#!/bin/bash ## Init the environment source config/env.sh ## Generates different configurations from the master configuration ## for both electron and muon decay channels echo "Download generator artifacts for one or more of the physics processes" PROCS=() BRANCH="dvmp" while [ $# -gt 0 ] do key="$1" case $key in -p|--process) PROCS+=("$2") shift # past argument shift # past value ;; --branch) BRANCH="$2" shift # past argument shift # past value ;; *) # unknown option echo "unknown option" exit 1 ;; esac done if [ ${#PROCS[@]} -eq 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: need one or more processes: -p <process name> " exit 1 fi for proc in ${PROCS[@]}; do echo "Dowloading artifacts for $proc (branch: $BRANCH)" wget https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/benchmarks/physics_benchmarks/-/jobs/artifacts/$BRANCH/download?job=${proc}:jpsi_central:generate -O results.zip unzip -u results.zip rm results.zip done