#!/bin/bash ## Init the environment source config/env.sh ## Generator configuration export NEVENTS=100 export RNG_SEED=1 export DVMP_RESULTS_PATH=$RESULTS_PATH/dvmp export FNAME_EL="${DVMP_RESULTS_PATH}/jpsi_central_el-gen" export FNAME_MU="${DVMP_RESULTS_PATH}/jpsi_central_mu-gen" ## Check if we already have our MC files in the cache if [ -f "${FNAME_EL}.hepmc" ] && [ -f "${FNAME_MU}.hepmc"]; then echo "Found cached generator output, no need to rerun" else echo "Need to generate our event sample" pushd dvmp ## First generate our actual configuration files. We run for both electron ## and muon configurations ./generator/config_jpsi_decay.sh -c generator/jpsi_central.json.in ## This generates our jpsi_central_el.json and jpsi_central_mu.json files ## Now we can run the generator in parallel for both configurations echo "Running the generator" lager -r ${RNG_SEED} -c jpsi_central_el.json -e ${NEVENTS} -o . & lager -r ${RNG_SEED} -c jpsi_central_mu.json -e ${NEVENTS} -o . & wait ## Finally, we move our output into the artifacts directory echo "Moving generator output into ${DVMP_RESULTS_PATH}" mkdir -p ${DVMP_RESULTS_PATH} mv *electron*.json ${FNAME_EL}.json mv *electron*.root ${FNAME_EL}.root mv *electron*.hepmc ${FNAME_EL}.hepmc mv *electron*.log ${FNAME_EL}.log mv *muon*.json ${FNAME_MU}.json mv *muon*.root ${FNAME_MU}.root mv *muon*.hepmc ${FNAME_MU}.hepmc mv *muon*.log ${FNAME_MU}.log fi