diff --git a/benchmarks/imaging_ecal/run_imcal_pion0.sh b/benchmarks/imaging_ecal/run_imcal_pion0.sh
index c3c23606b762be5f12b9032be57cfbe53d15248d..760de223b81cb4fd7a994f526f2ffd44361df6ef 100644
--- a/benchmarks/imaging_ecal/run_imcal_pion0.sh
+++ b/benchmarks/imaging_ecal/run_imcal_pion0.sh
@@ -47,9 +47,7 @@ do
 set -- "${POSITIONAL[@]}" # restore positional parameters
-cp benchmarks/imaging_ecal/test_geo.xml ${DETECTOR_PATH}/.
 if [[ ! -n  "${CB_EMCAL_NUMEV}" ]] ; then
   export CB_EMCAL_NUMEV=1000
diff --git a/benchmarks/imaging_ecal/test_geo.xml b/benchmarks/imaging_ecal/test_geo.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 861dfcd44fe0389bd0f53561c7957f58c62f85c3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/benchmarks/imaging_ecal/test_geo.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-<lccdd xmlns:compact="http://www.lcsim.org/schemas/compact/1.0"
-       xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
-       xs:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://www.lcsim.org/schemas/compact/1.0/compact.xsd">
-  <!-- Some information about detector  -->
-  <info name="Athena Detector" title="Athena Detector"
-        author="Athena Collaboration"
-	url="https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/detectors/athena.git"
-	status="development"
-	version="v1 2021-03-16">
-    <comment>Athena Detector
-    - https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/detectors/athena.git
-    - https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/detectors/ip6.git
-    </comment>
-  </info>
-  <define>
-    <include ref="ip6/ip6_defs.xml" /> <comment> IP definitions should be first</comment>
-    <include ref="compact/definitions.xml" />
-  </define>
-  <properties>
-    <matrix name="RINDEX__Vacuum" coldim="2" values="
-      1.0*eV 1.0
-      5.1*eV 1.0
-      "/>
-    <matrix name="RINDEX__Air" coldim="2" values="
-      1.0*eV 1.00029
-      5.1*eV 1.00029
-      "/>
-    <matrix name="RINDEX__Quartz" coldim="2" values="
-      1.0*eV 1.46
-      5.1*eV 1.46
-      "/>
-    <matrix name="RINDEX__N2" coldim="2" values="
-      1.0*eV 1.00033
-      4.0*eV 1.00033
-      5.1*eV 1.00033
-      "/>
-    <matrix name="RINDEX__Pyrex" coldim="2" values="
-      1.0*eV 1.5
-      4.0*eV 1.5
-      5.1*eV 1.5
-      "/>
-    <matrix name="ABSLENGTH__Pyrex" coldim="2" values="
-      1.0*eV 10.0*cm
-      4.0*eV 10.0*cm
-      5.1*eV 10.0*cm
-      "/>
-    <matrix name= "REFLECTIVITY_mirror" coldim="2" values="
-      1.0*eV  0.9
-      4.0*eV  0.9
-      5.1*eV  0.9
-      "/>
-    <matrix name="RINDEX__Aerogel" coldim="2" values="
-      1.0*eV 1.030
-      4.0*eV 1.030
-      5.1*eV 1.030
-      "/>
-    <matrix name="ABSLENGTH__Aerogel" coldim="2" values="
-      1.0*eV 4.0*cm
-      4.0*eV 4.0*cm
-      5.1*eV 4.0*cm
-      "/>
-    <matrix name="RINDEX__Acrylic" coldim="2" values="
-      1240*eV/1100  1.49
-      1240*eV/600   1.49
-      1240*eV/400   1.49
-      "/>
-  </properties>
-  <includes>
-    <gdmlFile ref="compact/elements.xml"/>
-    <gdmlFile ref="compact/materials.xml"/>
-  </includes>
-  <materials>
-    <material name="AirOptical">
-      <D type="density" unit="g/cm3" value="0.0012"/>
-      <fraction n="0.754" ref="N"/>
-      <fraction n="0.234" ref="O"/>
-      <fraction n="0.012" ref="Ar"/>
-      <property name="RINDEX" ref="RINDEX__Air"/>
-      <property name="ABSLENGTH"               coldim="2" values="1*eV  200*m  5*eV  200*m"/>
-    </material>
-    <material name="N2cherenkov">
-      <D type="density" value="0.00125" unit="g/cm3"/>
-      <composite n="1" ref="N"/>
-      <property name="RINDEX"  ref="RINDEX__N2"/>
-    </material>
-    <material name="PyrexGlassOptical">
-      <D type="density" value="2.23" unit="g/cm3"/>
-      <fraction n="0.806" ref="SiliconOxide"/>
-      <fraction n="0.130" ref="BoronOxide"/>
-      <fraction n="0.040" ref="SodiumOxide"/>
-      <fraction n="0.023" ref="AluminumOxide"/>
-      <property name="RINDEX" ref="RINDEX__Pyrex"/>
-      <property name="ABSLENGTH" ref="ABSLENGTH__Pyrex"/>
-    </material>
-    <material name="AerogelOptical">
-      <D value="0.2" unit="g / cm3"/>
-      <fraction n="0.625" ref="SiliconOxide"/>
-      <fraction n="0.374" ref="SiliconOxide"/>
-      <fraction n="0.1"   ref="C"/>
-      <property name="RINDEX" ref="RINDEX__Aerogel"/>
-      <property name="ABSLENGTH" ref="ABSLENGTH__Aerogel"/>
-    </material>
-    <material name="AcrylicOptical">
-      <D type="density" value="1.18" unit="g/cm3"/>
-      <composite n="5" ref="C"/>
-      <composite n="2" ref="O"/>
-      <composite n="8" ref="H"/>
-      <property name="RINDEX" ref="RINDEX__Acrylic"/>
-    </material>
-  </materials>
-  <surfaces>
-    <comment> For the values of "finish", model and type, see TGeoOpticalSurface.h !
-    </comment>
-    <opticalsurface finish="polished" model="glisur" name="MirrorOpticalSurface" type="dielectric_metal" value="0">
-      <property name="REFLECTIVITY" ref="REFLECTIVITY_mirror"/>
-      <property name="RINDEX"       coldim="2" values="1.034*eV  1.5   4.136*eV  1.5"/>
-      <!--<property name="EFFICIENCY"   ref="EFFICIENCY0x8b77240"/>-->
-    </opticalsurface>
-    <!--
-    <opticalsurface name="mirror2" finish="polished" model="glisur" type="dielectric_dielectric">
-      <property name="REFLECTIVITY"            coldim="2" values="1.034*eV  0.8   4.136*eV  0.9"/>
-      <property name="EFFICIENCY"              coldim="2" values="2.034*eV  0.8   4.136*eV  1.0"/>
-      <property name="RINDEX"                  coldim="2" values="1.034*eV  1.5   4.136*eV  1.5"/>
-    </opticalsurface>
-    -->
-    <opticalsurface finish="polished" model="unified" name="MRICH_MirrorOpticalSurface" type="dielectric_metal" value="0">
-    </opticalsurface>
-    <opticalsurface finish="polished" model="unified" name="MRICH_LensOpticalSurface" type="dielectric_dielectric" value="0">
-      <property name="REFLECTIVITY"            coldim="2" values="1240*eV/1100  0.08   1240*eV/400  0.08"/>
-      <!--
-      <property name="RINDEX"                  coldim="2" values="2.034*eV  1.56  4.136*eV  1.56"/>
-      <property name="SPECULARLOBECONSTANT"    coldim="2" values="2.034*eV  0.3   4.136*eV  0.3 "/>
-      <property name="SPECULARSPIKECONSTANT"   coldim="2" values="2.034*eV  0.2   4.136*eV  0.2 "/>
-      <property name="BACKSCATTERCONSTANT"     coldim="2" values="2.034*eV  0.2   4.136*eV  0.2 "/>
-        -->
-    </opticalsurface>
-    <opticalsurface finish="polished" model="unified" name="MRICH_PhotoSensorOpticalSurface" type="dielectric_dielectric" value="0">
-      <!--
-      <property name="RINDEX"                  coldim="2" values="2.034*eV  1.35  4.136*eV  1.40"/>
-      <property name="SPECULARLOBECONSTANT"    coldim="2" values="2.034*eV  0.3   4.136*eV  0.3 "/>
-      <property name="SPECULARSPIKECONSTANT"   coldim="2" values="2.034*eV  0.2   4.136*eV  0.2 "/>
-      <property name="BACKSCATTERCONSTANT"     coldim="2" values="2.034*eV  0.2   4.136*eV  0.2 "/>
-      -->
-    </opticalsurface>
-    <opticalsurface finish="polished" model="unified" name="MRICH_AerogelOpticalSurface" type="dielectric_dielectric" value="0">
-      <!--
-      <property name="RINDEX"                  coldim="2" values="2.034*eV  1.010  4.136*eV  1.010"/>
-      <property name="SPECULARLOBECONSTANT"    coldim="2" values="2.034*eV  0.3   4.136*eV  0.3 "/>
-      <property name="SPECULARSPIKECONSTANT"   coldim="2" values="2.034*eV  0.2   4.136*eV  0.2 "/>
-      <property name="BACKSCATTERCONSTANT"     coldim="2" values="2.034*eV  0.2   4.136*eV  0.2 "/>
-      -->
-    </opticalsurface>
-  </surfaces>
-  <limits>
-    <limitset name="EICBeamlineLimits">
-      <limit name="step_length_max" particles="*" value="1.0" unit="mm" />
-      <limit name="track_length_max" particles="*" value="1.0" unit="mm" />
-      <limit name="time_max" particles="*" value="0.1" unit="ns" />
-      <limit name="ekin_min" particles="*" value="0.001" unit="MeV" />
-      <limit name="range_min" particles="*" value="0.1" unit="mm" />
-    </limitset>
-    <limitset name="cal_limits">
-      <limit name="step_length_max" particles="*" value="5.0" unit="mm"/>
-    </limitset>
-  </limits>
-  <display>
-  <include ref="compact/display.xml" />
-  </display>
-  <comment> Include the IP components first </comment>
-  <include ref="ip6/forward_ion_beamline.xml"/>
-  <include ref="ip6/beampipe.xml"/>
-  <detectors>
-    <detector id="VertexBarrelSubAssembly_ID"
-      name="VertexBarrelSubAssembly"
-      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
-      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">
-      <composite name="VertexBarrel" />
-    </detector>
-    <detector id="VertexEndcapSubAssembly_ID"
-      name="VertexEndcapSubAssembly"
-      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
-      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">
-      <composite name="VertexEndcapN" />
-      <composite name="VertexEndcapP" />
-    </detector>
-    <detector id="TrackerBarrelSubAssembly_Inner_ID"
-      name="TrackerBarrelSubAssembly_Inner"
-      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
-      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">
-      <composite name="TrackerBarrel_Inner"/>
-    </detector>
-    <detector id="TrackerEndcapSubAssembly_Inner_ID"
-      name="TrackerEndcapSubAssembly_Inner"
-      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
-      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">
-      <composite name="TrackerEndcapN_Inner"/>
-      <composite name="TrackerEndcapP_Inner"/>
-    </detector>
-    <detector id="TrackerBarrelSubAssembly_Outer_ID"
-      name="TrackerSubAssembly_Outer"
-      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
-      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">
-      <composite name="TrackerBarrel_Outer"/>
-      <composite name="TrackerEndcapP_Outer"/>
-      <composite name="TrackerEndcapN_Outer"/>
-    </detector>
-    <detector id="TOFSubAssembly_ID"
-      name="TOFSubAssembly"
-      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
-      vis="TOFSubAssemblyVis">
-      <composite name="BarrelTOF"/>
-      <composite name="ForwardTOF"/>
-      <composite name="BackwardTOF"/>
-    </detector>
-    <!--
-    <detector id="TrackerBarrelSubAssembly_Inner_ID"
-      name="TrackerBarrelSubAssembly_Inner"
-      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
-      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">
-      <composite name="TrackerBarrel_Inner"/>
-    </detector>
-    <detector id="TrackerEndcapSubAssembly_Inner_ID"
-      name="TrackerEndcapSubAssembly_Inner"
-      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
-      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">
-      <composite name="TrackerEndcapN_Inner"/>
-      <composite name="TrackerBarrel_Inner"/>
-      <composite name="TrackerEndcapP_Inner"/>
-    </detector>
-    <detector id="TrackerBarrelSubAssembly_Outer_ID"
-      name="TrackerBarrelSubAssembly_Outer"
-      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
-      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">
-      <composite name="TrackerBarrel_Outer"/>
-    </detector>
-    <detector id="TrackerEndcapSubAssembly_Outer_ID"
-      name="TrackerEndcapSubAssembly_Outer"
-      type="DD4hep_SubdetectorAssembly"
-      vis="TrackerSubAssemblyVis">
-      <composite name="TrackerEndcapP_Outer"/>
-      <composite name="TrackerEndcapN_Outer"/>
-    </detector>
-    -->
-  </detectors>
-  <include ref="compact/vertex_tracker.xml"/>
-  <include ref="compact/central_tracker.xml"/>
-  <include ref="compact/tof_barrel.xml"/>
-  <!--
-    <include ref="compact/rwell_tracker_barrel.xml"/>
-  -->
-  <include ref="compact/cb_DIRC.xml"/>
-  <!-- When changing magnet, also select dimensions in definitions.xml. -->
-  <include ref="compact/solenoid.xml"/>
-  <include ref="compact/ci_ecal.xml"/>
-  <!--<include ref="compact/ci_ecal_shashlik.xml"/>-->
-  <!--<include ref="compact/ce_ecal.xml"/>-->
-  <include ref="compact/ce_ecal_crystal_glass.xml"/>
-  <!-- <include ref="compact/ecal_barrel.xml"/> -->
-  <!-- <include ref="compact/ecal_barrel_hybrid.xml"/> -->
-  <include ref="compact/ecal_barrel_interlayers.xml"/>
-  <include ref="compact/hcal.xml"/>
-  <!--include ref="compact/ce_GEM.xml"/-->
-  <!--include ref="compact/gem_tracker_endcap.xml"/-->
-  <include ref="compact/tof_endcap.xml"/>
-  <include ref="compact/forward_trd.xml"/>
-  <include ref="compact/gaseous_rich.xml"/>
-  <include ref="ip6/B0_tracker.xml"/>
-  <include ref="ip6/far_forward_offM_tracker.xml"/>
-  <include ref="ip6/far_forward_romanpots.xml"/>
-  <include ref="ip6/far_forward_detectors.xml"/>
-  <!--
-  <include ref="compact/mm_tracker_barrel.xml"/>
-  <include ref="compact/cb_VTX_Barrel.xml"/>
-  -->
-  <readouts>
-  </readouts>