From 0fb63eacf8f584f8a7c6fab35589900b680f998d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christopher Dilks <>
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2021 19:49:08 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Resolve "Detailed Dual RICH implementation"

 athena.xml                    |   2 +-
 compact/definitions.xml       |   4 +-
 compact/display.xml           |   9 +
 compact/drich.xml             | 180 ++++++++++++++++
 compact/materials.xml         |  21 +-
 compact/optical_materials.xml | 383 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/DRich.cpp                 | 395 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 7 files changed, 989 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 compact/drich.xml
 create mode 100644 src/DRich.cpp

diff --git a/athena.xml b/athena.xml
index 89f8c620..8592b4af 100644
--- a/athena.xml
+++ b/athena.xml
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
   <!--include ref="compact/dirc.xml"/-->
   <!--include ref="compact/mrich.xml"/-->
   <include ref="compact/forward_trd.xml"/>
-  <include ref="compact/gaseous_rich.xml"/>
+  <include ref="compact/drich.xml"/>
   <documentation level="10">
   ## Central calorimetry
diff --git a/compact/definitions.xml b/compact/definitions.xml
index f44c6e99..dc7901d3 100644
--- a/compact/definitions.xml
+++ b/compact/definitions.xml
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ Examples:
       ### PID Detector Region Parameters
-    <constant name="ForwardRICH_length"       value="1.1*m"/>
+    <constant name="ForwardRICH_length"       value="180.0*cm"/>
     <constant name="ForwardTRD_length"        value="10.0*cm"/>
     <constant name="ForwardTOF_length"        value="3.0*cm"/>
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ Examples:
       Generic tracking space allocations
-    <constant name="ForwardTracking_length" value="0.0*cm"/>
+    <constant name="ForwardTracking_length" value="25.0*cm"/>
       `BackwardTracking_length` and `ForwardTracking_length` compensate for the asymmetry of the setup
diff --git a/compact/display.xml b/compact/display.xml
index d20038be..2aeb5571 100644
--- a/compact/display.xml
+++ b/compact/display.xml
@@ -77,6 +77,15 @@
     <vis name="ci_GEMVis"  r= "0.8"  g="0.4"  b="0.3" alpha="0.8" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
     <vis name="ci_HCALVis"  r= "0.6"  g="0"  b="0.6" alpha="1.0" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
+    <vis name="DRICH_vessel_vis"  alpha="1.0" r="1.0" g="1.0" b="1.0" showDaughters="true" visible="true" />
+    <vis name="DRICH_gas_vis"     alpha="1.0" r="1.0" g="0.0" b="0.0" showDaughters="true" visible="true" />
+    <vis name="DRICH_aerogel_vis" alpha="1.0" r="0.0" g="1.0" b="1.0" showDaughters="true" visible="true" />
+    <vis name="DRICH_filter_vis"  alpha="1.0" r="1.0" g="1.0" b="0.0" showDaughters="true" visible="true" />
+    <vis name="DRICH_mirror_vis"  alpha="1.0" r="0.5" g="0.5" b="0.5" showDaughters="true" visible="true" />
+    <vis name="DRICH_sensor_vis"  alpha="1.0" r="0.0" g="1.0" b="0.0" showDaughters="true" visible="true" />
+  </display>
       Deprecated colors.
     vis name="GreenVis"       alpha="1.0"  r= "0.0" g="1.0" b="0.0" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/
diff --git a/compact/drich.xml b/compact/drich.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6a700900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compact/drich.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+  <define>
+    <!-- TODO [low priority]: some of these, viz. radii, could be parameterized
+	 with respect to other variables; for now they are hard coded in case
+	 other detectors' parameters are changing -->
+    <!-- parameters for re-scaling fun4all design to ATHENA -->
+    <constant name="DRICH_scale"              value="0.963"/> <!-- overall scale factor from fun4all to ATHENA -->
+    <constant name="DRICH_f4a_length"         value="161.0*cm"/> <!-- z-length of fun4all design -->
+    <!-- vessel (=snout+tank) geometry -->
+    <constant name="DRICH_zmin"               value="BarrelTracking_length/2.0 + ForwardTracking_length "/> <!-- vessel front -->
+    <constant name="DRICH_Length"             value="ForwardRICH_length"/>  <!-- overall vessel length (including snout) -->
+    <constant name="DRICH_rmin0"              value="ForwardPID_rmin1"/>  <!-- bore radius at dRICh vessel frontplane -->
+    <constant name="DRICH_rmin1"              value="19.0*cm"/>  <!-- bore radius at dRICh vessel backplane -->
+    <constant name="DRICH_wall_thickness"     value="0.5*cm"/>  <!-- thickness of radial walls -->
+    <constant name="DRICH_window_thickness"   value="0.1*cm"/>  <!-- thickness of entrance and exit walls -->
+    <!-- snout geometry: cone with front radius rmax0 and back radius of rmax1 -->
+    <constant name="DRICH_SnoutLength"        value="50.0*cm"/>
+    <constant name="DRICH_rmax0"              value="110.0*cm"/>
+    <constant name="DRICH_rmax1"              value="125.0*cm"/>
+    <!-- tank geometry: cylinder, holding the majority of detector components -->
+    <constant name="DRICH_rmax2"              value="200*cm"/>  <!-- cylinder radius; 20 cm gap between dRICh and HCalBarrel -->
+    <!-- additional parameters -->
+    <constant name="DRICH_aerogel_thickness"  value="4.0*cm"/>  <!-- aerogel thickness -->
+  </define>
+  <detectors>
+    <detector
+      id="ForwardRICH_ID"
+      name="DRICH"
+      type="athena_DRICH"
+      readout="DRICHHits"
+      gas="C2F6_DRICH"
+      material="Aluminum"
+      vis_vessel="DRICH_vessel_vis"
+      vis_gas="DRICH_gas_vis"
+      >
+      <!-- envelope dimensions (see above)
+	   - `wall_thickness`: thickness of radial walls
+	   - `window_thickness`: thickness of entrance and exit disks
+	   -->
+      <dimensions
+        z0="DRICH_zmin"
+        length="DRICH_Length"
+        snout_length="DRICH_SnoutLength"
+        rmin0="DRICH_rmin0"
+        rmin1="DRICH_rmin1"
+        rmax0="DRICH_rmax0"
+        rmax1="DRICH_rmax1"
+        rmax2="DRICH_rmax2"
+        nsectors="6"
+        wall_thickness="DRICH_wall_thickness"
+        window_thickness="DRICH_window_thickness"
+        />
+      <!-- radiator defined in a wedge of azimuthal space
+           - `phiw` is phi width of wedge
+           - `thickness` defined separately for aerogel and filter
+           - `frontplane` is the front of the aerogel, w.r.t. front plane of vessel envelope
+           - `pitch` controls the angle of the radiator (0=vertical)
+           - filter is applied to backplane of aerogel
+           -->
+      <radiator
+        rmin="DRICH_rmin0 + DRICH_wall_thickness + 2.0*cm"
+        rmax="DRICH_rmax0 - DRICH_wall_thickness - 2.0*cm"
+        phiw="56*degree"
+        frontplane="DRICH_window_thickness + 0.5*DRICH_aerogel_thickness"
+        pitch="0*degree"
+        >
+        <aerogel
+          material="Aerogel_DRICH"
+          vis="DRICH_aerogel_vis"
+          thickness="DRICH_aerogel_thickness"
+          />
+        <filter
+          material="Acrylic_DRICH"
+          vis="DRICH_filter_vis"
+          thickness="0.3*mm"
+          />
+      </radiator>
+      <!-- spherical mirror is part of a sphere
+           - `rmin` and `rmax` provide polar angle boundaries
+           - `phiw` is the azimuthal width
+           - `radius` is the radius of the sphere
+           - `centerx` is the transverse position of the center 
+             of the sphere, for the sector on the +x axis
+           - the back of the mirror will pass through `backplane`
+           - set `debug` to 1 so draw reference sphere instead, view with y-clipping
+           -->
+      <mirror
+        material="Acrylic_DRICH"
+        surface="MirrorSurface_DRICH"
+        vis="DRICH_mirror_vis"
+        backplane="DRICH_Length-2.0*cm"
+        thickness="0.2*cm"
+        radius="290*DRICH_scale*cm"
+        centerx="145*DRICH_scale*cm"
+        rmin="DRICH_rmin1 + DRICH_wall_thickness + 0.0*cm"
+        rmax="DRICH_rmax2 - DRICH_wall_thickness - 2.0*cm"
+        phiw="54*degree"
+        debug="0"
+        />
+      <sensors>
+        <!-- geometry for a single square sensor
+             - based on Hamamatsu H13700 MAPMT 
+               (
+               - N.B. not ideal for a magnetic field, SiPM matrix would be better
+               - effective area: 48.5x48.5mm
+               - enclosure size: 52x52mm
+               - 16x16 channel matrix (see readout segmentation below)
+               - pixel size: 3x3mm
+             - `side` is the side length of the square
+             - `thickness` is the depth of the sensor
+             - `gap` provides room between the squares, to help
+               prevent them from overlapping
+             - the value of `side` will determine how many sensors there are,
+               since the sensor placement algorithm will try to place as many
+               as it can in the specified patch below
+             -->
+        <module
+          material="Silicon"
+          surface="SensorSurface_DRICH"
+          vis="DRICH_sensor_vis"
+          side="48*mm"
+          thickness="35*mm"
+          gap="0.5*(52-48)*mm + 2*mm"
+          />
+        <!-- sensors will be tiled on this sphere
+             - `center{x,y,z} is defined for sector on +x axis, defined w.r.t. snout frontplane,
+               and `radius` is the sphere radius; the first term of each of these comes from
+               the fun4all design
+             - these attributes were determined from a spherical fit to the
+               sensor placement in the fun4all port
+             - set `debug` to 1 so draw reference sphere instead, view with y-clipping
+             -->
+        <sphere
+          radius="159.76*DRICH_scale*cm"
+          centerx="144.91*DRICH_scale*cm"
+          centery="0*DRICH_scale*cm"
+          centerz="-197.25*DRICH_scale*cm + DRICH_Length - 0.5*DRICH_scale*DRICH_f4a_length"
+          debug="0"
+          />
+        <!-- sensors will be limited to a patch of the sphere
+             - `thetamin` and `thetamax` define pseudorapidity coverage
+             - `widthfactor` controls the azimuthal coverage, where lower=wider
+             - `taper` defines half the angle between the azimuthal boundaries
+             - the size of the sensor controls how many sensors are placed
+             -->
+        <sphericalpatch
+          thetamin="-10*degree"
+          thetamax="22*degree"
+          widthfactor="1.8"
+          taper="56*degree"
+          />
+      </sensors>
+    </detector>
+  </detectors>
+  <readouts>
+    <readout name="DRICHHits">
+      <segmentation type="CartesianGridXY" grid_size_x="3*mm" grid_size_y="3*mm"/>
+      <!-- cellID: 64bits
+           - bits 1-8:   dRICh ID
+           - bits 9-16:  sector number
+           - bits 17-32: photosensor number
+           - bits 33-48: x pixel (signed)
+           - bits 49-64: y pixel (signed)
+           -->
+      <id>system:8,sector:8,module:16,x:32:-16,y:-16</id>
+    </readout>
+  </readouts>
diff --git a/compact/materials.xml b/compact/materials.xml
index e305c5fa..a1ab3a2a 100644
--- a/compact/materials.xml
+++ b/compact/materials.xml
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
     <composite n="15" ref="C"/>
     <composite n="7" ref="O"/>
-  <material name="Quartz">
+  <material name="Quartz"> <!-- different density than `SiliconDioxide` -->
     <D type="density" value="2.2" unit="g/cm3"/>
     <composite n="1" ref="Si"/>
     <composite n="2" ref="O"/>
@@ -45,11 +45,16 @@
     <fraction n="0.998" ref="Fe"/>
     <fraction n=".002" ref="C"/>
-  <material name="SiliconOxide">
+  <material name="SiliconOxide"> <!-- different density than `SiliconDioxide` -->
     <D type="density" value="2.65" unit="g/cm3"/>
     <composite n="1" ref="Si"/>
     <composite n="2" ref="O"/>
+  <material name="SiliconDioxide"> <!-- density from `G4_SILICON_DIOXIDE` (NIST DB) -->
+    <D type="density" value="2.32" unit="g/cm3"/>
+    <composite n="1" ref="Si"/>
+    <composite n="2" ref="O"/>
+  </material>
   <material name="BoronOxide">
     <D type="density" value="2.46" unit="g/cm3"/>
     <composite n="2" ref="B"/>
@@ -258,6 +263,18 @@
     <D type="density" value="2.21" unit="g/cm3"/>
     <composite n="1" ref="C"/>
+  <material name="PolyvinylAcetate">
+    <D type="density" value="1.19" unit="g/cm3"/>
+    <composite n="4" ref="C"/>
+    <composite n="6" ref="H"/>
+    <composite n="2" ref="O"/>
+  </material>
+  <material name="Plexiglass">
+    <D type="density" value="1.19" unit="g/cm3"/>
+    <composite n="5" ref="C"/>
+    <composite n="8" ref="H"/>
+    <composite n="2" ref="O"/>
+  </material>
   <material name="StainlessSteel">
     <D type="density" value="8.3" unit="g / cm3"/>
     <fraction n="0.74" ref="Fe"/>
diff --git a/compact/optical_materials.xml b/compact/optical_materials.xml
index 75daac07..c510b815 100644
--- a/compact/optical_materials.xml
+++ b/compact/optical_materials.xml
@@ -47,6 +47,298 @@
       1240*eV/600   1.49
       1240*eV/400   1.49
+    <!-- BEGIN dRICh material properties
+         - dumped from fun4all implementation
+         - see
+         -->
+    <!-- dRICh gas -->
+    <matrix name="RINDEX__C2F6_DRICH" coldim="2" values="
+      1.7712*eV   1.00075
+      1.92389*eV  1.00075
+      2.10539*eV  1.00075
+      2.3247*eV   1.00075
+      2.59502*eV  1.00076
+      2.93647*eV  1.00076
+      3.38139*eV  1.00077
+      3.98521*eV  1.00078
+      4.85156*eV  1.0008
+      6.19921*eV  1.00084
+      "/>
+    <matrix name="ABSLENGTH__C2F6_DRICH" coldim="2" values="
+      1.7712*eV   1000*mm
+      1.92389*eV  1000*mm
+      2.10539*eV  1000*mm
+      2.3247*eV   1000*mm
+      2.59502*eV  1000*mm
+      2.93647*eV  1000*mm
+      3.38139*eV  1000*mm
+      3.98521*eV  1000*mm
+      4.85156*eV  1000*mm
+      6.19921*eV  1000*mm
+      "/>
+    <!-- dRICh aerogel -->
+    <matrix name="RINDEX__Aerogel_DRICH" coldim="2" values="
+      1.87855*eV  1.01638
+      1.96673*eV  1.01642
+      2.0549*eV   1.01647
+      2.14308*eV  1.01652
+      2.23126*eV  1.01657
+      2.31943*eV  1.01662
+      2.40761*eV  1.01667
+      2.49579*eV  1.01673
+      2.58396*eV  1.01679
+      2.67214*eV  1.01685
+      2.76032*eV  1.01691
+      2.84849*eV  1.01698
+      2.93667*eV  1.01705
+      3.02485*eV  1.01712
+      3.11302*eV  1.01719
+      3.2012*eV   1.01727
+      3.28938*eV  1.01734
+      3.37755*eV  1.01742
+      3.46573*eV  1.01751
+      3.55391*eV  1.01759
+      3.64208*eV  1.01768
+      3.73026*eV  1.01777
+      3.81844*eV  1.01787
+      3.90661*eV  1.01796
+      3.99479*eV  1.01806
+      4.08297*eV  1.01816
+      4.17114*eV  1.01827
+      4.25932*eV  1.01838
+      4.3475*eV   1.01849
+      4.43567*eV  1.0186
+      4.52385*eV  1.01872
+      4.61203*eV  1.01884
+      4.7002*eV   1.01897
+      4.78838*eV  1.01909
+      4.87656*eV  1.01922
+      4.96473*eV  1.01936
+      5.05291*eV  1.0195
+      5.14109*eV  1.01964
+      5.22927*eV  1.01979
+      5.31744*eV  1.01994
+      5.40562*eV  1.02009
+      5.4938*eV   1.02025
+      5.58197*eV  1.02041
+      5.67015*eV  1.02057
+      5.75833*eV  1.02074
+      5.8465*eV   1.02092
+      5.93468*eV  1.0211
+      6.02286*eV  1.02128
+      6.11103*eV  1.02147
+      6.19921*eV  1.02167
+      "/>
+    <matrix name="ABSLENGTH__Aerogel_DRICH" coldim="2" values="
+      1.87855*eV  154*mm
+      1.96673*eV  156.17*mm
+      2.0549*eV   158.154*mm
+      2.14308*eV  159.974*mm
+      2.23126*eV  161.651*mm
+      2.31943*eV  163.2*mm
+      2.40761*eV  164.636*mm
+      2.49579*eV  165.97*mm
+      2.58396*eV  167.213*mm
+      2.67214*eV  168.374*mm
+      2.76032*eV  169.461*mm
+      2.84849*eV  170.481*mm
+      2.93667*eV  171.439*mm
+      3.02485*eV  172.342*mm
+      3.11302*eV  173.193*mm
+      3.2012*eV   173.998*mm
+      3.28938*eV  174.759*mm
+      3.37755*eV  175.481*mm
+      3.46573*eV  176.165*mm
+      3.55391*eV  176.817*mm
+      3.64208*eV  162.708*mm
+      3.73026*eV  140.953*mm
+      3.81844*eV  122.516*mm
+      3.90661*eV  106.833*mm
+      3.99479*eV  93.4428*mm
+      4.08297*eV  81.9694*mm
+      4.17114*eV  72.1072*mm
+      4.25932*eV  63.6011*mm
+      4.3475*eV   56.2434*mm
+      4.43567*eV  49.8599*mm
+      4.52385*eV  44.3054*mm
+      4.61203*eV  39.4601*mm
+      4.7002*eV   35.2211*mm
+      4.78838*eV  31.5049*mm
+      4.87656*eV  28.2374*mm
+      4.96473*eV  25.359*mm
+      5.05291*eV  22.8166*mm
+      5.14109*eV  20.5674*mm
+      5.22927*eV  18.5724*mm
+      5.31744*eV  16.7992*mm
+      5.40562*eV  15.2205*mm
+      5.4938*eV   13.8125*mm
+      5.58197*eV  12.5541*mm
+      5.67015*eV  11.4277*mm
+      5.75833*eV  10.4166*mm
+      5.8465*eV   9.50928*mm
+      5.93468*eV  8.69176*mm
+      6.02286*eV  7.95608*mm
+      6.11103*eV  7.29168*mm
+      6.19921*eV  6.69064*mm
+      "/>
+    <matrix name="RAYLEIGH__Aerogel_DRICH" coldim="2" values="
+      1.87855*eV  309.218*mm
+      1.96673*eV  257.383*mm
+      2.0549*eV   215.968*mm
+      2.14308*eV  182.559*mm
+      2.23126*eV  155.367*mm
+      2.31943*eV  133.053*mm
+      2.40761*eV  114.606*mm
+      2.49579*eV  99.2482*mm
+      2.58396*eV  86.3795*mm
+      2.67214*eV  75.5291*mm
+      2.76032*eV  66.3313*mm
+      2.84849*eV  58.4918*mm
+      2.93667*eV  51.777*mm
+      3.02485*eV  45.998*mm
+      3.11302*eV  41.0045*mm
+      3.2012*eV   36.6696*mm
+      3.28938*eV  32.8931*mm
+      3.37755*eV  29.5904*mm
+      3.46573*eV  26.6917*mm
+      3.55391*eV  24.1402*mm
+      3.64208*eV  21.8856*mm
+      3.73026*eV  19.8884*mm
+      3.81844*eV  18.1144*mm
+      3.90661*eV  16.533*mm
+      3.99479*eV  15.1206*mm
+      4.08297*eV  13.856*mm
+      4.17114*eV  12.7208*mm
+      4.25932*eV  11.7005*mm
+      4.3475*eV   10.7791*mm
+      4.43567*eV  9.94752*mm
+      4.52385*eV  9.1938*mm
+      4.61203*eV  8.51136*mm
+      4.7002*eV   7.88964*mm
+      4.78838*eV  7.32468*mm
+      4.87656*eV  6.80988*mm
+      4.96473*eV  6.33864*mm
+      5.05291*eV  5.907*mm
+      5.14109*eV  5.51232*mm
+      5.22927*eV  5.14932*mm
+      5.31744*eV  4.81668*mm
+      5.40562*eV  4.51044*mm
+      5.4938*eV   4.22796*mm
+      5.58197*eV  3.9666*mm
+      5.67015*eV  3.72504*mm
+      5.75833*eV  3.50196*mm
+      5.8465*eV   3.29604*mm
+      5.93468*eV  3.10464*mm
+      6.02286*eV  2.92644*mm
+      6.11103*eV  2.76144*mm
+      6.19921*eV  2.607*mm
+      "/>
+    <!-- dRICh acrylic -->
+    <matrix name="RINDEX__Acrylic_DRICH" coldim="2" values="
+      4.13281*eV  1.5017
+      4.22099*eV  1.5017
+      4.30916*eV  1.5017
+      4.39734*eV  1.5017
+      4.48552*eV  1.5017
+      4.57369*eV  1.5017
+      4.66187*eV  1.5017
+      4.75005*eV  1.5017
+      4.83822*eV  1.5017
+      4.9264*eV   1.5017
+      5.01458*eV  1.5017
+      5.10275*eV  1.5017
+      5.19093*eV  1.5017
+      5.27911*eV  1.5017
+      5.36728*eV  1.5017
+      5.45546*eV  1.5017
+      5.54364*eV  1.5017
+      5.63181*eV  1.5017
+      5.71999*eV  1.5017
+      5.80817*eV  1.5017
+      5.89634*eV  1.5017
+      5.98452*eV  1.5017
+      6.0727*eV   1.5017
+      6.16087*eV  1.5017
+      6.24905*eV  1.5017
+      6.33723*eV  1.5017
+      6.4254*eV   1.5017
+      6.51358*eV  1.5017
+      6.60176*eV  1.5017
+      6.68993*eV  1.5017
+      6.77811*eV  1.5017
+      6.86629*eV  1.5017
+      6.95446*eV  1.5017
+      7.04264*eV  1.5017
+      7.13082*eV  1.5017
+      7.21899*eV  1.5017
+      7.30717*eV  1.5017
+      7.39535*eV  1.5017
+      7.48353*eV  1.5017
+      7.5717*eV   1.5017
+      7.65988*eV  1.5017
+      7.74806*eV  1.5017
+      7.83623*eV  1.5017
+      7.92441*eV  1.5017
+      8.01259*eV  1.5017
+      8.10076*eV  1.5017
+      8.18894*eV  1.5017
+      8.27712*eV  1.5017
+      8.36529*eV  1.5017
+      8.45347*eV  1.5017
+      "/>
+    <matrix name="ABSLENGTH__Acrylic_DRICH" coldim="2" values="
+      4.13281*eV  82.0704*mm
+      4.22099*eV  36.9138*mm
+      4.30916*eV  13.3325*mm
+      4.39734*eV  5.03627*mm
+      4.48552*eV  2.3393*mm
+      4.57369*eV  1.36177*mm
+      4.66187*eV  0.933192*mm
+      4.75005*eV  0.708268*mm
+      4.83822*eV  0.573082*mm
+      4.9264*eV   0.483641*mm
+      5.01458*eV  0.420282*mm
+      5.10275*eV  0.373102*mm
+      5.19093*eV  0.33662*mm
+      5.27911*eV  0.307572*mm
+      5.36728*eV  0.283902*mm
+      5.45546*eV  0.264235*mm
+      5.54364*eV  0.247641*mm
+      5.63181*eV  0.233453*mm
+      5.71999*eV  0.221177*mm
+      5.80817*eV  0.210456*mm
+      5.89634*eV  0.201012*mm
+      5.98452*eV  0.192627*mm
+      6.0727*eV   0.185134*mm
+      6.16087*eV  0.178399*mm
+      6.24905*eV  0.172309*mm
+      6.33723*eV  0.166779*mm
+      6.4254*eV   0.166779*mm
+      6.51358*eV  0.166779*mm
+      6.60176*eV  0.166779*mm
+      6.68993*eV  0.166779*mm
+      6.77811*eV  0.166779*mm
+      6.86629*eV  0.166779*mm
+      6.95446*eV  0.166779*mm
+      7.04264*eV  0.166779*mm
+      7.13082*eV  0.166779*mm
+      7.21899*eV  0.166779*mm
+      7.30717*eV  0.166779*mm
+      7.39535*eV  0.166779*mm
+      7.48353*eV  0.166779*mm
+      7.5717*eV   0.166779*mm
+      7.65988*eV  0.166779*mm
+      7.74806*eV  0.166779*mm
+      7.83623*eV  0.166779*mm
+      7.92441*eV  0.166779*mm
+      8.01259*eV  0.166779*mm
+      8.10076*eV  0.166779*mm
+      8.18894*eV  0.166779*mm
+      8.27712*eV  0.166779*mm
+      8.36529*eV  0.166779*mm
+      8.45347*eV  0.166779*mm
+      "/>
+    <!-- END dRICh optical properties -->
     <material name="AirOptical">
@@ -86,6 +378,32 @@
       <composite n="8" ref="H"/>
       <property name="RINDEX" ref="RINDEX__Acrylic"/>
+    <!-- BEGIN dRICh material definitions -->
+    <material name="C2F6_DRICH">
+      <D type="density" value="0.005734" unit="g/cm3"/>
+      <composite n="2" ref="C"/>
+      <composite n="6" ref="F"/>
+      <property name="RINDEX"    ref="RINDEX__C2F6_DRICH"/>
+      <property name="ABSLENGTH" ref="ABSLENGTH__C2F6_DRICH"/>
+    </material>
+    <material name="Aerogel_DRICH">
+      <D type="density" value="0.1" unit="g/cm3"/>
+      <comment> n_air = [dens(Si02)-dens(aerogel)] / [dens(Si02)-dens(Air) ] </comment>
+      <fraction n="    (2.32-0.1) / (2.32-0.0012)" ref="Air"/>
+      <fraction n="1 - (2.32-0.1) / (2.32-0.0012)" ref="SiliconDioxide"/>
+      <property name="RINDEX"    ref="RINDEX__Aerogel_DRICH"/>
+      <property name="ABSLENGTH" ref="ABSLENGTH__Aerogel_DRICH"/>
+      <property name="RAYLEIGH"  ref="RAYLEIGH__Aerogel_DRICH"/>
+    </material>
+    <material name="Acrylic_DRICH">
+      <D type="density" value="1.19" unit="g/cm3"/>
+      <comment> TO BE IMPROVED </comment>
+      <fraction n="0.99" ref="Plexiglass"/>
+      <fraction n="0.01" ref="PolyvinylAcetate"/>
+      <property name="RINDEX"    ref="RINDEX__Acrylic_DRICH"/>
+      <property name="ABSLENGTH" ref="ABSLENGTH__Acrylic_DRICH"/>
+    </material>
+    <!-- END dRICh material definitions -->
     <opticalsurface finish="polished" model="glisur" name="MirrorOpticalSurface" type="dielectric_metal" value="0">
@@ -131,5 +449,70 @@
+    <!-- BEGIN dRICh surface definitions -->
+    <opticalsurface name="MirrorSurface_DRICH" model="unified" finish="polishedfrontpainted" type="dielectric_dielectric">
+      <property name="REFLECTIVITY" coldim="2" values="
+        2.04358*eV  0.867812
+        2.0664*eV   0.865156
+        2.09046*eV  0.863906
+        2.14023*eV  0.86375
+        2.16601*eV  0.864062
+        2.20587*eV  0.864531
+        2.23327*eV  0.864375
+        2.26137*eV  0.865625
+        2.31972*eV  0.865313
+        2.35005*eV  0.865
+        2.38116*eV  0.864844
+        2.41313*eV  0.863828
+        2.44598*eV  0.863516
+        2.47968*eV  0.863125
+        2.53081*eV  0.862187
+        2.58354*eV  0.861719
+        2.6194*eV   0.861328
+        2.69589*eV  0.861016
+        2.73515*eV  0.861094
+        2.79685*eV  0.861602
+        2.86139*eV  0.862305
+        2.95271*eV  0.86375
+        3.04884*eV  0.865586
+        3.12665*eV  0.867383
+        3.2393*eV   0.870059
+        3.39218*eV  0.874199
+        3.52508*eV  0.878105
+        3.66893*eV  0.88252
+        3.82396*eV  0.887617
+        3.99949*eV  0.893721
+        4.13281*eV  0.898184
+        4.27679*eV  0.902744
+        4.48244*eV  0.907837
+        4.65057*eV  0.9102
+        4.89476*eV  0.909316
+        5.02774*eV  0.906174
+        5.16816*eV  0.900422
+        5.31437*eV  0.891521
+        5.63821*eV  0.859954
+        5.90401*eV  0.820831
+        6.19921*eV  0.762502
+        "/>
+    </opticalsurface>
+    <opticalsurface name="SensorSurface_DRICH" model="glisur" finish="polished" type="dielectric_metal">
+      <property name="EFFICIENCY" coldim="2" values="
+        1*eV  1
+        4*eV  1
+        7*eV  1
+        "/>
+      <property name="IMAGINARYRINDEX" coldim="2" values="
+        1*eV  1.69
+        4*eV  1.69
+        7*eV  1.69
+        "/>
+      <property name="REALRINDEX" coldim="2" values="
+        1*eV  1.92
+        4*eV  1.92
+        7*eV  1.92
+        "/>
+    </opticalsurface>
+    <!-- END dRICh surface definitions -->
diff --git a/src/DRich.cpp b/src/DRich.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d9ebd83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/DRich.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+//  dRICh: Dual Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector
+// Author: Christopher Dilks (Duke University)
+// - Design Adapted from Standalone Fun4all and GEMC implementations 
+//   [ Evaristo Cisbani, Cristiano Fanelli, Alessio Del Dotto, et al. ]
+#include <XML/Helper.h>
+#include "TMath.h"
+#include "TString.h"
+#include "GeometryHelpers.h"
+#include "Math/Point2D.h"
+#include "DDRec/Surface.h"
+#include "DDRec/DetectorData.h"
+#include "DD4hep/OpticalSurfaces.h"
+#include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Printout.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace dd4hep;
+using namespace dd4hep::rec;
+// create the detector
+static Ref_t createDetector(Detector& desc, xml::Handle_t handle, SensitiveDetector sens) {
+  xml::DetElement detElem = handle;
+  std::string detName = detElem.nameStr();
+  int detID =;
+  DetElement det(detName, detID);
+  xml::Component dims = detElem.dimensions();
+  OpticalSurfaceManager surfMgr = desc.surfaceManager();
+  // attributes -----------------------------------------------------------
+  // TODO [low priority]: some attributes have default values, some do not;
+  //                      make this more consistent
+  // - vessel
+  double vesselZ0 = dims.attr<double>(_Unicode(z0));
+  double vesselLength = dims.attr<double>(_Unicode(length));
+  double vesselRmin0 = dims.attr<double>(_Unicode(rmin0));
+  double vesselRmin1 = dims.attr<double>(_Unicode(rmin1));
+  double vesselRmax0 = dims.attr<double>(_Unicode(rmax0));
+  double vesselRmax1 = dims.attr<double>(_Unicode(rmax1));
+  double vesselRmax2 = dims.attr<double>(_Unicode(rmax2));
+  double snoutLength = dims.attr<double>(_Unicode(snout_length));
+  int nSectors = getAttrOrDefault<int>(dims, _Unicode(nsectors), 6);
+  double wallThickness = getAttrOrDefault<double>(dims, _Unicode(wall_thickness), 0.5*cm);
+  double windowThickness = getAttrOrDefault<double>(dims, _Unicode(window_thickness), 0.1*cm);
+  auto vesselMat = desc.material(getAttrOrDefault(detElem, _Unicode(material), "Aluminum"));
+  auto gasvolMat = desc.material(getAttrOrDefault(detElem, _Unicode(gas), "AirOptical"));
+  auto vesselVis = desc.visAttributes(detElem.attr<std::string>(_Unicode(vis_vessel)));
+  auto gasvolVis = desc.visAttributes(detElem.attr<std::string>(_Unicode(vis_gas)));
+  // - radiator (applies to aerogel and filter)
+  auto radiatorElem = detElem.child(_Unicode(radiator));
+  double radiatorRmin = getAttrOrDefault<double>(radiatorElem, _Unicode(rmin), 10.*cm);
+  double radiatorRmax = getAttrOrDefault<double>(radiatorElem, _Unicode(rmax), 80.*cm);
+  double radiatorPhiw = getAttrOrDefault<double>(radiatorElem, _Unicode(phiw), 2*M_PI/nSectors);
+  double radiatorPitch = getAttrOrDefault<double>(radiatorElem, _Unicode(pitch), 0.*degree);
+  double radiatorFrontplane = getAttrOrDefault<double>(radiatorElem, _Unicode(frontplane), 2.5*cm);
+  // - aerogel
+  auto aerogelElem = radiatorElem.child(_Unicode(aerogel));
+  auto aerogelMat = desc.material(aerogelElem.attr<std::string>(_Unicode(material)));
+  auto aerogelVis = desc.visAttributes(aerogelElem.attr<std::string>(_Unicode(vis)));
+  double aerogelThickness = getAttrOrDefault<double>(aerogelElem, _Unicode(thickness), 2.5*cm);
+  // - filter
+  auto filterElem = radiatorElem.child(_Unicode(filter));
+  auto filterMat = desc.material(filterElem.attr<std::string>(_Unicode(material)));
+  auto filterVis = desc.visAttributes(filterElem.attr<std::string>(_Unicode(vis)));
+  double filterThickness = getAttrOrDefault<double>(filterElem, _Unicode(thickness), 2.5*cm);
+  // - mirror
+  auto mirrorElem = detElem.child(_Unicode(mirror));
+  auto mirrorMat = desc.material(mirrorElem.attr<std::string>(_Unicode(material)));
+  auto mirrorVis = desc.visAttributes(mirrorElem.attr<std::string>(_Unicode(vis)));
+  auto mirrorSurf = surfMgr.opticalSurface(getAttrOrDefault(mirrorElem, _Unicode(surface), "MirrorOpticalSurface"));
+  double mirrorBackplane = getAttrOrDefault<double>(mirrorElem, _Unicode(backplane), 240.*cm);
+  double mirrorThickness = getAttrOrDefault<double>(mirrorElem, _Unicode(thickness), 2.*mm);
+  double mirrorRadius = getAttrOrDefault<double>(mirrorElem, _Unicode(radius), 190*cm);
+  double mirrorCenterX = getAttrOrDefault<double>(mirrorElem, _Unicode(centerx), 95*cm);
+  double mirrorRmin = getAttrOrDefault<double>(mirrorElem, _Unicode(rmin), 10.*cm);
+  double mirrorRmax = getAttrOrDefault<double>(mirrorElem, _Unicode(rmax), 150.*cm);
+  double mirrorPhiw = getAttrOrDefault<double>(mirrorElem, _Unicode(phiw), 2*M_PI/nSectors);
+  int mirrorDebug = getAttrOrDefault<int>(mirrorElem, _Unicode(debug), 0);
+  // - sensor module
+  auto sensorElem = detElem.child(_Unicode(sensors)).child(_Unicode(module));
+  auto sensorMat = desc.material(sensorElem.attr<std::string>(_Unicode(material)));
+  auto sensorVis = desc.visAttributes(sensorElem.attr<std::string>(_Unicode(vis)));
+  auto sensorSurf = surfMgr.opticalSurface(getAttrOrDefault(sensorElem, _Unicode(surface), "MirrorOpticalSurface"));
+  double sensorSide = sensorElem.attr<double>(_Unicode(side));
+  double sensorGap = sensorElem.attr<double>(_Unicode(gap));
+  double sensorThickness = sensorElem.attr<double>(_Unicode(thickness));
+  // - sensor sphere
+  auto sensorSphElem = detElem.child(_Unicode(sensors)).child(_Unicode(sphere));
+  double sensorSphRadius = sensorSphElem.attr<double>(_Unicode(radius));
+  double sensorSphCenterX = sensorSphElem.attr<double>(_Unicode(centerx));
+  double sensorSphCenterY = sensorSphElem.attr<double>(_Unicode(centery));
+  double sensorSphCenterZ = sensorSphElem.attr<double>(_Unicode(centerz));
+  int sensorSphDebug = getAttrOrDefault<int>(sensorSphElem, _Unicode(debug), 0);
+  // - sensor sphere patch cuts
+  auto sensorSphPatchElem = detElem.child(_Unicode(sensors)).child(_Unicode(sphericalpatch));
+  double sensorSphPatchThetaMin = sensorSphPatchElem.attr<double>(_Unicode(thetamin));
+  double sensorSphPatchThetaMax = sensorSphPatchElem.attr<double>(_Unicode(thetamax));
+  double sensorSphPatchWidthFactor = sensorSphPatchElem.attr<double>(_Unicode(widthfactor));
+  double sensorSphPatchTaper = sensorSphPatchElem.attr<double>(_Unicode(taper));
+  // BUILD VESSEL ====================================================================
+  /* - `vessel`: aluminum enclosure, the mother volume of the dRICh
+   * - `gasvol`: gas volume, which fills `vessel`; all other volumes defined below
+   *   are children of `gasvol`
+   * - the dRICh vessel geometry has two regions: the snout refers to the conic region 
+   *   in the front, housing the aerogel, while the tank refers to the cylindrical
+   *   region, housing the rest of the detector components
+   */
+  // snout solids
+  double boreDelta = vesselRmin1 - vesselRmin0;
+  Cone vesselSnout(
+      snoutLength/2.0,
+      vesselRmin0,
+      vesselRmax0,
+      vesselRmin0 + boreDelta * snoutLength / vesselLength,
+      vesselRmax1
+      );
+  Cone gasvolSnout(
+      /* note: `gasvolSnout` extends a bit into the tank, so it touches `gasvolTank`
+       * - the extension distance is equal to the tank `windowThickness`, so the
+       *   length of `gasvolSnout` == length of `vesselSnout`
+       * - the extension backplane radius is calculated using similar triangles
+       */
+      snoutLength/2.0,
+      vesselRmin0 + wallThickness,
+      vesselRmax0 - wallThickness,
+      vesselRmin0 + boreDelta * (snoutLength-windowThickness) / vesselLength + wallThickness,
+      vesselRmax1 - wallThickness + windowThickness * (vesselRmax1 - vesselRmax0) / snoutLength
+      );
+  // tank solids
+  Cone vesselTank(
+      (vesselLength - snoutLength)/2.0,
+      vesselSnout.rMin2(),
+      vesselRmax2,
+      vesselRmin1,
+      vesselRmax2
+      );
+  Cone gasvolTank(
+      (vesselLength - snoutLength)/2.0 - windowThickness,
+      gasvolSnout.rMin2(),
+      vesselRmax2 - wallThickness,
+      vesselRmin1 + wallThickness,
+      vesselRmax2 - wallThickness
+      );
+  // snout + tank solids
+  UnionSolid vesselSolid(
+      vesselTank,
+      vesselSnout,
+      Position(0., 0., -vesselLength/2.)
+      );
+  UnionSolid gasvolSolid(
+      gasvolTank,
+      gasvolSnout,
+      Position(0., 0., -vesselLength/2. + windowThickness)
+      );
+  // volumes
+  Volume vesselVol(detName, vesselSolid, vesselMat);
+  Volume gasvolVol(detName + "_gas", gasvolSolid, gasvolMat);
+  vesselVol.setVisAttributes(vesselVis);
+  gasvolVol.setVisAttributes(gasvolVis);
+  // reference position
+  auto snoutFront = Position(0., 0., -(vesselLength + snoutLength)/2.);
+  // sensitive detector type
+  sens.setType("photoncounter");
+  // SECTOR LOOP //////////////////////////////////
+  for(int isec=0; isec<nSectors; isec++) {
+    if(mirrorDebug*isec>0 || sensorSphDebug*isec>0) continue; // if debugging, draw only 1 sector
+    double sectorRotation = isec * 360/nSectors * degree; // sector rotation about z axis
+    // BUILD RADIATOR ====================================================================
+    // derived attributes
+    auto radiatorPos = Position(0., 0., radiatorFrontplane) + snoutFront;
+    // solid and volume: create aerogel and filter sectors
+    Tube aerogelSolid(radiatorRmin, radiatorRmax, aerogelThickness/2, -radiatorPhiw/2.0, radiatorPhiw/2.0);
+    Tube filterSolid( radiatorRmin, radiatorRmax, filterThickness/2,  -radiatorPhiw/2.0, radiatorPhiw/2.0);
+    Volume aerogelVol("aerogel_v", aerogelSolid, aerogelMat);
+    Volume filterVol( "filter_v",  filterSolid,  filterMat);
+    aerogelVol.setVisAttributes(aerogelVis);
+    filterVol.setVisAttributes(filterVis);
+    // placement
+    auto aerogelPV = gasvolVol.placeVolume(aerogelVol,
+	  RotationZ(sectorRotation) // rotate about beam axis to sector
+	* Translation3D(radiatorPos.x(), radiatorPos.y(), radiatorPos.z()) // re-center to snoutFront
+	* RotationY(radiatorPitch) // change polar angle to specified pitch
+	);
+    auto filterPV = gasvolVol.placeVolume(filterVol,
+  	  RotationZ(sectorRotation) // rotate about beam axis to sector
+	* Translation3D(radiatorPos.x(), radiatorPos.y(), radiatorPos.z()) // re-center to snoutFront
+	* RotationY(radiatorPitch) // change polar angle
+	* Translation3D(0., 0., (aerogelThickness+filterThickness)/2.) // move to aerogel backplane
+	);
+    // properties
+    // TODO [critical]: define skin properties for aerogel and filter
+    DetElement aerogelDE(det, Form("aerogel_de%d", isec), isec);
+    aerogelDE.setPlacement(aerogelPV);
+    //SkinSurface aerogelSkin(desc, aerogelDE, Form("mirror_optical_surface%d", isec), aerogelSurf, aerogelVol);
+    //aerogelSkin.isValid();
+    DetElement filterDE(det, Form("filter_de%d", isec), isec);
+    filterDE.setPlacement(filterPV);
+    //SkinSurface filterSkin(desc, filterDE, Form("mirror_optical_surface%d", isec), filterSurf, filterVol);
+    //filterSkin.isValid();
+    // BUILD MIRROR ====================================================================
+    // derived attributes
+    auto mirrorPos = Position(mirrorCenterX, 0., mirrorBackplane) + snoutFront;
+    double mirrorThetaRot = std::asin(mirrorCenterX/mirrorRadius);
+    double mirrorTheta1 = mirrorThetaRot - std::asin((mirrorCenterX-mirrorRmin)/mirrorRadius);
+    double mirrorTheta2 = mirrorThetaRot + std::asin((mirrorRmax-mirrorCenterX)/mirrorRadius);
+    // if debugging, draw full sphere
+    if(mirrorDebug>0) { mirrorTheta1=0; mirrorTheta2=M_PI; mirrorPhiw=2*M_PI; };
+    // solid and volume: create sphere at origin, with specified angular limits
+    Sphere mirrorSolid(
+	mirrorRadius-mirrorThickness,
+	mirrorRadius,
+	mirrorTheta1,
+	mirrorTheta2,
+	-mirrorPhiw/2.0,
+	mirrorPhiw/2.0
+	);
+    Volume mirrorVol("mirror_v", mirrorSolid, mirrorMat);
+    mirrorVol.setVisAttributes(mirrorVis);
+    // placement (note: transformations are in reverse order)
+    auto mirrorPV = gasvolVol.placeVolume(mirrorVol,
+	  RotationZ(sectorRotation) // rotate about beam axis to sector
+	* Translation3D(0,0,-mirrorRadius) // move longitudinally so it intersects snoutFront
+	* Translation3D(mirrorPos.x(), mirrorPos.y(), mirrorPos.z()) // re-center to snoutFront
+	* RotationY(-mirrorThetaRot) // rotate about origin
+	);
+    // properties
+    DetElement mirrorDE(det, Form("mirror_de%d", isec), isec);
+    mirrorDE.setPlacement(mirrorPV);
+    SkinSurface mirrorSkin(desc, mirrorDE, Form("mirror_optical_surface%d", isec), mirrorSurf, mirrorVol);
+    mirrorSkin.isValid();
+    // BUILD SENSORS ====================================================================
+    // if debugging sphere properties, restrict number of sensors drawn
+    if(sensorSphDebug>0) { sensorSide = 2*M_PI*sensorSphRadius / 64; };
+    // solid and volume: single sensor module
+    Box sensorSolid(sensorSide/2., sensorSide/2., sensorThickness/2.);
+    Volume sensorVol("sensor_v", sensorSolid, sensorMat);
+    sensorVol.setVisAttributes(sensorVis);
+    // sensitivity
+    sensorVol.setSensitiveDetector(sens);
+    // SENSOR MODULE LOOP ------------------------
+    /* ALGORITHM: generate sphere of positions
+     * - NOTE: there are two coordinate systems here:
+     *   - "global" the main ATHENA coordinate system
+     *   - "generator" (vars end in `Gen`) is a local coordinate system for
+     *     generating points on a sphere; it is related to the global system by
+     *     a rotation; we do this so the "patch" (subset of generated
+     *     positions) of sensors we choose to build is near the equator, where
+     *     point distribution is more uniform
+     * - PROCEDURE: loop over `thetaGen`, with subloop over `phiGen`, each divided evenly
+     *   - the number of points to generate depends how many sensors (+`sensorGap`)
+     *     can fit within each ring of constant `thetaGen` or `phiGen`
+     *   - we divide the relevant circumference by the sensor
+     *     size(+`sensorGap`), and this number is allowed to be a fraction,
+     *     because likely we don't care about generating a full sphere and
+     *     don't mind a "seam" at the overlap point
+     *   - if we pick a patch of the sphere near the equator, and not near
+     *     the poles or seam, the sensor distribution will appear uniform
+     */
+    // initialize module number for this sector
+    int imod=1; 
+    // thetaGen loop: iterate less than "0.5 circumference / sensor size" times
+    double nTheta = M_PI*sensorSphRadius / (sensorSide+sensorGap); 
+    for(int t=0; t<(int)(nTheta+0.5); t++) {
+      double thetaGen = t/((double)nTheta) * M_PI;
+      // phiGen loop: iterate less than "circumference at this latitude / sensor size" times
+      double nPhi = 2*M_PI * sensorSphRadius * std::sin(thetaGen) / (sensorSide+sensorGap); 
+      for(int p=0; p<(int)(nPhi+0.5); p++) { 
+        double phiGen = p/((double)nPhi) * 2*M_PI - M_PI; // shift to [-pi,pi]
+        // determine global phi and theta
+        // - convert {radius,thetaGen,phiGen} -> {xGen,yGen,zGen}
+        double xGen = sensorSphRadius * std::sin(thetaGen) * std::cos(phiGen);
+        double yGen = sensorSphRadius * std::sin(thetaGen) * std::sin(phiGen);
+        double zGen = sensorSphRadius * std::cos(thetaGen);
+        // - convert {xGen,yGen,zGen} -> global {x,y,z} via rotation
+        double x = zGen;
+        double y = xGen;
+        double z = yGen;
+        // - convert global {x,y,z} -> global {phi,theta}
+        double phi = std::atan2(y,x);
+        double theta = std::acos(z/sensorSphRadius);
+        // cut spherical patch
+        // TODO [low priority]: instead of cutting a patch with complicated parameters,
+        //                      can we use something simpler such as Union or
+        //                      Intersection of solids?
+        // - applied on global coordinates
+        // - theta cuts are signed, since we will offset the patch along +x;
+        //   from the offset position, toward barrel is positive, toward beam is negative
+        double thetaSigned = (x<0?-1:1) * theta;
+        // - position of yz planes, associated to theta cuts
+        double xmin = sensorSphRadius * std::sin(sensorSphPatchThetaMin/2);
+        double xmax = sensorSphRadius * std::sin(sensorSphPatchThetaMax/2);
+        // - we want a phi wedge, but offset from the origin to allow more width, so
+        //   define phiCheck to account for the offset; the amount of the offset,
+        //   and hence the width, is controlled by `sensorSphPatchWidthFactor`
+        double phiCheck = std::atan2(y,(x+sensorSphCenterX)/sensorSphPatchWidthFactor);
+        // - apply cuts (only if not debugging)
+	// - NOTE: use `x<xmax` for straight cuts, or `theta<sensorSphPatchThetaMax` for
+	//   rounded cuts (which allows for more sensors)
+        if( ( std::fabs(phiCheck)<sensorSphPatchTaper && x>xmin && theta<sensorSphPatchThetaMax && z>0 )
+            || sensorSphDebug>0
+        ) {
+          // placement (note: transformations are in reverse order)
+          // - transformations operate on global coordinates; the corresponding
+          //   generator coordinates are provided in the comments
+          auto sensorPV = gasvolVol.placeVolume(sensorVol,
+                RotationZ(sectorRotation) // rotate about beam axis to sector
+              * Translation3D(sensorSphCenterX, sensorSphCenterY, sensorSphCenterZ) // move sphere to specified center
+              * Translation3D(snoutFront.x(), snoutFront.y(), snoutFront.z()) // move sphere to reference position
+              * RotationX(phiGen) // rotate about `zGen`
+              * RotationZ(thetaGen) // rotate about `yGen`
+              * Translation3D(sensorSphRadius, 0., 0.) // push radially to spherical surface
+              * RotationY(M_PI/2) // rotate sensor to be compatible with generator coords
+              );
+          // properties
+          sensorPV.addPhysVolID("sector", isec).addPhysVolID("module", imod);
+          DetElement sensorDE(det, Form("sensor_de%d_%d", isec, imod), 10000*isec+imod);
+          sensorDE.setPlacement(sensorPV);
+          SkinSurface sensorSkin(desc, sensorDE, Form("sensor_optical_surface%d", isec), sensorSurf, sensorVol);
+          sensorSkin.isValid();
+          // increment sensor module number
+          imod++;
+        }; // end patch cuts
+      }; // end phiGen loop
+    }; // end thetaGen loop
+    // END SENSOR MODULE LOOP ------------------------
+  }; // END SECTOR LOOP //////////////////////////
+  // place gas volume
+  PlacedVolume gasvolPV = vesselVol.placeVolume(gasvolVol,Position(0, 0, 0));
+  DetElement gasvolDE(det, "gasvol_de", 0);
+  gasvolDE.setPlacement(gasvolPV);
+  // place mother volume (vessel)
+  Volume motherVol = desc.pickMotherVolume(det);
+  PlacedVolume vesselPV = motherVol.placeVolume(vesselVol,
+      Position(0, 0, vesselZ0) - snoutFront
+      );
+  vesselPV.addPhysVolID("system", detID);
+  det.setPlacement(vesselPV);
+  return det;
+// clang-format off
+DECLARE_DETELEMENT(athena_DRICH, createDetector)