diff --git a/benchmarks/tracking/central_electrons.sh b/benchmarks/tracking/central_electrons.sh
index 58fe7c131725c36dfd7acc330bebf356d945cdd7..32f01d01b81dccae818856592bc84326f03887a7 100644
--- a/benchmarks/tracking/central_electrons.sh
+++ b/benchmarks/tracking/central_electrons.sh
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ rootls -t ${JUGGLER_SIM_FILE}
 if [[ -z "${ANALYSIS_ONLY}" ]] ;
   # Need to figure out how to pass file name to juggler from the commandline
-  xenv -x ${JUGGLER_INSTALL_PREFIX}/Juggler.xenv gaudirun.py benchmarks/tracking/options/tracker_reconstruction.py
+  gaudirun.py benchmarks/tracking/options/tracker_reconstruction.py
   if [[ "$?" -ne "0" ]] ; then
     echo "ERROR running juggler"
     exit 1
diff --git a/benchmarks/tracking/config.yml b/benchmarks/tracking/config.yml
index 7c902906954cece084f0cb9b15658dd06135f844..a3305b4a9286170c877c4a5683db78707a43cd55 100644
--- a/benchmarks/tracking/config.yml
+++ b/benchmarks/tracking/config.yml
@@ -5,6 +5,13 @@ tracking_central_electrons:
     - bash benchmarks/tracking/central_electrons.sh
       #allow_failure: true
+  extends: .rec_benchmark
+  stage: run
+  timeout: 24 hours
+  script:
+    - bash benchmarks/tracking/multiple_tracks.sh
   extends: .rec_benchmark
@@ -28,16 +35,16 @@ tracking_truth_init_pions:
     - python benchmarks/tracking/run_tracking_benchmarks.py --options truth_seeded_tracking.py --nametag=truth_pion --particle=pion+ --etamin=-3 --etamax=3 -n 100
-  extends: .rec_benchmark
-  stage: run
-  timeout: 24 hours
-  script:
-    - python benchmarks/tracking/run_tracking_benchmarks.py --options imagingcluster_seeded_tracking.py --nametag=imclust_electron --particle=electron --etamin=-3 --etamax=3 -n 100
-  extends: .rec_benchmark
-  stage: run
-  timeout: 24 hours
-  script:
-    - python benchmarks/tracking/run_tracking_benchmarks.py --options imagingcluster_seeded_tracking.py --nametag=imclust_pion --particle=pion+ --etamin=-3 --etamax=3 -n 100
+      #tracking_imclust_init_electrons:
+      #  extends: .rec_benchmark
+      #  stage: run
+      #  timeout: 24 hours
+      #  script:
+      #    - python benchmarks/tracking/run_tracking_benchmarks.py --options imagingcluster_seeded_tracking.py --nametag=imclust_electron --particle=electron --etamin=-3 --etamax=3 -n 100
+      #
+      #tracking_imclust_init_pions:
+      #  extends: .rec_benchmark
+      #  stage: run
+      #  timeout: 24 hours
+      #  script:
+      #    - python benchmarks/tracking/run_tracking_benchmarks.py --options imagingcluster_seeded_tracking.py --nametag=imclust_pion --particle=pion+ --etamin=-3 --etamax=3 -n 100
diff --git a/benchmarks/tracking/multiple_tracks.sh b/benchmarks/tracking/multiple_tracks.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f048b43fa0785e62acc710de24e566b7fe86eea5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/tracking/multiple_tracks.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+function print_the_help {
+  echo "USAGE: ${0} [--rec-only]  "
+  echo "  OPTIONS: "
+  echo "            --rec-only   only run gaudi reconstruction part"
+  exit 
+while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]
+  key="$1"
+  case $key in
+    -h|--help)
+      shift # past argument
+      print_the_help
+      ;;
+    --rec-only)
+      REC_ONLY=1
+      shift # past value
+      ;;
+    --ana-only)
+      shift # past value
+      ;;
+    *)    # unknown option
+      #POSITIONAL+=("$1") # save it in an array for later
+      echo "unknown option $1"
+      print_the_help
+      shift # past argument
+      ;;
+  esac
+set -- "${POSITIONAL[@]}" # restore positional parameters
+## To run the reconstruction, we need the following global variables:
+## - JUGGLER_INSTALL_PREFIX:   Install prefix for Juggler (simu/recon)
+## - JUGGLER_DETECTOR:         the detector package we want to use for this benchmark
+## - JUGGLER_DETECTOR_VERSION: the detector package we want to use for this benchmark
+## - DETECTOR_PATH:            full path to the detector definitions
+## You can ready options/env.sh for more in-depth explanations of the variables
+## and how they can be controlled.
+if [[ ! -n  "${JUGGLER_N_EVENTS}" ]] ; then 
+  export JUGGLER_N_EVENTS=100
+export JUGGLER_N_EVENTS=$(expr ${JUGGLER_N_EVENTS} \* 1)
+export JUGGLER_FILE_NAME_TAG="multiple_tracks"
+if [[ -z "${REC_ONLY}" && -z "${ANALYSIS_ONLY}" ]] ;
+  ## generate the input events
+  root -b -q "benchmarks/tracking/scripts/gen_multiple_tracks.cxx(${JUGGLER_N_EVENTS}, \"${JUGGLER_FILE_NAME_TAG}.hepmc\")"
+  if [[ "$?" -ne "0" ]] ; then
+    echo "ERROR running script"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  echo "Running geant4 simulation"
+  ## run geant4 simulations
+  npsim --runType batch \
+    --part.minimalKineticEnergy 1000*GeV  \
+    -v WARNING \
+    --numberOfEvents ${JUGGLER_N_EVENTS} \
+    --compactFile ${DETECTOR_PATH}/${JUGGLER_DETECTOR}.xml \
+    --inputFiles  ${JUGGLER_FILE_NAME_TAG}.hepmc \
+    --outputFile  ${JUGGLER_SIM_FILE}
+  if [[ "$?" -ne "0" ]] ; then
+    echo "ERROR running script"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+rootls -t ${JUGGLER_SIM_FILE}
+if [[ -z "${ANALYSIS_ONLY}" ]] ;
+  # Need to figure out how to pass file name to juggler from the commandline
+  gaudirun.py benchmarks/tracking/options/tracker_reconstruction.py
+  if [[ "$?" -ne "0" ]] ; then
+    echo "ERROR running juggler"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+mkdir -p results/tracking
+root -b -q "benchmarks/tracking/scripts/rec_multiple_tracks.cxx(\"${JUGGLER_REC_FILE}\")"
+if [[ "$?" -ne "0" ]] ; then
+  echo "ERROR running root script"
+  exit 1
+#root -b -q "benchmarks/tracking/scripts/hits_central_electrons.cxx(\"${JUGGLER_SIM_FILE}\")"
+#if [[ "$?" -ne "0" ]] ; then
+#  echo "ERROR running root script"
+#  exit 1
+root_filesize=$(stat --format=%s "${JUGGLER_REC_FILE}")
+if [[ "${JUGGLER_N_EVENTS}" -lt "500" ]] ; then 
+  # file must be less than 10 MB to upload
+  if [[ "${root_filesize}" -lt "10000000" ]] ; then 
+    cp ${JUGGLER_REC_FILE} results/.
+  fi
diff --git a/benchmarks/tracking/scripts/gen_multiple_tracks.cxx b/benchmarks/tracking/scripts/gen_multiple_tracks.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f26840068ae6697d286e5f4c63f18e7d808798f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/tracking/scripts/gen_multiple_tracks.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#include "HepMC3/GenEvent.h"
+#include "HepMC3/ReaderAscii.h"
+#include "HepMC3/WriterAscii.h"
+#include "HepMC3/Print.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <TMath.h>
+using namespace HepMC3;
+/** Generate multiple electrons/positron tracks in the central region.
+ *  This is for testing detectors in the "barrel" region.
+ */
+void gen_multiple_tracks(int n_events = 100, 
+                         const char* out_fname = "multiple_tracks.hepmc",
+                         int n_parts = 2)
+  double cos_theta_min = std::cos( 10.0*(M_PI/180.0));
+  double cos_theta_max = std::cos(170.0*(M_PI/180.0));
+  WriterAscii hepmc_output(out_fname);
+  int events_parsed = 0;
+  GenEvent evt(Units::GEV, Units::MM);
+  // Random number generator
+  TRandom *r1 = new TRandom();
+  for (events_parsed = 0; events_parsed < n_events; events_parsed++) {
+    // FourVector(px,py,pz,e,pdgid,status)
+    // type 4 is beam
+    // pdgid 11 - electron
+    // pdgid 111 - pi0
+    // pdgid 2212 - proton
+    for (int ip = 0; ip < n_parts; ip++) {
+      GenParticlePtr p1 = std::make_shared<GenParticle>(FourVector(0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 10.0), 11, 4);
+      GenParticlePtr p2 = std::make_shared<GenParticle>(FourVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.938), 2212, 4);
+      // Define momentum
+      Double_t p     = r1->Uniform(1.0, 10.0);
+      Double_t phi   = r1->Uniform(0.0, 2.0 * M_PI);
+      Double_t costh = r1->Uniform(cos_theta_min, cos_theta_max);
+      Double_t th    = std::acos(costh);
+      Double_t px    = p * std::cos(phi) * std::sin(th);
+      Double_t py    = p * std::sin(phi) * std::sin(th);
+      Double_t pz    = p * std::cos(th);
+      // Generates random vectors, uniformly distributed over the surface of a
+      // sphere of given radius, in this case momentum.
+      // r1->Sphere(px, py, pz, p);
+      // std::cout << std::sqrt(px*px + py*py + pz*pz) - p << " is zero? \n";
+      // type 1 is final state
+      // pdgid 11 - electron 0.510 MeV/c^2
+      GenParticlePtr p3 = std::make_shared<GenParticle>(FourVector(px, py, pz, sqrt(p * p + (0.000511 * 0.000511))),
+                                                        ((ip % 2 == 0) ? 11 : -11), 1);
+      GenVertexPtr v1 = std::make_shared<GenVertex>();
+      v1->add_particle_in(p1);
+      v1->add_particle_in(p2);
+      v1->add_particle_out(p3);
+      evt.add_vertex(v1);
+    }
+    if (events_parsed == 0) {
+      std::cout << "First event: " << std::endl;
+      Print::listing(evt);
+    }
+    hepmc_output.write_event(evt);
+    if (events_parsed % 10000 == 0) {
+      std::cout << "Event: " << events_parsed << std::endl;
+    }
+    evt.clear();
+  }
+  hepmc_output.close();
+  std::cout << "Events parsed and written: " << events_parsed << std::endl;
diff --git a/benchmarks/tracking/scripts/rec_multiple_tracks.cxx b/benchmarks/tracking/scripts/rec_multiple_tracks.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9f0da77516241aefbf0fcb692248cd9934303b98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/tracking/scripts/rec_multiple_tracks.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+#include "ROOT/RDataFrame.hxx"
+#include "TCanvas.h"
+#include "TLegend.h"
+#include "TH1D.h"
+#include "TProfile.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include "dd4pod/Geant4ParticleCollection.h"
+#include "eicd/TrackParametersCollection.h"
+#include "eicd/ClusterCollection.h"
+#include "eicd/ClusterData.h"
+#include "eicd/TrackerHitCollection.h"
+using ROOT::RDataFrame;
+using namespace ROOT::VecOps;
+auto p_track = [](std::vector<eic::TrackParametersData> const& in) {
+  std::vector<double> result;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < in.size(); ++i) {
+    result.push_back(std::abs(1.0/(in[i].qOverP)));
+  }
+  return result;
+std::vector<float> pt (std::vector<dd4pod::Geant4ParticleData> const& in){
+  std::vector<float> result;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < in.size(); ++i) {
+    result.push_back(std::sqrt(in[i].psx * in[i].psx + in[i].psy * in[i].psy));
+  }
+  return result;
+auto momentum = [](std::vector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzMVector> const& in) {
+  std::vector<double> result;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < in.size(); ++i) {
+   result.push_back(in[i].P());
+  }
+  return result;
+auto theta = [](std::vector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzMVector> const& in) {
+  std::vector<double> result;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < in.size(); ++i) {
+   result.push_back(in[i].Theta()*180/M_PI);
+  }
+  return result;
+auto fourvec = [](ROOT::VecOps::RVec<dd4pod::Geant4ParticleData> const& in) {
+  std::vector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzMVector> result;
+  ROOT::Math::PxPyPzMVector lv;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < in.size(); ++i) {
+    lv.SetCoordinates(in[i].psx, in[i].psy, in[i].psz, in[i].mass);
+    result.push_back(lv);
+  }
+  return result;
+auto delta_p = [](const std::vector<double>& tracks, const std::vector<double>& thrown) {
+  std::vector<double> res;
+  for (const auto& p1 : thrown) {
+    for (const auto& p2 : tracks) {
+      res.push_back(p1 - p2);
+    }
+  }
+  return res;
+auto delta_p_over_p = [](const std::vector<double>& tracks, const std::vector<double>& thrown) {
+  std::vector<double> res;
+  for (const auto& p1 : thrown) {
+    for (const auto& p2 : tracks) {
+      res.push_back((p1 - p2)/p1);
+    }
+  }
+  return res;
+int rec_multiple_tracks(const char* fname = "topside/rec_multiple_tracks.root")
+  ROOT::EnableImplicitMT();
+  ROOT::RDataFrame df("events", fname);
+  auto df0 = df.Define("isThrown", "mcparticles2.genStatus == 1")
+                 .Define("thrownParticles", "mcparticles2[isThrown]")
+                 .Define("thrownP", fourvec, {"thrownParticles"})
+                 .Define("p_thrown", momentum, {"thrownP"})
+                 .Define("theta_thrown", theta, {"thrownP"})
+                 .Define("theta0", "theta_thrown[0]")
+                 .Define("nTracks", "outputTrackParameters.size()")
+                 .Define("p_track", p_track, {"outputTrackParameters"})
+                 .Define("delta_p0",delta_p, {"p_track", "p_thrown"})
+                 .Define("delta_p_over_p0",delta_p_over_p, {"p_track", "p_thrown"})
+                 .Define("N_Hits",       [](std::vector<eic::TrackerHitData> hits) { return hits.size();}, {"trackingHits"})
+                 .Define("N_BarrelHits", [](std::vector<eic::TrackerHitData> hits) { return hits.size();}, {"TrackerBarrelRecHits"})
+                 .Define("N_EndcapHits", [](std::vector<eic::TrackerHitData> hits) { return hits.size();}, {"TrackerEndcapRecHits"})
+                 ;
+  auto h_nTracks_vs_theta = df0.Histo2D({"h_nTracks_vs_theta", "; #theta; N tracks ", 40,0,180,10, 0, 10}, "theta0","nTracks");
+  auto h_nTracks = df0.Histo1D({"h_nTracks", "; N tracks ", 10, 0, 10}, "nTracks");
+  auto h_pTracks = df0.Histo1D({"h_pTracks", "; GeV/c ", 100, 0, 10}, "p_track");
+  auto h_delta_p0  = df0.Histo1D({"h_delta_p0", "Truth Track Init; GeV/c ",  100, -10, 10}, "delta_p0");
+  auto h_delta_p0_over_p = df0.Histo1D({"h_delta_p0_over_p",  "Truth Track Init; delta p/p ",  100, -0.1, 0.1}, "delta_p_over_p0");
+  auto hNhits_vs_theta = df0.Histo1D({"hNhits_vs_theta", "; #theta [deg.]",   40, 0, 180 }, "theta0", "N_Hits");
+  auto hBarrel_N_vs_theta = df0.Histo1D({"hBarrel_N_vs_theta", "; #theta [deg.]",   40, 0, 180 }, "theta0", "N_BarrelHits");
+  auto hEndcap_N_vs_theta = df0.Histo1D({"hEndcap_N_vs_theta", "; #theta [deg.]",   40, 0, 180 }, "theta0", "N_EndcapHits");
+  auto hHits_Nhits  = df0.Histo1D({"hHits_Nhits", "; #theta [deg.]",       20, 0, 20 }, "N_Hits");
+  auto hBarrel_Nhits  = df0.Histo1D({"hBarrel_Nhits", "; #theta [deg.]",   20, 0, 20 }, "N_BarrelHits");
+  auto hEndcap_Nhits  = df0.Histo1D({"hEndcap_Nhits", "; #theta [deg.]",   20, 0, 20 }, "N_EndcapHits");
+  auto hHits_Ntheta = df0.Histo1D({"hHits_Ntheta", "; #theta [deg.]",       40, 0, 180 }, "theta0");
+  auto hBarrel_Ntheta = df0.Histo1D({"hBarrel_Ntheta", "; #theta [deg.]",   40, 0, 180 }, "theta0");
+  auto hEndcap_Ntheta = df0.Histo1D({"hEndcap_Ntheta", "; #theta [deg.]",   40, 0, 180 }, "theta0");
+  // -----------------------------------------------
+  auto c = new TCanvas();
+  h_nTracks->DrawCopy();
+  c->SaveAs("results/tracking/rec_multiple_tracks_nTracks.png");
+  c->SaveAs("results/tracking/rec_multiple_tracks_nTracks.pdf");
+  // -----------------------------------------------
+  h_pTracks->DrawCopy();
+  c->SaveAs("results/tracking/rec_multiple_tracks_pTracks.png");
+  c->SaveAs("results/tracking/rec_multiple_tracks_pTracks.pdf");
+  // -----------------------------------------------
+  c = new TCanvas();
+  THStack * hs = new THStack("hs_delta_p","; GeV/c ");
+  TH1D* h1 = (TH1D*) h_delta_p0->Clone();
+  hs->Add(h1);
+  hs->Draw("nostack");
+  c->BuildLegend();
+  c->SaveAs("results/tracking/rec_multiple_tracks_delta_p.png");
+  c->SaveAs("results/tracking/rec_multiple_tracks_delta_p.pdf");
+  // -----------------------------------------------
+  c  = new TCanvas();
+  hs = new THStack("hs_delta_p_over_p","; delta p/p ");
+  h1 = (TH1D*) h_delta_p0_over_p->Clone();
+  hs->Add(h1);
+  hs->Draw("nostack");
+  c->BuildLegend();
+  c->SaveAs("results/tracking/rec_multiple_tracks_delta_p_over_p.png");
+  c->SaveAs("results/tracking/rec_multiple_tracks_delta_p_over_p.pdf");
+  // -----------------------------------------------
+  c  = new TCanvas();
+  hs = new THStack("n_hits","; #theta  ");
+  h1 = (TH1D*) hBarrel_N_vs_theta->Clone();
+  auto h2 = (TH1D*) hBarrel_Ntheta->Clone();
+  h1->SetLineColor(4);
+  h1->Divide(h2);
+  hs->Add(h1);
+  h1 = (TH1D*) hEndcap_N_vs_theta->Clone();
+  h2 = (TH1D*) hEndcap_Ntheta->Clone();
+  h1->Divide(h2);
+  h1->SetLineColor(2);
+  hs->Add(h1);
+  h1 = (TH1D*) hNhits_vs_theta->Clone();
+  h2 = (TH1D*) hHits_Ntheta->Clone();
+  h1->Divide(h2);
+  h1->SetLineColor(1);
+  hs->Add(h1);
+  hs->Draw("nostack, hist");
+  c->BuildLegend();
+  c->SaveAs("results/tracking/rec_multiple_tracks_n_hits_vs_theta.png");
+  c->SaveAs("results/tracking/rec_multiple_tracks_n_hits_vs_theta.pdf");
+  // -----------------------------------------------
+  c  = new TCanvas();
+  hs = new THStack("theta","; #theta  ");
+  h2 = (TH1D*) hBarrel_Ntheta->Clone();
+  h2->SetLineColor(4);
+  hs->Add(h2);
+  h2 = (TH1D*) hEndcap_Ntheta->Clone();
+  h2->SetLineColor(2);
+  hs->Add(h2);
+  h2 = (TH1D*) hHits_Ntheta->Clone();
+  h2->SetLineColor(1);
+  hs->Add(h2);
+  hs->Draw("nostack hist");
+  c->BuildLegend();
+  c->SaveAs("results/tracking/rec_multiple_tracks_theta.png");
+  c->SaveAs("results/tracking/rec_multiple_tracks_theta.pdf");
+  // -----------------------------------------------
+  c  = new TCanvas();
+  hs = new THStack("hits","; hits  ");
+  h1 = (TH1D*) hBarrel_Nhits->Clone();
+  h1->SetLineColor(4);
+  hs->Add(h1);
+  h1 = (TH1D*) hEndcap_Nhits->Clone();
+  h1->SetLineColor(2);
+  hs->Add(h1);
+  h1 = (TH1D*) hHits_Nhits->Clone();
+  h1->SetLineColor(2);
+  hs->Add(h1);
+  c->BuildLegend();
+  c->SaveAs("results/tracking/rec_multiple_tracks_nhits.png");
+  c->SaveAs("results/tracking/rec_multiple_tracks_nhits.pdf");
+  // -----------------------------------------------
+  c  = new TCanvas();
+  h_nTracks_vs_theta->DrawCopy("colz");
+  c->SaveAs("results/tracking/rec_multiple_tracks_nTracks_vs_theta.png");
+  c->SaveAs("results/tracking/rec_multiple_tracks_nTracks_vs_theta.pdf");
+  return 0;