      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">
+      <composite name="VertexEndcapN" />
+      <composite name="VertexEndcapP" />
+    </detector>
+    <detector id="TrackerBarrelSubAssembly_Inner_ID"
+      name="TrackerBarrelSubAssembly_Inner"
+      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
+      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">
+      <composite name="TrackerBarrel_Inner"/>
+    </detector>
+    <detector id="TrackerEndcapSubAssembly_Inner_ID"
+      name="TrackerEndcapSubAssembly_Inner"
+      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
+      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">
+      <composite name="TrackerEndcapN_Inner"/>
+      <composite name="TrackerEndcapP_Inner"/>
+    </detector>
+    <detector id="TrackerBarrelSubAssembly_Outer_ID"
+      name="TrackerSubAssembly_Outer"
+      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
+      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">
+      <composite name="TrackerBarrel_Outer"/>
+      <composite name="TrackerEndcapP_Outer"/>
+      <composite name="TrackerEndcapN_Outer"/>
+    </detector>
+    <comment>
+      TOF disabled for baseline
+      <detector id="OuterTrackingSubAssembly_ID"
+      name="OuterTrackingSubAssembly"
+      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
+      vis="TOFSubAssemblyVis">
+      <composite name="BarrelTOF"/>
+      <composite name="ForwardTOF"/>
+      <composite name="BackwardTOF"/>
+    </detector>
+    </comment>
+    <detector id="OuterTrackingSubAssembly_ID"
+      name="OuterTrackingSubAssembly"
+      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
+      vis="SubAssemblyVis">
+      <composite name="GEMTrackerEndcapP"/>
+      <composite name="GEMTrackerEndcapN"/>
+    </detector>
+  </detectors>
+  <comment>
+      Central tracking detectors
+      --------------------------
+  </comment>
+  <include ref="compact/vertex_tracker.xml"/>
+  <include ref="compact/central_tracker.xml"/>
+  <comment>
+      PID detectors
+      -------------
+  </comment>
+  <fields>
+    <field name="B0PF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
+      <position x="B0PF_XPosition" y="0" z="B0PF_CenterPosition"/>
+      <rotation x="0" y="B0PF_RotationAngle" z="0"/>
+      <shape type="Tube" rmin="0.0" rmax="B0PF_InnerRadius" dz="B0PF_Length*0.5"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="B0PF_Bmax" skew="0.0*tesla"/>
+      <!--<coefficient coefficient="2.0*tesla/cm" skew="0.2*tesla/cm"/> -->
+    </field>
+    <field name="B0APF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
+      <position x="B0APF_XPosition" y="0" z="B0APF_CenterPosition"/>
+      <rotation x="0" y="B0APF_RotationAngle" z="0"/>
+      <shape type="Tube" rmin="0.0" rmax="B0APF_InnerRadius" dz="B0APF_Length*0.5"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="B0APF_Bmax" skew="0.0*tesla"/>
+      <!--<coefficient coefficient="2.0*tesla/cm" skew="0.2*tesla/cm"/> -->
+    </field>
+    <field name="Q1APF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
+      <position x="Q1APF_XPosition" y="0" z="Q1APF_CenterPosition"/>
+      <rotation x="0" y="Q1APF_RotationAngle" z="0"/>
+      <shape type="Tube" rmin="0.0" rmax="Q1APF_InnerRadius" dz="Q1APF_Length*0.5"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="Q1APF_Bmax" skew="0.0*tesla"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="Q1APF_GradientMax" skew="0.0*tesla/cm"/>
+    </field>
+    <field name="Q1BPF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
+      <position x="Q1BPF_XPosition" y="0" z="Q1BPF_CenterPosition"/>
+      <rotation x="0" y="Q1BPF_RotationAngle" z="0"/>
+      <shape type="Tube" rmin="0.0" rmax="Q1BPF_InnerRadius" dz="Q1BPF_Length*0.5"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="Q1BPF_Bmax" skew="0.0*tesla"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="Q1BPF_GradientMax" skew="0.0*tesla/cm"/>
+    </field>
+    <field name="Q2PF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
+      <position x="Q2PF_XPosition" y="0" z="Q2PF_CenterPosition"/>
+      <rotation x="0" y="Q2PF_RotationAngle" z="pi/2.0"/>
+      <shape type="Tube" rmin="0.0" rmax="Q2PF_InnerRadius" dz="Q2PF_Length*0.5"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="Q2PF_Bmax" skew="0.0*tesla"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="Q2PF_GradientMax" skew="0.0*tesla/cm"/>
+    </field>
+    <field name="B1PF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
+      <position x="B1PF_XPosition" y="0" z="B1PF_CenterPosition"/>
+      <rotation x="0" y="B1PF_RotationAngle" z="0"/>
+      <shape type="Tube" rmin="0.0" rmax="B1PF_InnerRadius" dz="B1PF_Length*0.5"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="B1PF_Bmax" skew="0.0*tesla"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="B1PF_GradientMax" skew="0.0*tesla/cm"/>
+    </field>
+    <field name="B1APF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
+      <position x="B1APF_XPosition" y="0" z="B1APF_CenterPosition"/>
+      <rotation x="0" y="B1APF_RotationAngle" z="0"/>
+      <shape type="Tube" rmin="0.0" rmax="B1APF_InnerRadius" dz="B1APF_Length*0.5"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="B1APF_Bmax" skew="0.0*tesla"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="B1APF_GradientMax" skew="0.0*tesla/cm"/>
+    </field>
+    <field name="B2PF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
+      <position x="B2PF_XPosition" y="0" z="B2PF_CenterPosition"/>
+      <rotation x="0" y="B2PF_RotationAngle" z="0"/>
+      <shape type="Tube" rmin="0.0" rmax="B2PF_InnerRadius" dz="B2PF_Length*0.5"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="B2PF_Bmax" skew="0.0*tesla"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="B2PF_GradientMax" skew="0.0*tesla/cm"/>
+    </field>
+  </fields>
+  <comment>
+      FB elements
+      -----------
+      None (TODO)
+  </comment>
+  <readouts>
+  </readouts>
diff --git a/compact/subsystem_views/pid_only.xml b/compact/subsystem_views/pid_only.xml
index 38ee2f7a3daa5fb0139279b6354421458c64df63..baa45851f49bb29bdd6fd6b4f7580ea68e0f88d0 100644
--- a/compact/subsystem_views/pid_only.xml
+++ b/compact/subsystem_views/pid_only.xml
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
-         <type name="surface"       value="1"/>
-         <type name="material"       value="1"/>
-         <type name="readout"       value="1"/>
-         <type name="segmentation"  value="1"/>
-         <type name="limits"        value="1"/>
-         <type name="region"        value="1"/>
-         <type name="includes"      value="1"/>
+         <type name="surface"       value="0"/>
+         <type name="material"       value="0"/>
+         <type name="readout"       value="0"/>
+         <type name="segmentation"  value="0"/>
+         <type name="limits"        value="0"/>
+         <type name="region"        value="0"/>
+         <type name="includes"      value="0"/>
   <documentation level="-1">
@@ -133,20 +133,31 @@
       <composite name="TrackerEndcapN_Outer"/>
-    <detector id="TOFSubAssembly_ID"
-      name="TOFSubAssembly"
+    <comment>
+      TOF disabled for baseline
+      <detector id="OuterTrackingSubAssembly_ID"
+      name="OuterTrackingSubAssembly"
       <composite name="BarrelTOF"/>
       <composite name="ForwardTOF"/>
       <composite name="BackwardTOF"/>
+    </comment>
+    <detector id="OuterTrackingSubAssembly_ID"
+      name="OuterTrackingSubAssembly"
+      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
+      vis="SubAssemblyVis">
+      <composite name="GEMTrackerEndcapP"/>
+      <composite name="GEMTrackerEndcapN"/>
+    </detector>
-  <comment>
-      Central tracking detectors
-      --------------------------
+  <documentation level="10">
+    ## Central tracking detectors
+  </documentation>
       PID detectors
@@ -154,7 +165,6 @@
   <!--include ref="compact/dirc.xml"/-->
   <!--include ref="compact/mrich.xml"/-->
-  <include ref="compact/forward_trd.xml"/>
   <include ref="compact/gaseous_rich.xml"/>
diff --git a/compact/subsystem_views/tracking_only.xml b/compact/subsystem_views/tracking_only.xml
index 8d59a639cf8ba01feca5d4ed77c2ea810a363c1d..0996c864b219e8a0697e12c93ce7bdbfbd3e2fdc 100644
--- a/compact/subsystem_views/tracking_only.xml
+++ b/compact/subsystem_views/tracking_only.xml
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
-         <type name="surface"       value="1"/>
-         <type name="material"       value="1"/>
-         <type name="readout"       value="1"/>
-         <type name="segmentation"  value="1"/>
-         <type name="limits"        value="1"/>
-         <type name="region"        value="1"/>
-         <type name="includes"      value="1"/>
+         <type name="surface"       value="0"/>
+         <type name="material"       value="0"/>
+         <type name="readout"       value="0"/>
+         <type name="segmentation"  value="0"/>
+         <type name="limits"        value="0"/>
+         <type name="region"        value="0"/>
+         <type name="includes"      value="0"/>
   <documentation level="-1">
@@ -135,14 +135,26 @@
       <composite name="TrackerEndcapN_Outer"/>
-    <detector id="TOFSubAssembly_ID"
-      name="TOFSubAssembly"
+    <comment>
+      TOF disabled for baseline
+      <detector id="OuterTrackingSubAssembly_ID"
+      name="OuterTrackingSubAssembly"
       <composite name="BarrelTOF"/>
       <composite name="ForwardTOF"/>
       <composite name="BackwardTOF"/>
+    </comment>
+    <detector id="OuterTrackingSubAssembly_ID"
+      name="OuterTrackingSubAssembly"
+      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
+      vis="SubAssemblyVis">
+      <composite name="GEMTrackerEndcapP"/>
+      <composite name="GEMTrackerEndcapN"/>
+    </detector>
@@ -150,26 +162,12 @@
       Central tracking detectors
-  <include ref="compact/vertex_tracker.xml"/>
-  <include ref="compact/central_tracker.xml"/>
-  <!--include ref="compact/tof_barrel.xml"/-->
-  <!--include ref="compact/tof_endcap.xml"/-->
-  <!--include ref="compact/rwell_tracker_barrel.xml"-->
-  <!--include ref="compact/ce_GEM.xml"/-->
-  <!--include ref="compact/mm_tracker_barrel.xml"/-->
-  <!--include ref="compact/cb_VTX_Barrel.xml"/-->
-  <!--include ref="compact/gem_tracker_endcap.xml"/-->
+  <include ref="compact/tracking_config_accadia.xml"/>
       PID detectors
-  <!--include ref="compact/dirc.xml"/-->
-  <!--include ref="compact/mrich.xml"/-->
-  <!--include ref="compact/forward_trd.xml"/-->
-  <!--include ref="compact/gaseous_rich.xml"/-->
     <field name="B0PF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
diff --git a/compact/subsystem_views/vertex_only.xml b/compact/subsystem_views/vertex_only.xml
index 32e1e933223f5d7260790ac769344641be3a43dd..a5aea68820be62972961fffa67827e069a76c04e 100644
--- a/compact/subsystem_views/vertex_only.xml
+++ b/compact/subsystem_views/vertex_only.xml
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
-         <type name="surface"       value="1"/>
-         <type name="material"       value="1"/>
-         <type name="readout"       value="1"/>
-         <type name="segmentation"  value="1"/>
-         <type name="limits"        value="1"/>
-         <type name="region"        value="1"/>
-         <type name="includes"      value="1"/>
+         <type name="surface"       value="0"/>
+         <type name="material"       value="0"/>
+         <type name="readout"       value="0"/>
+         <type name="segmentation"  value="0"/>
+         <type name="limits"        value="0"/>
+         <type name="region"        value="0"/>
+         <type name="includes"      value="0"/>
   <documentation level="-1">
@@ -135,14 +135,25 @@
       <composite name="TrackerEndcapN_Outer"/>
-    <detector id="TOFSubAssembly_ID"
-      name="TOFSubAssembly"
+    <comment>
+      TOF disabled for baseline
+      <detector id="OuterTrackingSubAssembly_ID"
+      name="OuterTrackingSubAssembly"
       <composite name="BarrelTOF"/>
       <composite name="ForwardTOF"/>
       <composite name="BackwardTOF"/>
+    </comment>
+    <detector id="OuterTrackingSubAssembly_ID"
+      name="OuterTrackingSubAssembly"
+      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
+      vis="SubAssemblyVis">
+      <composite name="GEMTrackerEndcapP"/>
+      <composite name="GEMTrackerEndcapN"/>
+    </detector>
diff --git a/geo.xml b/geo.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8497b2677d4b10caca36e919d807793813d185b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geo.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+<lccdd xmlns:compact="http://www.lcsim.org/schemas/compact/1.0"
+       xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
+       xs:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://www.lcsim.org/schemas/compact/1.0/compact.xsd">
+       <debug>
+         <type name="surface"       value="1"/>
+         <type name="material"       value="1"/>
+         <type name="readout"       value="1"/>
+         <type name="segmentation"  value="1"/>
+         <type name="limits"        value="1"/>
+         <type name="region"        value="1"/>
+         <type name="includes"      value="1"/>
+       </debug>
+  <documentation level="-1">
+  # Athena Detector 
+  - https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/detectors/athena.git 
+  - https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/detectors/ip6.git
+  </documentation>
+  <!-- Some information about detector  -->
+  <info name="Athena Detector" title="Athena Detector"
+        author="Athena Collaboration"
+	url="https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/detectors/athena.git"
+	status="development"
+	version="v1 2021-03-16">
+  <comment> Athena </comment>
+  </info>
+  <define>
+  <documentation level="2">
+      ## Main Constant Definitions
+      The ip6 (or other ip) defines should be included first.
+      These files have only a define tags.
+  </documentation>
+    <include ref="ip6/ip6_defs.xml" /> 
+    <include ref="compact/definitions.xml" />
+  </define>
+  <includes>
+    <gdmlFile ref="compact/elements.xml"/>
+    <gdmlFile ref="compact/materials.xml"/>
+    <file     ref="compact/optical_materials.xml"/>
+  </includes>
+  <limits>
+    <limitset name="EICBeamlineLimits">
+      <limit name="step_length_max" particles="*" value="1.0" unit="mm" />
+      <limit name="track_length_max" particles="*" value="1.0" unit="mm" />
+      <limit name="time_max" particles="*" value="0.1" unit="ns" />
+      <limit name="ekin_min" particles="*" value="0.001" unit="MeV" />
+      <limit name="range_min" particles="*" value="0.1" unit="mm" />
+    </limitset>
+    <limitset name="cal_limits">
+      <limit name="step_length_max" particles="*" value="5.0" unit="mm"/>
+    </limitset>
+  </limits>
+  <display>
+  <include ref="compact/colors.xml" />
+  <include ref="compact/display.xml" />
+  </display>
+  <documentation level="0">
+    ## Detector Subsystems
+    ### IP Subsystems
+    The interaction point subsystems are included before the central detector subsystems.
+    This is becuase the IP subsystems, for exmaple the beampipe, will define paramters
+    which are subsquently used in the central detector construction -- e.g. the vertex tracker
+    uses the beampipe OD to help define its placement. 
+    The IP subsystems include the Far forward and backward regions. The list of subsystem includes:
+     - Interaction region beampipe 
+     - B0 tracker
+     - Off-momentum tracker
+     - Far forward roman pots
+     - Zero Degree Calorimeter
+     - Beam line magnets.
+     - and more...
+  </documentation>
+  <comment>
+      Beamline elements
+      -----------------
+  </comment>
+  <comment>
+      Main magnet
+      -----------
+      Note: When changing magnet, also select dimensions in definitions.xml.
+  </comment>
+  <!--include ref="compact/solenoid.xml"/-->
+  <comment>
+      Tracker subassemblies for ACTS
+      ------------------------------
+  </comment>
+  <detectors>
+    <detector id="VertexBarrelSubAssembly_ID"
+      name="VertexBarrelSubAssembly"
+      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
+      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">
+      <composite name="VertexBarrel" />
+    </detector>
+    <detector id="VertexEndcapSubAssembly_ID"
+      name="VertexEndcapSubAssembly"
+      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
+      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">
+      <composite name="VertexEndcapN" />
+      <composite name="VertexEndcapP" />
+    </detector>
+    <detector id="TrackerBarrelSubAssembly_Inner_ID"
+      name="TrackerBarrelSubAssembly_Inner"
+      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
+      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">
+      <composite name="TrackerBarrel_Inner"/>
+    </detector>
+    <detector id="TrackerEndcapSubAssembly_Inner_ID"
+      name="TrackerEndcapSubAssembly_Inner"
+      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
+      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">
+      <composite name="TrackerEndcapN_Inner"/>
+      <composite name="TrackerEndcapP_Inner"/>
+    </detector>
+    <detector id="TrackerBarrelSubAssembly_Outer_ID"
+      name="TrackerSubAssembly_Outer"
+      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
+      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">
+      <composite name="TrackerBarrel_Outer"/>
+      <composite name="TrackerEndcapP_Outer"/>
+      <composite name="TrackerEndcapN_Outer"/>
+    </detector>
+    <comment>
+      TOF disabled for baseline
+      <detector id="OuterTrackingSubAssembly_ID"
+      name="OuterTrackingSubAssembly"
+      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
+      vis="TOFSubAssemblyVis">
+      <composite name="BarrelTOF"/>
+      <composite name="ForwardTOF"/>
+      <composite name="BackwardTOF"/>
+    </detector>
+    </comment>
+    <detector id="OuterTrackingSubAssembly_ID"
+      name="OuterTrackingSubAssembly"
+      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
+      vis="SubAssemblyVis">
+      <composite name="GEMTrackerEndcapP"/>
+      <composite name="GEMTrackerEndcapN"/>
+    </detector>
+  </detectors>
+  <comment>
+      Central tracking detectors
+      --------------------------
+  </comment>
+  <include ref="compact/vertex_tracker.xml"/>
+  <include ref="compact/central_tracker.xml"/>
+  <comment>
+      PID detectors
+      -------------
+  </comment>
+  <fields>
+    <field name="B0PF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
+      <position x="B0PF_XPosition" y="0" z="B0PF_CenterPosition"/>
+      <rotation x="0" y="B0PF_RotationAngle" z="0"/>
+      <shape type="Tube" rmin="0.0" rmax="B0PF_InnerRadius" dz="B0PF_Length*0.5"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="B0PF_Bmax" skew="0.0*tesla"/>
+      <!--<coefficient coefficient="2.0*tesla/cm" skew="0.2*tesla/cm"/> -->
+    </field>
+    <field name="B0APF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
+      <position x="B0APF_XPosition" y="0" z="B0APF_CenterPosition"/>
+      <rotation x="0" y="B0APF_RotationAngle" z="0"/>
+      <shape type="Tube" rmin="0.0" rmax="B0APF_InnerRadius" dz="B0APF_Length*0.5"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="B0APF_Bmax" skew="0.0*tesla"/>
+      <!--<coefficient coefficient="2.0*tesla/cm" skew="0.2*tesla/cm"/> -->
+    </field>
+    <field name="Q1APF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
+      <position x="Q1APF_XPosition" y="0" z="Q1APF_CenterPosition"/>
+      <rotation x="0" y="Q1APF_RotationAngle" z="0"/>
+      <shape type="Tube" rmin="0.0" rmax="Q1APF_InnerRadius" dz="Q1APF_Length*0.5"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="Q1APF_Bmax" skew="0.0*tesla"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="Q1APF_GradientMax" skew="0.0*tesla/cm"/>
+    </field>
+    <field name="Q1BPF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
+      <position x="Q1BPF_XPosition" y="0" z="Q1BPF_CenterPosition"/>
+      <rotation x="0" y="Q1BPF_RotationAngle" z="0"/>
+      <shape type="Tube" rmin="0.0" rmax="Q1BPF_InnerRadius" dz="Q1BPF_Length*0.5"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="Q1BPF_Bmax" skew="0.0*tesla"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="Q1BPF_GradientMax" skew="0.0*tesla/cm"/>
+    </field>
+    <field name="Q2PF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
+      <position x="Q2PF_XPosition" y="0" z="Q2PF_CenterPosition"/>
+      <rotation x="0" y="Q2PF_RotationAngle" z="pi/2.0"/>
+      <shape type="Tube" rmin="0.0" rmax="Q2PF_InnerRadius" dz="Q2PF_Length*0.5"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="Q2PF_Bmax" skew="0.0*tesla"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="Q2PF_GradientMax" skew="0.0*tesla/cm"/>
+    </field>
+    <field name="B1PF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
+      <position x="B1PF_XPosition" y="0" z="B1PF_CenterPosition"/>
+      <rotation x="0" y="B1PF_RotationAngle" z="0"/>
+      <shape type="Tube" rmin="0.0" rmax="B1PF_InnerRadius" dz="B1PF_Length*0.5"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="B1PF_Bmax" skew="0.0*tesla"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="B1PF_GradientMax" skew="0.0*tesla/cm"/>
+    </field>
+    <field name="B1APF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
+      <position x="B1APF_XPosition" y="0" z="B1APF_CenterPosition"/>
+      <rotation x="0" y="B1APF_RotationAngle" z="0"/>
+      <shape type="Tube" rmin="0.0" rmax="B1APF_InnerRadius" dz="B1APF_Length*0.5"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="B1APF_Bmax" skew="0.0*tesla"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="B1APF_GradientMax" skew="0.0*tesla/cm"/>
+    </field>
+    <field name="B2PF_Magnet" type="MultipoleMagnet">
+      <position x="B2PF_XPosition" y="0" z="B2PF_CenterPosition"/>
+      <rotation x="0" y="B2PF_RotationAngle" z="0"/>
+      <shape type="Tube" rmin="0.0" rmax="B2PF_InnerRadius" dz="B2PF_Length*0.5"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="B2PF_Bmax" skew="0.0*tesla"/>
+      <coefficient coefficient="B2PF_GradientMax" skew="0.0*tesla/cm"/>
+    </field>
+  </fields>
+  <comment>
+      FB elements
+      -----------
+      None (TODO)
+  </comment>
+  <readouts>
+  </readouts>