diff --git a/src/BarrelTrackerWithFrame_geo.cpp b/src/BarrelTrackerWithFrame_geo.cpp
index 719692841f0cbd98eec577ceb73b01be30e2ce0e..99b860ed876349091ec39f1d908af66cc9ab05cd 100644
--- a/src/BarrelTrackerWithFrame_geo.cpp
+++ b/src/BarrelTrackerWithFrame_geo.cpp
@@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
-/** \addtogroup VertexTracker Vertex Trackers
- * \brief Type: **SiVertexBarrel**.
+/** \addtogroup Trackers Trackers
+ * \brief Type: **BarrelTrackerWithFrame**.
  * \author W. Armstrong
  * \ingroup trackers
- *
- * \code
- * \endcode
- *
  * @{
 #include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
@@ -34,7 +30,10 @@ using namespace dd4hep::detail;
  * - Optional "frame" tag within the module element.
  * - Optional "support" tag within the detector element.
+ * \ingroup trackers
+ * \code
+ * \endcode
 static Ref_t create_BarrelTrackerWithFrame(Detector& description, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector sens) {
   typedef vector<PlacedVolume> Placements;
@@ -43,16 +42,15 @@ static Ref_t create_BarrelTrackerWithFrame(Detector& description, xml_h e, Sensi
   int                          det_id   = x_det.id();
   string                       det_name = x_det.nameStr();
   DetElement                   sdet(det_name, det_id);
-  //Assembly                     assembly(det_name);
-  map<string, Volume>          volumes;
-  map<string, Placements>      sensitives;
-  map<string, std::vector<VolPlane>>        volplane_surfaces;
-  //map<string, xml_h>      xmleles;
-  PlacedVolume                 pv;
-  dd4hep::xml::Dimension dimensions(x_det.dimensions());
+  map<string, Volume>                volumes;
+  map<string, Placements>            sensitives;
+  map<string, std::vector<VolPlane>> volplane_surfaces;
   map<string, std::array<double, 2>> module_thicknesses;
+  PlacedVolume           pv;
+  dd4hep::xml::Dimension dimensions(x_det.dimensions());
   Acts::ActsExtension* detWorldExt = new Acts::ActsExtension();
   detWorldExt->addType("barrel", "detector");
@@ -169,29 +167,26 @@ static Ref_t create_BarrelTrackerWithFrame(Detector& description, xml_h e, Sensi
         module_thicknesses[m_nam] = {thickness_so_far + x_comp.thickness()/2.0, total_thickness-thickness_so_far - x_comp.thickness()/2.0};
+        // -------- create a measurement plane for the tracking surface attched to the sensitive volume -----
+        Vector3D u(0., 1., 0.);
+        Vector3D v(0., 0., 1.);
+        Vector3D n(1., 0., 0.);
+        //    Vector3D o( 0. , 0. , 0. ) ;
-          // -------- create a measurement plane for the tracking surface attched to the sensitive volume -----
-          Vector3D u( 0. , 1. , 0. ) ;
-          Vector3D v( 0. , 0. , 1. ) ;
-          Vector3D n( 1. , 0. , 0. ) ;
-          //    Vector3D o( 0. , 0. , 0. ) ;
-          // compute the inner and outer thicknesses that need to be assigned to the tracking surface
-          // depending on wether the support is above or below the sensor
-          double inner_thickness = module_thicknesses[m_nam][0];
-          double outer_thickness = module_thicknesses[m_nam][1];
-          SurfaceType type( SurfaceType::Sensitive ) ;
+        // compute the inner and outer thicknesses that need to be assigned to the tracking surface
+        // depending on wether the support is above or below the sensor
+        double inner_thickness = module_thicknesses[m_nam][0];
+        double outer_thickness = module_thicknesses[m_nam][1];
-          //if( isStripDetector )
-          //  type.setProperty( SurfaceType::Measurement1D , true ) ;
+        SurfaceType type(SurfaceType::Sensitive);
-          VolPlane surf( c_vol , type , inner_thickness , outer_thickness , u,v,n ) ; //,o ) ;
-          volplane_surfaces[m_nam].push_back(surf);
-    //--------------------------------------------
+        // if( isStripDetector )
+        //  type.setProperty( SurfaceType::Measurement1D , true ) ;
+        VolPlane surf(c_vol, type, inner_thickness, outer_thickness, u, v, n); //,o ) ;
+        volplane_surfaces[m_nam].push_back(surf);
+        //--------------------------------------------
       thickness_sum += x_comp.thickness();
       thickness_so_far += x_comp.thickness();
@@ -274,9 +269,7 @@ static Ref_t create_BarrelTrackerWithFrame(Detector& description, xml_h e, Sensi
           //                      xml_det_t(xmleles[m_nam]).visStr());
-      volSurfaceList( comp_de )->push_back( volplane_surfaces[m_nam][ic] ) ;
+          volSurfaceList(comp_de)->push_back(volplane_surfaces[m_nam][ic]);
         /// Increase counters etc.
diff --git a/src/TrapEndcapTracker_geo.cpp b/src/TrapEndcapTracker_geo.cpp
index 56fe7d11cf9e18d72f4e2a68b56191a1d41c19f4..b20e6d161b7209bfe8313e949bfde636e2740be5 100644
--- a/src/TrapEndcapTracker_geo.cpp
+++ b/src/TrapEndcapTracker_geo.cpp
@@ -1,14 +1,29 @@
+/** \addtogroup Trackers Trackers
+ * \brief Type: **BarrelTrackerWithFrame**.
+ * \author W. Armstrong
+ *
+ * \ingroup trackers
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
 #include <map>
 #include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Printout.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Shapes.h"
+#include "DDRec/Surface.h"
+#include "DDRec/DetectorData.h"
+#include "XML/Utilities.h"
+#include "XML/Layering.h"
 #include "Acts/Plugins/DD4hep/ActsExtension.hpp"
 #include "Acts/Definitions/Units.hpp"
-#include "XML/Utilities.h"
 using namespace std;
 using namespace dd4hep;
+using namespace dd4hep::rec;
 using namespace dd4hep::detail;
-/*! Endcap Trapezoidal Tracker.
+/** Endcap Trapezoidal Tracker.
  * @author Whitney Armstrong
@@ -24,13 +39,14 @@ static Ref_t create_detector(Detector& description, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector s
   DetElement                   sdet(det_name, det_id);
   Assembly                     assembly(det_name);
   Material  air  = description.material("Air");
   // Volume      assembly    (det_name,Box(10000,10000,10000),vacuum);
   Volume                  motherVol = description.pickMotherVolume(sdet);
   int                     m_id = 0, c_id = 0, n_sensor = 0;
   map<string, Volume>     modules;
   map<string, Placements> sensitives;
+  map<string, std::vector<VolPlane>>        volplane_surfaces;
+  map<string, std::array<double, 2>> module_thicknesses;
   PlacedVolume            pv;
@@ -88,12 +104,15 @@ static Ref_t create_detector(Detector& description, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector s
     double     x1 = trd.x1();
     double     x2 = trd.x2();
     double     z  = trd.z();
-    double     y1, y2, total_thickness = 0.;
+    double     total_thickness = 0.;
     xml_coll_t ci(x_mod, _U(module_component));
     for (ci.reset(), total_thickness = 0.0; ci; ++ci)
       total_thickness += xml_comp_t(ci).thickness();
-    y1 = y2 = total_thickness / 2;
+    double     thickness_so_far = 0.0;
+    double     thickness_sum    = -total_thickness / 2.0;
+    double     y1               = total_thickness / 2;
+    double     y2               = total_thickness / 2;
     Trapezoid m_solid(x1, x2, y1, y2, z);
     Volume m_volume(m_nam, m_solid, vacuum);
@@ -142,6 +161,7 @@ static Ref_t create_detector(Detector& description, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector s
       pv = m_volume.placeVolume(c_vol, Position(0, posY + c_thick / 2, 0));
       if (c.isSensitive()) {
+        module_thicknesses[m_nam] = {thickness_so_far + c_thick/2.0, total_thickness-thickness_so_far - c_thick/2.0};
         //std::cout << " adding sensitive volume" << c_name << "\n";
         sdet.check(n_sensor > 2, "SiTrackerEndcap2::fromCompact: " + c_name + " Max of 2 modules allowed!");
         pv.addPhysVolID("sensor", n_sensor);
@@ -149,8 +169,30 @@ static Ref_t create_detector(Detector& description, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector s
+        // -------- create a measurement plane for the tracking surface attched to the sensitive volume -----
+        Vector3D u(1., 0., 0.);
+        Vector3D v(0., 1., 0.);
+        Vector3D n(0., 0., 1.);
+        // Vector3D o( 0. , 0. , 0. ) ;
+        // compute the inner and outer thicknesses that need to be assigned to the tracking surface
+        // depending on wether the support is above or below the sensor
+        double inner_thickness = module_thicknesses[m_nam][0];
+        double outer_thickness = module_thicknesses[m_nam][1];
+        SurfaceType type(SurfaceType::Sensitive);
+        // if( isStripDetector )
+        //  type.setProperty( SurfaceType::Measurement1D , true ) ;
+        VolPlane surf(c_vol, type, inner_thickness, outer_thickness, u, v, n); //,o ) ;
+        volplane_surfaces[m_nam].push_back(surf);
+        //--------------------------------------------
       posY += c_thick;
+      thickness_sum += c_thick;
+      thickness_so_far += c_thick;
     modules[m_nam] = m_volume;
@@ -229,6 +271,7 @@ static Ref_t create_detector(Detector& description, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector s
         //std::cout << " adding ACTS extension" << "\n";
             Acts::ActsExtension* moduleExtension = new Acts::ActsExtension("XZY");
+            volSurfaceList(comp_elt)->push_back(volplane_surfaces[m_nam][ic]);
         } else {
           pv = layer_vol.placeVolume(
@@ -243,6 +286,7 @@ static Ref_t create_detector(Detector& description, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector s
         //std::cout << " adding ACTS extension" << "\n";
             Acts::ActsExtension* moduleExtension = new Acts::ActsExtension("XZY");
+            volSurfaceList(comp_elt)->push_back(volplane_surfaces[m_nam][ic]);
         dz = -dz;
@@ -257,6 +301,7 @@ static Ref_t create_detector(Detector& description, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector s
   return sdet;
 // clang-format off
 DECLARE_DETELEMENT(athena_TrapEndcapTracker, create_detector)
 DECLARE_DETELEMENT(athena_GEMTrackerEndcap, create_detector)