diff --git a/compact/dirc.xml b/compact/dirc.xml
index d759866d2d903e8f702073d422b53e12f72b286e..b5f21f7a5fdb6c3cf649b568c7c01bb63f3c5e3b 100644
--- a/compact/dirc.xml
+++ b/compact/dirc.xml
@@ -1,29 +1,103 @@
-  <comment>Initial implementation of the Athena Detector
-           DIRC (ported from g4e). Currently constructed around
-           a fixed radius of 83.65cm (between the uRWEL layers).
-           TODO: this needs to be properly parameterized.
+  <comment>
+    DIRC consists of 16 (default) identical modules making a barrel.
+    Each DIRC module consists of:
+    _______
+    [  |   \
+    [  |    \
+    [FD|Prizm|Lens|--------bars+glue-----|mirror]
+    Main constants to control DIRC global geometry:
+      - DIRC_length
+      - DIRC_offset
+      - DIRC_rmin
+      - DIRCBox_count  (16 full dirc, 1 - a single module)
+      - DIRC_rotation  (allows to flip the DIRC)
+    When DIRC_length is set, it affects bars length (all other lengths are fixed)
+    The width of each DIRC module is derived from DIRCPrism_width
-    <comment>
-      ### DIRC parameters
-    </comment>
     <constant name="DIRC_length"           value="CentralTracking_length + BackwardPIDLength"/>
     <constant name="DIRC_offset"           value="(CentralTracking_length - DIRC_length)/2.0"/>
+    <constant name="DIRC_rmin"             value="83.65*cm"/>
+    <constant name="DIRC_rotation"         value="pi" comment="Allows DIRC flip"/>
+    <!-- <constant name="cb_DIRC_length"    value="DIRCLength"/> -->
+    <!-- CLEANUP THIS if not sure. This is from the initial implementation
+    <constant name="DIRC_length"            value="285.500*cm"/>
+    <constant name="DIRC_rmin"              value="82.00*cm"/>-->
+    <!-- Prism -->
+    <constant name="DIRCPrism_width"        value="360*mm"/>
+    <constant name="DIRCPrism_length"       value="300*mm"/>
+    <constant name="DIRCPrism_short_edge"   value="50*mm"/>
+    <constant name="DIRCPrism_angle"        value="32*deg"/>
+    <constant name="DIRCPrism_long_edge"    value="DIRCPrism_short_edge + DIRCPrism_length * tan(DIRCPrism_angle)"/>
+    <constant name="DIRCPrism_height"       value="DIRCPrism_long_edge"/>
-    <constant name="DIRC_rmin"           value="83.65*cm"/>
-    <constant name="DIRC_rmin"           value="TrackerBarrel_rmax"/>
-    <constant name="DIRCBars_DX"          value="1.7*cm"/>
-    <constant name="DIRCBars_DY"          value="42.*cm"/>
-    <constant name="DIRCNum"              value="2*Pi*DIRC_rmin/DIRCBars_DY"/>
-    <constant name="DIRCDPhi"             value="DIRCBars_DY/DIRC_rmin"/>
+    <!-- Box - main DIRC modules -->
+    <constant name="DIRCBox_count"          value="16"  comment="Number of DIRC boxes per... DIRC. 16 - default"/>
+    <constant name="DIRCBox_width"          value="DIRCPrism_width"/>
-    <constant name="DIRC_rmin"              value="82.00*cm"/>
-    <constant name="DIRC_rmax"              value="88.00*cm"/>
+    <!-- Mirror -->
+    <constant name="DIRCMirror_height"      value="20 * mm"/>
+    <constant name="DIRCMirror_width"       value="DIRCPrism_width"/>
+    <constant name="DIRCMirror_thickness"   value="1 * mm"/>
+    <!-- Lens -->
+    <constant name="DIRCLens_height"        value="DIRCPrism_long_edge"/>
+    <constant name="DIRCLens_width"         value="DIRCPrism_width"/>
+    <constant name="DIRCLens_thickness"     value="12 * mm"/>
+    <constant name="DIRCLens_r1"            value="33 * mm"/>
+    <constant name="DIRCLens_r2"            value="24 * mm"/>
+    <constant name="DIRCLens_shight"        value="25 * mm" comment="Is 'shight' from UK urban dictionary???"/>
+    <!-- FD (Foto detectors?) -->
+    <constant name="DIRCFd_height"          value="DIRCPrism_height"/>
+    <constant name="DIRCFd_width"           value="DIRCPrism_width"/>
+    <constant name="DIRCFd_thickness"       value="1*mm"/>
+    <!-- Bar - Each DIRC box consists of N "bars" -->
+    <!-- BarAssembly - Bars + Glue -->
+    <constant name="DIRCBarAssm_length"     value="DIRC_length - DIRCPrism_length - DIRCMirror_thickness - DIRCLens_thickness - DIRCFd_thickness" comment="Length of bars+glue assembly"/>
+    <constant name="DIRCBar_count"          value="11" comment="Number of bars per box"/>
+    <constant name="DIRCBar_gap"            value="0.15 * mm"/>
+    <constant name="DIRCBar_height"         value="17 * mm"/>
+    <constant name="DIRCBar_width"          value="(DIRCPrism_width - (DIRCBar_count - 1) * DIRCBar_gap) / DIRCBar_count"/>
+    <constant name="DIRCGlue_thickness"     value="0.05 * mm"/>
+    <constant name="DIRCBar_length"         value="(DIRCBarAssm_length-4*DIRCGlue_thickness)/4"/>
+    <!-- dirc outer volume -->
+    <comment>
+      RMax is calculated according to "rectangle inside ring" problem solution
+      https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/4222684/calculate-rectangle-inside-ring-parameters/4222691#4222691
+    </comment>
+    <constant name="DIRC_rmax"              value="sqrt( (DIRC_rmin+DIRCPrism_height)^2 + 0.25*(DIRCPrism_height)^2 )"/>
+  <materials>
+    <comment>
+      Only non optical material variants are here.
+      See optical_materials.xml for optical ones
+      -
+    </comment>
+    <material name="Epotek">
+      <D type="density" value="1.2" unit="g/cm3"/>
+      <composite n="5" ref="H"/>
+      <composite n="3" ref="C"/>
+      <composite n="2" ref="O"/>
+    </material>
+    <material name="Nlak33a">
+      <D type="density" value="4.220" unit="g/cm3"/>
+      <composite n="1" ref="Si"/>
+      <composite n="2" ref="O"/>
+    </material>
+  </materials>
@@ -31,31 +105,73 @@
+    <vis name="DIRCTube"   alpha="0.1" r="0"       g="0.6"     b="0.6"     visible="true"  showDaughters="true"   lineStyle="solid" drawingStyle="solid" />
+    <vis name="DIRCBox"    alpha="0.1" r="256/256" g="256/256" b="256/256" visible="true"  showDaughters="true"   lineStyle="solid" drawingStyle="solid" />
+    <vis name="DIRCLens1"  alpha="1"   r="3/256"   g="37/256"  b="76/256"  visible="true"  showDaughters="false"  lineStyle="solid" drawingStyle="solid" />
+    <vis name="DIRCLens2"  alpha="1"   r="17/256"  g="103/256" b="177/256" visible="true"  showDaughters="false"  lineStyle="solid" drawingStyle="solid" />
+    <vis name="DIRCLens3"  alpha="1"   r="0/256"   g="128/256" b="128/256" visible="true"  showDaughters="false"  lineStyle="solid" drawingStyle="solid" />
+    <vis name="DIRCBar"    alpha="1"   r="0/256"   g="128/256" b="128/256" visible="true"  showDaughters="false"  lineStyle="solid" drawingStyle="solid" />
+    <vis name="DIRCGlue"   alpha="1"   r="125/256" g="0/256"   b="128/256" visible="true"  showDaughters="false"  lineStyle="solid" drawingStyle="solid" />
+    <vis name="DIRCMirror" alpha="1"   r="0"       g="0"       b="1"       visible="true"  showDaughters="false"  lineStyle="solid" drawingStyle="solid" />
+    <vis name="DIRCPrism"  alpha="1"   r="212/256" g="175/256" b="55/256"  visible="true"  showDaughters="false"  lineStyle="solid" drawingStyle="solid" />
+    <vis name="DIRCFd"     alpha="1"   r="0.7"     g="0"       b="0"       visible="true"  showDaughters="false" />
-    <detector id="BarrelDIRC_ID" name="DIRC" type="DIRC" readout="DIRCHits" vis="AnlTeal">
-      <dimensions rmin="DIRC_rmin" rmax="DIRC_rmax" length="DIRC_length" radius="DIRC_rmin" dx="DIRCBars_DX" dy="DIRCBars_DY" number="DIRCNum" deltaphi="DIRCDPhi"/>
+    <detector id="BarrelDIRC_ID" name="cb_DIRC" type="cb_DIRC" readout="DIRCBarHits" vis="DIRCTube">
+      <dimensions rmin="DIRC_rmin" rmax="DIRC_rmax" length="DIRC_length" radius="DIRCRadius" dx="DIRCBars_DX" dy="DIRCBars_DY" number="DIRCNum" deltaphi="DIRCDPhi"/>
       <position x="0" y="0" z="DIRC_offset"/>
-      <module name="Module0"  R="DIRC_rmin" phi="0*DIRCDPhi"  />
-      <module name="Module1"  R="DIRC_rmin" phi="1*DIRCDPhi"  />
-      <module name="Module2"  R="DIRC_rmin" phi="2*DIRCDPhi"  />
-      <module name="Module3"  R="DIRC_rmin" phi="3*DIRCDPhi"  />
-      <module name="Module4"  R="DIRC_rmin" phi="4*DIRCDPhi"  />
-      <module name="Module5"  R="DIRC_rmin" phi="5*DIRCDPhi"  />
-      <module name="Module6"  R="DIRC_rmin" phi="6*DIRCDPhi"  />
-      <module name="Module7"  R="DIRC_rmin" phi="7*DIRCDPhi"  />
-      <module name="Module8"  R="DIRC_rmin" phi="8*DIRCDPhi"  />
-      <module name="Module9"  R="DIRC_rmin" phi="9*DIRCDPhi"  />
-      <module name="Module10" R="DIRC_rmin" phi="10*DIRCDPhi" />
-      <module name="Module11" R="DIRC_rmin" phi="11*DIRCDPhi" />
+      <rotation theta="DIRC_rotation"/>
+      <module name="DircBox" R="DIRCRadius" repeat="DIRCBox_count" width="DIRCPrism_width + 1*mm" height="DIRCPrism_height*2" length="DIRCBarAssm_length + 550*mm" vis="DIRCBox">
+        <!-- Mirror (at the end of the module) -->
+        <mirror
+          height="DIRCMirror_height"
+          width="DIRCMirror_width"
+          thickness="DIRCMirror_thickness"
+          material="Aluminum"
+          vis="DIRCMirror"
+        />
+        <!-- DIRC Bar -->
+        <!-- TODO parametrize as bar+glue assembly with layers -->
+        <bar
+          height="DIRCBar_height"
+          width="DIRCBar_width"
+          length="DIRCBar_length"
+          repeat="DIRCBar_count"
+          gap="DIRCBar_gap"
+          material="Quartz"
+          vis="DIRCBar"
+        />
+        <glue thickness="DIRCGlue_thickness" material="Epotek" vis="DIRCGlue"/>
+        <!-- lens -->
+        <lens
+          height="DIRCLens_height"
+          width="DIRCLens_width"
+          thickness="DIRCLens_thickness"
+          r1="DIRCLens_r1"
+          r2="DIRCLens_r2"
+        />
+        <prism/> <!-- TODO parametrize here -->
+        <fd
+          height="DIRCFd_height"
+          width="DIRCFd_width"
+          thickness="DIRCFd_thickness"
+          vis="DIRCFd"
+          material="Quartz"
+        />
+      </module>
-    <readout name="DIRCHits">
+    <readout name="DIRCBarHits">
       <segmentation type="CartesianGridXY" grid_size_x="3.0*mm" grid_size_y="3.0*mm" />
-      <id>system:8,barrel:3,module:12,x:32:-16,y:-16</id>
+      <id>system:8,module:8,section:8,bar:8,x:32:-16,y:-16</id>
diff --git a/compact/optical_materials.xml b/compact/optical_materials.xml
index 242add12e34e2c780f26c0a8c95f20615b4df127..66bd455a29f9abc461aefa46178c9e0fd8aad605 100644
--- a/compact/optical_materials.xml
+++ b/compact/optical_materials.xml
@@ -27,6 +27,317 @@
       4.0*eV 10.0*cm
       5.1*eV 10.0*cm
+    <matrix name="RINDEX__DIRCQuartz" coldim="2" values="
+      1.90745*eV   1.45653
+      1.93725*eV   1.45681
+      1.968*eV     1.4571
+      1.99974*eV   1.4574
+      2.03253*eV   1.45771
+      2.0664*eV    1.45804
+      2.10143*eV   1.45838
+      2.13766*eV   1.45873
+      2.17516*eV   1.45911
+      2.214*eV     1.4595
+      2.25426*eV   1.45991
+      2.296*eV     1.46034
+      2.33932*eV   1.4608
+      2.38431*eV   1.46128
+      2.43106*eV   1.46179
+      2.47968*eV   1.46233
+      2.53029*eV   1.4629
+      2.583*eV     1.4635
+      2.63796*eV   1.46415
+      2.69531*eV   1.46483
+      2.7552*eV    1.46557
+      2.81782*eV   1.46635
+      2.88335*eV   1.46719
+      2.952*eV     1.46809
+      3.024*eV     1.46907
+      3.0996*eV    1.47012
+      3.17908*eV   1.47125
+      3.26274*eV   1.47249
+      3.35092*eV   1.47383
+      3.44401*eV   1.47529
+      3.54241*eV   1.47689
+      3.64659*eV   1.47865
+      3.7571*eV    1.48059
+      3.87451*eV   1.48274
+      3.99949*eV   1.48513
+      4.13281*eV   1.48779
+      "/>
+    <matrix name="ABSLENGTH__DIRCQuartz" coldim="2" values="
+      1.90745*eV   2.33615e+06*mm
+      1.93725*eV   2.19567e+06*mm
+      1.968*eV     2.06162e+06*mm
+      1.99974*eV   1.93381e+06*mm
+      2.03253*eV   1.81203e+06*mm
+      2.0664*eV    1.6961e+06*mm
+      2.10143*eV   1.58582e+06*mm
+      2.13766*eV   1.48101e+06*mm
+      2.17516*eV   1.38148e+06*mm
+      2.214*eV     1.28706e+06*mm
+      2.25426*eV   1.19756e+06*mm
+      2.296*eV     1.11281e+06*mm
+      2.33932*eV   1.03264e+06*mm
+      2.38431*eV   956885*mm
+      2.43106*eV   885374*mm
+      2.47968*eV   817949*mm
+      2.53029*eV   754450*mm
+      2.583*eV     694722*mm
+      2.63796*eV   638613*mm
+      2.69531*eV   585973*mm
+      2.7552*eV    536656*mm
+      2.81782*eV   490520*mm
+      2.88335*eV   447425*mm
+      2.952*eV     407233*mm
+      3.024*eV     369813*mm
+      3.0996*eV    335032*mm
+      3.17908*eV   302764*mm
+      3.26274*eV   272886*mm
+      3.35092*eV   245275*mm
+      3.44401*eV   219814*mm
+      3.54241*eV   196390*mm
+      3.64659*eV   174889*mm
+      3.7571*eV    155204*mm
+      3.87451*eV   137229*mm
+      3.99949*eV   120863*mm
+      4.13281*eV   106006*mm
+      "/>
+    <matrix name="RINDEX__DIRCEpotek" coldim="2" values="
+      1.90745*eV   1.55403
+      1.93725*eV   1.55557
+      1.968*eV     1.55698
+      1.99974*eV   1.55827
+      2.03253*eV   1.55945
+      2.0664*eV    1.56056
+      2.10143*eV   1.5616
+      2.13766*eV   1.5626
+      2.17516*eV   1.56358
+      2.214*eV     1.56455
+      2.25426*eV   1.56553
+      2.296*eV     1.56654
+      2.33932*eV   1.5676
+      2.38431*eV   1.56872
+      2.43106*eV   1.56993
+      2.47968*eV   1.57125
+      2.53029*eV   1.57269
+      2.583*eV     1.57427
+      2.63796*eV   1.57601
+      2.69531*eV   1.57793
+      2.7552*eV    1.58005
+      2.81782*eV   1.58238
+      2.88335*eV   1.58495
+      2.952*eV     1.58777
+      3.024*eV     1.59086
+      3.0996*eV    1.59424
+      3.17908*eV   1.59793
+      3.26274*eV   1.60195
+      3.35092*eV   1.60631
+      3.44401*eV   1.61103
+      3.54241*eV   1.61614
+      3.64659*eV   1.62165
+      3.7571*eV    1.62758
+      3.87451*eV   1.63395
+      3.99949*eV   1.64077
+      4.13281*eV   1.64807
+      "/>
+    <matrix name="ABSLENGTH__DIRCEpotek" coldim="2" values="
+      1.90745*eV   2.33615e+06*mm
+      1.93725*eV   2.19567e+06*mm
+      1.968*eV     2.06162e+06*mm
+      1.99974*eV   1.93381e+06*mm
+      2.03253*eV   1.81203e+06*mm
+      2.0664*eV    1.6961e+06*mm
+      2.10143*eV   1.58582e+06*mm
+      2.13766*eV   1.48101e+06*mm
+      2.17516*eV   1.38148e+06*mm
+      2.214*eV     1.28706e+06*mm
+      2.25426*eV   1.19756e+06*mm
+      2.296*eV     1.11281e+06*mm
+      2.33932*eV   1.03264e+06*mm
+      2.38431*eV   956885*mm
+      2.43106*eV   885374*mm
+      2.47968*eV   817949*mm
+      2.53029*eV   754450*mm
+      2.583*eV     694722*mm
+      2.63796*eV   638613*mm
+      2.69531*eV   585973*mm
+      2.7552*eV    536656*mm
+      2.81782*eV   490520*mm
+      2.88335*eV   447425*mm
+      2.952*eV     407233*mm
+      3.024*eV     369813*mm
+      3.0996*eV    335032*mm
+      3.17908*eV   302764*mm
+      3.26274*eV   272886*mm
+      3.35092*eV   245275*mm
+      3.44401*eV   219814*mm
+      3.54241*eV   196390*mm
+      3.64659*eV   174889*mm
+      3.7571*eV    155204*mm
+      3.87451*eV   137229*mm
+      3.99949*eV   120863*mm
+      4.13281*eV   106006*mm
+      "/>
+    <matrix name="RINDEX__DIRCNlak33a" coldim="2" values="
+      1.0*eV       1.73816
+      1.2511*eV    1.73836
+      1.26386*eV   1.73858
+      1.27687*eV   1.73881
+      1.29016*eV   1.73904
+      1.30372*eV   1.73928
+      1.31758*eV   1.73952
+      1.33173*eV   1.73976
+      1.34619*eV   1.74001
+      1.36097*eV   1.74026
+      1.37607*eV   1.74052
+      1.39152*eV   1.74078
+      1.40731*eV   1.74105
+      1.42347*eV   1.74132
+      1.44*eV      1.7416
+      1.45692*eV   1.74189
+      1.47425*eV   1.74218
+      1.49199*eV   1.74249
+      1.51016*eV   1.74279
+      1.52878*eV   1.74311
+      1.54787*eV   1.74344
+      1.56744*eV   1.74378
+      1.58751*eV   1.74412
+      1.6081*eV    1.74448
+      1.62923*eV   1.74485
+      1.65092*eV   1.74522
+      1.6732*eV    1.74562
+      1.69609*eV   1.74602
+      1.71961*eV   1.74644
+      1.7438*eV    1.74687
+      1.76868*eV   1.74732
+      1.79427*eV   1.74779
+      1.82062*eV   1.74827
+      1.84775*eV   1.74878
+      1.87571*eV   1.7493
+      1.90452*eV   1.74985
+      1.93423*eV   1.75042
+      1.96488*eV   1.75101
+      1.99652*eV   1.75163
+      2.0292*eV    1.75228
+      2.06296*eV   1.75296
+      2.09787*eV   1.75368
+      2.13398*eV   1.75443
+      2.17135*eV   1.75521
+      2.21006*eV   1.75604
+      2.25017*eV   1.75692
+      2.29176*eV   1.75784
+      2.33492*eV   1.75882
+      2.37973*eV   1.75985
+      2.42631*eV   1.76095
+      2.47473*eV   1.76211
+      2.52514*eV   1.76335
+      2.57763*eV   1.76467
+      2.63236*eV   1.76608
+      2.68946*eV   1.76758
+      2.7491*eV    1.7692
+      2.81143*eV   1.77093
+      2.87666*eV   1.77279
+      2.94499*eV   1.7748
+      3.01665*eV   1.77698
+      3.09187*eV   1.77934
+      3.17095*eV   1.7819
+      3.25418*eV   1.7847
+      3.34189*eV   1.78775
+      3.43446*eV   1.79111
+      3.53231*eV   1.79481
+      3.6359*eV    1.79889
+      3.74575*eV   1.80343
+      3.86244*eV   1.8085
+      3.98663*eV   1.81419
+      4.11908*eV   1.82061
+      4.26062*eV   1.8279
+      4.41225*eV   1.83625
+      4.57506*eV   1.84589
+      4.75035*eV   1.85713
+      4.93961*eV   1.87039
+      "/>
+    <matrix name="ABSLENGTH__DIRCNlak33a" coldim="2" values="
+      1.0*eV       371813*mm
+      1.2511*eV    352095*mm
+      1.26386*eV   331021*mm
+      1.27687*eV   310814*mm
+      1.29016*eV   291458*mm
+      1.30372*eV   272937*mm
+      1.31758*eV   255238*mm
+      1.33173*eV   238342*mm
+      1.34619*eV   222234*mm
+      1.36097*eV   206897*mm
+      1.37607*eV   192313*mm
+      1.39152*eV   178463*mm
+      1.40731*eV   165331*mm
+      1.42347*eV   152896*mm
+      1.44*eV      141140*mm
+      1.45692*eV   130043*mm
+      1.47425*eV   119585*mm
+      1.49199*eV   109747*mm
+      1.51016*eV   100507*mm
+      1.52878*eV   91846.3*mm
+      1.54787*eV   83743.1*mm
+      1.56744*eV   76176.7*mm
+      1.58751*eV   69126.1*mm
+      1.6081*eV    62570.2*mm
+      1.62923*eV   56488.0*mm
+      1.65092*eV   50858.3*mm
+      1.6732*eV    45660.1*mm
+      1.69609*eV   40872.4*mm
+      1.71961*eV   36474.6*mm
+      1.7438*eV    32445.8*mm
+      1.76868*eV   28765.9*mm
+      1.79427*eV   25414.6*mm
+      1.82062*eV   22372.2*mm
+      1.84775*eV   19619.3*mm
+      1.87571*eV   17136.9*mm
+      1.90452*eV   14906.5*mm
+      1.93423*eV   12910.2*mm
+      1.96488*eV   11130.3*mm
+      1.99652*eV   9550.13*mm
+      2.0292*eV    8153.3*mm
+      2.06296*eV   6924.25*mm
+      2.09787*eV   5848.04*mm
+      2.13398*eV   4910.46*mm
+      2.17135*eV   4098.04*mm
+      2.21006*eV   3398.06*mm
+      2.25017*eV   2798.54*mm
+      2.29176*eV   2288.32*mm
+      2.33492*eV   1856.99*mm
+      2.37973*eV   1494.92*mm
+      2.42631*eV   1193.28*mm
+      2.47473*eV   943.973*mm
+      2.52514*eV   739.657*mm
+      2.57763*eV   573.715*mm
+      2.63236*eV   440.228*mm
+      2.68946*eV   333.94*mm
+      2.7491*eV    250.229*mm
+      2.81143*eV   185.064*mm
+      2.87666*eV   134.967*mm
+      2.94499*eV   96.9664*mm
+      3.01665*eV   68.5529*mm
+      3.09187*eV   47.6343*mm
+      3.17095*eV   32.4882*mm
+      3.25418*eV   21.7174*mm
+      3.34189*eV   14.2056*mm
+      3.43446*eV   9.07612*mm
+      3.53231*eV   5.65267*mm
+      3.6359*eV    3.4241*mm
+      3.74575*eV   2.01226*mm
+      3.86244*eV   1.14403*mm
+      3.98663*eV   0.62722*mm
+      4.11908*eV   0.330414*mm
+      4.26062*eV   0.166558*mm
+      4.41225*eV   0.0799649*mm
+      4.57506*eV   0.0363677*mm
+      4.75035*eV   0.0155708*mm
+      4.93961*eV   0.00623089*mm
+      "/>
     <matrix name= "REFLECTIVITY_mirror" coldim="2" values="
       1.0*eV  0.9
       4.0*eV  0.9
@@ -420,6 +731,37 @@
       <property name="ABSLENGTH" ref="ABSLENGTH__Acrylic_DRICH"/>
     <!-- END dRICh material definitions -->
+    <material name="QuartzOptical">
+      <D type="density" value="2.2" unit="g/cm3"/>
+      <composite n="1" ref="Si"/>
+      <composite n="2" ref="O"/>
+      <property name="RINDEX" ref="RINDEX__DIRCQuartz"/>
+      <property name="ABSLENGTH" ref="ABSLENGTH__DIRCQuartz"/>
+    </material>
+    <material name="EpotekOptical">
+      <D type="density" value="1.2" unit="g/cm3"/>
+      <composite n="5" ref="H"/>
+      <composite n="3" ref="C"/>
+      <composite n="2" ref="O"/>
+      <property name="RINDEX" ref="RINDEX__DIRCEpotek"/>
+      <property name="ABSLENGTH" ref="ABSLENGTH__DIRCEpotek"/>
+      <!-- G4Material *Epotek = new G4Material("Epotek", density = 1.2 * g / cm3, ncomponents = 3);
+      Epotek->AddElement(C, natoms = 3);
+      Epotek->AddElement(H, natoms = 5);
+      Epotek->AddElement(O, natoms = 2);-->
+    </material>
+    <material name="Nlak33aOptical">
+      <D type="density" value="4.220" unit="g/cm3"/>
+      <composite n="1" ref="Si"/>
+      <composite n="2" ref="O"/>
+      <property name="RINDEX" ref="RINDEX__DIRCNlak33a"/>
+      <property name="ABSLENGTH" ref="ABSLENGTH__DIRCNlak33a"/>
+      <!--
+        Nlak33aMaterial = new G4Material("Nlak33a", density = 4.220 * g / cm3, ncomponents = 2);
+        Nlak33aMaterial->AddElement(Si, natoms = 1);
+        Nlak33aMaterial->AddElement(O, natoms = 2);
+      -->
+    </material>
     <opticalsurface finish="polished" model="glisur" name="MirrorOpticalSurface" type="dielectric_metal" value="0">
diff --git a/compact/subsystem_views/dirc_only.xml b/compact/subsystem_views/dirc_only.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..68d88c247505a418938aab6fa296241140b65d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compact/subsystem_views/dirc_only.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+<lccdd xmlns:compact="http://www.lcsim.org/schemas/compact/1.0"
+       xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
+       xs:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://www.lcsim.org/schemas/compact/1.0/compact.xsd">
+       <debug>
+         <type name="surface"       value="1"/>
+         <type name="material"       value="1"/>
+         <type name="readout"       value="1"/>
+         <type name="segmentation"  value="1"/>
+         <type name="limits"        value="1"/>
+         <type name="region"        value="1"/>
+         <type name="includes"      value="1"/>
+       </debug>
+  <documentation level="-1">
+  # Athena Detector 
+  - https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/detectors/athena.git 
+  - https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/detectors/ip6.git
+  </documentation>
+  <!-- Some information about detector  -->
+  <info name="Athena Detector" title="Athena Detector"
+        author="Athena Collaboration"
+	url="https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/detectors/athena.git"
+	status="development"
+	version="v1 2021-03-16">
+  <comment> Athena </comment>
+  </info>
+  <define>
+  <documentation level="2">
+      ## Main Constant Definitions
+      The ip6 (or other ip) defines should be included first.
+      These files have only a define tags.
+  </documentation>
+    <include ref="ip6/ip6_defs.xml" /> 
+    <include ref="compact/definitions.xml" />
+  </define>
+  <includes>
+    <gdmlFile ref="compact/elements.xml"/>
+    <gdmlFile ref="compact/materials.xml"/>
+    <file     ref="compact/optical_materials.xml"/>
+  </includes>
+  <limits>
+    <limitset name="EICBeamlineLimits">
+      <limit name="step_length_max" particles="*" value="1.0" unit="mm" />
+      <limit name="track_length_max" particles="*" value="1.0" unit="mm" />
+      <limit name="time_max" particles="*" value="0.1" unit="ns" />
+      <limit name="ekin_min" particles="*" value="0.001" unit="MeV" />
+      <limit name="range_min" particles="*" value="0.1" unit="mm" />
+    </limitset>
+    <limitset name="cal_limits">
+      <limit name="step_length_max" particles="*" value="5.0" unit="mm"/>
+    </limitset>
+  </limits>
+  <display>
+  <include ref="compact/display.xml" />
+  </display>
+  <documentation level="0">
+    ## Detector Subsystems
+    ### IP Subsystems
+    The interaction point subsystems are included before the central detector subsystems.
+    This is becuase the IP subsystems, for exmaple the beampipe, will define paramters
+    which are subsquently used in the central detector construction -- e.g. the vertex tracker
+    uses the beampipe OD to help define its placement. 
+    The IP subsystems include the Far forward and backward regions. The list of subsystem includes:
+     - Interaction region beampipe 
+     - B0 tracker
+     - Off-momentum tracker
+     - Far forward roman pots
+     - Zero Degree Calorimeter
+     - Beam line magnets.
+     - and more...
+  </documentation>
+<!--  <include ref="ip6/forward_ion_beamline.xml"/>-->
+<!--  <include ref="ip6/beampipe.xml"/>-->
+  <detectors>
+<!--    <detector id="VertexBarrelSubAssembly_ID"-->
+<!--      name="VertexBarrelSubAssembly"-->
+<!--      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"-->
+<!--      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">-->
+<!--      <composite name="VertexBarrel" />-->
+<!--    </detector>-->
+<!--    <detector id="VertexEndcapSubAssembly_ID"-->
+<!--      name="VertexEndcapSubAssembly"-->
+<!--      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"-->
+<!--      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">-->
+<!--      <composite name="VertexEndcapN" />-->
+<!--      <composite name="VertexEndcapP" />-->
+<!--    </detector>-->
+<!--    <detector id="TrackerBarrelSubAssembly_Inner_ID"-->
+<!--      name="TrackerBarrelSubAssembly_Inner"-->
+<!--      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"-->
+<!--      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">-->
+<!--      <composite name="TrackerBarrel_Inner"/>-->
+<!--    </detector>-->
+<!--    <detector id="TrackerEndcapSubAssembly_Inner_ID"-->
+<!--      name="TrackerEndcapSubAssembly_Inner"-->
+<!--      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"-->
+<!--      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">-->
+<!--      <composite name="TrackerEndcapN_Inner"/>-->
+<!--      <composite name="TrackerEndcapP_Inner"/>-->
+<!--    </detector>-->
+<!--    <detector id="TrackerBarrelSubAssembly_Outer_ID"-->
+<!--      name="TrackerSubAssembly_Outer"-->
+<!--      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"-->
+<!--      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">-->
+<!--      <composite name="TrackerBarrel_Outer"/>-->
+<!--      <composite name="TrackerEndcapP_Outer"/>-->
+<!--      <composite name="TrackerEndcapN_Outer"/>-->
+<!--    </detector>-->
+<!--    <detector id="TOFSubAssembly_ID"-->
+<!--      name="TOFSubAssembly"-->
+<!--      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"-->
+<!--      vis="TOFSubAssemblyVis">-->
+<!--      <composite name="BarrelTOF"/>-->
+<!--      <composite name="ForwardTOF"/>-->
+<!--      <composite name="BackwardTOF"/>-->
+<!--    </detector>-->
+  </detectors>
+<!--  <include ref="compact/vertex_tracker.xml"/>-->
+<!--  <include ref="compact/central_tracker.xml"/>-->
+<!--  <include ref="compact/tof_barrel.xml"/>-->
+<!--  <include ref="compact/tof_endcap.xml"/>-->
+  <!--include ref="compact/rwell_tracker_barrel.xml"-->
+  <include ref="compact/dirc.xml"/>
+  <!-- When changing magnet, also select dimensions in definitions.xml. -->
+<!--  <include ref="compact/solenoid.xml"/>-->
+<!--  <include ref="compact/ci_ecal.xml"/>-->
+  <!--<include ref="compact/ci_ecal_shashlik.xml"/>-->
+  <!--<include ref="compact/ce_ecal.xml"/>-->
+<!--  <include ref="compact/ce_ecal_crystal_glass.xml"/>-->
+  <!-- <include ref="compact/ecal_barrel.xml"/> -->
+  <!-- <include ref="compact/ecal_barrel_hybrid.xml"/> -->
+<!--  <include ref="compact/ecal_barrel_interlayers.xml"/>-->
+<!--  <include ref="compact/hcal.xml"/>-->
+  <!--include ref="compact/ce_GEM.xml"/-->
+  <!--include ref="compact/gem_tracker_endcap.xml"/-->
+  <!--include ref="compact/mrich.xml"/-->
+<!--  <include ref="compact/forward_trd.xml"/>-->
+<!--  <include ref="compact/gaseous_rich.xml"/>-->
+<!--  <include ref="ip6/B0_tracker.xml"/>-->
+<!--  <include ref="ip6/far_forward_offM_tracker.xml"/>-->
+<!--  <include ref="ip6/far_forward_romanpots.xml"/>-->
+<!--  <include ref="ip6/far_forward_detectors.xml"/>-->
+  <!--
+  <include ref="compact/mm_tracker_barrel.xml"/>
+  <include ref="compact/cb_VTX_Barrel.xml"/>
+  -->
+  <readouts>
+  </readouts>
diff --git a/macro/dirc_vis.mac b/macro/dirc_vis.mac
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d68dcf39b5a56c55a08be6e4946f7135ce0d193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macro/dirc_vis.mac
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+# npsim --runType vis --compactFile athena.xml --random.seed 1 --enableGun --gun.energy 2*GeV --gun.thetaMin 90*deg --gun.thetaMax 90*deg --gun.distribution uniform --macro macro/dirc_vis.mac --outputFile dirc_vis.root
+# Use this open statement to create an OpenGL view:
+/vis/open OGL 600x600-0+0
+# Use this open statement to create a .prim file suitable for
+# viewing in DAWN:
+#/vis/open DAWNFILE
+# Use this open statement to create a .heprep file suitable for
+# viewing in HepRApp:
+#/vis/open HepRepFile
+# Use this open statement to create a .wrl file suitable for
+# viewing in a VRML viewer:
+#/vis/open VRML2FILE
+# Disable auto refresh and quieten vis messages whilst scene and
+# trajectories are established:
+/vis/viewer/set/autoRefresh false
+/vis/viewer/set/rotationStyle freeRotation
+/vis/verbose errors
+# Draw geometry:
+# Specify zoom value:
+/vis/viewer/zoom 1.4
+# Specify style (surface or wireframe):
+#/vis/viewer/set/style wireframe
+# /vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi -90. 0.
+# /vis/viewer/set/viewpointVector 0 1 0.00000001
+# /vis/viewer/set/upVector 1 0 0
+#/vis/viewer/set/viewpointVector -1 0 0.00000001
+#/vis/viewer/set/upVector 0 1 0
+# /vis/viewer/set/viewpointVector 0 1 0.00000001
+# /vis/viewer/set/upVector 0 -1 0
+#/vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi 30 30
+#/vis/viewer/set/projection orthogonal
+#/vis/viewer/zoomTo 4.5
+#/vis/viewer/set/targetPoint -110 20 -10 cm
+#/vis/viewer/set/background white
+# Draw coordinate axes:
+/vis/scene/add/axes 0 0 0 1 m
+# Draw smooth trajectories at end of event, showing trajectory points
+# as markers 2 pixels wide:
+/vis/scene/add/trajectories smooth
+#/vis/modeling/trajectories/drawByCharge-0/default/setDrawStepPts true
+#/vis/modeling/trajectories/drawByCharge-0/default/setStepPtsSize 2
+/vis/modeling/trajectories/drawByParticleID-0/set opticalphoton yellow
+/vis/modeling/trajectories/drawByParticleID-0/setRGBA opticalphoton 1 0.8 0 0.3
+/vis/modeling/trajectories/drawByParticleID-0/setRGBA e+ 1 0 1 1
+/vis/modeling/trajectories/drawByParticleID-0/default/setDrawStepPts true
+/vis/modeling/trajectories/drawByParticleID-0/default/setStepPtsSize 2
+# (if too many tracks cause core dump => /tracking/storeTrajectory 0)
+# Draw hits at end of event:
+# To draw only gammas:
+#/vis/filtering/trajectories/particleFilter-0/add gamma
+# To invert the above, drawing all particles except gammas,
+# keep the above two lines but also add:
+#/vis/filtering/trajectories/particleFilter-0/invert true
+# Many other options are available with /vis/modeling and /vis/filtering.
+# For example, to select colour by particle ID:
+#/vis/modeling/trajectories/drawByParticleID-0/set e- blue
+# To superimpose all of the events from a given run:
+/vis/scene/endOfEventAction accumulate
+# Re-establish auto refreshing and verbosity:
+/vis/viewer/set/autoRefresh true
+/vis/verbose warnings
+# For file-based drivers, use this to create an empty detector view:
+/vis/viewer/set/projection p 40 deg
+/vis/viewer/set/style s
+/vis/viewer/set/hiddenEdge true
+#/vis/viewer/set/background 1 1 1 0
+#/vis/viewer/set/background 0 0 0 0
+/vis/geometry/set/forceLineSegmentsPerCircle all 0 50
+# /vis/viewer/set/globalLineWidthScale 1.5
+# /vis/geometry/set/lineWidth all 0 1
+/vis/ogl/set/displayListLimit 500000
+# #mcp
+# /vis/viewer/set/viewpointVector -1 0 0.00000001
+# /vis/viewer/set/upVector 0 1
+# /vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi 9  41  deg
+# /vis/viewer/zoomTo 6
+# /vis/viewer/set/targetPoint 88.5358 -17.0546 18.8692 cm 
+# lens
+# /vis/viewer/zoomTo 20
+# /vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi 129.792  1.39204  deg
+# /vis/viewer/set/targetPoint 100 20 210 cm
+# # #lens side
+# /vis/viewer/set/viewpointVector 1.31839e-16 -1 -6.93889e-18
+# /vis/viewer/set/upVector 0 1 0
+# /vis/viewer/set/projection orthogonal
+# /vis/viewer/zoomTo 11
+# /vis/viewer/scaleTo 1 1 1
+# /vis/viewer/set/targetPoint 1.01299 -0.569503 2.15227 m  
+# side wedge
+# /vis/viewer/set/viewpointVector -5.20417e-17 1 -3.46945e-18
+# /vis/viewer/set/upVector 0 1 0
+# /vis/viewer/set/projection orthogonal
+# /vis/viewer/zoomTo 13.4
+# /vis/viewer/scaleTo 1 1 1
+# /vis/viewer/set/targetPoint 1.0404 -0.128502 2.17344 m
+# whole length
+# /vis/viewer/zoomTo 7.0883
+# /vis/viewer/set/targetPoint 1.11348 -0.128502 0.164898 m
+#/vis/ogl/export ev_1.png
+# draw field
+#/vis/scene/add/magneticField 10
+#/vis/sceneHandler/create VRML2FILE
+#/tracking/storeTrajectory 1
+#/vis/scene/endOfEventAction accumulate
+/gps/verbose 2
+/gps/particle pi-
+/gps/number 1
+#/gps/ene/type Gauss
+/gps/ene/mono  6.0 GeV
+#/gps/ene/sigma 3.0 GeV
+#/gps/pos/type Volume
+#/gps/pos/shape Cylinder
+#/gps/pos/centre 0.0 0.0 0.0 cm
+#/gps/pos/radius 0.01 cm
+#/gps/pos/halfz  10 cm
+/gps/position 0 0 0 cm
+#/gps/direction 1 0 0
+/gps/direction -1 0 0
+#/gps/ang/type iso
+#/gps/ang/mintheta  10 degree
+#/gps/ang/maxtheta  170 degree
+/vis/viewer/set/viewpointVector 0 -1 0
+/vis/viewer/set/upVector -1 0 0
+/vis/viewer/set/projection orthogonal
+/vis/viewer/zoomTo 6.8984
+/vis/viewer/scaleTo 1 1 1
+/vis/viewer/set/targetPoint -0.987804 0.579407 2.01758 m
+/run/beamOn 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/DIRC_geo.cpp b/src/DIRC_geo.cpp
index 160b022a9b37c3ed8b68d667cda1dcc68cdbcf17..03f4d9be0de116d71cb67c8f2fa57167b84e6cbc 100644
--- a/src/DIRC_geo.cpp
+++ b/src/DIRC_geo.cpp
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 #include "DDRec/DetectorData.h"
 #include "DDRec/Surface.h"
 #include <XML/Helper.h>
-#include "XML/Layering.h"
 // Central Barrel DIRC
@@ -12,60 +12,351 @@
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dd4hep;
+// Fixed Trap constructor. This function is a workaround of this bug:
+// https://github.com/AIDASoft/DD4hep/issues/850
+// Should be used instead of dd4hep::Trap(pName, pZ, pY, pX, pLTX) constructor
+dd4hep::Trap MakeTrap( const std::string& pName, double pZ, double pY, double pX, double pLTX );
 static Ref_t createDetector(Detector& desc, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector sens)
-  xml_det_t x_det   = e;
-  string    detName = x_det.nameStr();
-  int       detID   = x_det.id();
+  xml_det_t xml_det   = e;
+  string    det_name = xml_det.nameStr();
+  int       det_id   = xml_det.id();
+  // Main detector xml element
+  xml_dim_t dirc_dim   = xml_det.dimensions();
+  xml_dim_t dirc_pos   = xml_det.position();
+  xml_dim_t dirc_rot   = xml_det.rotation();
+  double    det_rin   = dirc_dim.rmin();
+  double    det_rout  = dirc_dim.rmax();
+  double    SizeZ = dirc_dim.length();
-  xml_dim_t dim   = x_det.dimensions();
-  xml_dim_t pos   = x_det.position();
-  double    RIn   = dim.rmin();
-  double    ROut  = dim.rmax();
-  double    SizeZ = dim.length();
+  // DEBUG
+  // double mirror_r1 = x_det.attr<double>(_Unicode(r1));
+  // DIRC box:
+  xml_comp_t xml_box_module = xml_det.child(_U(module));
   Material Vacuum = desc.material("Vacuum");
-  Material mat = desc.material("Quartz");
-  Tube     cb_DIRC_Barrel_GVol_Solid(RIn, ROut, SizeZ / 2.0, 0., 360.0 * deg);
-  Volume   detVol("cb_DIRC_GVol_Solid_Logic", cb_DIRC_Barrel_GVol_Solid, Vacuum);
-  detVol.setVisAttributes(desc.invisible());
-  DetElement   det(detName, detID);
-  Volume       motherVol = desc.pickMotherVolume(det);
-  Transform3D  tr(RotationZYX(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Position(0.0, 0.0, pos.z()));
-  PlacedVolume detPV = motherVol.placeVolume(detVol, tr);
-  detPV.addPhysVolID("system", detID);
-  detPV.addPhysVolID("barrel", 1);
-  det.setPlacement(detPV);
+  Material air = desc.material("AirOptical");
+  Material quartz = desc.material("Quartz");
+  Material epotek = desc.material("Epotek");
+  Material nlak33a = desc.material("Nlak33a");
+  auto& bar_material = quartz;
+  auto mirror_material = desc.material("Aluminum");  // mirror material
-  //////////////////
-  // DIRC Bars
-  //////////////////
+  Tube     det_geo(det_rin, det_rout, SizeZ / 2., 0., 360.0 * deg);
+  //Volume   det_volume("DIRC", det_geo, Vacuum);
+  Assembly   det_volume("DIRC");
+  det_volume.setVisAttributes(desc.visAttributes(xml_det.visStr()));
+  DetElement   det(det_name, det_id);
+  Volume       mother_vol = desc.pickMotherVolume(det);
+  Transform3D  tr(RotationZYX(0, dirc_rot.theta(), 0.0), Position(0.0, 0.0, dirc_pos.z()));
+  PlacedVolume det_plvol = mother_vol.placeVolume(det_volume, tr);
+  det_plvol.addPhysVolID("system", det_id);
+  det.setPlacement(det_plvol);
+  // Parts Dimentions
+  int fLensId = 6; // focusing system
+                   // 0    no lens
+                   // 1    spherical lens
+                   // 3    3-layer spherical lens
+                   // 6    3-layer cylindrical lens
+                   // 10   ideal lens (thickness = 0, ideal focusing)
+  int fGeomType = 0;  // Full DIRC - 0, 1 only one plate
+  int fRunType = 0;   // 0, 10 - simulation, 1, 5 - lookup table, 2,3,4 - reconstruction
+  double fPrizm[4];
+  fPrizm[0] = 360 * mm;
+  fPrizm[1] = 300 * mm;
+  fPrizm[3] = 50 * mm;
+  fPrizm[2] = fPrizm[3] + 300 * tan(32 * deg) * mm;
+  double fBarsGap = 0.15 * mm;
+  std::cout << "DIRC: fPrizm[2] " << fPrizm[2] << std::endl;
+  double fdTilt = 80 * deg;
+  double fPrizmT[6];
+  fPrizmT[0] = 390 * mm;
+  fPrizmT[1] = (400 - 290 * cos(fdTilt)) * mm; //
+  fPrizmT[2] = 290 * sin(fdTilt) * mm;       // hight
+  fPrizmT[3] = 50 * mm;                      // face
+  fPrizmT[4] = 290 * mm;
+  fPrizmT[5] = 290 * cos(fdTilt)* mm;
+  double fMirror[3];
+  fMirror[0] = 20 * mm;
+  fMirror[1] = fPrizm[0];
+  fMirror[2] = 1 * mm;
+  //  fPrizm[0] = 170; fPrizm[1] = 300; fPrizm[2] = 50+300*tan(45*deg); fPrizm[3] = 50;
+//  double fBar[3];
+//  fBar[0] = 17 * mm;
+//  fBar[1] = (fPrizm[0] - (fNBar - 1) * fBarsGap) / fNBar;
+//  fBar[2] = 1050 * mm; // 4200; //4200
+  double fMcpTotal[3];
+  double fMcpActive[3];
+  fMcpTotal[0] = fMcpTotal[1] = 53 + 4;
+  fMcpTotal[2] = 1*mm;
+  fMcpActive[0] = fMcpActive[1] = 53;
+  fMcpActive[2] = 1*mm;
-  double dR                = dim.radius();
-  double cb_DIRC_bars_DZ   = SizeZ; 
-  double cb_DIRC_bars_DY   = dim.dy();
-  double cb_DIRC_bars_DX   = dim.dx();
-  int    NUM               = dim.number();
-  double cb_DIRC_bars_DPhi = dim.deltaphi();
+  double fLens[4];
+  fLens[0] = fLens[1] = 40 * mm;
+  fLens[2] = 10 * mm;
+  double fRadius = (det_rin + det_rout)/2;
-  Material cb_DIRC_bars_Material = desc.material("Quartz");
+  double fBoxWidth = fPrizm[0];
+  double fFd[3];
+  fFd[0] = fBoxWidth;
+  fFd[1] = fPrizm[2];
+  fFd[2] = 1 * mm;
+  fLens[0] = fPrizm[3];
+  fLens[1] = fPrizm[0];
+  fLens[2] = 12 * mm;
+  // Getting box XML
+  const int fNBoxes = xml_box_module.repeat();
+  const double box_width = xml_box_module.width();
+  const double box_height = xml_box_module.height();
+  const double box_length = xml_box_module.length() + 550*mm;
+  // The DIRC
+  Assembly dirc_module("DIRCModule");
+  //Volume lDirc("lDirc", gDirc, air);
+  dirc_module.setVisAttributes(desc.visAttributes(xml_box_module.visStr()));
+  // FD... whatever F and D is
+  xml_comp_t xml_fd = xml_box_module.child(_Unicode(fd));
+  Box gFd("gFd", xml_fd.height()/2, xml_fd.width()/2, xml_fd.thickness()/2);
+  Volume lFd ("lFd", gFd, desc.material(xml_fd.materialStr()));
+  lFd.setVisAttributes(desc.visAttributes(xml_fd.visStr()));
+  //lFd.setSensitiveDetector(sens);
+  // The Bar
+  xml_comp_t xml_bar = xml_box_module.child(_Unicode(bar));
+  double bar_height = xml_bar.height();
+  double bar_width = xml_bar.width();
+  double bar_length = xml_bar.length();
+  Box gBar("gBar", bar_height/2, bar_width/2, bar_length/2);
+  Volume lBar("lBar", gBar, desc.material(xml_bar.materialStr()));
+  lBar.setVisAttributes(desc.visAttributes(xml_bar.visStr()));
+  // Glue
+  xml_comp_t xml_glue = xml_box_module.child(_Unicode(glue));
+  double glue_thickness = xml_glue.thickness();  // 0.05 * mm;
+  Box gGlue("gGlue", bar_height/2, bar_width/2, glue_thickness/2);
+  Volume lGlue("lGlue", gGlue, desc.material(xml_glue.materialStr()));
+  lGlue.setVisAttributes(desc.visAttributes(xml_glue.visStr()));
-  Box    cb_DIRC_bars_Solid(cb_DIRC_bars_DX / 2., cb_DIRC_bars_DY / 2., cb_DIRC_bars_DZ / 2.);
-  Volume cb_DIRC_bars_Logic("cb_DIRC_bars_Logix", cb_DIRC_bars_Solid, cb_DIRC_bars_Material);
-  cb_DIRC_bars_Logic.setVisAttributes(desc.visAttributes(x_det.visStr()));
-  cb_DIRC_bars_Logic.setSensitiveDetector(sens);
-  int count = 0;
-  for (xml_coll_t mod(x_det, _U(module)); mod; ++mod) {
-    xml_comp_t x_mod = mod;
-    Transform3D  tr(RotationZ(x_mod.phi()), Position(-x_mod.R() * cos(x_mod.phi()), -x_mod.R() * sin(x_mod.phi()), 0));
-    PlacedVolume barPV = detVol.placeVolume(cb_DIRC_bars_Logic, tr);
-    barPV.addPhysVolID("module", count++);
+  lBar.setSensitiveDetector(sens);
+  int bars_repeat_z = 4;    // TODO parametrize!
+  double bar_assm_length = (bar_length + glue_thickness) * bars_repeat_z;
+  int fNBar = xml_bar.repeat();
+  double bar_gap = xml_bar.gap();
+  for (int y_index = 0; y_index < fNBar; y_index++) {
+    double shift_y = y_index * (bar_width + bar_gap) - 0.5 * box_width + 0.5 * bar_width;
+    for (int z_index = 0; z_index < bars_repeat_z; z_index++) {
+      double z = -0.5 * bar_assm_length + 0.5 * bar_length + (bar_length + glue_thickness) * z_index;
+      auto placed_bar = dirc_module.placeVolume(lBar, Position(0, shift_y, z));
+      dirc_module.placeVolume(lGlue, Position(0, shift_y, z + 0.5 * (bar_length + glue_thickness)));
+      placed_bar.addPhysVolID("section", z_index);
+      placed_bar.addPhysVolID("bar", y_index);
+    }
+  // The Mirror
+  xml_comp_t xml_mirror = xml_box_module.child(_Unicode(mirror));
+  Box gMirror("gMirror", xml_mirror.height()/2, xml_mirror.width()/2, xml_mirror.thickness()/2);
+  Volume lMirror("lMirror", gMirror, desc.material(xml_mirror.materialStr()));
+  dirc_module.placeVolume(lMirror, Position(0, 0, -0.5 * (bar_assm_length - xml_mirror.thickness())));
+  lMirror.setVisAttributes(desc.visAttributes(xml_mirror.visStr()));
+  // The mirror optical surface
+  OpticalSurfaceManager surfMgr = desc.surfaceManager();
+  auto surf = surfMgr.opticalSurface("MirrorOpticalSurface");
+  SkinSurface skin(desc, det, Form("dirc_mirror_optical_surface"), surf, lMirror);
+  skin.isValid();
+  // LENS
+  // Lens volumes
+  Volume lLens1;
+  Volume lLens2;
+  Volume lLens3;
+  double lensMinThikness = 2.0 * mm;
+  double layer12 = lensMinThikness * 2;
+  // r1 = (r1==0)? 27.45: r1;
+  // r2 = (r2==0)? 20.02: r2;
+  double r1 = 33 * mm;
+  double r2 = 24 * mm;
+  double shight = 25 * mm;
+  Position zTrans1(0, 0, -r1 - fLens[2] / 2. + r1 - sqrt(r1 * r1 - shight / 2. * shight / 2.) + lensMinThikness);
+  Position zTrans2(0, 0, -r2 - fLens[2] / 2. + r2 - sqrt(r2 * r2 - shight / 2. * shight / 2.) + layer12);
+  Box gfbox("fbox", 0.5 * fLens[0], 0.5 * fLens[1], 0.5 * fLens[2]);
+  Box gcbox("cbox", 0.5 * fLens[0], 0.5 * fLens[1] + 1*mm, 0.5 * fLens[2]);
+//  Volume gfbox_volume("gfbox_volume", gfbox, bar_material);
+//  lDirc.placeVolume(gfbox_volume, Position(0, 0, 0));
+//  Volume gcbox_volume("gcbox_volume", gcbox, bar_material);
+//  lDirc.placeVolume(gcbox_volume, Position(0, 0, 50));
+  Position tTrans1(0.5 * (fLens[0] + shight), 0, -fLens[2] + layer12);
+  Position tTrans0(-0.5 * (fLens[0] + shight), 0, -fLens[2] + layer12);
+  SubtractionSolid tubox("tubox", gfbox, gcbox, tTrans1);
+  SubtractionSolid gubox("gubox", tubox, gcbox, tTrans0);
+//  Volume tubox_volume("tubox_volume", tubox, bar_material);
+//  lDirc.placeVolume(tubox_volume, Position(0, 0, 100));
+//  Volume gubox_volume("gubox_volume", gubox, bar_material);
+//  lDirc.placeVolume(gubox_volume, Position(0, 0, 150));
+  Tube gcylinder1("Cylinder1", 0, r1, 0.5 * fLens[1], 0 * deg, 360 * deg);
+  Tube gcylinder2("Cylinder2", 0, r2, 0.5 * fLens[1] - 0.5*mm, 0 * deg, 360 * deg);
+  Tube gcylinder1c("Cylinder1c", 0, r1, 0.5 * fLens[1] + 0.5*mm, 0 * deg, 360 * deg);
+  Tube gcylinder2c("Cylinder2c", 0, r2, 0.5 * fLens[1] + 0.5*mm, 0 * deg, 360 * deg);
+  RotationX xRot(-M_PI / 2.);
+  IntersectionSolid gLens1("Lens1", gubox, gcylinder1, Transform3D(xRot, zTrans1));
+  SubtractionSolid gLenst("temp", gubox, gcylinder1c, Transform3D(xRot, zTrans1));
+//  Volume gLens1_volume("gLens1_volume", gLens1, bar_material);
+//  lDirc.placeVolume(gLens1_volume, Position(0, 0, 200));
+//  Volume gLenst_volume("gLenst_volume", gLenst, bar_material);
+//  lDirc.placeVolume(gLenst_volume, Position(0, 0, 250));
+  IntersectionSolid gLens2("Lens2", gLenst, gcylinder2, Transform3D(xRot, zTrans2));
+  SubtractionSolid gLens3("Lens3", gLenst, gcylinder2c, Transform3D(xRot, zTrans2));
+  lLens1 = Volume("lLens1", gLens1, bar_material);
+  lLens2 = Volume("lLens2", gLens2, nlak33a);
+  lLens3 = Volume("lLens3", gLens3, bar_material);
+  lLens1.setVisAttributes(desc.visAttributes("DIRCLens1"));
+  lLens2.setVisAttributes(desc.visAttributes("DIRCLens2"));
+  lLens3.setVisAttributes(desc.visAttributes("DIRCLens3"));
+  double shifth = 0.5 * (bar_assm_length + fLens[2]);
+  // fmt::print("LENS HERE shifth={}\n", shifth);
+  lLens1.setVisAttributes(desc.visAttributes("AnlTeal"));
+  dirc_module.placeVolume(lLens1, Position(0, 0, shifth));
+  dirc_module.placeVolume(lLens2, Position(0, 0, shifth));
+  dirc_module.placeVolume(lLens3, Position(0, 0, shifth));
+  // The Prizm
+  Trap gPrizm = MakeTrap("gPrizm", fPrizm[0], fPrizm[1], fPrizm[2], fPrizm[3]);
+  Volume lPrizm("lPrizm", gPrizm, bar_material);
+  lPrizm.setVisAttributes(desc.visAttributes("DIRCPrism"));
+  //G4RotationMatrix *fdRot = new G4RotationMatrix();
+  //G4RotationMatrix *fdrot = new G4RotationMatrix();
+  double evshiftz = 0.5 * bar_assm_length + fPrizm[1] + fMcpActive[2] / 2. + fLens[2];
+  double evshiftx = -3*mm;
+  double prism_shift_x = (fPrizm[2] + fPrizm[3]) / 4. - 0.5 * fPrizm[3] + 1.5*mm;
+  double prism_shift_z = 0.5 * (bar_assm_length + fPrizm[1]) + fLens[2];
+  Position  fPrismShift(prism_shift_x, 0, prism_shift_z);
+  dirc_module.placeVolume(lPrizm, Transform3D(xRot, fPrismShift));
+  dirc_module.placeVolume(lFd, Position(0.5 * fFd[1] - 0.5 * fPrizm[3] - evshiftx, 0, evshiftz));
+  double dphi = 2 * M_PI / (double)fNBoxes;
+  for (int i = 0; i < fNBoxes; i++) {
+    double phi = dphi * i;
+    double dx = -fRadius * cos(phi);
+    double dy = -fRadius * sin(phi);
+    //G4RotationMatrix *tRot = new G4RotationMatrix();
+    Transform3D  tr(RotationZ(phi+M_PI), Position(dx, dy, 0));
+    PlacedVolume box_placement = det_volume.placeVolume(dirc_module, tr);
+    box_placement.addPhysVolID("module", i);
+    // fmt::print("placing dircbox # {} -tphi={:.0f} dx={:.0f}, dy={:.0f}\n", i, phi/deg, dx/cm, dy/cm);
+    //new G4PVPlacement(tRot, G4ThreeVector(dx, dy, 0), lDirc, "wDirc", lExpHall, false, i);
+  }
+  //////////////////
+  // DIRC Bars
+  //////////////////
+  // double bar_radius   = 83.65 * cm;
+  // double bar_length   = SizeZ;
+  // double bar_width    = 42. * cm;
+  // double bar_thicknes = 1.7 * cm;
+  // int    bar_count    = 2 * M_PI * bar_radius / bar_width;
+  // double bar_dphi     = 2 * 3.1415926 / bar_count;
+  // Material bar_material = desc.material("Quartz");
+  // Box    bar_geo(bar_thicknes / 2., bar_width / 2., bar_length / 2.);
+  // Volume bar_volume("cb_DIRC_bars_Logix", bar_geo, bar_material);
+  // bar_volume.setVisAttributes(desc.visAttributes(xml_det.visStr()));
+  // sens.setType("photoncounter");
+  // bar_volume.setSensitiveDetector(sens);
+  // for (int ia = 0; ia < bar_count; ia++) {
+  //   double phi = (ia * (bar_dphi));
+  //   double x   = -bar_radius * cos(phi);
+  //   double y   = -bar_radius * sin(phi);
+  //   Transform3D  tr(RotationZ(bar_dphi * ia), Position(x, y, 0));
+  //   PlacedVolume barPV = det_volume.placeVolume(bar_volume, tr);
+  //   barPV.addPhysVolID("module", ia);
+  // }
   return det;
+DECLARE_DETELEMENT(cb_DIRC, createDetector)
+dd4hep::Trap MakeTrap( const std::string& pName, double pZ, double pY, double pX, double pLTX )
+    // Fixed Trap constructor. This function is a workaround of this bug:
+    // https://github.com/AIDASoft/DD4hep/issues/850
+    // Should be used instead of dd4hep::Trap(pName, pZ, pY, pX, pLTX) constructor
+    double fDz  = 0.5*pZ;
+    double fTthetaCphi = 0;
+    double fTthetaSphi = 0;
+    double fDy1 = 0.5*pY;
+    double fDx1 = 0.5*pX;
+    double fDx2 = 0.5*pLTX;
+    double fTalpha1 = 0.5*(pLTX - pX)/pY;
+    double fDy2 = fDy1;
+    double fDx3 = fDx1;
+    double fDx4 = fDx2;
+    double fTalpha2 = fTalpha1;
+    return Trap(pName, fDz,  fTthetaCphi,  fTthetaSphi,
+                fDy1,  fDx1,  fDx2,  fTalpha1,
+                fDy2,  fDx3,  fDx4,  fTalpha2);