From 8ab2f69f40299f20a1baad56c3d6b14f1f6e87d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sylvester Joosten <>
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2020 17:39:04 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Got rid of fname script for dvmp, and split up generator
 artifacts from reconstruction artifacts (input versus results directories

 .gitignore          |   5 ++-
 dvmp/config.yml     |   4 +-
 dvmp/        |  54 +++++++----------------
 dvmp/         |  30 ++++++++++---
 dvmp/         |  39 +++++++++--------
 util/ | 102 --------------------------------------------
 6 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 170 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 util/

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index d8d55fee..5cf7b521 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -41,8 +41,9 @@ calorimeters/test/
-# output files
+# input/output files
 # ROOT files
diff --git a/dvmp/config.yml b/dvmp/config.yml
index 3266b84f..c646d6dd 100644
--- a/dvmp/config.yml
+++ b/dvmp/config.yml
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ dvmp:generate:
         - dvmp/scripts/
       prefix: "$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG"
-      - results/dvmp
+      - input/dvmp
-      - results
+      - input
     - ./util/ ./dvmp/ --energy 10x100 --config jpsi_central --decay muon --decay electron
diff --git a/dvmp/ b/dvmp/
index 09bdac80..6930fc02 100755
--- a/dvmp/
+++ b/dvmp/
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
 ## =============================================================================
-## Run the DVMP benchmarks in 7 steps:
+## Run the DVMP benchmarks in 5 steps:
 ## 1. Parse the command line and setup environment
-## 2. Build/install detector package
-## 3. Detector simulation through npsim
-## 4. Digitization and reconstruction through Juggler
-## 5. Root-based Physics analyses
-## 6. Finalize
+## 2. Detector simulation through npsim
+## 3. Digitization and reconstruction through Juggler
+## 4. Root-based Physics analyses
+## 5. Finalize
 ## =============================================================================
 ## make sure we launch this script from the project root directory
@@ -43,41 +42,18 @@ source config/
 ## We also need the following benchmark-specific variables:
 ## - BENCHMARK_TAG: Unique identified for this benchmark process.
-## - DATA_PATH:     Place to store our persistent output artifacts.
+## - INPUT_PATH:    Path for generator-level input to the benchmarks
+## - TMP_PATH:      Path for temporary data (not exported as artifacts)
+## - RESULTS_PATH:  Path for benchmark output figures and files
 ## You can read dvmp/ for more in-depth explanations of the variables.
 source dvmp/
 ## Get a unique file names based on the configuration options
-GEN_FILE=${DATA_PATH}/`util/ \
-                  --ebeam $EBEAM \
-                  --pbeam $PBEAM \
-                  --decay $DECAY \
-                  --config $CONFIG \
-                  --type gen`.hepmc
-                  --ebeam $EBEAM \
-                  --pbeam $PBEAM \
-                  --decay $DECAY \
-                  --config $CONFIG \
-                  --type sim`.root
-                  --ebeam $EBEAM \
-                  --pbeam $PBEAM \
-                  --decay $DECAY \
-                  --config $CONFIG \
-                  --type rec`.root
-                  --ebeam $EBEAM \
-                  --pbeam $PBEAM \
-                  --decay $DECAY \
-                  --config $CONFIG \
-                  --type rec`
-## =============================================================================
-## Step 1: Build/install the desired detector package
-# moved to different CI step TODO remove
-#bash util/
 ## =============================================================================
 ## Step 2: Run the simulation
@@ -123,7 +99,7 @@ root -b -q "dvmp/analysis/vm_mass.cxx(\
  \"${LEADING}\", \
  \"${DECAY}\", \
- \"${PLOT_PREFIX}\")"
 if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] ; then
@@ -138,11 +114,11 @@ echo "Finalizing DVMP benchmark"
 ## Copy over reconsturction artifacts as long as we don't have
 ## too many events
 if [ "${JUGGLER_N_EVENTS}" -lt "500" ] ; then 
-  cp ${REC_FILE} ${DATA_PATH}
 ## cleanup output files
+rm -f ${REC_FILE} ${SIM_FILE}
 ## =============================================================================
 ## All done!
diff --git a/dvmp/ b/dvmp/
index db5500d4..9c543b34 100644
--- a/dvmp/
+++ b/dvmp/
@@ -5,7 +5,12 @@
 ## It defines the following additional variables: 
 ##  - BENCHMARK_TAG:          Tag to identify this particular benchmark
-##  - DATA_PATH:              Data path for all artifact output
+##  - INPUT_PATH:             Path for generator-level input to the benchmarks
+##  - TMP_PATH:               Path for temporary data (not exported as artifacts)
+##  - RESULTS_PATH:           Path for benchmark output figures and files
+## This script assumes that EBEAM and PBEAM are set as part of the
+## calling script (usually as command line argument).
 ## =============================================================================
@@ -16,10 +21,25 @@
 export BENCHMARK_TAG="dvmp"
 echo "Setting up the local environment for the ${BENCHMARK_TAG^^} benchmarks"
-## Data path for all artifact output
-export DATA_PATH="results/${BENCHMARK_TAG}"
-mkdir -p ${DATA_PATH}
-echo "DATA_PATH:              ${DATA_PATH}"
+## Data path for input data (generator-level hepmc file)
+mkdir -p ${INPUT_PATH}
+export INPUT_PATH=`realpath ${INPUT_PATH}`
+echo "INPUT_PATH:             ${INPUT_PATH}"
+## Data path for temporary data (not exported as artifacts)
+mkdir -p ${TMP_PATH}
+export TMP_PATH=`realpath ${TMP_PATH}`
+echo "TMP_PATH:               ${TMP_PATH}"
+## Data path for benchmark output (plots and reconstructed files
+## if not too big).
+mkdir -p ${RESULTS_PATH}
+export RESULTS_PATH=`realpath ${RESULTS_PATH}`
+echo "RESULTS_PATH:           ${RESULTS_PATH}"
 ## =============================================================================
 ## That's all!
diff --git a/dvmp/ b/dvmp/
index c1998e7e..0eaefda7 100755
--- a/dvmp/
+++ b/dvmp/
@@ -39,27 +39,23 @@ source config/
 ## We also need the following benchmark-specific variables:
 ## - BENCHMARK_TAG: Unique identified for this benchmark process.
-## - DATA_PATH:     Place to store our persistent output artifacts.
+## - INPUT_PATH:    Path for generator-level input to the benchmarks
+## - TMP_PATH:      Path for temporary data (not exported as artifacts)
 ## You can read dvmp/ for more in-depth explanations of the variables.
 source dvmp/
-## Get a unique file name based on the configuration options
-FNAME=`util/ \
-                  --ebeam $EBEAM \
-                  --pbeam $PBEAM \
-                  --decay $DECAY \
-                  --config $CONFIG \
-                  --type gen`
+## Get a unique file name prefix based on the configuration options
 ## =============================================================================
 ## Step 2: Check if we really need to run, or can use the cache.
-if [ -f "${DATA_PATH}/${FNAME}.hepmc" ]; then
-  echo "Found cached generator output for $FNAME, no need to rerun"
-  exit 
+if [ -f "${INPUT_PATH}/${GEN_PREFIX}.hepmc" ]; then
+  echo "Found cached generator output for $GEN_PREFIX, no need to rerun"
+  exit 0
-echo "Generator output for $FNAME not found in cache, need to run generator"
+echo "Generator output for $GEN_PREFIX not found in cache, need to run generator"
 ## =============================================================================
 ## Step 3: Create generator configuration file
@@ -77,21 +73,24 @@ fi
 ## generate the config file for this generator setup
-echo "Creating generator configuration file ${FNAME}.json"
+echo "Creating generator configuration file ${GEN_PREFIX}.json"
 if [ ! -f ${CONFIG_IN} ]; then
   echo "ERROR: cannot find master config file ${CONFIG_IN}"
   exit 1
-sed "s/@TAG@/${FNAME}/" $CONFIG_IN | \
+sed "s/@TAG@/${GEN_PREFIX}/" $CONFIG_IN | \
   sed "s/@EBEAM@/${EBEAM}/" | \
   sed "s/@PBEAM@/${PBEAM}/" | \
   sed "s/@DECAY_LEPTON@/${DECAY_PID}/" | \
-  sed "s/@BRANCHING@/${BRANCHING}/" > .local/${FNAME}.json
+  sed "s/@BRANCHING@/${BRANCHING}/" > ${TMP_PATH}/${GEN_PREFIX}.json
 ## =============================================================================
 ## Step 4: Run the event generator
 echo "Running the generator"
-lager -r ${JUGGLER_RNG_SEED} -c .local/${FNAME}.json -e ${JUGGLER_N_EVENTS} -o ${LOCAL_PREFIX}
+lager -r ${JUGGLER_RNG_SEED} \
+      -c ${TMP_PATH}/${GEN_PREFIX}.json \
+      -e ${JUGGLER_N_EVENTS} \
+      -o ${TMP_PATH}
 if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] ; then
   echo "ERROR running lAger"
   exit 1
@@ -99,12 +98,12 @@ fi
 ## =============================================================================
 ## Step 5: Finally, move relevant output into the artifacts directory and clean up
-echo "Moving generator output into ${DATA_PATH}"
-mkdir -p ${DATA_PATH}
+echo "Moving generator output into ${INPUT_PATH}"
 for ext in hepmc json log root ; do
-  mv ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/*.${FNAME}.*.${ext} ${DATA_PATH}/${FNAME}.${ext}
+  mv ${TMP_PATH}/*.${GEN_PREFIX}.*.${ext} ${INPUT_PATH}/${GEN_PREFIX}.${ext}
+## this step only matters for local execution
 echo "Cleaning up"
-rm .local/${FNAME}.json
+rm ${TMP_PATH}/${GEN_PREFIX}.json
 ## All done!
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
deleted file mode 100755
index 7c7bcce7..00000000
--- a/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-## =============================================================================
-## Simple script to output a unified file name based on a set of data options
-## Note: this file name will not have an extension, as it is mean to be used as
-##       a file name root.
-function print_the_help {
-  echo "USAGE:    print_fname [arguments]"
-  echo "          --ebeam       Electron beam energy"
-  echo "          --pbeam       Ion beam energy"
-  echo "          --config      Generator configuration identifier"
-  echo "          --type        What type of output file is this? (e.g. sim, rec, ...)"
-  echo "          --decay       Specific decay particle (if applicable)."
-  echo "          -h,--help     Print this message"
-  echo ""
-  echo "  This script will generate a unique file name for the benchmark output."
-  exit
-## =============================================================================
-## Process the command line arguments
-## Required variables
-## Optional variables
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
-  key=$1
-  case $key in
-    --ebeam)
-      EBEAM="$2"
-      shift
-      shift
-      ;;
-    --pbeam)
-      PBEAM="$2"
-      shift
-      shift
-      ;;
-    --config)
-      CONFIG="$2"
-      shift
-      shift
-      ;;
-    --type)
-      TYPE="$2"
-      shift
-      shift
-      ;;
-    --decay)
-      DECAY="$2"
-      shift
-      shift
-      ;;
-    -h|--help)
-      print_the_help
-      exit 0
-      ;;
-    *)
-      echo "Unknown option $key to print_fname, aborting..."
-      exit 1
-  esac
-if [ -z $EBEAM ]; then
-  echo "EBEAM not defined in print_fname, aborting..."
-  print_the_help
-  exit 1
-elif [ -z $PBEAM ]; then
-  echo "PBEAM not defined in print_fname, aborting..."
-  print_the_help
-  exit 1
-elif [ -z $CONFIG ]; then
-  echo "CONFIG not defined in print_fname, aborting..."
-  print_the_help
-  exit 1
-elif [ -z $TYPE ]; then
-  echo "TYPE not defined in print_fname, aborting..."
-  print_the_help
-  exit 1
-## =============================================================================
-## Generate a unique identifier based on the configuration arguments
-## Add decay info to CONFIG if requested
-if [ ! -z $DECAY ]; then
-echo "${TYPE}-${CONFIG}-${EBEAM}on${PBEAM}"
-## all done.