From a3dc2907afaf764cfa764d44cfe036e6e78a940f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marshall Scott <> Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2021 14:30:43 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] First test of pi0 ecal_barrel --- .../scripts/emcal_barrel_pions_analysis.cxx | 56 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 56 insertions(+) diff --git a/benchmarks/barrel_ecal/scripts/emcal_barrel_pions_analysis.cxx b/benchmarks/barrel_ecal/scripts/emcal_barrel_pions_analysis.cxx index 69e4c641..925141df 100644 --- a/benchmarks/barrel_ecal/scripts/emcal_barrel_pions_analysis.cxx +++ b/benchmarks/barrel_ecal/scripts/emcal_barrel_pions_analysis.cxx @@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ #include "dd4pod/Geant4ParticleCollection.h" #include "dd4pod/CalorimeterHitCollection.h" +#include <benchmark.h> +#include <mt.h> +#include <util.h> + #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TMath.h" @@ -32,6 +36,19 @@ void emcal_barrel_pions_analysis(const char* input_fname = "sim_output/sim_emcal gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.14); gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.14); + //Tests + std::string test_tag = "Barrel_emcal_pi0"; + //TODO: Change test_tag to something else + std:string detector = "Barrel_emcal"; + double resolutionTarget = 0.1; + eic::util::Test pion0_Energy_resolution{ + {{"name", fmt::format("{}_energy_resolution", test_tag)}, + {"title", "Pion0 Energy resolution"}, + {"description", + fmt::format("Pion0 energy resolution with {}, estimated using a Gaussian fit.", detector)}, + {"quantity", "resolution (in %)"}, + {"target", std::to_string(resolutionTarget)}}}; + ROOT::EnableImplicitMT(); ROOT::RDataFrame d0("events", input_fname); @@ -70,6 +87,8 @@ void emcal_barrel_pions_analysis(const char* input_fname = "sim_output/sim_emcal .Define("nhits", nhits, {"EcalBarrelHits"}) .Define("Esim", Esim, {"EcalBarrelHits"}) .Define("fsam", fsam, {"Esim","Ethr"}) + .Define("dE", "Ethr-Esim") + .Define("dE_rel", "(Ethr - Esim)/Esim") ; // Define Histograms @@ -77,6 +96,7 @@ void emcal_barrel_pions_analysis(const char* input_fname = "sim_output/sim_emcal auto hNhits = d1.Histo1D({"hNhits", "Number of hits per events; Number of hits; Events", 100, 0.0, 2000.0}, "nhits"); auto hEsim = d1.Histo1D({"hEsim", "Energy Deposit; Energy Deposit [GeV]; Events", 100, 0.0, 1.0}, "Esim"); auto hfsam = d1.Histo1D({"hfsam", "Sampling Fraction; Sampling Fraction; Events", 100, 0.0, 0.1}, "fsam"); + // Event Counts auto nevents_thrown = d1.Count(); @@ -121,4 +141,40 @@ void emcal_barrel_pions_analysis(const char* input_fname = "sim_output/sim_emcal hfsam->DrawClone(); c4->SaveAs("results/emcal_barrel_pions_fsam.png"); c4->SaveAs("results/emcal_barrel_pions_fsam.pdf"); + + //Energy Resolution Work + auto hdE = d1.Histo1D({"hdE", "dE; dE[GeV]; Events", 100, -7.5, 7.5}, "dE"); + auto hdE_rel = d1.Histo1D({"hdE_rel", "dE Relative; dE Relative; Events", 100, -7.5, 7.5}, "dE_rel"); + auto f1 = hdE_rel->Fit("gaus", "S"); + const double* res = f1->GetParams(); + if (res[2] <= resolutionTarget) { + pion0_energy_resolution.pass(res[2]); + } else { +[2]); + } + + auto *cdE = new TCanvas("cdE", "cdE", 700, 500); + cDE->SetLogy(1); + hdE->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); + hdE->SetLineWidth(2); + hdE->SetLineColor(kBlue); + hdE->DrawClone(); + cdE->SaveAs("results/emcal_barrel_pi0_dE.png"); + cdE->SaveAs("results/emcal_barrel_pi0_dE.pdf"); + + auto *cdE_rel = new TCanvas("cdE_rel", "cdE_rel", 700, 500); + cdE_rel->SetLogy(1); + hdE_rel->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); + hdE_rel->SetLineWidth(2); + hdE_rel->SetLineColor(kBlue); + f1->SetLineWidth(2); + f1->SetLineColor(kRed); + hdE_rel->DrawClone(); + f1->Draw("SAME"); + cdE_rel->SaveAs("results/emcal_barrel_pi0_dE_rel.png"); + cdE_rel->SaveAs("results/emcal_barrel_pi0_dE_rel.pdf"); + + eic::util::write_test({pion0_Energy_resolution}, fmt::format("{}_pions.json", detector)); + + } -- GitLab