From e6639cae5aea94f484ec1c7d01f5e7042b7dae4e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Wouter Deconinck <>
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2021 17:44:17 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] ecal and hcal hits reconstruction

 benchmarks/dis/          |  21 ++--
 benchmarks/dvcs/        |   9 +-
 benchmarks/dvmp/        |  22 ++---
 benchmarks/u_omega/  |   9 +-
 options/ | 168 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 options/ | 170 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 370 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 options/
 create mode 100644 options/

diff --git a/benchmarks/dis/ b/benchmarks/dis/
index a01af459..9ceb0de8 100755
--- a/benchmarks/dis/
+++ b/benchmarks/dis/
@@ -84,19 +84,16 @@ echo "Running the digitization and reconstruction"
 ## - JUGGLER_DETECTOR:    detector package (part of global environment)
-xenv -x ${JUGGLER_INSTALL_PREFIX}/Juggler.xenv \
- options/ 
-## on-error, first retry running juggler again as there is still a random
-## crash we need to address FIXME
+for rec in options/*.py ; do
+  unset tag
+  [[ $(basename ${rec} .py) =~ (.*)\.(.*) ]] && tag=".${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
+  JUGGLER_REC_FILE=${JUGGLER_REC_FILE/.root/${tag:-}.root} \
+    xenv -x ${JUGGLER_INSTALL_PREFIX}/Juggler.xenv \
+ ${rec}
 if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] ; then
-  echo "Juggler crashed, retrying..."
-  xenv -x ${JUGGLER_INSTALL_PREFIX}/Juggler.xenv \
- options/ \
-    2>&1 > ${REC_LOG}
-  if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] ; then
-    echo "ERROR running juggler, both attempts failed"
-    exit 1
-  fi
+  echo "ERROR running juggler"
+  exit 1
 ## =============================================================================
diff --git a/benchmarks/dvcs/ b/benchmarks/dvcs/
index 1dd20afb..7a47ac14 100644
--- a/benchmarks/dvcs/
+++ b/benchmarks/dvcs/
@@ -115,8 +115,13 @@ fi
 ### Step 3. Run the reconstruction (juggler)
 if [[ -n "${DO_REC}" || -n "${DO_ALL}" ]] ; then
-  xenv -x ${JUGGLER_INSTALL_PREFIX}/Juggler.xenv \
- options/
+  for rec in options/*.py ; do
+    unset tag
+    [[ $(basename ${rec} .py) =~ (.*)\.(.*) ]] && tag=".${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
+    JUGGLER_REC_FILE=${JUGGLER_REC_FILE/.root/${tag:-}.root} \
+    xenv -x ${JUGGLER_INSTALL_PREFIX}/Juggler.xenv \
+ ${rec}
+  done
   if [[ "$?" -ne "0" ]] ; then
     echo "ERROR running juggler"
     exit 1
diff --git a/benchmarks/dvmp/ b/benchmarks/dvmp/
index 58a289fb..e9d608e1 100755
--- a/benchmarks/dvmp/
+++ b/benchmarks/dvmp/
@@ -84,20 +84,16 @@ echo "Running the digitization and reconstruction"
 ## - JUGGLER_DETECTOR:    detector package (part of global environment)
-xenv -x ${JUGGLER_INSTALL_PREFIX}/Juggler.xenv \
- options/ 
-##  2>&1 > ${REC_LOG}
-## on-error, first retry running juggler again as there is still a random
-## crash we need to address FIXME
+for rec in options/*.py ; do
+  unset tag
+  [[ $(basename ${rec} .py) =~ (.*)\.(.*) ]] && tag=".${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
+  JUGGLER_REC_FILE=${JUGGLER_REC_FILE/.root/${tag:-}.root} \
+    xenv -x ${JUGGLER_INSTALL_PREFIX}/Juggler.xenv \
+ ${rec}
 if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] ; then
-  echo "Juggler crashed, retrying..."
-  xenv -x ${JUGGLER_INSTALL_PREFIX}/Juggler.xenv \
- options/ \
-    2>&1 > ${REC_LOG}
-  if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] ; then
-    echo "ERROR running juggler, both attempts failed"
-    exit 1
-  fi
+  echo "ERROR running juggler, both attempts failed"
+  exit 1
 ## =============================================================================
diff --git a/benchmarks/u_omega/ b/benchmarks/u_omega/
index fa0f69bb..6d051589 100644
--- a/benchmarks/u_omega/
+++ b/benchmarks/u_omega/
@@ -114,8 +114,13 @@ fi
 ### Step 3. Run the reconstruction (juggler)
 if [[ -n "${DO_REC}" || -n "${DO_ALL}" ]] ; then
-  xenv -x ${JUGGLER_INSTALL_PREFIX}/Juggler.xenv \
- options/
+  for rec in options/*.py ; do
+    unset tag
+    [[ $(basename ${rec} .py) =~ (.*)\.(.*) ]] && tag=".${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
+    JUGGLER_REC_FILE=${JUGGLER_REC_FILE/.root/${tag:-}.root} \
+      xenv -x ${JUGGLER_INSTALL_PREFIX}/Juggler.xenv \
+ ${rec}
+  done
   if [[ "$?" -ne "0" ]] ; then
     echo "ERROR running juggler"
     exit 1
diff --git a/options/ b/options/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9407fae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/options/
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
+from Configurables import ApplicationMgr, AuditorSvc, EICDataSvc, PodioOutput, GeoSvc
+from GaudiKernel import SystemOfUnits as units
+from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import MeV, GeV, mm, cm, mrad
+import json
+detector_name = "athena"
+if "JUGGLER_DETECTOR" in os.environ :
+  detector_name = str(os.environ["JUGGLER_DETECTOR"])
+detector_path = ""
+if "DETECTOR_PATH" in os.environ :
+  detector_path = str(os.environ["DETECTOR_PATH"])
+compact_path = os.path.join(detector_path, detector_name)
+# CAL reconstruction
+# get sampling fractions from system environment variable
+ci_ecal_sf = float(os.environ.get("CI_ECAL_SAMP_FRAC", 0.253))
+# input and output
+input_sims = [f.strip() for f in str.split(os.environ["JUGGLER_SIM_FILE"], ",") if f.strip()]
+output_rec = str(os.environ["JUGGLER_REC_FILE"])
+n_events = int(os.environ["JUGGLER_N_EVENTS"])
+# services
+services = []
+# geometry service
+services.append(GeoSvc("GeoSvc", detectors=["{}.xml".format(compact_path)], OutputLevel=WARNING))
+# data service
+services.append(EICDataSvc("EventDataSvc", inputs=input_sims, OutputLevel=WARNING))
+# juggler components
+from Configurables import PodioInput
+from Configurables import Jug__Digi__CalorimeterHitDigi as CalHitDigi
+from Configurables import Jug__Reco__CalorimeterHitReco as CalHitReco
+from Configurables import Jug__Reco__CalorimeterHitsMerger as CalHitsMerger
+from Configurables import Jug__Reco__CalorimeterIslandCluster as IslandCluster
+from Configurables import Jug__Reco__ClusterRecoCoG as RecoCoG
+# branches needed from simulation root file
+sim_coll = [
+    "mcparticles",
+    "EcalEndcapNHits",
+    "EcalEndcapPHits",
+# list of algorithms
+algorithms = []
+# input
+podin = PodioInput("PodioReader", collections=sim_coll)
+# Crystal Endcap Ecal
+ce_ecal_daq = dict(
+        dynamicRangeADC=5.*units.GeV,
+        capacityADC=32768,
+        pedestalMean=400,
+        pedestalSigma=3)
+ce_ecal_digi = CalHitDigi("ce_ecal_digi",
+        inputHitCollection="EcalEndcapNHits",
+        outputHitCollection="EcalEndcapNRawHits",
+        energyResolutions=[0., 0.02, 0.],
+        **ce_ecal_daq)
+ce_ecal_reco = CalHitReco("ce_ecal_reco",
+        inputHitCollection=ce_ecal_digi.outputHitCollection,
+        outputHitCollection="EcalEndcapNRecHits",
+        thresholdFactor=4,          # 4 sigma cut on pedestal sigma
+        readoutClass="EcalEndcapNHits",
+        sectorField="sector",
+        **ce_ecal_daq)
+ce_ecal_cl = IslandCluster("ce_ecal_cl",
+        inputHitCollection=ce_ecal_reco.outputHitCollection,
+        outputProtoClusterCollection="EcalEndcapNProtoClusters",
+        splitCluster=False,
+        minClusterHitEdep=1.0*units.MeV,  # discard low energy hits
+        minClusterCenterEdep=30*units.MeV,
+        sectorDist=5.0*,
+        dimScaledLocalDistXY=[1.8, 1.8]) # dimension scaled dist is good for hybrid sectors with different module size
+ce_ecal_clreco = RecoCoG("ce_ecal_clreco",
+        inputHitCollection=ce_ecal_cl.inputHitCollection,
+        inputProtoClusterCollection=ce_ecal_cl.outputProtoClusterCollection,
+        outputClusterCollection="EcalEndcapNClusters",
+        mcHits="EcalEndcapNHits",
+        samplingFraction=0.998,      # this accounts for a small fraction of leakage
+        logWeightBase=4.6)
+# Endcap Sampling Ecal
+ci_ecal_daq = dict(
+        dynamicRangeADC=50.*units.MeV,
+        capacityADC=32768,
+        pedestalMean=400,
+        pedestalSigma=10)
+ci_ecal_digi = CalHitDigi("ci_ecal_digi",
+        inputHitCollection="EcalEndcapPHits",
+        outputHitCollection="EcalEndcapPRawHits",
+        **ci_ecal_daq)
+ci_ecal_reco = CalHitReco("ci_ecal_reco",
+        inputHitCollection=ci_ecal_digi.outputHitCollection,
+        outputHitCollection="EcalEndcapPRecHits",
+        thresholdFactor=5.0,
+        **ci_ecal_daq)
+# merge hits in different layer (projection to local x-y plane)
+ci_ecal_merger = CalHitsMerger("ci_ecal_merger",
+        inputHitCollection=ci_ecal_reco.outputHitCollection,
+        outputHitCollection="EcalEndcapPRecMergedHits",
+        fields=["fiber_x", "fiber_y"],
+        fieldRefNumbers=[1, 1],
+        # fields=["layer", "slice"],
+        # fieldRefNumbers=[1, 0],
+        readoutClass="EcalEndcapPHits")
+ci_ecal_cl = IslandCluster("ci_ecal_cl",
+        inputHitCollection=ci_ecal_merger.outputHitCollection,
+        outputProtoClusterCollection="EcalEndcapPProtoClusters",
+        splitCluster=False,
+        minClusterCenterEdep=10.*units.MeV,
+        localDistXY=[10*, 10*])
+ci_ecal_clreco = RecoCoG("ci_ecal_clreco",
+        inputHitCollection=ci_ecal_cl.inputHitCollection,
+        inputProtoClusterCollection=ci_ecal_cl.outputProtoClusterCollection,
+        outputClusterCollection="EcalEndcapPClusters",
+        mcHits="EcalEndcapPHits",
+        logWeightBase=6.2,
+        samplingFraction=ci_ecal_sf)
+# Output
+podout = PodioOutput("out", filename=output_rec)
+podout.outputCommands = [
+        "keep *",
+        "drop *Hits",
+        "keep *RecHits",
+        "keep *Layers",
+        "keep *Clusters",
+        "drop *ProtoClusters",
+        "drop outputParticles",
+        "drop InitTrackParams",
+        ] + [ "drop " + c for c in sim_coll]
+    TopAlg = algorithms,
+    EvtSel = 'NONE',
+    EvtMax = n_events,
+    ExtSvc = services,
+    OutputLevel = WARNING,
+    AuditAlgorithms = True
+ )
diff --git a/options/ b/options/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0bf946c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/options/
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
+from Configurables import ApplicationMgr, AuditorSvc, EICDataSvc, PodioOutput, GeoSvc
+from GaudiKernel import SystemOfUnits as units
+from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import MeV, GeV, mm, cm, mrad
+import json
+detector_name = "athena"
+if "JUGGLER_DETECTOR" in os.environ :
+  detector_name = str(os.environ["JUGGLER_DETECTOR"])
+detector_path = ""
+if "DETECTOR_PATH" in os.environ :
+  detector_path = str(os.environ["DETECTOR_PATH"])
+compact_path = os.path.join(detector_path, detector_name)
+# CAL reconstruction
+# get sampling fractions from system environment variable
+cb_hcal_sf = float(os.environ.get("CB_HCAL_SAMP_FRAC", 0.038))
+ci_hcal_sf = float(os.environ.get("CI_HCAL_SAMP_FRAC", 0.025))
+ce_hcal_sf = float(os.environ.get("CE_HCAL_SAMP_FRAC", 0.025))
+# input and output
+input_sims = [f.strip() for f in str.split(os.environ["JUGGLER_SIM_FILE"], ",") if f.strip()]
+output_rec = str(os.environ["JUGGLER_REC_FILE"])
+n_events = int(os.environ["JUGGLER_N_EVENTS"])
+# services
+services = []
+# geometry service
+services.append(GeoSvc("GeoSvc", detectors=["{}.xml".format(compact_path)], OutputLevel=WARNING))
+# data service
+services.append(EICDataSvc("EventDataSvc", inputs=input_sims, OutputLevel=WARNING))
+# juggler components
+from Configurables import PodioInput
+from Configurables import Jug__Digi__CalorimeterHitDigi as CalHitDigi
+from Configurables import Jug__Reco__CalorimeterHitReco as CalHitReco
+from Configurables import Jug__Reco__CalorimeterHitsMerger as CalHitsMerger
+from Configurables import Jug__Reco__CalorimeterIslandCluster as IslandCluster
+from Configurables import Jug__Reco__ClusterRecoCoG as RecoCoG
+# branches needed from simulation root file
+sim_coll = [
+    "mcparticles",
+    "HcalEndcapPHits",
+    "HcalEndcapNHits",
+# list of algorithms
+algorithms = []
+# input
+podin = PodioInput("PodioReader", collections=sim_coll)
+# Hcal Hadron Endcap
+ci_hcal_daq = dict(
+         dynamicRangeADC=50.*units.MeV,
+         capacityADC=32768,
+         pedestalMean=400,
+         pedestalSigma=10)
+ci_hcal_digi = CalHitDigi("ci_hcal_digi",
+         inputHitCollection="HcalEndcapPHits",
+         outputHitCollection="HcalEndcapPRawHits",
+         **ci_hcal_daq)
+ci_hcal_reco = CalHitReco("ci_hcal_reco",
+        inputHitCollection=ci_hcal_digi.outputHitCollection,
+        outputHitCollection="HcalEndcapPRecHits",
+        thresholdFactor=5.0,
+        **ci_hcal_daq)
+ci_hcal_merger = CalHitsMerger("ci_hcal_merger",
+        inputHitCollection=ci_hcal_reco.outputHitCollection,
+        outputHitCollection="HcalEndcapPMergedHits",
+        readoutClass="HcalEndcapPHits",
+        fields=["layer", "slice"],
+        fieldRefNumbers=[1, 0])
+ci_hcal_cl = IslandCluster("ci_hcal_cl",
+        inputHitCollection=ci_hcal_merger.outputHitCollection,
+        outputProtoClusterCollection="HcalEndcapPProtoClusters",
+        splitCluster=False,
+        minClusterCenterEdep=30.*units.MeV,
+        localDistXY=[15.*, 15.*])
+ci_hcal_clreco = RecoCoG("ci_hcal_clreco",
+        inputHitCollection=ci_hcal_cl.inputHitCollection,
+        inputProtoClusterCollection=ci_hcal_cl.outputProtoClusterCollection,
+        outputClusterCollection="HcalEndcapPClusters",
+        mcHits="HcalEndcapPHits",
+        logWeightBase=6.2,
+        samplingFraction=ci_hcal_sf)
+# Hcal Electron Endcap
+ce_hcal_daq = dict(
+        dynamicRangeADC=50.*units.MeV,
+        capacityADC=32768,
+        pedestalMean=400,
+        pedestalSigma=10)
+ce_hcal_digi = CalHitDigi("ce_hcal_digi",
+        inputHitCollection="HcalEndcapNHits",
+        outputHitCollection="HcalEndcapNRawHits",
+        **ce_hcal_daq)
+ce_hcal_reco = CalHitReco("ce_hcal_reco",
+        inputHitCollection=ce_hcal_digi.outputHitCollection,
+        outputHitCollection="HcalEndcapNRecHits",
+        thresholdFactor=5.0,
+        **ce_hcal_daq)
+ce_hcal_merger = CalHitsMerger("ce_hcal_merger",
+        inputHitCollection=ce_hcal_reco.outputHitCollection,
+        outputHitCollection="HcalEndcapNMergedHits",
+        readoutClass="HcalEndcapNHits",
+        fields=["layer", "slice"],
+        fieldRefNumbers=[1, 0])
+ce_hcal_cl = IslandCluster("ce_hcal_cl",
+        inputHitCollection=ce_hcal_merger.outputHitCollection,
+        outputProtoClusterCollection="HcalEndcapNProtoClusters",
+        splitCluster=False,
+        minClusterCenterEdep=30.*units.MeV,
+        localDistXY=[15.*, 15.*])
+ce_hcal_clreco = RecoCoG("ce_hcal_clreco",
+        inputHitCollection=ce_hcal_cl.inputHitCollection,
+        inputProtoClusterCollection=ce_hcal_cl.outputProtoClusterCollection,
+        outputClusterCollection="HcalEndcapNClusters",
+        mcHits="HcalEndcapNHits",
+        logWeightBase=6.2,
+        samplingFraction=ce_hcal_sf)
+# Output
+podout = PodioOutput("out", filename=output_rec)
+podout.outputCommands = [
+        "keep *",
+        "drop *Hits",
+        "keep *RecHits",
+        "keep *Layers",
+        "keep *Clusters",
+        "drop *ProtoClusters",
+        "drop outputParticles",
+        "drop InitTrackParams",
+        ] + [ "drop " + c for c in sim_coll]
+    TopAlg = algorithms,
+    EvtSel = 'NONE',
+    EvtMax = n_events,
+    ExtSvc = services,
+    OutputLevel = WARNING,
+    AuditAlgorithms = True
+ )